Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, n. 7 (2017), pp. 19-43 DOI: No Rent, No Rates: Civil Disobedience Against Internment in Northern Ireland, 1971-1974 Rosa Gilbert European University Institute (<
[email protected]>) Abstract: Recent scholarship on civil disobedience in Northern Ireland primar- ily focuses on the immediate period before the breakout of violence in 1969, and in some cases, on the mass protests of the late 1970s around the H-Block/Armagh prison protests. This paper attempts to fill the gap between these two periods in its analysis of the rent and rates strike of the early 1970s, which was initiated in response to the re-introduction of internment without trial. In doing so, it positions itself against simplistic approaches towards civil disobe- dience as either oppositional, or causally linked, to armed struggle. Instead, it probes the complexity of its relationship to armed struggle in relation to the Northern Irish and British state’s security policies. Keywords: Civil Disobedience, Housing, Internment, Northern Ire- land Troubles, Rent Strike 1. Introduction Civil disobedience in Northern Ireland during the conflict, euphemisti- cally described as the Troubles, has received attention from historians hoping to understand its success and failures in relation to the armed struggle, either as a proxy for Republicanism or a mechanism to sustain it, or as an under- lying reason for a perceived descent into violence as the 1960s gave way to the bloodshed of the 1970s. Extra-parliamentary protest is often treated as an addendum to armed struggle and a means by which violence paved the way for electoral politics.