The NCAA News Staff L Division III Men up from 8.9 Track and Field in the United States to 9.0; Women up 6.4 to 6.6
Th e --_-_--- ._- -~ - February 27,1985, Volume 22 ational Collegiate Athletic Association Sports sponsorship rises in all divisions The average number of sports spon- One of the trends the Long Range sored by NCAA member institutions Plannmg Committee reviews is any increased for both men and women in decline in sponsorship of sports, even all three divisions in 1983-84, accord- as the NCAA membership grows. On ing to participation and sponsorship that basis, there was a decline from data reviewed by the NCAA Long 1982-83 to 1983-84 in 10 men’s sports Range Planning Committee in its and four women’s sports. February meeting. The men’s sports were wrestling, Comparing the sports sponsorship outdoor track, golf, basketball, rifle, data for 1982-83 and 1983-84 as skiing, football, swimming, fencing printed in the Annual Reports for and ice hockey. The women’s sports those two years, the average number were gymnastics, field hockey, fencing of sports sponsored by an NCAA and basketball. member institution increased from The committee noted that wrestling 15.6 to 15.9. In Division I, the total had declined in sponsorship for the went up from 17.3 to 17.6, with com- See .~porls, page 16 parable increases in Division I I (13.5 to 13.8) and Division III (15.3 to 15.6). Track coaches By division, the men’s and women’s averages increased as follows: worried about l Division 1~ Men up from 10.2 professionalism to 10.3; women up from 7.1 to 7.3.
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