Never before in human history have communities As the new millennium gets everywhere, and millions upon millions of Education is a progressive underway, higher education finds individuals everywhere, attached such importance discovery of our own ignorance. itself facing increasingly intense and value to education, (…) We realize we need a Will Durant questions about “accountability.” ‘learning world’, to match the information society. What is it for which higher And people are crying out for a truly learning education should be accountable world. One where each and every person has the and to whom? Why is this such an opportunity to fulfill his or her potential. No one Personally I’m always issue now? and I mean, quite literally, not one single person, ready to learn, although Frank Newman • 2003 should feel they are sentenced to lifelong exile from I do not always like being Frank Newman was Director of the the world of learning. It is a matter of human taught. Futures Project at Brown University dignity. It is a matter of democracy. Sir Winston Churchill and will be remembered as a dynamic Federico Mayor • 1998 force for change in higher education, a reflective practitioner,and a stimulating We have entered an age in which speaker. He took a leading role in education is not just a luxury permitting several IMHE events. He will be sorely If you think education is some men an advantage over others. It missed by the international higher expensive, try ignorance! has become a necessity without which a education community. Andy McIntyre person is defenseless in this complex, industrialized society… We have truly entered the century of the educated man. (…) our universities do have an Lyndon B Johnson • 1963 Education is the best important future. It is a future, provision for old age. however,that depends on their ability Aristotle to make a range of fundamental changes to the way they go about their teaching and research activities, Tomorrow’s illiterate will The whole purpose of not be the man who can’t as well as to the way they manage education is to turn mirrors and present themselves. read, he will be the man We believe, that is, you and into windows. who has not learned how IMHE, Peter Coaldrake, I, that education is not an Sydney J. Harris to learn. Laurence Stedman • 1998 expense. We believe it is an Herbert Gerjouy investment. Lyndon B. Johnson • 1968 Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Introduction Malcolm New funding and governance mechanisms Do not plead for autonomy unless you intend to exploit it to make your university a much better educational University governing bodies (…) national systems are institution. seem to be gaining in blunt instruments for reform. IMHE Journal, Burton Clark significance as massification The state or other main • 2001 and funding changes increase The university’s characteristic sponsors cannot do the job of pressure on university state may be summarized by reform for the universities. New approaches to finances, and identities. the words of the lady who Only universities themselves governance in OECD IMHE Journal, said, “I have enough money to can take the essential actions. countries combine the Chris Duke • 2001 last me the rest of my life, IMHE Journal, authority of the State unless I buy something”. Burton Clark • 2001 and the power of Hanna Holborn Gray markets in new ways. • 1986 OECD, EPA • 2003 Universities are much more Access and equity, impact on the management than a business. They have of the institution unique genetic features, and they have developmental However, access to higher education should remain open to Whilst the recruitment of women trajectories projected by their those successfully completing secondary school, or its to higher education has improved own generic trends and societal equivalent, or presenting entry qualifications, as far as in many countries, they still commitments. And proactive possible, at any age and without any discrimination. achieve a lower proportion of universities shape their environ- As a consequence, the rapid and wide-reaching demand for academic, and particular senior ments as much as they are higher education requires, where appropriate, all policies posts. shaped by them. Using common concerning access to higher education to give priority in the IMHE, Maurice Kogan, terms, they are self-initiating, future to the approach based on the merit of the individual Ingrid Moses, Elaine El-Khawas self-steering, self-regulating, (…) • 1994 self-reliant, progressive. World declaration on higher education for IMHE Journal, the twenty first century: vision and action • UNESCO Burton Clark • 2001

If Chrysler had an assembly line in which the New missions and strategies for institutions same number of cars got through as kids do in our school system, people would be scandalized. Frank J. Macchiarola • 1983 (…) in the vast majority of cases universities are the main proximity knowledge provider. Here the issue is no longer one of being a world leader, even one of excellence in the traditional meaning of academic excellence; it is Equality is not when a female one of relevance (addressing the problems of SMEs and focusing on the main Einstein gets promoted to assistant sectors in which they specialise) and of professionalism (being good enough professor: Equality is when a female to tap and adapt/tailor the relevant knowledge). schlemiel moves ahead as fast as a IMHE Journal, Philippe Larédo • 2003 male schlemiel. Ewald B. Nyquist • 1975 New knowledge, research and knowledge creation

Concentrations of research activity Both the quantitative or demographic and Research has increasingly been the within universities will provide the the qualitative aspects of academic formative indicator of higher education, most competitive response to the staffing policy and practice have been arguably playing a critical role in policies. However there is a danger unduly neglected and need attention by establishing a new fault-line across HEIs that university responses could focus policy makers at both the systems and the and the educational marketplace. As too much on maximising research institutional levels, and by senior competition becomes one of the major performance and remove highly practitioners. forces impacting on higher education, active researchers and groups from IMHE, Maurice Kogan, Ingrid Moses, research and research capacity now forms the teaching arena altogether. Elaine El-Khawas • 1994 an essential component of this environment. IMHE Journal, IMHE Journal, John Kleeman • 2003 Ellen Hazelkorn • 2003

The first and foremost difficulty in constructing a model for teacher evaluation in higher education is the Conclusions? lack of interest in it. “Only what is transient IMHE Journal, Human resources issues Each success only lasts.”And no one in his right Karen Chan • 2001 buys an admission mind will deny, when looking ticket to a more back over these two and half Effective staff development difficult problem. decades, that higher education is vital to achieving the is certainly on the move. (…) most academics choose this University’s objectives. • 1979 IMHE Journal, Guy Neaves profession because they prefer analysis to IMHE Journal, • 1996 action and discussion to decisions. This George Gordon • 2001 puts a special obligation on the minority of academics who do have management If the key words of this era are to be competition, talent. They must step forward and take responsiveness and utility, then our institutions need on the leadership functions. Otherwise, The dissatisfaction, reported widely and to address the extent to which their organizations universities will have to be run by in many countries of academic staff not and their culture reflects them. We are going to managers without academic motivation, only with remuneration and conditions of need an injection of corporate flair and corporate which is unsatisfactory. work but also with their roles, is a imagination, concepts which have often been the IMHE Journal, matter requiring attention by national subject of suspicion in the past. We are going to Sir John Daniel • 2003 authorities. have to learn to appreciate the importance of public IMHE, Maurice Kogan, Ingrid Moses, service and to be able to manage such new Elaine El-Khawas • 1994 activities effectively (…) IMHE Journal, Michael Shattock • 1997 > Information and registration IMHE NEWS

PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST The IMHE welcomes the following new members : > Medical University of Graz - Austria Knowledge management > Bifröst School of Business - Iceland Innovation in the > Kairin Juku School - Japan Knowledge Economy: > National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation Implications for (NIAD-UE) - Japan Education and > Law University of Lithuania - Lithuania Learning. > Istambul Bilgi University - Turkey OECD Publications 2004, ISBN 9264105603 The strategic management seminar for institutional leaders, jointly organised Today’s “knowledge economies” are by IMHE and EUA, was hosted by the University College Cork-UCC, from 16 seeing the emergence of new paradigms to 21 April. Participants for innovation and the advancement of and members of the knowledge in relation to economic academic team came activities.This report explores some key from 14 different determinants of innovation and their countries, including New implications for the advancement of Zealand, Australia and knowledge in a particular sector – the .They primary and secondary education. studied and discussed in depth issues of Higher Education leadership, engagement, Management and Policy: management and Volume 16 Issue 2. governance, funding and OECD Publications 2003, finances, and ISSN 1682-3451, internationalisation. The just published participants found the international contacts PEB Exchange. and in depth discussions OECD Publications 2004, very enriching, so much ISSN 1018-9327 so that they plan to This issue features several meet again in the articles on science and Autumn to take stock of technologies facilities. their experience. Among them are descriptions of two Contact: [email protected] projects that the Université du Québec à Montréal is carrying out to improve its The international ACU-SARIMA Conference on research as an agent of Science Complex and of a secondary change and development took place in Cape Town from 5 to 7 May 2004. level vocational training centre in Québec The conference was held in Cape Town’s International Convention Centre and devoted to new technologies.This issue brought together numerous company heads from South Africa and other also includes articles on low energy countries in the sub-region. The themes addressed concerned ways of enabling schools and public/private partnerships. research and innovation to have more influence on the development of the economy and social well-being. A large number of concrete cases were used to On Cooperation and illustrate the discussions. The mergers in progress in South Africa were the Competition, National subject of a more thorough study. Policies for the Contact: [email protected] Internationalisation of Higher Education. Jeroen Huisman and Marijk van der Wende. ACA papers on International Cooperation Elsewhere in OECD OECD Programme, the University of in Education. Lemmens 2004, Essex and the University of Paris ISBN 3-932306-54-6 International Entrepreneurship Dauphine, Paris, France. Colleagues from This is the first report of the study on Forum: Entrepreneurship - all academic institutions, policy makers “Higher Education Institutions’ responses Contexts, Locals and Values and practitioners are welcome to attend to Europeanisation, Internationalisation and Globalization: Developing Paris, 22-24 September 2004 and present a paper at this international conference. International Activities in a Multi-level The 4th conference of the International Policy Context”. It aims to analyse the Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF) will be dynamic interaction between changing For further information, please contact jointly organised by the Local Economic international, European and global [email protected] and Employment Development (LEED) contexts of higher education. More in 15-16 September 15 September 13-15 September 25 July Whataretheforces that on this subject. Reinventing theResearchUniversity. challenges. totheses responses education institutions’ toidentify higher itseeks particular, 11-12 October 27-31 August 1-4 November 14-15 October 26-27 August differences oftheauthors andthe consensus T ISBN 2-7178-4768-5 Economica 2004 James J.Duderstadt, Luc E.Weber, his bookreflects the Internationalisation of higher education higher of Internationalisation Workshop, 63 ru,Paris. Group, 2004 [email protected] Contact: 17 otc:[email protected] Contact: Brazil. Porto Alegre, Sul, Universidade Federal doRio Grande do 3 [email protected] Contact: otc:[email protected] Contact: France. Paris, Management Research, China Society for Strategy and for seminar management Strategic Education: Higher in Communicating otc [email protected] : Contact Canada. Montreal, PEB/OECD Seminar. [email protected] Contact: Czech Republic Prague, Systems, onHigherand theirEffects Education onFunding Systems meeting, Experts otc:[email protected] Contact: SydneyAustralia. Services, [email protected] Contact: Higher Education Higher communications technology and technology communications university leaders in Latin America Latin in leaders university Reality and Image and Responsibilities: Higher Education Higher Responsibilities: and in Latin-America in educational property management property educational in the Knowledge Society Knowledge the in rd rd th OECD Forum on Trade in Educational IMHE General Conference, meeting oftheIMHEDirecting International Cooperation in Cooperation International a al,Brazil. SaoPaulo, , in collaboration with , ai,France. Paris, , Information and Information ai afemn xhp,2004, Oxcheps, David Palfreyman, Pricing and Accountability. Costing, Affordability andaccess; The EconomicsofHigherEducation: researchthe contemporary university. the challenges offinancing andgoverning university andbroader society? What are of theinteraction betweentheresearch scholarship? What isthechanging nature of thechanging natureofeducation and research university? What istheimpact are likely tochange thenatureof ai,France. Paris, , IMHE CALENDAR Choices , , 5-8 September 25-29 July Other MeetingofInterest 28-30 October 25-28 September 15-18 September www i (33)144306176 Fax: (33) 1452492or(33)7584 Tel: France 75775 Paris Cedex 16 rue André-Pascal 2, OECD Editor IMHEProgramme, Valérie Lafon, publication to: comments anditemstobeconsidered for inquiries, send Please with fullreference. Excerpts from this newsletter maybereproduced Management in Higher Education (IMHE). the OECDProgramme onInstitutional IMHE-Info ispublished in English andFrench by Please inform IMHE. Address change? [email protected] 26th EAIRForum, A,12 IAU, Netherlands. University ofMaastricht, U,Conference. EUA, Portugal. Porto, EN AnnualConference, DEAN, Italy. AnnualConference,Torino, EAIE, grown… affluentwithout parents? The has debate education available bemade tothose academic talent?How canhigherstudent for teachingstage thebest research and andcompeteontheworldstandards Crossroads Dialogue Promoting in Universities of a Key to a Europe of Knowledge of Europe a to Key a Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Knowledge and Innovation and Development and A Challenge for European universities European for Challenge A th i ghe General Conference. acln,Spain. Barcelona, , r Cambridge maintain their institutions like Oxford or top quality educational education? Ifnothow do higher “market rate” S ISBN 095474330x hould there bea ã al,Brazil. SãoPaulo, , Research Training as Training Research Knowledge Society Knowledge Research, The Role The , ,

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