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Activins and Inhibins: Roles in Development, , and Disease

Maria Namwanje1 and Chester W. Brown1,2,3

1Department of Molecular and Human , Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 2Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 3Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas 77030 Correspondence: [email protected]

Since their original discovery as regulators of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and erythropoiesis, the TGF-b family members have been shown to participate in a variety of biological processes, from the earliest stages of embryonic devel- opment to highly specialized functions in terminally differentiated cells and tissues. Herein, we present the history, structures, signaling mechanisms, regulation, and biological process- es in which activins and inhibins participate, including several recently discovered biolog- ical activities and functional antagonists. The potential therapeutic relevance of these advances is also discussed.

INTRODUCTION, HISTORY AND which the activins and inhibins participate, rep- NOMENCLATURE resenting some of the most fascinating aspects of TGF-b family . We will also incorporate he activins and inhibins are among the 33 new biological activities that have been recently Tmembers of the TGF-b family and were first discovered, the potential clinical relevance of described as regulators of follicle-stimulating these advances, and therapeutic challenges. hormone (FSH) secretion and erythropoiesis. The activins and inhibins comprise inte- However, activins and inhibins have since been grally linked components of the TGF-b family. implicated in a variety of biological processes, The activins were originally recognized for ranging from the early stages of embryonic de- their abilities to augment the -re- velopment, to highly specialized functions in leasing hormone (GnRH)-mediated release of terminally differentiated cells and tissues (Yu FSH, and were named “activins” because their et al. 1987; Vassalli et al. 1994; Matzuk et al. effects were functionally opposite to those of 1995c; Aono et al. 1997; Yamaoka et al. 1998; inhibin in this context (Ling et al. 1986a; Vale Molloy et al. 1999; Munz et al. 1999a). Herein, et al. 1986). Activins also augment erythropoi- we provide an overview of the history, etin (EPO)-dependent hemoglobin production structures, signaling mechanisms and their reg- in K562 erythroleukemia cells and enhance the ulation, and the many biological processes in proliferation of erythrocyte precursors from

Editors: Rik Derynck and Kohei Miyazono Additional Perspectives on The Biology of the TGF-b Family available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021881

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M. Namwanje and C.W. Brown

human marrow cells (Eto et al. 1987; Yu PROCESSING, STRUCTURE AND et al. 1987). SIGNALING Inhibins and activins share common b sub- units, with inhibins occurring as ab hetero- Processing of Ligands dimers, whereas activins are bb homodimers. Because inhibins were discovered and isolated Activins are formed when larger pro- before activins, the b monomers are designated dimerize, followed by cleavage to produce two inhibins bA and bB, and the are Inhba mature b monomers, activin A, activin B or and Inhbb, respectively. However, the b mono- activin AB (bA bB) (Ling et al. 1986b; Vale mers are also often referred to as activins bA and et al. 1986). Dimerization of the bAorbB pep- bB, the designations that will be used herein tides with a inhibin (encoded by the Inha ) (Fig. 1A). Activins bA and bB are closely related followed by cleavage, results in heterodimeric , showing 63% identity and 87% simi- inhibin A and inhibin B, respectively (Fig. 1A) larity within their mature domains. Activins (Antenos et al. 2008). After the pro-proteins are were identified in eluted fractions from porcine synthesized, the prodomains aid in folding and follicular fluid and stimulated FSH secretion in assembling of their mature peptides, by holding vitro from pituitary gonadotropes, which nor- them in a dimerization-competent conforma- mally produce FSH and tion (Gray and Mason 1990; Walton et al. 2009, (LH). The eluted proteins were heterodimers 2012). Three amino acids within the inhibin of activin bA and bB monomers (bA bB) a prodomain (Leu30, Phe37, Leu41) form a (Ling et al. 1986b). Homodimers of the bAor hydrophobic interface with the mature , bB monomers (activins A and B, respectively) are required for heterodimer assembly and se- also stimulated FSH release (Ling et al. 1986a; cretion, and are likely to mediate noncovalent Vale et al. 1986; Mason et al. 1989), whereas interactions with the mature domain (Walton inhibin heterodimers (abA and abB, inhibins et al. 2009). A similar relationship exists between A and B, respectively) blocked this effect (Set- the activin bA pro- and mature domains. Mu- chell and Jacks 1974; De Jong and Sharpe 1976). tation of these key amino acids results in greatly Activin C (bC bC) and activin E (bE bE) reduced production of activin A and inhibin A, were later identified with predominant expres- because of the failure of dimerization. Similar sion in but also in several other tissues. observations have been made for members of Activin bC and bE monomers also have the other branches of the TGF-b family and suggest capacity to heterodimerize among themselves a possible common paradigm for the pro- (bC bE) with other activin monomers and in- domains in functional assembly of TGF-b fam- hibin a (Fang et al. 1996, 1997; Schmitt et al. ily ligands. Also, in the activin bA 1996; O’Bryan et al. 2000; Hashimoto et al. prodomain greatly reduce its capacity to bind 2002; Vejda et al. 2002; Mellor et al. 2003; the mature domain as well as its ability to inhibit Gold et al. 2004; Ushiro et al. 2006). Activins activin A functions (Walton et al. 2009). C and E are unlikely to signal through activin Differences in posttranslational glycosyla- receptors but rather antagonize activin A signal- tion of the inhibin a subunit substantially affect ing by forming bA bCorbA bE heterodimers, the production, secretion, and bioactivity of as seen in human PC3 tumor cells co- inhibin A and affect its affinity for betaglycan transfected with activins bA and bC (Mellor (Mason et al. 1996; Antenos et al. 2007; Makanji et al. 2003) and in transgenic mice that over- et al. 2007). Failure of normal in express activin bC on an inhibin-a-deficient ovarian granulosa cells results in markedly re- genetic background, thereby mitigating the can- duced secretion of inhibin a without impacting cer-cachexia phenotype of Inha2/2 mice (Gold activin assembly and release. Therefore, reduc- et al. 2013). To our knowledge, the ability of tion of inhibin a secretion is predicted to favor activins C or E to inhibit activin B signaling the production of activins more than inhibins, has not been reported. so glycosylation provides a potential mecha-

2 Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021881 Downloaded from idn n yeI eetradbtgya,teeysqetrn yeI eetr na nciecomplex. inactive an in receptors II by type signaling sequestering activin thereby antagonize betaglycan, competitively and Inhibins receptors. II II type type two one and binding I, type two TGF- dimer, the activin of one members other including dimers, different yeIadtp Ircposwt ifrn fnte,adec yeI type each and affinities, different with of receptors combination one II than more type bind can and dimer I activin Each complexes. type signaling active form to receptors II type AK7.Tetotp IrcposaeAtI n cRI.Teihbn naoieatvnsgaigb using by signaling activin antagonize TGF- III inhibins type The one ActRIIB. and and receptor II ActRII type are one receptors the II retain type that two complexes The dimer the (ALK-7). of in junctions resulting ( The convertases, or prodomains. pro-protein B. linked homo- and by A cleaved noncovalently form inhibins are to and domains AB, associate mature B, pro-proteins and A, pro- activins The into domain. processed ultimately mature are and which heterodimers, prodomain a comprise that pro-proteins iue1. Figure dacdOln ril.Ct hsatceas article this Cite Article. Online Advanced http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ C B A Activin βApro-protein Activin βBpro-protein Inhibin αpro-protein Prodomain rdmi Mature Prodomain Prodomain cii n nii iad n eetr.( receptors. and ligands inhibin and Activin Acvr1b (ALK-4) Acvr1c (ALK-7) Mature Mature AB Activins ActRII Type Iactivinreceptors 1) Dimerization ALK-4 2) Pro-proteincleavage BA Pro-protein convertase


ALK-7 onOctober5,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress

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M. Namwanje and C.W. Brown

nism to control the relative levels of activins and their -rich (GS) domains. The inhibins in cells in which they are coexpressed. activates the type I receptor After the cleavage by convertases, the pro- kinase, resulting in the phosphorylation of and mature domains remain associated through downstream signaling components (Harrison noncovalent interactions (Antenos et al. 2008, et al. 2003; Greenwald et al. 2004; Tsuchida 2011). Activins and inhibins are secreted from et al. 2004). Differences in specific amino acids the in this fashion, protecting the nascent of activins bA and bB that affect binding to type mature dimers from extracellular degradation II receptors likely explain why activin A binds (Fig. 2A–C) (Gray and Mason 1990). The pro- with higher affinity and has greater biopotency domains interact extracellularly with specific in most contexts (Mathews and Vale 1991; Del components of the , perle- Re et al. 2004). The cases in which the bioactiv- can and agrin, by binding to their heparan sul- ity of activin B is greater (e.g., in pancreatic islet fate side chains (Fig. 2D) (Li et al. 2010), thereby cells) are likely because of the use of the other protecting the activins and inhibins from pro- type I , ALK-7 (Tsuchida et al. teolysis, and perhaps presenting them at higher 2004; Bertolino et al. 2008). concentrations to their receptors. Binding of the The crystal structure of inhibin has not been mature dimers to their receptors displaces the determined; however, some aspects can be in- prodomains (Fig. 2E) (Walton et al. 2009). ferred because the structure of the b subunit and critical regions for the prototypical li- gand/receptor interactions are known. Mam- Structure of Ligands malian inhibin a has several additional amino The structures of activin A alone and in combi- acids at its amino terminus that are not present nation with activin receptor type IIB (ActRIIB) in other TGF-b family members, and lacks the are represented in Figure 3 (Thompson et al. a-helical configuration in the “wrist” domain. 2003; Greenwald et al. 2004). Key elements in- Instead, the “wrist” region contains a - clude the “open hand” or “butterfly-like” con- rich sequence that not only disrupts the , figuration of the activin dimer, the “finger-like” but also facilitates the interaction with betagly- and “wrist” domains, comprised of a pair of can (Makanji et al. 2008; Zhu et al. 2010). anti-parallel b-sheets and an a-helix, respec- tively, and a cystine knot-core (Fig. 3A). The Signaling in Response to Ligands “finger” and “wrist” domains interact with type II and type I receptors, respectively. The Several extra- and intracellular events influence amino acids required for these interactions activin signaling (Fig. 4). Strict control is nec- have been determined (Fig. 3B). essary because dysregulated signaling has ad- The interactions with the type I receptors verse effects in vivo and at the cellular level are inferred from prototypic structural data (Matzuk et al. 1992; Schwall et al. 1993; Tani- and site-directed mutagenesis. The activin di- moto et al. 1999; Chen et al. 2000). mer interacts with the ActRIIB dimer through the convex surfaces of the finger regions Activin Receptors and concave surfaces of each of the type II re- ceptors. The interactions are mediated by spe- Like other members of the TGF-b family, sig- cific ionic/polar and hydrophobic amino acids naling of dimeric activins occurs through two (Greenwald et al. 1999; Gray et al. 2000). Activin type I and two type II serine–threonine kinase binding to the type II receptors stabilizes the receptors (Fig. 1B,C) (Mathews and Vale 1991; receptors within the . The flexi- Mathews et al. 1992; Ca´rcamo et al. 1994; Atti- bility of the bound ligand allows it to interact sano et al. 1996). Each of the seven type I re- with two type I receptors that bind hydrophobic ceptors has an additional activin receptor-like pockets formed by the activin dimer. The type I kinase (ALK) designation. The type I receptors receptors are subsequently phosphorylated at for the activins are ActRIB and ActRIC (ALK-4

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Activins and Inhibins


Extracellular matrix Activin E Inhibin Prodomain-associated I GH activins F C Activin–receptor Type I Type II Inhibin–receptor complex recruitment binding complex

Prodomain-associated Betaglycan inhibins

Plasma membrane p p p

M Type II receptor ALK4/7 ALK4/7 ALK4/7 ALK4/7 ALK4/7 ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB ALK4/7 ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB

ActRII/IIB competitive inhibition Smad7 ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB Phosphorylation Activin J p Smad2/3 Smad2/3 No Smad phosphorylation B Smad4 Inhibin Pro-protein convertases K Nucleocytoplasmic A p p shuttling Activin β pro-protein Prodomain Mature Inhibin α pro-protein L Prodomain Mature

p p p p ARE Target genes

Figure 2. Activin and inhibin processing and signaling. (A) Activin and inhibin monomers are synthesized as pro-proteins. (B) The pro-proteins associate as homodimers or heterodimers with their intact prodomains. Within the cell, the junctions of the pro- and mature domains (red arrowheads) are cleaved by pro-protein convertases, leaving the noncovalent interactions among the domains intact. (C) Prodomain-associated activins and inhibins are released from the cell. (D) The intact prodomains enable interactions with on proteins within the extracellular matrix. (E) Activins and inhibins compete for type I and II activin receptor binding, and, on receptor binding, release theirassociated prodomains. (F) Inhibin antagonizes activin signaling through association of its single inhibin b subunit with a single type II activin receptor and the association of its single inhibin a subunit with the membrane , betaglycan, thereby forming an inactive inhibin– receptor complex. This complex is incapable of and thus inhibits activin signaling by sequestering type II activin receptors (red arrow). (G) The activation of activin receptors requires several steps (green arrows). The activin dimer binds two type II activin receptors, and activates type II receptor serine– threonine kinase activity. (H ) Type II receptor binding results in recruitment and association with two type I activin receptors, ActRIB (ALK-4) or ActRIC (ALK-7), that are subsequently phosphorylated. (I,J ) The fully assembled, hexameric ligand–receptor complex then initiates Smad-mediated signaling by phosphorylating regulatory Smad2 and/or Smad3 (Smad2 and Smad3) near theircarboxyl termini, followed byassociation of two phosphorylated Smads with a common Smad4. (K) Smad complexes are in equilibrium between the and nucleus. Receptor signaling results in a shift in equilibrium toward the nucleus. (L) Binding of the Smad complex and coactivators to activin-responsive elements (AREs) results in the transcription of hundreds of genes, a process that is tightly regulated by a variety of proteins that impact nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, Smad phosphorylation status, Smad degradation, and transcriptional activity. (M) Inhibitory Smad7 competes with Smad2 and Smad3 for activated type I receptor binding, thereby preventing Smad2 and Smad3 phosphorylation and facilitating proteasomal degradation or dephosphorylation of activin–receptorcomplexes.

and ALK-7, respectively) (Tsuchida et al. 2004; binding ALK-7 with low affinity (Harrison et al. Bernard et al. 2006). The ability of activin 2003). ALK-4 is also the type I receptor for B homodimers and activin AB heterodimers to growth differentiation factors (GDFs) 1, 3, 8– signal through ALK-7 has been shown in MIN6 11 and , and ALK-7 for GDF-1, GDF-3 pancreatic b cells, whereas activin Auses ALK-4, and nodal (Reissmann et al. 2001; Andersson

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M. Namwanje and C.W. Brown

A Activin “finger-like” domains

Cystine knot

Activin “wrist” domains

Activin “finger-like” domain B Type I receptor activin-binding ActRIIB activin- domain binding domain

Type II receptor Cystine knot P P intracellular GS domain domain Activin “wrist” domain Type I receptor intracellular domain

Figure 3. Structures of the activin dimer and activin–receptor complex. (A) Two-dimensional representation of an activin dimer. Two activin monomers associate through interactions between the convex surface of the a- helical “wrist” domain of one monomer and the concave surface of the “finger-like” domain, comprised of antiparallel b-sheets, of the second monomer, giving the appearance of an “open hand” or “butterfly.” Covalent dimerization occurs through one of the seven conserved cysteines that define TGF-b family ligands. The cysteines are organized into a “cystine knot” (spheres) within the core of the activin dimer. (B) Three-dimen- sional rendition of the activin–receptor complex. The activin dimer and cystine knot are represented as shades of orange and blue. The assembly of the activin dimer with two activin type II receptors occurs through interactions among the convex surfaces of the ligand finger regions with concave surfaces of each of the type II receptors (shown in purple). The binding of the type II receptors by activin stabilizes the receptors within the cell membrane, yet the flexibility of the bound ligand, shown here as a “spreading” of the activin monomers, allows it to further interact with two type I receptors (shown in green). The type I receptors are subsequently phosphorylated (dark gray spheres) at their glycine–serine rich (GS) domains, shown in , thereby acti- vating the type I receptor kinase.

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Activins and Inhibins

Activin AC Inhibin αβc Other family A Circulating C Circulating D heterodimer heterodimer E ligands activin– 315 complex Activin–FSTL3 complex

Inhibin α monomer /GSP78 αβ Alternative ligand selection B Activin–follistatin BAMBI pseudoreceptor or inhibin interference 288 complex I H G F Cripto GSP78 Plasma membrane BAMBI* ALK4/7 ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB ALK3 ALK4 ALK4 ActRII/IIB ActRII/IIB No Smad ALK6 phosphorylation No Smad Inhibition of Competition for Lysosomal phosphorylation ALK-4 association type II receptors degradation

Figure 4. Regulation of activin signaling. (A,B) Follistatin occurs in circulating (follistatin 315) and membrane- bound (follistatin 288) forms. Activins bind irreversibly to follistatin and the activin–follistatin complex is internalized and degraded in (B). (C) FSTL3 is a structurally similar, follistatin-like protein that also binds circulating activins with high affinity and functions as an activin inhibitor. (D) Activin bC can hetero- dimerize with activins bA and bB as well as inhibin a. Some data suggest that “atypical” activins C and E might antagonize activin A or B signaling by forming nonfunctional heterodimers. (E,F) Other TGF-b family ligands can bind type II activin receptors, so the potential exists for competition in tissues where ligands and receptors coexpress. (G) Although the EGF-CFC coligand/coreceptor Cripto enhances signaling for some TGF-b family ligands, it inhibits functional activin–receptor complexes by binding type II receptor-associated activins, thus preventing the recruitment and phosphorylation of type I receptors. -regulated protein 78 (GRP78) is also an essential component of this inhibitory complex. (H ) In addition to associations with betaglycan, inhibin a monomers and ab dimers also bind directly to ALK-4 and inhibit activin signaling in vitro. (I) BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI) is a type I pseudoreceptor that cannot phosphorylate Smads. However, it competes with functional type I receptors for inclusion in activin–receptor complexes, thereby inhibiting activin signaling.

et al. 2008; Wakefield and Hill 2013). The Acvr1b II activin receptors (Greenwald et al. 2003; Sa- gene encoding ALK-4 produces three alterna- mad et al. 2005; Allendorph et al. 2006, 2007; tively spliced and polyadenylated transcripts, Koncarevic et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2013). Bind- whereas ALK-7, encoded by Acvr1c, is produced ing to the type II receptor results in recruitment from four alternatively spliced transcripts. Two and phosphorylation of the type I receptors of the proteins lack a transmembrane domain, at several sites within their GS domain, causing producing soluble receptors whose functional activation of type I receptor kinase activity and significance is unknown (ten Dijke et al. 1993; subsequent phosphorylation of downstream Roberts et al. 2003). Smad and non-Smad signal transduction pro- The type II activin receptors are ActRII (also teins. The Smads are the most thoroughly char- known as ActRIIA) and ActRIIB, encoded by acterized. Acvr2 and Acvr2b, respectively. Acvr2b pro- duces four alternatively spliced transcripts that Smad-Mediated Signaling affect activin affinity (Attisano et al. 1992). Oth- er TGF-b family ligands, bone morphogenetic Smads are intracellular mediators of TGF-b proteins (BMPs) -2, -4, -6, and -7 can also bind family signaling. The first family member, type II activin receptors. However, the reper- Mothers against (Mad), was toire of type I BMP receptors is different, so discovered using genetic screens in Drosophila the potential exists for a competition for type melanogaster (Sekelsky et al. 1995). Mutations

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in three Caenorhabditis elegans orthologs, Non-Smad Signaling sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4, all produce develop- mentally arrested larvae with small body sizes In addition to the Smad-mediated signaling (Savage et al. 1996). Smads were later identified pathway, many TGF-b family members, includ- based on their sequence homologies. ing activins, activate other signaling pathways in orthologs of sma and Mad are called Smads a variety of cell types, independent of Smad (Derynck et al. 1996). phosphorylation (Cocolakis et al. 2001; Ogihara Members of the Smad family play comple- et al. 2003; Zhang et al. 2005; de Guise et al. mentary roles in TGF-b family signaling. The 2006; Huang et al. 2006). Other signaling path- receptor-regulated (R-) Smads 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 ways can also alter the stability of Smads by are phosphorylated by type I receptors after li- phosphorylating within the Smad linker, result- gand-induced assembly and activation of type I ing in a variety of outcomes that enhance or and type II receptor complexes (Fig. 2J) (Heldin reduce activity of the Smad complex (reviewed et al. 1997; Massague´ 1998; Massague´ and in Massague´ 1998). Activin dramatically inhib- Chen 2000). Phosphorylation of R-Smads trig- its the growth of human T47D gers the association with Smad4, which is com- cells, and this requires an intact p38 - mon to all R-Smad complexes, followed by a activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) pathway, shift in toward the nucleus to acti- shown by complete reversal of growth inhibi- vate or inhibit the transcription of downstream tion with selective p38 MAPK inhibitors (Co- target genes (Fig. 2J–L) (Hill 2009). colakis et al. 2001). Functionally, TGF-b family ligands are di- Neurogenin 3 is an essential transcription vided into two main branches based on the factor for pancreatic islet cell differentiation. receptors with which they interact and the Relaxation of neurogenin 3 transcriptional re- R-Smads that mediate their signals. In general, pression and the consequential differentiation TGF-b, activin, and nodal signaling occur of AR42J-B13 pancreatic progenitor cells is through activation of Smads 2 and 3, whereas strongly enhanced by activin A and hepatocyte the BMPs activate Smads 1, 5, and 8. A note- (HGF) in combination, whereas worthy exception to activin-induced Smad2 HGF alone has a modest effect and activin and 3 phosphorylation has been reported in A alone has no effect. The positive effect on the context of liver inflammation: the ability differentiation is attenuated by a dominant neg- of activin B to induce a BMP-like cascade, in- ative MAPKK3, or by treatment with a p38 cluding a (combined) pSmad1, 5, 8 western blot MAPK inhibitor. In contrast, overexpression of signal in human hepatoma cells and primary inhibitory Smad7 has no effect on activin-/ mouse hepatocytes, and consequential expres- HGF-induced differentiation implicating acti- sion of the iron regulatory protein, vin-/HGF-induced non-Smad signaling as a (Besson-Fournier et al. 2012). contributor to pancreatic islet cell differentia- Accumulation of the Smad complexes tion (Ogihara et al. 2003). within the nucleus is regulated by nuclear trans- Non-Smad-mediated activin signaling has porters and nuclear , followed also been shown in , in which ac- by dissociation of the heteromeric complexes, tivin-induced MEKK1 activation leads to c-Jun allowing the Smads to be recycled to the cyto- amino-terminal kinase (JNK), c-Jun and p38 plasm (Lin et al. 2006; Varelas et al. 2008). In- MAPK phosphorylation, culminating in hibitory Smads (I-Smads, i.e., Smad6 and fiber formation and cell migration. The activin- Smad7) block the association of R-Smads with induced effects are observed in keratinocytes of Smad4 and target ligand/receptor complexes wild-type mice, but not in those of MEKK1- for degradation, thereby antagonizing down- deficient mice (Zhang et al. 2005). In pitui- stream signaling (Ishisaki et al. 1998, 1999). tary -producing cells an intact p38 Smad7 is the predominant inhibitory Smad MAPK pathway is required for activin inhibi- for activin signaling. tion of transcription from the Pit-1 promoter

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Activins and Inhibins

(de Guise et al. 2006). Finally, erythropoietic with activin binding. However, the inhibin a and -mediated colony subunit cannot bind a second type II receptor. formation of K562 erythroleukemia cells are Instead, inhibin a binds betaglycan with high both affected by activin-induced p38 MAPK ac- affinity and enhances inhibin’s ability to com- tivation (Huang et al. 2006). Therefore, non- pete with activins for activin type II receptors Smad-mediated activin signaling contributes (Wiater et al. 2009). Betaglycan can also en- to processes that impact cell migration and dif- hance inhibin sensitivity in cells that normally ferentiation. respond poorly to inhibin (Lewis et al. 2000). Silencing betaglycan expression or neutralizing betaglycan in cultured primary ante- Inhibins and Betaglycan rior pituitary cells blocks the interaction of in- Inhibins antagonize activin functions, and their hibin A and betaglycan, and reverses inhibin activities as -derived inhibitors of FSH effects without affecting the cellular responses secretion were well recognized for decades be- to activin. Repressing betaglycan expression fore the peptides and cDNAs were identified also reduces inhibin antagonism of activin-in- (McCullagh 1932; Ling et al. 1985; Vale et al. duced FSH secretion, with a .1000-fold reduc- 1994; Aono et al. 1997). We call attention to a tion in the response to inhibin A in cells treated recent, extensive review of the inhibins, which with neutralizing antibody (Wiater et al. 2009). includes their historical, biological, and clinical In addition to its associations with betaglycan, importance (Makanji et al. 2014). inhibin a monomers and ab dimers can as- Bioactive inhibins have been isolated from sociate directly with ALK-4, and an amino-ter- ovarian follicular fluid and plasma of several minal inhibin a peptide is sufficient to inhibit species (De Jong and Sharpe 1976; Ling et al. activin signaling and activin-induced FSH pro- 1985; Miyamoto et al. 1985; Rivier et al. 1985; duction in cultured pituitary gonadotropes Robertson et al. 1985). Heterodimers of both (Zhu et al. 2012). full-length and fully processed forms of the a and b subunits are active in pituitary bioassays Cripto and GRP78 (Mason et al. 1996). Exogenously administered inhibin is rapidly cleared from circulation with Cripto is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-an- a half-life ranging from 3 to 6 minutes, which chored, cell surface coreceptor in the epidermal is somewhat shorter than activin. Inhibin tar- growth factor-Cripto-1/FRL-1/Cryptic family gets are more widespread than activins, and ac- that participates in tivins and inhibins are cosynthesized in a variety and cell growth regulation through effects on of contexts (Woodruff et al. 1993a,c; Makanji many TGF-b family ligands, either enhancing et al. 2009). (Vg1, nodal, GDF-1, GDF-3) or diminishing Betaglycan was originally characterized as a (activin A, activin B, TGF-b1) their bioactivities membrane-associated proteoglycan and a type (Cheng et al. 2003; Gray et al. 2003, 2006; Chen III TGF-b receptor that binds TGF-b with high et al. 2006; Kelber et al. 2007; Shen 2007). Cripto affinity and enhances TGF-b signaling. Beta- effects occur through a complex on the cell can also be released as a soluble proteogly- surface that includes glucose-regulated protein can after cleavage at the membrane attachment 78 (GRP78) (Shani et al. 2008; Kelber et al. site (Lopez-Casillas et al. 1991). Within the con- 2009) (Fig. 4G). Cripto forms a complex with text of activin and inhibin biology, however, its activin A or B and either ActRII or ActRIIB, most important function is to regulate activin but is incapable of binding activins directly. signalingthrough direct associationwith inhibin. On association with activin and type II recep- Betaglycan is a coreceptor that enhances in- tors, Cripto blocks the interaction with ALK-4 hibin’s antagonism of activin signaling (Figs. and inhibits activin signaling in HepG2 and 1C, 2F). The inhibin b subunit binds to one 293T cells (Gray et al. 2003). Disrupting the type II activin receptor, competing directly Cripto-GRP78 interaction by silencing GRP78

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expression or using GRP78 neutralizing anti- different bioactivities for the follistatin isoforms body blocks the modulatory effects of Cripto (Sugino et al. 1993; Hashimoto et al. 1997). on activin A and B signaling, confirming an Follistatin was originally isolated from ovar- essential role for GRP78 in Cripto-mediated ian follicular fluid, the site of production for antagonism of activin–receptor complexes all isoforms except Fst315, suggesting an al- (Kelber et al. 2009). ternative source of production for the circu- lating form, and possibly specialized functions for each isoform (Schneyer et al. 2004). Follista- BMP and Activin Membrane-Bound tins have up to three follistatin domains, bind Inhibitor (BAMBI) both activin A and activin B, but have a 10-fold BAMBI is structurally related to type I receptors higher affinity for activin A (Schneyer et al. but lacks the kinase domain. Orthologs have 2003). Follistatin also binds GDF-8 (), been identified in several species (Degen et al. GDF-11, BMP-2, BMP-4, BMP-6, and BMP-7 1996; Tsang et al. 2000; Grotewold et al. 2001; with progressively lower affinities (Glister et al. Loveland et al. 2003). BAMBI is coexpressed 2004; Sidis et al. 2006; Schneyer et al. 2008). with BMP-4 during embryogenesis Structural and mutagenesis data have shown and its expression requires BMP signaling. The that two follistatin molecules block the sites of protein stably associates with several TGF-b interaction between dimeric activin and type I family receptors, including ALK-4, and inhibits and type II activin receptors (Thompson et al. activin, BMP,and TGF-b signaling. BAMBI in- 2005; Harrington et al. 2006; Harrison et al. hibits ligand signaling through its intracellular 2006). Follistatin-like 3 (FSTL-3) interacts domain, which contains a type I receptor ho- with activin in a similar fashion, but the points modimerization interface, thereby preventing of contact differ (Stamler et al. 2008). the assembly of activated receptor complexes FSTL-3, also known as follistatin-related (Fig. 4I). Toour knowledge, no effects on ligand gene (FLRG) (Hayette et al. 1998; Tsuchida binding have been reported. Thus, BAMBI is a et al. 2000) and FST-related protein (FSRP) pseudoreceptor that can inhibit activin signal- (Schneyer et al. 2001) (herein, FSTL-3), lacks ing (Onichtchouk et al. 1999). the third follistatin domain and the heparan- binding motif, thereby restricting it to the cir- culation (Fig. 4C) (Sidis et al. 2005). Follistatin Follistatin and Follistatin-Like 3 and FSTL-3 are differentially expressed. Follista- Activins are antagonized by follistatin, an acti- tin is generally coexpressed with activins and vin-binding protein that affects the accessibility most highly expressed in the and pituitary of activins to their receptors thereby attenuating (Besecke et al. 1997; Arai et al. 2002; Bilezikjian activin-mediated FSH release, a function from et al. 2004), but also detected in several other which its name is derived (Esch et al. 1987; tissues (Ogawa et al. 1993; Inoue et al. 1994; Ueno et al. 1987; Nakamura et al. 1990; Sidis Petraglia et al. 1994; Michel et al. 2000; So- et al. 2006). There are three alternatively spliced noyama et al. 2000; Bloise et al. 2009; Lima products of the single follistatin gene, designat- et al. 2010). FSTL-3 has a different, but overlap- ed Fst288, Fst303, and Fst315. The carboxyl ping distribution, and is also expressed at high termini of these isoforms differ. Fst315 is the levels in several tissues (Wankell et al. 2001a; predominant form in circulation, whereas Ciarmela et al. 2003; Florio et al. 2004; Xia Fst288 is membrane-bound through its interac- et al. 2004; Takehara-Kasamatsu et al. 2007; Al- tion with cell surface heparan proteogly- len et al. 2008; Bloise et al. 2009). Like follistatin, cans (Fig 4A,B). Fst303 is also membrane- FSTL-3 has the capacity to bind and regulate bound but has a lower affinity than Fst288. other TGF-b family ligands, including myosta- The membrane association provides the mech- tin and several BMPs (Tsuchida et al. 2000; Lee anism by which bound activins are internalized and McPherron 2001; Otsuka et al. 2001; Hill and degraded (Fig. 4B), and in part explains the et al. 2002; Maguer-Satta et al. 2003).

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Activins and Inhibins

ROLES OF ACTIVINS AND INHIBINS coexpressed in the mouse embryo, although an IN DEVELOPMENT overlapping pattern of expression has been ob- The expression of activins, inhibins, their recep- served in the developing chick limb (Merino et al. tors and regulatory proteins is dynamic and 1999). In general, activin bAmRNAismore widespread. Therefore, it is not surprising that widespread than activin bB in both mouse and activin signaling participates in a variety of rat embryos, and the timing of expression differs. biological processes that impact embryonic de- velopment, growth, as well as functions of fully Mouse Models differentiated cell types (Table 1). Several genetically engineered mouse models have been produced to assess the biological Spatiotemporal Expression functions of the activins and inhibins. These Although recombinant activin A and activin B experiments are summarized in Table 2. have similar biological activities in vitro (Mason et al. 1989; Mathews and Vale 1991), the spatio- Activins A and B temporal expression of activins, their receptors, Genetic studies in mice have shown that activin and regulatory proteins differs greatly during bA homozygous null mutant mice (Inhba2/2) embryonic and fetal development. The mRNAs are born without whiskers, incisors, and - encoding activin bA and activin bB are present dibular molars. Approximately 30% also have at early stages of embryonic development and cleft palate. The pups do not suckle and die in embryonic stem cells (Albano and Smith within 24 h (Matzuk et al. 1995c). In contrast, 1994). Activin signaling contributes to the Inhbb2/2 mice are viable and fertile but have maintenance of the pluripotent state of human eyelid closure defects, prolongation of the ges- embryonic stem cells (Wu et al. 2008; Xu et al. tational period, and are unable to nurse their 2008) and to developmental cell fate decisions young (Schrewe et al. 1994; Vassalli et al. 1994). (Hay et al. 2008; Pearson et al. 2008; Sumi et al. Inhba2/2; Inhbb2/2 double mutant mice have 2008). Several developing organs and tissues phenotypes that are additive of each of the in- express activins or activin receptors, including dividual null mutants, with no additional ab- the roof of the oral cavity, under- normalities (Matzuk et al. 1995c). lying the tooth primordia and other regions Mice, in which the mature domain of of head mesenchyme, esophagus, developing activin bA is replaced with that of activin bB whiskers, vasculature, vertebral bodies, , (InhbaBK), display a dosage-sensitive complete external genitalia, and the developing limb (Fei- or partial rescue of all the phenotypes of jen et al. 1994; Roberts and Barth 1994; Merino Inhba2/2 mice (Brown et al. 2000), suggesting et al. 1999). In contrast, activin bB mRNA lo- that activin bB is functionally hypomorphic rel- calizes primarily to the gonad, forebrain, hind- ative to the wild-type activin bA protein in , spinal cord, , and esophagus in some developmental contexts. mouse and rat embryos. Type II activin recep- tors generally colocalize with sites of activin Follistatin production, and inhibin a localizes to the de- veloping gonad (Feijen et al. 1994; Roberts and A homozygous null of the Fst gene Barth 1994). In adult female rats, radiolabled causes early neonatal lethality as a result of re- activin A protein binds to the pituitary and ova- spiratory failure. The mice have taut, shiny , ry, whereas inhibin A localizes to the spleen, hypoplastic respiratory musculature, and cra- adrenal, pituitary, specific stages of ovarian fol- niofacial abnormalities affecting the palate, licles in adult rats and in the whiskers, and teeth bearing some similarities (Woodruff et al. 1993a,b). to Inhba2/2 mice (Matzuk et al. 1995d). The developing gonad and esophagus are the Transgenic mice that selectively express ei- only tissues, in which activin bA and bBare ther the Fst288 or Fst315 isoform driven by

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Table 1. Biological functions of activins and inhibins Proteins /cell types Biological functions References Development Activin Human embryonic stem Maintenance of pluripotency Wu et al. 2008; Xu et al. cells 2008 Activin A Craniofacial (mouse) Whisker, palate, and tooth development Matzuk et al. 1995d; Brown et al. 2000 Activin A Mouse tissues Supports total body weight gain and Brown et al. 2000; Li the growth of , , and liver et al. 2009 Activin B Mammary Stroma-supported ductal elongation, Vassalli et al. 1994; alveolar , and luminal Robinson and expansion Hennighausen 1997 Activin B Craniofacial (mouse) Prenatal eyelid fusion Schrewe et al. 1994; Vassalli et al. 1994 Activin D All stages, Xenopus embryos induction Oda et al. 1995 Activin A E18 rat retinal progenitors Induces differentiation into rod Davis et al. 2000 photoreceptors Activin A Cultured P19 teratoma cells, Increased survival beyond life span Schubert et al. 1990 rat B50 nerve cells and under normal culture conditions chick neural retinal cells Activin A Rat mesencephalon Protects against N-methyl-4- Krieglstein et al. 1995 dopaminergic cells phenylpiridinium toxicity Activin A Hippocampus and Protection against neuronal death Wu et al. 1999 dorsolateral striatum induced by hypoxic-ischemic brain injury Activin A Striatal cholinergic Protects against chemically induced Hughes et al. 1999 interneurons neurodegeneration Activin B þ Oligodendrocytes Togetherenhance proliferation, viability, Dutta et al. 2014 TGF-b1 maturation, and myelination during embryonic development Activin Drosophila embryos Promote growth and Zhu et al. 2008 orthologs photoreceptor axon targeting Activin Pituitary gonadotropes Augments GnRH-induced FSH release Ling et al. 1986a; Vale et al. 1986 Activin A Cultured ovarian granulosa Increases DNA synthesis, augmented by Kipp et al. 2007 cells FSH; increases expression of receptor; enhances proliferation of cells from human pre-ovulatory follicles Activin A Cultured ovarian theca cells Blocks LH-induced Hillier et al. 1991b production Activin A Cultured ovarian luteal cells Blocks LH-induced Di Simone et al. 1994 production Activin B Developing gonad Coelomic vessel formation in Yao et al. 2006 developing male gonads Activin A Fetal Sertoli cells Activin A from fetal Leydig cells supports Archambeault and proliferation and testis Yao 2010 cord elongation Continued

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Activins and Inhibins

Table 1. Continued Proteins Tissue/cell types Biological functions References Activin A Cultured Sertoli cells Enhances proliferation alone or in Buzzard et al. 2003; combination with FSH; induces Nicholls et al. 2012 production of inhibin and follistatin; causes reversion to an immature, proliferative state Activin A Cultured Leydig cells Blocks LH-induced androgen Mauduit et al. 1991 production Activin A Germ/Sertoli cell coculture Increases /Sertoli cell ratio Meehan et al. 2000 Inhibin Ovarian granulosa cells Antagonizes proliferation of granulosa Matzuk et al. 1992; Wu cells at the single-layer follicle stage; et al. 2004 ovarian tumor suppression Inhibin Ovarian theca cells Promotes steroidogenesis Wu et al. 2004 Inhibin B Testis Possible paracrine role in Clifton et al. 2002; by supporting germ, Kumanov et al. 2006 Sertoli, and interactions Inhibin Pituitary gonadotropes Negative regulator of FSH production Setchell and Jacks 1974; and release De Jong and Sharpe 1976 Inhibin Ovarian granulosa cells Antagonizes proliferation of granulosa Wu et al. 2004 cells at the single-layer follicle stage Inhibin Ovarian theca cells Promotes steroidogenesis Wu et al. 2004 Inhibin Blocks activin-mediated steroidogenesis Petraglia et al. 1989; and HCG production Jones et al. 2006 Body composition and energy Activin A Liver Induces hepatocyte Schwall et al. 1993 Activin A Human preadipocytes, Increases proliferation while inhibiting Zaragosi et al. 2010 mouse 3T3-L1 differentiation preadipocytes Activin B 3T3-L1 mature Reduces and lipase gene Magnusson et al. 2010 expression Activin A þ AR42J-B13 pancreatic Relaxation of neurogenin-3 Ogihara et al. 2003 HGF progenitor cells transcriptional repression, enhancing differentiation ActRIIB Adipose and muscle Influences lean/fat body mass ratio, Akpan et al. 2009; signaling “britening” of white adipose, Fournier et al. 2012; peripheral glucose uptake and hepatic Koncarevic et al. glucose production 2012; Zhang et al. 2012 Activins A Affect islet cell differentiation, growth, Yamaoka et al. 1998; and B signaling, a-/b-cell ratio, Bertolino et al. 2008; and release Bonomi et al. 2012 Activin Drosophila embryos Regulates triglyceride, glycogen, and Ghosh and O’Connor ortholog glucose metabolism and 2014 (dawdle) corresponding Krebs cycle, oxphos, and fatty acid oxidation Activin C Liver Possible effects on hepatocellular Chabicovsky et al. 2003; proliferation Takamura et al. 2005; Wada et al. 2005 Continued

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Table 1. Continued Proteins Tissue/cell types Biological functions References Inflammation Activin A Mouse Increases IL-1b, IL-6, CD80, Ge et al. 2009 RAW264.7 macrophage activation, and phagocytosis Activin A Human peripheral Supports the proinflammatory M2 Sierra-Filardi et al. monocytes macrophage phenotype 2011 Activin B Human hepatoma and Increases expression of hepcidin Besson-Fournier et al. mouse primary during inflammation, mediated 2012 hepatocytes by Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation Erythropoiesis Activin A K562 erythroleukemia cells Augments EPO-dependent hemoglobin Yu et al. 1987 production Inhibin K562 human leukemia and Suppresses activin-induced Yu et al. 1987 primary human bone differentiation and EPO-induced marrow cells CFU formation Activin Human bone marrow– Enhanced proliferation Yu et al. 1987 derived erythrocyte precursors Miscellaneous Activins A, Myoblasts Inhibits myotube differentiation Souza et al. 2008 B, and AB Activin A Muscle Negatively regulates muscle mass Chen et al. 2015 Activin Human T47D p38 MAPK-mediated growth inhibition Cocolakis et al. 2001 cells Activins A Human neuroblastoma and Protect against withdrawal- Kupershmidt et al. 2007 and B rat induced apoptosis Inhibin Bone Positive effects on density Vural et al. 2005; Perrien et al. 2006; Perrien et al. 2007 Activin Keratinocytes Stress fiber formation and enhanced Zhang et al. 2005 cell migration through non-Smad- mediated signaling Inhibin Tumor suppression Matzuk et al. 1992; Looyenga and Hammer 2006

endogenous regulatory sequences were generat- vival. The reason for the difference among these ed to determine whether either could rescue the models is unclear, perhaps reflecting the well- defects of follistatin null mice (Lin et al. 2008). described, dosage-sensitive effects of activin- Mice expressing the Fst315 circulating isoform receptor signaling. Nevertheless, both obser- on a Fst2/2 background survive to adulthood, vations support unique roles for follistatin iso- but are small with poor vascular perfusion of the forms in development and reproduction. distal tail, and have reproductive abnormalities. However, the survival of mice with the Fst288 Activin C and Activin E membrane-bound isoform is only marginally improved relative to Fst2/2 mice. In contrast, Data concerning the functional roles of activin an Fst targeted insertion allele that results in the C in the liver are conflicting. Transient reduc- production of Fst288 only, is sufficient for sur- tion of activin C expression occurs after partial

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Activins and Inhibins

Table 2. Mouse models of activin- and inhibin-related loss- and gain-of-function Genotypes Phenotypes References Loss-of-function/hypomorphic Single-activin/inhibin mutants Inhba2/2 Failure to develop whiskers, incisors, mandibular molars; Matzuk et al. 1995d cleft palate (30%), neonatal lethality Inhba2/2 Aberrant (absent) whisker development leads to secondary Jhaveri et al. 1998 defects in whisker-associated trigeminal sensory function Inhba2/2 Specific decrease in the number of retinal rod Davis et al. 2000 photoreceptors Inhbb2/2 Eyelid closure defect, prolonged gestation, impaired Schrewe et al. 1994; , normal growth, gonadal differentiation, Vassalli et al. 1994 , and survival; normal whisker and tooth development; no cleft palate InhbaBK/BK Normal whisker and tooth development; no cleft palate; Brown et al. 2000; symmetrical growth deficiency (moderate), enlargement Li et al. 2009 of external genitalia, (moderate), sunken eyes, short hair, delayed hair growth (mild), diminished female fertility, decreased life expectancy (mild/ moderate), decreased white adipose (moderate), increased metabolic rate, mitochondrial dysfunction InhbaBK/2 Short whiskers, normal tooth development; no cleft palate; Brown et al. 2000; symmetrical growth deficiency with reduced adiposity Li et al. 2009 (severe), enlargement of external genitalia, hypogonadism (severe), delayed hair growth (moderate); decreased life expectancy (severe) Inhbc2/2 No effects on development, liver cytoarchitecture, function, Lau et al. 2000 or regenerative capacity Inhbe2/2 No effects on development, liver cytoarchitecture, function, Lau et al. 2000 or regenerative capacity Inha2/2 Gonadal sex cord stromal and adrenal tumors, cachexia, Matzuk et al. 1992 absent parietal cells in the glandular stomach, and hepatocellular necrosis Activin receptor mutants Acvr22/2 25% die perinatally from cleft palate/Pierre Robin Matzuk et al. 1995b sequence; males have delayed fertility; females are infertile Acvr2b2/2 Perinatal lethal in a subset; left–right asymmetry and Oh and Li 1997 anteroposterior axis defects Acvr1b2/2 (Alk4) Embryonic lethal; disrupted Gu et al. 1998 dnAcvr1b (driven by Dominant negative ActRIB expression in developing Muller et al. 2006 CaMKII-a) forebrain makes hippocampal more susceptible to excitotoxic injury; reduced glutamatergic and impaired long-term potentiation Bambi2/2 Regulation of mechanisms involved in acute and chronic Chen et al. 2007; pain sensitivity; no apparent developmental defects Tramullas et al. 2010 Acvr1c2/2 (Alk7) Progressive , reduced insulin sensitivity, Andersson et al. 2008; fatty liver, impaired glucose tolerance, pancreatic islet Bertolino et al. 2008 enlargement, reduced fat accumulation, and partial resistance to diet-induced obesity Continued

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Table 2. Continued Genotypes Phenotypes References Fst2/2 Neonatal lethality because of respiratory failure, hypoplasia Matzuk et al. 1995d of respiratory musculature, abnormal skin, and craniofacial malformations Fst2/2 Aberrant (short, curled) whisker development leads to Jhaveri et al. 1998 secondary defects in whisker-associated trigeminal sensory function Fst2/2 Ectopic coelomic vessel formation in developing female Yao et al. 2004 gonads Fstl32/2 Increased pancreatic islet number and size, with b-cell Mukherjee et al. 2007 hyperplasia, diminished white fat, and beneficial effects on glucose metabolism Tgfbr32/2 Tgfbr3 (betaglycan) knockout causes lethal proliferative Stenvers et al. 2003 defects in heart and apoptosis in liver, occurring at E13.5 Double and triple mutants Inhba2/2; Combined features of the single mutations with no Matzuk et al. 1995d Inhbb2/2 additional defects InhbaBK/BK; Symmetrical growth deficiency (severe), eyelid closure Brown et al. 2003 Inhbb2/2 defect, prominence of external genitalia, hypogonadism (severe), delayed hair growth (moderate), decreased life expectancy (severe), decreased adipose (severe) Inhbb2/2; Rescue of Inhbb-mediated ectopic coelomic vessel Yao et al. 2006 Fst2/2 formation in developing female gonads Inhbb2/2; Rescue of Inhbb-mediated ectopic coelomic vessel Yao et al. 2006 Wnt42/2 formation in developing female gonads Inhbc2/2; No effects on development, liver cytoarchitecture, function, Lau et al. 2000 Inhbe2/2 or regenerative capacity Acvr2þ/2; Abnormal development of stomach, spleen, and endocrine Kim et al. 2000 Acvr2bþ/2 Acvr22/2; Embryos fail to form an elongated primitive streak, causing Song et al. 1999 Acvr2bþ/2 disruption of the mesoderm formation Acvr2þ/2; Late gestational or early neonatal lethality; modest effect on Song et al. 1999 Acvr2b2/2 rostral development Acvr22/2; Arrested at the egg cylinder stage and do not form Song et al. 1999 Acvr2b2/2 mesoderm Inha2/2; Gonadal tumor development but rescue of Coerver et al. 1996 Acvr22/2 Inha2/2cachexia and hepatocellular necrosis Inha2/2; Increased survival and milder tumor/cachexia phenotypes Kumar et al. 1999 Fsh2/2 relative to Inha2/2 mice Inha2/2; Inhibin/ double mutants have increased Shou et al. 1997 Ar2/2 survival and milder tumor/cachexia phenotypes relative to Inha2/2mice Inha2/2; Protection from early gonadal tumorigenesis in males only. Burns et al. 2003a Esr12/2; Single (Esr) knockouts are not Esr22/2 sufficient to confer a protective effect Inha2/2; Increased survival and milder tumor/cachexia phenotypes Nagaraja et al. 2008 Lhb2/2 relative to Inha2/2 mice Inha2/2; Mitigates gonadal tumor progression and prevents cachexia Gold et al. 2013 InhbcTG-CMV Continued

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Activins and Inhibins

Table 2. Continued Genotypes Phenotypes References Inha2/2; Disrupted ovarian with arrest at the Kumar et al. 1996 hpg/hpg primary antral stage; male and female hypogonadism and sterility; suppression of gonadal/adrenal tumors and cachexia; immature -like structures in testes and Inha2/2; Follicles progress to the multilaminar stage with Wu et al. 2004; Gdf92/2 nonsteroidogenic theca layer Myers et al. 2013

Genotypes Site of inactivation Phenotypes References Conditional knockouts Amhr2-Cre; Ovarian granulosa Disruption results in 35% reduction in female Pangas et al. 2007 Inhbaflox/2 cells fertility Amhr2-Cre; Fetal Leydig cells Failure of fetal testis cord elongation and Archambeault and Inhba flox/2 expansion, decreased Sertoli cell Yao 2010 proliferation, smaller adult testes, regional testicular dysgenesis, and reduced sperm production Amhr2-Cre; Ovarian granulosa ; increased functional Pangas et al. 2007 Inhba flox/2; cells corpora lutea Inhbb2/2 Krt14-Cre; Skin epithelium Variable hairlessness as a result of defects in Qiu et al. 2011 Acvr1bflox/flox hair cycling and hair-follicle development

Genes Expression Promoters Phenotypes References Gain-of-function Activins and inhibins Inhba Testis Metallothionein Testicular degeneration Tanimoto et al. 1999 Inhba Keratin 14 Small body size, small ears and short tail, Munz et al. 1999b severe epidermal thickening, loss of subcutaneous adipose Inhba Epidermis Keratin 14 Enhanced skin tumorigenesis and Antsiferova et al. malignancy, differential effects on T-cell 2011 proliferation Inhba Forebrain aCaMKII Reduced anxiety-related behavior Ageta et al. 2008 Inhba Forebrain Tet-off inducible Effects on long-term potentiation and Ageta et al. 2010 maintenance of long-term memory Inhbc Widespread CMV promoter , large inflamed liver, Gold et al. 2009 prostatic hypertrophy with epithelial hyperplasia Inhbc Liver Plasmid transfer Inhibits regenerative DNA synthesis in Chabicovsky et al. mouse liver after volume overload injury 2003 Inhbc Liver Adenovirus Accelerates liver regeneration after partial Wada et al. 2005 transfer hepatectomy in rats Inhbe Widespread CMV-b Reduced pancreatic weight, adipose Hashimoto et al. replacement of pancreatic acini with 2006 islets preserved Inhbe Liver Plasmid transfer Inhibits regenerative DNA synthesis in Chabicovsky et al. mouse liver after volume overload injury 2003 Continued

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M. Namwanje and C.W. Brown

Table 2. Continued Genes Expression Promoters Phenotypes References Inha Widespread Metallothionein Female subfertility because of reduced FSH Cho et al. 2001; levels; ovarian cysts, abnormal McMullen et al. steroidogenesis, reduced testicular size 2001 Inha Several tissues Metallothionein FSH reduced, LH increased; females 52% Cho et al. 2001 including reduction in litter size; reduced gonads ; 50% reduction in sperm count but normal fertility Inha Liver Inducible Reduced testis size and block in ovarian Pierson et al. 2000 folliculogenesis at early antral stage; reduced FSH levels; rescue of the Inha2/2 phenotype Activin/inhibin receptors, binding, and regulatory proteins Acvr1b Epidermis Keratin 14 Delayed wound re-epithelialization Bamberger et al. 2005 Fst Liver, testis Metallothionein Leydig cell hyperplasia, infertility in males Guo et al. 1998 and females, thin uteri, small testes and ovaries, disheveled fur Fst288 Normal Fst Targetedinsertion Fst knockin allele is sufficient for survival Kimura et al. 2010 expression but results in female subfertility and pattern premature depletion Fst288 Normal Fst Fst regulatory Fst288 expression does not rescue the Lin et al. 2008 expression sequences neonatal lethality of Fst2/2 mice pattern Fst315 Normal Fst Fst regulatory Rescue of Fst2/2 phenotype; female Lin et al. 2008 expression sequences infertility, cystic ovaries, aberrant pattern corpora lutea, uterine hypoplasia/ inflammation, and distal vascular abnormalities

hepatectomy, suggesting a possible role in the bioavailable activins, and differences in experi- inhibition of hepatocyte proliferation (Esquela mental conditions are all factors that may con- et al. 1997; Zhang et al. 1997; Gold et al. 2005; tribute to the disparate outcomes. Studies in Takamura et al. 2005); however, adenoviral ex- prostate tumor, pituitary cell lines, and trans- pression of activin C in cultured hepatocytes genic mice suggest that activin C antagonizes also enhances proliferation (Wada et al. 2005), activin A signaling (Gold et al. 2009). whereas transient, low-level expression of either activin C or activin E in mouse liver inhibits Activin Receptors regenerative DNA synthesis (Chabicovsky et al. 2003). Moreover, activin C can either increase There are overlapping and unique functions for DNA synthesis or induce apoptosis in vitro de- the two type II activin receptors, ActRII, and pending on the cell type. Neither activin bC nor ActRIIB. This is perhaps best illustrated during bE, alone or in combination, however, is re- embryonic development, as inactivating either quired for fertility or development, growth, re- receptor results in a different phenotype. generation, and function of the liver in vivo Acvr22/2 mice have small mandibles and cleft (Lau 2000). Thus, the cellular context (normal palates, reminiscent of the Pierre Robin se- cells versus transformed cells, or tissue of ori- quence in humans (Matzuk et al. 1995b). Adult gin), differences in the relative proportions of males have reduced fertility and females are in-

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Activins and Inhibins

fertile. In contrast, Acvr2b2/2 mice display de- acid-producing parietal cells in the stomach, fects in left–right and anteroposterior axis de- and hepatocellular necrosis. termination (Oh and Li 1997).

Smad2 and Smad3 Activins and Development in Other Model Smad2 and Smad3, which transduce signals from several TGF-b family members, including Gradients and Signaling from a Distance in Xenopus laevis and Drosophila activins, have overlapping and unique func- melanogaster tions. Smad2 null mice display early embryonic lethality as a result of a dosage-sensitive spec- Mechanisms that establish morphogen gradi- trum of defects, which include failure of normal ents of TGF-b family signaling and their roles egg cylinder and germ layer formation, with or in patterning during early embryonic develop- without mesoderm and severe de- ment have been well studied (Green and Smith fects. Some heterozygotes have abnormalities in 1990; Kessler and Melton 1995; Lecuit et al. ocular and mandibular development (Nomura 1996; Nellen et al. 1996; Gurdon and Bourillot and Li 1998; Waldrip et al. 1998). In contrast, 2001). An important paradigm is that cells re- Smad3 null mice are viable and fertile, but have spond differently depending on the ligand con- metabolic disturbances and ultimately develop centration to which their receptors are exposed, colorectal cancer (Zhu et al. 1998; Yadav et al. thereby initiating different transcriptional cas- 2011). Additional features include accelerated cades and developmental outcomes. In disso- cutaneous with faster re-epithe- ciated Xenopus cap cells, activin binds lialization and reduced local inflammation to ActRII and ActRIIB, and has downstream (Ashcroft et al. 1999) and defects in T-cell me- effects that are concentration-dependent. The diated and mucosal immunity (Yang et al. switch in gene expression profile occurs at 1999). The difference in phenotypic severity be- 2%–6% receptor occupancy (Dyson and Gur- tween Smad2 and Smad3 null mutants is likely don 1998). This effect depends on the absolute a result, in part, of differences in spatiotemporal number of receptors that are occupied by ligand expression during development; however, func- per cell, and not by the ratio of occupied to tional differences in tissues in which the two unoccupied receptors (Dyson and Gurdon proteins are coexpressed have also been ob- 1998). These studies provided insight into the served. Smad2 and Smad3 play distinct roles mechanisms by which activin morphogen gra- in the testis, because activin-induced nuclear dients might contribute to differential gene ex- Smad accumulation is greatly influenced by pression and, consequently, developmental pat- the developmental stage of Sertoli cells as well terning. as the activin concentration, reflected by differ- It is less clear whether activin establishes a ent transcriptional outcomes (Itman et al. gradient by diffusion from its source, thus de- 2009). Thus, specific control mechanisms are creasing in concentration more than several cell likely to be in place to direct the use of phos- diameters, or whether a relay mechanism oc- phorylated Smad2 and Smad3 in this context. curs, whereby cells sequentially send distinct signals to adjacent cells. In support of the diffusion model, activin Inhibins can elicit a cellular response at least 10 cell di- Mice with targeted disruption of the inhibin a ameters away in experiments using Xenopus subunit expression (Inha2/2), lack of inhibins embryo reconstituted tissue explants (Gurdon A and B with a consequential increase in activin et al. 1994). This effect persisted even when pro- signaling. These mice do not have defects, tein synthesis was inhibited in the intermediate but instead develop gonadal and adrenal endothelial cells that were incapable of activin tumors, a cancer-cachexia phenotype, loss of responsiveness, arguing against a cell-to-cell re-

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lay mechanism (Gurdon et al. 1994). Also in morphogenesis, occur through activin-like sig- support of the diffusion model, fluorescently naling pathways in Drosophila (Zheng et al. labeled activin travels through the extracellular 2003, 2006; Parker et al. 2006; Serpe and O’Con- spaces of reconstituted Xenopus animal cap nor 2006). Activin-b and Dawdle (Daw) are two cells. The range of signaling activity from the activin/TGF-b-like ligands (Parker et al. 2004; activin source is inversely proportionate to the Serpe and O’Connor 2006). In contrast to ver- number of activin receptors on the cell surface, tebrates, both BMP and activin/TGF-b path- and activin signal transduction in these cells ways use common type II receptors, Punt and does not require endocytosis of activin-receptor Wishful Thinking (Wit), whereas the activin complexes (Hagemann et al. 2009). pathway specificity is conferred by the type I A simple diffusion model is perhaps insuf- receptor, Baboon (Babo), which signals through ficient, however, to explain how Smad2 (Smox [Smad on X]) (Das et al. 1999; might overcome deterrents, such as the extra- Zheng et al. 2003; Serpe and O’Connor 2006). cellular matrix and functionally antagonistic The diversity of type I/type II receptor combi- proteins to travel several cell diameters. Exper- nations in Drosophila is considerably less than iments in intact Xenopus blastula cells, as op- , providing an important tool to dis- posed to dissociated and reconstituted cells, sect the contributions of activin/TGF-b- and support a relay model in which adjacent cells BMP-signaling pathways. but not more distant ones are capable of li- gand-induced signal transduction, a process that includes production of secondary, distinct PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF ACTIVINS signals (Reilly and Melton 1996). AND INHIBINS In the Drosophila wing disc, cells that are Reproduction incapable of mediating endocytosis and, there- fore, unable to transduce ligand-induced sig- Activins and inhibins were originally character- naling are also incapable of establishing a ized as activators or inhibitors, respectively, of Decapentaplegic (Dpp) gradient (Lecuit et al. pituitary FSH production and release. The 1996). Other experiments examining Dpp func- gonads are the major sources of circulating ac- tions indicate that simple diffusion and at least tivins and inhibins that provide regulatory feed- one other (possible relay) mechanism may con- back to the pituitary, and function as autocrine tribute to establishing morphogen gradients and paracrine signals that control gonadal func- (Lecuit et al. 1996). An extension of the relay tion. Conversely, activin and inhibin expression model posits that morphogen gradients are es- are regulated by endocrine signals that originate tablished with the aid of . Cytonemes in the pituitary. Accordingly, a discussion of the are specialized signaling filopodia that extend reproductive roles of activins and inhibins re- outward from the cytoplasmic membrane of quires an understanding of their relationship to recipient cells to direct cell-to-cell transfer of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) secreted ligands. Although -mediated axis (Fig. 5). ligand transfer has been clearly shown for Dpp in the Drosophila wing disc (Roy et al. 2014), to The HPG Axis our knowledge this phenomenon has not been documented for activins or other TGF-b family The shows cellular heteroge- ligands in Drosophila or in vertebrates. neity, producing a variety of , includ- ing FSH and LH. LH and FSH are heterodimeric proteins with the same a subunit but different Activin Signaling in b subunits, produced by pituitary gonado- Avariety of developmental processes, which in- tropes. The expression and release of LH and clude cell proliferation and growth, neuronal FSH are primarily regulated by GnRH that is remodeling, axon guidance, and dorsal neuron produced by the , which receives

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Activins and Inhibins

input from gonadal signals that include inhib- ovarian cycle, follicles are recruited from a pri- ins, estrogen, progesterone, and mordial pool, and subsequently progress from a (Fig. 5A). GnRH is released into a dense capil- single surrounded by a single layer of lary plexus, then passes to the adjacent anterior epithelial cells to a much larger oocyte sur- to control the release of LH and rounded by several layers of granulosa, theca, FSH, influenced by the pulse frequency of and stromal cells. This heterogeneous, multicel- GnRH release (Kaiser et al. 1995; Sealfon et al. lular structure provides a supportive hormonal 1997; Shacham et al. 2001; Burger et al. 2002). environment for folliculogenesis and the early Pituitary activin B expression is also controlled stages of . by the GnRH pulse frequency (Burger et al. Activin A contributes to the breakdown of 2002). GnRH expression in the hypothalamus germ cell nests, a process that increases the pri- and GnRH receptors on pituitary gonadotropes mordial follicle pool, thereby increasing fertility is enhanced by activins, and blocked by follista- potential (Fig. 6A) (Bristol-Gould et al. 2006). tin (Fig. 5A) (Fernandez-Vazquez et al. 1996; One or both of the circulating forms of follista- Norwitz et al. 2002). tin antagonize this effect (Kimura et al. 2011). LH and FSH b subunit expression is regu- Activin and other proteins within and outside lated by activins and inhibins. Activin B from the TGF-b family help to drive the early stages the anterior pituitary has paracrine effects on of follicular growth, before the contribution of gonadotropes, enhancing GnRH-induced FSH FSH signaling at the early pre-antral stage (Fig. expression and release (Fig. 5A) (Corrigan et al. 6B,C) (Trombly et al. 2009). Expression of FSH 1991). Similarly, activin A augments GnRH-in- receptors in granulosa cells of multilayer folli- duced LH production and is antagonized by cles is essential for normal folliculogenesis. In- testosterone (Burger et al. 2003; Yamada et al. hibin antagonizes expression of FSH receptors 2004; Coss et al. 2005). Inhibin B produced by and has several important functions during the the gonads plays an important role in the feed- late stages of folliculogenesis. The back mechanisms that regulate the HPG axis has an abundance of steroidogenic cells that (Fig. 5B,C). Inhibin B and follistatin antagonize work together to produce and release estrogen. many of the aforementioned functions of the The antral granulosa cells also produce inhibins, activins (Wang et al. 1988; Kaiser et al. 1992; with inhibin B the major circulating form. Es- Winters et al. 1996; Burger et al. 2002). trogen production is stimulated by FSH, and pituitary expression of FSH is ultimately down-regulated by circulating inhibin B from Activins and Inhibins in Female Reproduction ovarian follicles in a negative loop. In- Inhibin B, the major circulating form of inhibin hibin production by granulosa cells is also stim- in several animal species, originates from the ulated by FSH (Hillier et al. 1991a). Inhibin ovary, as confirmed by markedly reduced plas- augments FSH-induced estrogen production ma levels after gonadectomy (Robertson et al. in granulosa cells and LH-induced androgen 1988; Woodruff et al. 1996). It regulates the production in theca cells (Hillier et al. 1991b; HPG axis primarily through suppressive effects Wrathall and Knight 1995). are con- on activin-mediated FSH expression and re- verted to estrogen by . lease, but also through direct effects in the ova- Inhibin also slows the maturation of at ry, impacting ovarian folliculogenesis, steroido- the antral follicle stage (Fig. 6D) (Silva et al. genesis, and the (Figs. 5 and 6) 1999). Although variable numbers of primordi- (Hsueh et al. 1987; McLachlan et al. 1987; al follicles are recruited for folliculogenesis dur- Woodruff et al. 1988, 1990; Lenton et al. 1991; ing each ovarian cycle, only a subset of follicles Groome et al. 1996). ultimately proceeds to ovulation. The process Activins and inhibins play important auto- of “follicular dominance” is supported in part crine and paracrine roles during several steps of by activin and antagonized by inhibin (Fig. 6E) ovarian folliculogenesis (Fig. 6). With each (Hillier and Miro 1993). After ovulation, the

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Activin B FSH dacdOln ril.Ct hsatceas article this Cite Article. Online Advanced LH Pituitary Testosterone

GnRHR expression onOctober5,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress



Estrogen FSH Testosterone LH odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold


Leydig cells

Sertoli cells Germ cells o:10.1101 doi:

Antral follicle Granulosa cells Seminiferous tubules Theca cells / cshperspect.a021881 Figure 5. Activins and inhibins in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis. (A) The pituitary gland is divided into anterior (magenta) and posterior (tan) lobes. The anterior pituitary gonadotropes produce follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). The production and release of LH and FSH are primarily regulated by gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH), produced by the hypothalamus, which receives input from gonad-derived signals, inhibins, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The production of GnRH in the hypothalamus and expression of GnRH receptors (GnRHRs) on pituitary gonadotropes are enhanced by activins, and pituitary activin B expression is also controlled by GnRH. (Legend continued on following page.) Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Activins and Inhibins

remaining follicular cells coalesce to form the Important functional roles for activins and , whose major function is LH- inhibins during pregnancy are strongly suspect- induced progesterone production to support ed because circulating activin levels are very the early stages of pregnancy. Inhibin is also low or undetectable under normal physiological produced by the corpus luteum at high levels conditions except during pregnancy when in- throughout the of the ovarian cycle hibin, activin, and follistatin levels, likely all of (Fig. 6F) (Roberts et al. 1993). fetal and placental origin, progressively rise and During the ovarian cycle, granulosa cells markedly increase during the third trimester differentially express activin and inhibin mono- (Fig. 6H) (Muttukrishna et al. 1995; O’Connor mers (Fig. 6G). Activin b subunits are expressed et al. 1999). Follistatin levels are higher than at very low levels in early-stage follicles. Activin activin levels throughout pregnancy, whereas bA is most abundant in late antral follicles and basal levels of inhibin are high and decrease in corpora lutea, whereas expression of activin slightly before a rapid increase between 25 and bB is restricted to small antral follicles. The 30 weeks gestation. Although the biological inhibin a subunit is expressed throughout the roles during pregnancy are unclear, abnormally ovarian cycle, increasing in mature follicles and low maternal inhibin levels are associated with corpora lutea. All type I and type II activin re- pregnancy loss and other complications (Mut- ceptors, betaglycan, and follistatin are expressed tukrishna 2004), whereas abnormally increased in all cell types and at all stages of folliculogen- activin levels in late pregnancy are associated esis (Roberts et al. 1993; Welt and Schneyer with pre-eclampsia, preterm labor, and gesta- 2001; Drummond et al. 2002; Knight and Glis- tional (Petraglia et al. 1995a,b; Galli- ter 2006). However, circulating levels of inhibins nelli et al. 1996). do not correspond to the levels of expression in In cultured granulosa cells from early-stage granulosa cells. Quickly rising levels of inhibin follicles, FSH stimulates the release of inhibin A can be detected during ovulation and peak and estrogen (Fig. 7A) (Hillier et al. 1991a). levels in the midluteal phase. In contrast, inhib- Inhibin augments FSH-induced estrogen pro- in B shows a biphasic pattern with peak levels at duction while inhibiting the expression of the early follicular and early luteal phases (Fig. FSH receptor (Campbell and Baird 2001; Lu 6G) (Groome et al. 1996; Woodruff et al. 1996; et al. 2009). In contrast, activin A enhances Welt 2004). the expression of estrogen receptors and in-

Figure 5. (Continued) The LH and FSH b subunits are primary targets for regulation by activins and inhibins. Activin B (brown-colored icon) from the anterior pituitary exerts paracrine effects on gonadotropes, enhancing GnRH-induced FSH production and release. Similarly, activin A (gray-colored icon) augments GnRH-induced LH production, antagonized by testosterone. Activin also enhances the expression of GnRH receptors on gonadotropes, an effect that is blocked by follistatin. Inhibin B (brown-pink icon) produced by the gonads plays an important role in feedback mechanisms that regulate the HPG axis, as inhibin B and follistatin antagonize many functions of activins. (B) The antral follicle contains steroidogenic cells that collaborate to produce and release estrogen. The granulosa cells produce estrogen and inhibins, driven by pituitary FSH, with inhibin B the major circulating form. FSH expression is ultimately repressed by circulating inhibin B from ovarian follicles in a loop. Activin bA immunostaining (brown) shows abundant expression restricted to the granulosa cells of a single, large antral follicle, but not in follicles at earlier stages (CW Brown, unpubl.). (C) The seminiferous tubules are comprised of germ cells, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and other cells. All activin and inhibin subunits, activin receptors, betaglycan and follistatin are expressed in the testis, and their expression is controlled by the stage of the seminiferous cycle, age and pubertal stage, and cell type. Activin bA immunostaining (brown) in this adult testis section is apparent in Leydig cells, Sertoli cells and germ cells at more than one stage of development (CW Brown, unpubl.). Inhibin B (brown-pink icon) is the only inhibin produced by the testis and the major circulating form. In Sertoli cells, FSH stimulates inhibin B production, providing negative feedback for pituitary FSH production, whereas LH induces the production of androgens from rodent Leydig cells, a process that is augmented by inhibin and attenuated by activin (gray icon).

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Activin E Androgen Estrogen LH Inhibin production D Follicle dominance E2 Progesterone dacdOln ril.Ct hsatceas article this Cite Article. Online Advanced Follistatin Oocyte Aromatase 303/315 FSH maturation F Germ cell Estrogen nests FSH C receptor A Nest breakdown expression onOctober5,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress

Theca cells Granulosa Primordial Primary Multilayer Pre-antral Early antral follicle Large antral follicle cells Corpus luteum follicles follicle follicle follicle

FSHR– Follicular FSHR+ Luteal phase growth Ovulation odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold B

G Granulosa cell expression Activin βA Activin βB Inhibin α Blood levels (menstrual cycle) Inhibin A o:10.1101 doi: Inhibin B

H Blood levels (pregnancy) Inhibin A /

cshperspect.a021881 Activin A Follistatin 6–7 8–9 10–11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18–19 20–21 22–23 24–25 26–27 28–29 30–31 32–33 34–35 36–37 38–39 Gestational weeks

Figure 6. Activins and inhibins in ovarian folliculogenesis and pregnancy. Activins and inhibins play important autocrine/ paracrine roles at several steps of ovarian folliculogenesis. (A) Activin A (gray icon) contributes to the breakdown of germ cell nests, which increases the primordial follicle pool and fertility potential, antagonized by follistatin. (Legend continued on following page.) Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Activins and Inhibins

creases DNA replication, an effect that is aug- logenesis at the primary follicle stage, with nor- mented by FSH (Rabinovici et al. 1990; Miro mal oocyte growth and zona pellucida develop- and Hillier 1996; Kipp et al. 2007). In cultured ment, but no progress in the growth of the theca cells, activin suppresses LH-induced an- surrounding follicular cells beyond the single- drogen production, whereas inhibin augments layer stage (Dong et al. 1996). In contrast, androgen production and antagonizes activin’s Gdf92/2; Inha2/2 mice have ovarian follicles suppressive effect (Fig. 7B) (Hillier et al. 1991b). that progress to the multilaminar stage before In cultured luteal cells, activin suppresses the appearance of inhibin-related sex cord stro- LH-induced progesterone synthesis, whereas mal tumors (Matzuk et al. 1992), but the theca inhibin antagonizes activin’s effects (Fig. 7C) layer is incapable of production (Wu (Rabinovici et al. 1990; Di Simone et al. 1994). et al. 2004; Myers et al. 2013). Therefore, inhib- Genetic approaches to understand the roles ins are negative regulators of early follicular of inhibins in reproduction have been con- development and might contribute to the func- founded by the gonadal tumors that develop tion of theca cells. in complete inhibin-deficient mice (Matzuk In contrast to the normal fertility of et al. 1992). Nevertheless, some insight has Inhbb2/2 mice (Vassalli et al. 1994), condition- been gained from other inhibin mouse models. al inactivation of Inhba in developing ovarian Transgenic mice that widely overexpress inhibin granulosa cells reduces female fertility by 38% a show subfertility with a 52% decrease in litter (Pangas et al. 2007). Conditional loss of one size, and have reduced LH and FSH levels, ovar- Inhba allele in an Inhbb2/2 genetic background ian cysts, abnormal steroidogenesis, and a re- reduces fertility by 90%, and complete loss of duced number of ovulated oocytes (Cho et al. activins A and B in granulosa cells causes infer- 2001; McMullen et al. 2001). Mifepristone-in- tility (Pangas et al. 2007). These findings suggest duced expression of inhibin a in the liver of overlapping, dosage-sensitive functions for ac- adult mice blocks ovarian folliculogenesis at tivins A and B during ovarian folliculogenesis, the early antral stage (Pierson et al. 2000). with activin A playing a predominant role. Ac- GDF-9 is a TGF-b family member whose cordingly, female fertility is severely impaired expression is restricted to oocytes. Ovaries in InhbaBK mice, in which Inhba is replaced from Gdf92/2 mice display an arrest in follicu- with a functionally hypomorphic activin bB al-

Figure 6. (Continued)(B) Activin contributes to early stages of follicular growth. (C) Expression of the follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor in granulosa cells of multilayer follicles is required for folliculogenesis. Inhibin (gray-pink icon) antagonizes FSH receptor expression in granulosa cells. (D) Inhibin enhances FSH- induced estrogen production in granulosa cells, and luteinizing hormone (LH)-induced androgen production in theca cells, whereas androgen production is antagonized by activin (gray icon). Androgens are converted to estrogen (E2) by aromatase in granulosa cells. Inhibin also slows the maturation of oocytes at the antral follicle stage. (E) Although variable numbers of primordial follicles are recruited for folliculogenesis during each ovarian cycle, only a few will proceed to ovulation. The process of “follicular dominance” is supported by activin and antagonized by inhibin. (F) After ovulation, the remaining follicular cells coalesce to form the corpus luteum, whose major function is LH-induced progesterone production to support the early stages of pregnancy. Inhibin is also produced by the corpus luteum at high levels throughout the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle. (G) Granulosa cell expression and blood levels of activin and inhibin in the context of the ovarian cycle are shown, with low levels in blue and high levels in red. Activin b subunits are expressed at very low levels in early-stage follicles. Activin bA is most abundantly expressed in late antral follicles and in corpora lutea, whereas activin bB is restricted to small antral follicles. The inhibin a subunit is expressed throughout the ovarian cycle, increasing in mature follicles and corpora lutea. However, circulating levels of inhibins do not correlate with the levels of expression in granulosa cells. Inhibin A levels increase rapidly during ovulation and peak in the midluteal phase. In contrast, inhibin B has a biphasic pattern with peak levels at the early follicular and early luteal phases. (H ) During pregnancy, inhibin, activin, and follistatin levels progressively increase, and markedly increase during the third trimester. Follistatin levels are greater than activin levels throughout pregnancy, whereas basal inhibin levels are higher and decrease slightly before the rapid increase between 25 and 30 weeks gestation.

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FSHR A expression B C Testosterone E2 LH receptor + Androgens FSH Estrogen DNA replication Progesterone LH dacdOln ril.Ct hsatceas article this Cite Article. Online Advanced ++ FSH

Granulosa cells Theca cells Luteal cells onOctober5,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress D E F

Follistatin FSH Follistatin FSH LH/HCG LH/HCG Spermatogonia Proliferation Androgens numbers Sertoli cell number Follistatin Reversion to numbers immature state odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold

Sertoli cells Leydig cells Germ cell/sertoli cell coculture

Figure 7. Activin and inhibin effects in cultured gonadal cells. (A) In cultured granulosa cells from early-stage follicles, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the release of inhibin (gray-pink icon) and estrogen (Hillier et al. 1991a). Inhibin augments FSH-induced estrogen production, while inhibiting the expression of FSH receptor (Campbell and Baird 2001; Lu et al. 2009). In contrast, activin A (gray icon) enhances the expression of estrogen receptors and increases DNA

o:10.1101 doi: replication, an effect that is augmented by FSH (Rabinovici et al. 1990; Miro and Hillier 1996; Kipp et al. 2007). (B)In cultured theca cells, activin suppresses luteinizing horm (LH)-induced androgen production, while inhibin augments androgen production and antagonizes activin’s suppressive effect (Hillier et al. 1991b). (C) In cultured luteal cells, activin suppresses LH-induced progesterone synthesis, whereas inhibin antagonizes activin’s effects (Rabinovici et al. 1990; Di /

cshperspect.a021881 Simone et al. 1994). (D) Cultured Sertoli cells from young, postnatal rats proliferate in response to FSH and activin A, and FSH increases expression of inhibin. Activin stimulates follistatin and inhibin production and causes adult-derived Sertoli cells to revert to a less differentiated state. (E) LH or human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) induces androgen production in rodent Leydig cells. Inhibin increases and activin antagonizes LH-induced androgen production and inhibin blocks activin’s suppressive effect. The activin and inhibin effects on androgen production require LH and HCG. (F) When treated with activins, cocultures of germ cells and Sertoli cells from early postnatal rat testis show increased numbers of sperma- togonia and gonocyte precursors. The combination of FSH and follistatin also increases the number of spermatogonia. Activin treated co-cultures have fewer Sertoli cells than controls, an effect that is suppressed by follistatin. Follistatin also independently increases the number of Sertoli cells. Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Activins and Inhibins

lele (Brown et al. 2000). The ovaries of InhbaBK fore, BAMBI is not essential for normal female mice are smaller and contain fewer large prean- reproduction (Chen et al. 2007). tral follicles than controls. Serum estrogen and progesterone levels are reduced. Thus, activin B Activins and Inhibins in Male Reproduction can partially replace activin A as an ovarian growth and maintenance factor, but is insuffi- The seminiferous tubules are comprised of cient to fully maintain all aspects of ovarian germ cells, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and other folliculogenesis. cell types. Sertoli cells provide a supportive en- Transgenic mice that overexpress follistatin vironment for spermatogenesis, and Leydig have thin uteri, small ovaries with defective fol- cells synthesize androgens. Collectively, all acti- liculogenesis, and subfertility, dependent on the vin and inhibin subunits, activin receptors, be- level of transgene expression (Guo et al. 1998), taglycan, and follistatin are produced by testis and show many similarities to mice with re- cells, and their expression patterns are influ- duced activin signaling. Female transgenic enced by the stage of the seminiferous cycle in mice that only express Fst315 are infertile as a adults and the age and pubertal status of the result of abnormal corpus luteum formation, animal. These expression characteristics create cystic ovaries and hypoplastic, inflamed uteri. a complex, dynamic autocrine and paracrine In contrast to transgenic mice that overexpress regulatory network (MacConell et al. 2002; Buz- the Fst288 isoform on a Fst2/2 background and zard et al. 2004; Riccardi et al. 2007). Inhibin die as newborns, mice with a Fst288 insertion B is the only form of inhibin produced by the allele are viable, but homozygous females are testis and is also the major circulating inhibin subfertile with excess primordial follicles as a (Illingworth et al. 1996; Marchetti et al. 2003). result of a greater number of germ cells and FSH stimulates inhibin B expression in Sertoli reduced rate of apoptosis. These mice subse- cells, providing negative feedback for pituitary quently develop ovarian failure as a result of FSH production (Sharpe et al. 1999; Hayes premature follicle depletion (Kimura et al. et al. 2001), whereas LH induces the production 2010, 2011). of androgens from rodent Leydig cells, a pro- Transgenic mice that overexpress human cess that is augmented by inhibin and attenuat- FSTL3 from an inhibin a promoter show high ed by activin (Hsueh et al. 1987), although these expression in the gonads. The mice have lower effects may be species-dependent (Lejeune et al. body mass up to 2 months of age. Females have 1997). smaller ovaries with fewer large pre-ovulatory Cultured Sertoli cells from postnatal (P6, follicles, occasional trapped oocytes in corpora P9) rats proliferate in response to FSH or activin lutea, and a 35% reduction in litter size. These A, and the effects on proliferation are additive features are similar to those of the transgenic (Fig. 7D) (Buzzard et al. 2003). FSH also in- mice expressing follistatin and mice that are ac- duces the expression of inhibin B and free in- tivin-deficient in granulosa cells, and suggest hibin a subunit precursor, pro-aC. The latter possible overlapping functions for follistatin reduces inhibin B bioactivity and likely plays an and FSTL-3 in reproduction. Taken together, important regulatory role (Grootenhuis et al. the findings in the FSTL3 transgenic mice are 1990; Hancock et al. 1992). Activin stimulates consistent with important roles for activins in follistatin and inhibin A and B production and gonadal development and (Xia can induce reversion of adult-derived Sertoli et al. 2004). cells to a less differentiated state in vitro (Buz- The control of mRNA expression of BAMBI zard et al. 2003; Nicholls et al. 2012). in adult rat gonads suggests potential roles in LH or the closely related human chorionic reproduction with high expression in granulosa gonadotropin (HCG), which also binds and ac- and theca cells from adult ovaries. However, tivates the LH receptor, induces androgen pro- Bambi2/2 mice are viable, fertile and without duction from cultured rodent Leydig cells (Fig. developmental or reproductive defects. There- 7E). Inhibin increases and activin antagonizes

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LH-induced androgen production (Hsueh et al. onset of fertility is later than normal because of 1987; Mauduit et al. 1991), and inhibin blocks developmental effects on Sertoli cell prolifera- activin’s suppressive effect (Lin et al. 1989). tion and delayed germ cell maturation (Brown It is unclear whether the antagonism of activin et al. 2000; Mendis et al. 2010; Mithraprabhu signaling by inhibin is the sole mechanism by et al. 2010). Adult InhbaBK testis histology is which inhibin enhances LH-induced androgen normal; however, seminiferous tubule matura- secretion. However, no activin or inhibin effects tion is delayed and the dosage and biopotency on androgen production occur in the absence of of the Inhba alleles correlate directly with testic- LH/HCG. ular size. Inhba2/2 newborn testes are also very When treated with activin A or B, cocultures small, attributed to the reduced proliferation of germ and Sertoli cells from early postnatal rat of Sertoli cells (Mendis et al. 2010). These stud- testis fragments give rise to increased numbers ies confirm that activin A signaling is required of spermatogonia and gonocyte precursors, fol- for normal prenatal and postnatal testicular lowed by formation of seminiferous tubule-like growth, and its function cannot be replaced en- structures, suggesting that activins provide im- tirely by activin B. portant signals that direct the positional orga- Transgenic, testis-restricted overexpression nization of cells in the developing testis (Fig. 7F) of activin bA postnatally results in progressive (Mather et al. 1990). The combination of FSH sterility because of testicular degeneration (Ta- and follistatin also increases the number of sper- nimoto et al. 1999). In contrast, transgenic mice matogonia. Conversely, activin-treated cocul- that widely overexpress follistatin have reduced tures have fewer Sertoli cells than untreated testis volume with Leydig cell hyperplasia, arrest control cultures, an effect that is suppressed by of spermatogenesis and seminiferous tubule follistatin. Follistatin also independently in- degeneration leading to infertility (Guo et al. creases Sertoli cell number. In this coculture 1998), while adult transgenic male mice that system, inhibin is unable to block the activin express only Fst315 are fertile (Kimura et al. effect (Meehan et al. 2000). 2010, 2011). Mice with transgenic overexpres- The process of compartmentalization in the sion of inhibin a have a 50% reduction in sperm prenatal testis causes formation of the testis count but normal fertility (Cho et al. 2001; cord and the surrounding . Sertoli McMullen et al. 2001). Mice with induced ex- cells produce signals to direct testis cord forma- pression of inhibin a in liver also have reduced tion. Activin A is produced by mouse fetal Ley- testis size (Pierson et al. 2000). Thus, transgenic dig cells and acts on Sertoli cells to promote mice overexpressing follistatin or inhibin have proliferation during late embryogenesis. Silenc- findings that are consistent with activin defi- ing activin A expression specifically in fetal ciency. Leydig cells causes failure of fetal testis cord Transgenic male mice that overexpress hu- elongation and expansion because of decreased man FSTL3 from the inhibin a promoter also Sertoli cell proliferation, a finding reproduced have lower testis volumes with 60% reduction by the conditional silencing of Smad4 expres- in sperm count, because of irregular seminifer- sion in fetal Sertoli cells. In mice with absence of ous tubule degeneration with selective loss of activin bA or Smad4 in fetal Leydig or Sertoli germ cells in several tubules, relative preserva- cells, respectively, testicular dysgenesis persists tion of Sertoli cells, Leydig cell hyperplasia and to adulthood, with abnormal testis histology abnormal testosterone production. Collectively, and reduced sperm counts. These findings sup- these abnormalities are associated with a 25% port a model in which activin A produced by reduction in litter size. The findings in FSTL3 Leydig cells during early development acts on transgenic mice are consistent with important Sertoli cells to stimulate proliferation (Archam- roles for activins in maintaining testicular func- beault and Yao 2010). tion and gametogenesis (Xia et al. 2004). Male InhbaBK mice are fertile but their tes- The high level of BAMBI expression in sev- ticular volumes are greatly diminished, and the eral cell types in adult male rat testes suggests

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potential roles for BAMBI in reproduction. with either alone (Shiozaki et al. 1998). Howev- BAMBI is expressed in juvenile and adult Serto- er, F5-5 mouse leukemia cells with a constitu- li cells, and its expression in germ cells greatly tively active EPO receptor are unaffected by increases as mature into spermato- EPO, while treatment with activin A or activin gonia shortly after birth. Exogenous activin A A and EPO increases the number of hemoglo- decreases the Bambi mRNA level in cultures of bin-positive cells (Shiozaki et al. 1998). Fur- newborn rat testis fragments. Thus, BAMBI was thermore, ELM-I-1 cells treated with activin predicted to contribute to the control of TGF-b A alone were apoptotic when compared with family signaling at several stages of gametogen- cells treated with EPO and activin A, a phenom- esis (Loveland et al. 2003). However, Bambi2/2 enon that was not observed in F5-5 cells (Shio- males are also viable, fertile, and without iden- zaki et al. 1998). Together, these results suggest tifiable developmental or reproductive defects that activin A commits erythroid precursors (Chen et al. 2007). to the erythroid lineage but requires EPO to suppress apoptosis and possibly to regulate cell-cycle mediators that allow activin-induced Erythropoiesis differentiation to proceed (Shiozaki et al. 1998). Activin A was first recognized for its role in During erythropoiesis, activin A is regulated erythropoiesis when conditioned media of hu- by follistatin and inhibin. In vitro and in vivo man leukemic THP-1 cells was seen to induce studies have shown that treatment with either differentiation of mouse erythroleukemic follistatin or inhibin A or cotreatment of folli- Friend cells (Eto et al. 1987). Several studies of or inhibin Awith activin A reduces BFU- murine and human bone marrow cells and er- E and CFU-E colony formation and hemoglo- ythroleukemic cell lines show that activin A ro- bin accumulation, even in the presence of EPO bustly induces erythroid differentiation, with (Yu et al. 1987; Shiozaki et al. 1992; Maguer- increased colonies of erythroid burst forming Satta et al. 2003). units (BFU-E), erythroid colony forming units (CFU-E) and an increase in hemoglobin pro- The Nervous System duction. These responses to activin require EPO and are sensitive to concentrations of activin Activins and inhibins are widely expressed in and EPO (Yu et al. 1987; Murata et al. 1988; the brain. Activin bA and bB subunits are ex- Shiozaki et al. 1992, 1998; Maguer-Satta et al. pressed in neuronal cell bodies in the nucleus of 2003). In vivo activin A administration also in- the solitary tract and in the dorsal and ventral creases BFU-E and CFU-E colonies in a dosage- medullary reticular nuclei, which control pain dependent manner in normal or anemic mice sensation and some components of the auto- (Shiozaki et al. 1989). nomic nervous system. Activins are also ex- Activin A and activin receptors are ex- pressed in the nerve fibers and the termini of pressed in human bone marrow cells (Ma- projection sites for these nuclei. Activin B guer-Satta et al. 2003; Wu et al. 2012). Activin immunoreactivity is observed in perifornical A induces the expression of EPO receptor, neurons of the hypothalamus, which include b-globin, p27Kip1 and Bcl-XL and decreases orexin-producing cells, whereas activin A is the expression of Gata2 (Maguer-Satta et al. present in neuronal cell nuclei scattered 2003). One of the models for the role of activin throughout the . Tran- signaling in erythropoiesis suggests a synergism scripts encoding all inhibin/activin subunits between activin A and EPO to promote com- are present in all major brain regions (Roberts mitment and differentiation of erythroid pre- et al. 1996). Similarly, type II activin receptors cursors more than apoptosis. ELM-I-1 mouse are widely expressed in the rat brain with highest leukemic cells show a twofold increase in hemo- mRNA levels in the hippocampus, amygdala, globin-positive cells in cultures when treated hypothalamus, and throughout the cortical with activin A and EPO, relative to treatments mantle, including the primary olfactory cortex

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(Cameron et al. 1994). Thus, there is potential fect was observed in the striatal cholinergic for wide-ranging activin effects in the brain. interneuron population, comprised of striatal Activin A treatment of embryonic day 18 rat interneurons and projection neurons (Hughes retinal cultures arrests proliferation and induces et al. 1999). Consistent with these observa- differentiation of progenitor cells into rod pho- tions, intraventricular administration of human toreceptors (Davis et al. 2000). The effect is spe- activin A reduced neuronal death in the hip- cific to the rod photoreceptor lineage and is pocampus and dorsolateral striatum induced dose-dependent. Mice lacking activin A show by hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (Wu et al. a decrease in rod photoreceptors (Davis et al. 1999). Activin A also supports the survival 2000). Blocking activin signaling in Drosophila of rat hippocampal neurons in vitro (Iwahori embryos by abrogating activin-b, Daw, Babo, et al. 1997). or Smox results in larvae with small Activin B plays an important developmental and aberrant photoreceptor axon targeting role in spinal cord where TGF-b1 and activin B (Zhu et al. 2008). The ligands activin b and cooperate to support oligodendrocyte develop- Daw show functional redundancy in these con- ment and myelination (Dutta et al. 2014). Oli- texts. Together, these results suggest that activin godendrocytes produce myelin, the material signaling is required not only for differentiation that surrounds axons and promotes nerve con- of rod photoreceptors in the retina, but also for duction. Cultured oligodendrocyte precursors producing the proper number of neurons to (OLP) show differential activation of Smad3 enable normal connection of photoreceptor and MAPK signaling in response to TGF-b1 axons to their targets. and activin B. TGF-b1 increases proliferation Activins are also neuronal survival factors while activin B supports maturation. Treatment and this effect is brain region-selective. Activin with both proteins has an additive effect on increases the survival of multipotent P19 tera- viability, and enhances proliferation and differ- toma cells, the rat B50 nerve cell line and chick entiation, thus increasing the number of mature neural retinal cells (Schubert et al. 1990). Acti- oligodendrocytes (Dutta et al. 2014). The spinal vin A and B are neuroprotective against serum cords of Inhbb2/2 embryos display increased deprivation and toxin-induced death of human apoptosis in the oligodendrocyte lineage and neuroblastoma cells. Transient expression of ac- transiently reduced OLP numbers, but cell tivin bAorbB protects neuroblastoma and rat numbers, maturation, and myelination recover pheochromocytoma cells against serum with- during the first postnatal week. These findings drawal-induced apoptosis. Activin A also pro- suggest a functional redundancy with other tects cultured E14 rat mesencephalic dopami- TGF-b family ligands in this process, a conten- nergic cells from N-methyl-4-phenylpiridini- tion supported by a more severe and prolonged um ion toxicity (Krieglstein et al. 1995). OLP phenotype in Smad32/2 mice (Dutta et Transgenic mice that express a dominant- al. 2014). negative ActRIB (ALK-4) from the CaMKII-a Bambi2/2 mice are viable, fertile, and with- promoter in the forebrain have hippocampal out identifiable developmental defects (Chen neurons that are more sensitive to intracere- et al. 2007), but show increased TGF-b signal- broventricular excitotoxic insult. Glutamatergic ing and broadly reduced acute and chronic pain neurotransmission is also affected, with re- responses. The pain tolerance is reversed by nal- duced N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced current oxone, an antagonist, through a mecha- response and impaired long-term potentiation nism involving d-opioid receptor signaling. (Hughes et al. 1999). In a chemically induced (POMC) and proenke- rat model of Huntington disease produced by phalin (PENK) are increased in the spinal cords excitotoxic striatal injection, intrastriatal in- of Bambi2/2 mice, and treatment of wild-type jections of activin A greatly reduced the de- spinal cord explants with activin A or BMP-7 generation of several populations of striatal increases POMC and/or PENK mRNA levels neurons of rats. The most potent protective ef- (Tramullas et al. 2010). These findings are con-

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sistent with a role for activin signaling in the obesity (Sjo¨holm et al. 2006; Hoggard et al. control of pain sensitivity. 2009). Diet-induced weight loss reduces Inhbb gene expression in obese humans (Sjo¨holm 2/2 Energy Metabolism et al. 2006). Moreover, Inhbb mice have lower body weights than wild-type controls Differentiation (Bonomi et al. 2012). In differentiated 3T3-L1 Activins A and B and their receptors are highly cells, treatment with activin B reduces expres- expressed in rat and mouse adipose tissues and sion of perilipin, hormone-sensitive lipase and adipogenic cells (Vejda et al. 2002; Kogame et al. adipose triglyceride lipase, important contrib- 2006; Allen et al. 2008; Hoggard et al. 2009; utors to lipolysis (Magnusson et al. 2010). Thus, Koncarevic et al. 2012). In humans, the high- activin A and activin B likely play different roles activin bA mRNA expression in preadipocytes in and mature adipocyte function. BK is even higher in adipose tissues from obese The Inhba mice described above have re- individuals. However, activin A mRNA levels duced body weight and adiposity with im- decrease when human preadipocytes are in- proved insulin sensitivity and increased energy duced to differentiate, and exogenous activin expenditure (Li et al. 2009). These mice are re- A protein inhibits adipogenesis while increas- sistant to the obesogenic effects of a high-fat, ing proliferation of preadipocytes by decreasing high-carbohydrate diet. The improved meta- the expression of the early adipogenic transcrip- bolic outcomes are attributed to increased ex- tion factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein- pression of genes involved in energy expendi- b (C/EBP-b), thereby arresting adipogenesis. ture, mitochondrial biogenesis, and function in Activin A inhibits C/EBP-b through Smad2 brown , liver, and . signaling (Zaragosi et al. 2010), whereas inhibi- Isolated liver mitochondria show constitutive tion by TGF-b1 is transduced through Smad3 oxygen consumption as a result of uncoupling (Choy et al. 2000; Tsurutani et al. 2011). Similar of oxidative phosphorylation, suggesting a role outcomes were observed in undifferentiated for activin signaling in supporting mitochon- mouse 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, in which activin drial function (Li et al. 2009). A increased cell proliferation and reduced ex- pression of C/EBP-a and peroxisome prolifer- Activin Signaling in Glucose Homeostasis ator-activated receptor g (PPARg), the “master regulator” of adipogenesis (Hirai et al. 2005). Activins A and B are expressed in adult rodent pancreatic islet cells, with activin A in a-islet cells and activin B in a- and b-islet cells (Yasu- Mature Adipocyte Function da et al. 1993; Brown et al. 2011). In humans, Activin bA and bB are expressed in adipose activin A levels in serum correlate with fasting tissues but their abundance differs. Activin bA glucose, fasting insulin, and glycosylated hemo- expression is higher in undifferentiated preadi- globin levels (Wu et al. 2013). Loss- and gain- pocytes (Hirai et al. 2005; Zaragosi et al. 2010), of-function transgenic mouse models for acti- whereas activin bB expression is higher in dif- vins, activin receptors, FSTL-3, and Smads have ferentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes and in human contributed to our understanding of activin sig- adipose tissue. Differentiated 3T3-L1 cells naling in pancreas development and the prolif- treated with insulin or dexamethasone have in- eration, differentiation and function of islet creased or decreased activin bB expression, re- cells (reviewed in Wiater and Vale 2012). Trans- spectively. Activin bB expression is also reduced genic expression of a dominant negative in -deficient mice after administration of ActRIIB or a constitutively active ALK-4 recep- leptin, but no leptin effect is observed in differ- tor in the pancreas results in islet hypoplasia entiated 3T3-L1 cells (Hoggard et al. 2009). with reduced insulin secretion and reduced glu- In mice and humans, activin bB mRNA lev- cose tolerance (Yamaoka et al. 1998). In a mouse els in white adipose correlate positively with model of pancreas regeneration, inhibition of

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activins by follistatin increases the proliferation by overexpressing daw selectively in the fat body. of epithelial cells in the pancreatic and re- Gene expression profiling in daw mutants re- duces insulin secretion, most likely by reducing vealed up-regulation of several genes encoding the differentiation of b-islet cells (Zhang et al. enzymes and other proteins that participate in 2004). In contrast, Fstl32/2 mice show in- fatty acid oxidation, Krebs cycle, and oxidative creased pancreatic islet number and size, pan- phosphorylation (Ghosh and O’Connor 2014). creatic b-cell hyperplasia, lower visceral fat Inhbb2/2 mice have hyperinsulinemia, mass, beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance, sim- liver fat accumulation, and mild hypertension. ilar to ALK-7-deficient mice. Islets from Despite the ability of FSTL-3 to inhibit myosta- Inhbb2/2 mice secrete more insulin and gener- tin, however, Fstl32/2 mice show no changes in ate more ATPon glucose stimulation, and both lean body mass or body weight. Collectively, the processes are reversed after treatment with acti- findings have been attributed to effects of un- vin B (Wu et al. 2014). Although activins A and suppressed activin and/or myostatin activity B share common signaling mechanisms, they (Mukherjee et al. 2007). The reduction of b- may have unique functions in glucose homeo- cell mass with or by partial pan- stasis. Treatment of islets with activin B reduces createctomy, results in increased expression of the influx of calcium , insulin secretion, and activins in the pancreatic duct, and increased ATP production after glucose stimulation, insulin and glucose levels (Zhang et al. 2002). whereas activin A has the opposite effect (Ber- The increased expression of activins in the tolino et al. 2008; Wu et al. 2014). The differ- pancreatic duct after partial pancreatectomy ences in insulin secretion are a result of the suggests that they may contribute to b-cell neo- selective phosphorylation of Smad2 by activin genesis. Although the factors that regulate acti- A and Smad3 by activin B that may have differ- vin effects in the duct are not well understood, ent downstream targets and divergent outcomes b-cell regeneration may occur by relief of tran- on glucose stimulation (Wu et al. 2014). Anoth- scriptional repression of neogenin 3 through er study of Inhbb2/2 mice, however, showed no non-Smad signaling (Ogihara et al. 2003). effect on insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity In the InhbaBK model, with enhanced insu- or glucose tolerance (Bonomi et al. 2012). Ad- lin sensitivity, our understanding of activin ef- ditionally, Inhbb2/2 mice had lower body fects on glucose metabolism is confounded by weights, pancreatic islet mass and a lower a- possible systemic effects of activin-B misexpres- to b-islet cell ratio (Bonomi et al. 2012); how- sion in activin-A-producing tissues (Brown ever, a different study found no differences in et al. 2000). Acvr1c2/2 null mice lacking the body weight or pancreatic islet mass at age 2 ALK-7 receptor are hyperinsulinemic and glu- months (Wu et al. 2014). The difference in ge- cose-intolerant, and have increased islet mass. netic background of the mice may explain the This is partly because of reduced activin B sig- conflicting results: a mixed 129/Sv-C57BL/6 naling (Bertolino et al. 2008). However, other background in one study and a backcrossed ligands, such as activin A, activin-AB, GDF-3, C57BL/6 background in the other. and nodal, also use the ALK-7 receptor so the Irrespective of these differences, insight has loss of signaling by one or more of these ligands been provided from both studies regarding the should also be considered (Tsuchida et al. 2004; pancreatic islet distribution of activins and the Bertolino et al. 2008; Zhao et al. 2012). different effects of activins A and B on insulin Studies on effects of activins on glucose ho- secretion. Ectopic expression of activin B in the meostasis have produced disparate results in InhbaBK model results in reduced fasting glu- vivo and in vitro. In Drosophila, the activin- cose and insulin levels and enhanced insulin sen- like ligand, Daw, maintains glucose homeostasis sitivity and glucose tolerance, suggesting that mediated by Smad signaling. The daw mutants increased expression of activin B in pancreatic have increased triglycerides, glycogen, and glu- islets may contribute to the enhanced glucose cose levels, and these abnormalities are rescued metabolism in this mouse model (Li et al. 2009).

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Bone Homeostasis precursors for differentiation (Per- rien et al. 2007). Activin A mRNA expression by and In humans, serum inhibin A and inhibin B activin A deposition in the bone matrix are levels correlate negatively with bone-formation higher than Inhbb expression, while inhibin a markers in peri- and postmenopausal women mRNA is nearly undetectable (Ogawa et al. and, therefore, can be used as clinical predictors 2006; Eijken et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2012). Studies of bone loss before detectable changes in estro- of activin A and inhibin A effects on bone gen levels (Perrien et al. 2006). development and function have yielded con- tradictory results. Injection of activin A into Inflammation newborn rat increases periosteal Activins play early roles in a variety of inflam- and bone matrix layer thickness (Oue et al. matory processes (Jones et al. 2004; Wernerand 1994). of activin A im- Alzheimer 2006; Phillips et al. 2009; Besson- proves bone mass and strength in aged, ovariec- Fournier et al. 2012), and many cells conferring tomized rats (Sakai et al. 2000). Soluble innate and acquired immunity respond to acti- ActRIIA-mFC inhibits activin signaling but vins (Antsiferova and Werner 2012). also increases bone formation, mass, and strength in sham-operated and ovariectomized mice, possibly by affecting signaling of other TGF-b family ligands (Pearsall et al. 2008). During inflammation, macrophages show dif- Treatment of bone marrow–derived stem cells ferent activation states and biological activities with activin A promotes osteoblastogenesis and (Mantovani et al. 2004). Lipopolysaccharide osteoclastogenesis, while inhibin A has the op- (LPS) and interferon-g induce a classical pro- posite effect (Centrella et al. 1991; Fuller et al. inflammatory (M1) macrophage profile, where- 2000; Gaddy-Kurten et al. 2002). Activin A can as interleukin (IL)-4 or IL-13 induce an anti- also inhibit osteoblastogenesis and mineraliza- inflammatory activation state (M2a) with tion in vitro, dependent on the differentiation production of immunosuppressive factors, IL- stage (Ikenoue et al. 1999; Eijken et al. 2007). 10, IL-1RA (IL-1 ), and ar- These results highlight the importance of con- ginase (Martinez et al. 2008). Activin A, but not sidering the proper window of responsiveness to activin B, expression is increased in LPS-stimu- activins for osteoblastogenesis, a process that is lated macrophages (Ogawa et al. 2006). also regulated by follistatin (Hashimoto et al. Effects of activin A in the RAW264.7mouse 1997; Eijken et al. 2007). macrophage cell line include increased IL-1b Transgenic mice with mifepristone-induced and IL-6 expression, pinocytosis and phagocy- overexpression of inhibin a in liver have in- tosis, and MHC II expression, but no enhanced creased bone mineral density, volume, and expression of MHC I markers and CD80, and strength as a consequence of increased osteo- no effect on proliferation, suggesting that acti- blastogenesis and show reversal of gonadecto- vin A may affect macrophage-mediated innate my-induced bone loss (Perrien et al. 2007). and acquired immune responses through mac- These results seemingly contradict those from rophage activation (Ge et al. 2009). in vitro studies, and the disparate outcomes M1, but not M2a macrophages, derived could be explained by compensatory mecha- from human peripheral blood monocytes, re- nisms in vivo or by differences in the duration lease activin A, and Smad2/3-mediated activin of inhibin exposure, since 1-week exposure in signaling supports the M1 macrophage pheno- vivo inhibits osteoblastogenesis as observed in type, contributing to differential gene expres- vitro, whereas 4 weeks overexpression augments sion profiles and functions of the M1 and osteoblastogenesis and enhances bone quality. M2a phenotypes. Activin A suppresses IL-10 Similar to activin A, these results suggest that production by mature, antiinflammatory M2a inhibin A regulates osteoblastogenesis to prime macrophages, to inhibit IL-10 production dur-

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ing polarization and to inhibit the growth of vin B expression is selectively increased in leukemic cells, a defining feature of M1-polar- mouse liver (Besson-Fournier et al. 2012), an ized macrophages (Sierra-Filardi et al. 2011). effect that is not seen for the other activins. The proinflammatory M1 phenotype of hu- Activin B induces BMP type I receptor-mediat- man monocyte–derived macrophages requires ed combined Smad 1/5/8 phosphorylation activin A induction of EGLN3, an oxygen-de- (Smads were not assessed individually) in a hu- pendent prolyl hydroxylase whose expression is man hepatoma cell line and primary mouse he- associated with the M1 macrophage phenotype patocytes, resulting in increased Hamp (hepci- in a variety of inflammatory conditions, such as din) mRNA levels (Besson-Fournier et al. 2012). Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and solid tu- This activin-B-induced increase occurs syner- mors. EGLN3 expression is induced by hypoxia gistically with IL-6. These hepcidin effects are and additionally regulated by activin signaling not observed with the other activins, showing (Escribese et al. 2012). These studies establish that, despite overlapping functions in many con- important functions for activin A in macro- texts, activins A and B also have unique functions phage biology and are consistent with its con- that may be transduced by the BMP branch of tributions to inflammatory processes. Smad-mediated TGF-b family signaling.

Other Inflammatory Processes and Cell Types Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Metabolism Macrophages are not the only hematopoietic Obesity is characterized by low-grade inflam- cells that participate in activin-regulated in- mation. In mice and humans, the expression flammatory processes. Bone marrow–derived of inflammatory genes increases with obesity neutrophil precursors (BMNPs) express activin (Hotamisligil et al. 1993, 1995; Engstro¨m et al. A at seven-fold higher levels than mononuclear 2003). Inflammatory are secreted by cells. a (TNF-a) induces immune cells, particularly adipose resident activin A release from BMNPs without de novo macrophages (Weisberg et al. 2003; Cancello synthesis, an effect that is blocked by insulin, et al. 2005). T cells are also recruited and con- suggesting a possible mechanistic link to in- tribute to the inflammatory milieu (Wu et al. flammatory processes in type 2 diabetes (Wu 2007; Feuerer et al. 2009; Winer et al. 2009). et al. 2013). In contrast, through a different Obesity results in recruitment of M1 macro- mechanism, LPS has no effect on BMNPs, but phages to adipose tissues, and also triggers M2 stimulates activin A expression and release in to M1 adipose-resident macrophage conver- total bone marrow cultures (Wu et al. 2013). sion (Lumeng et al. 2007, 2008), with higher In vivo, bone marrow is a major source of levels of secreted activin A in M1 than in M2 circulating activin A after LPS-induced inflam- macrophages (Sierra-Filardi et al. 2011). Pro- mation. Similar to total bone marrow cultures, inflammatory cytokines secreted by macro- the increase in activin A is posttranscriptional. phages inhibit differentiation of preadipocytes This is in contrast to TNF-a and follistatin re- (Lacasa et al. 2007; Xie et al. 2010). Activin A sponses to inflammation, which are transcrip- inhibits adipocyte differentiation in human tionally regulated. The activin-A-producing and mouse cells (Hirai et al. 2005; Zaragosi cells are bone marrow–derived neutrophils et al. 2010), and human preadipocytes cultured that migrate to the and may contribute in conditioned media from adipose-resident to LPS-induced lung inflammation and injury macrophages show increased Inhba mRNA ex- (Savov et al. 2002; Wu et al. 2012). pression (Zaragosi et al. 2010). These data are Studies of chronic inflammatory mecha- consistent with a model in which activated mac- nisms that contribute to of chronic rophages in white adipose tissues produce in- disease have revealed an unusual example of flammatory cytokines, possibly including acti- promiscuity among activin ligands and recep- vin A, creating an environment that antagonizes tors. During LPS-induced inflammation, acti- adipocyte differentiation.

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Chronic Lung Disease et al. 1999). Transgenic overexpression of activin A in the skin results in adipose replacement with Activin A may participate in airway remodeling, fibrous , a poorly organized, and activin signaling dysregulation maycontrib- thick epidermis and enhanced proliferation of ute to the normal balance between immunity basal keratinocytes. Injury causes enhanced der- and tolerance in the airway and asthma in mice mal fibrosis with granulation tissue and robust and humans (reviewed in Kariyawasam et al. formation. Activins bA and bB normally 2011). Activin has shown both beneficial and increase in keratinocytes and stroma after skin damaging effects, promoting the growth of air- injury in mice and humans. All activin receptors way epithelium and suppressing inflammation are expressed in skin and their levels do not in some contexts, while augmenting inflamma- change after injury (Hu¨bner et al. 1996). Re- tion, fibrosis, and lung damage in others. combinant activin B stimulates healing, requir- Protective effects for activin were shown in a ing signaling through the RhoA-JNK pathway mouse model of allergic asthma, a process re- (Zhang et al. 2011), and mice expressing a dom- quiring TGF-b and mediated by regulatory T- inant negative ActRIB (ALK-4) receptor in ker- cell (T-reg) activation that normally suppresses atinocytes show delayed re-epithelialization the T helper cell immune response (Semiteko- after skin injury (Bamberger et al. 2005). Kera- lou et al. 2009). Activin A levels and signaling in tinocyte-selective abrogation of follistatin great- lung tissues normally acutely increase in re- ly enhances re-epithelialization (Antsiferova et sponse to allergens; however, activin signaling al. 2009), whereas transgenic expression of fol- is later reduced, partially by follistatin. In a listatin in keratinocytes causes thinning of the mouse model of allergy-induced asthma, folli- epidermis and and delayed wound re- statin blocks production and the aller- pair, but less scarring (Wankell et al. 2001b). gen-specific immune response in lymph nodes Inhibiting activin signaling in the developing (Hardy et al. 2006). Follistatin also reduces air- zebrafish fin causes failure of normal fin regen- way inflammation and improves survival in a eration after amputation, supporting important mouse model of cystic fibrosis (Hardy et al. roles in proliferation, cell migration, and wound 2015). Moreover, blocking activin signaling in healing (Jazwinska et al. 2007). This finding is a bleomycin-induced lung injury model sub- also consistent with previously described roles stantially reduces the inflammatory and fibrotic for activins in the developing chick limb (Me- effects of the drug (Aoki et al. 2005). These find- rino et al. 1999). ings are consistent with a biphasic response to inflammatory stimuli in the lung—an acute phase with increased activin signaling that pro- Fibrosis motes epithelialization and subsequent sup- Activins contribute to hepatic, renal, and pul- pression that minimizes potentially damaging monary fibrosis. In rats with liver fibrosis, effects of inflammation. This process is dysregu- activin A is expressed by -producing, lated in the asthmatic airway, leading to chronic stellate-derived myofibroblasts in connective inflammation. Disparate effects among experi- tissue septae (De Bleser et al. 1997). Follistatin mentalmodelslikelyreflectthecomplexityofthe administration during carbon tetrachloride-in- mechanism and the different conditions for ad- duced liver fibrosis reduces hepatocyte apopto- ministration of irritants, activins, and follistatin. sis and collagen accumulation (Patella et al. 2006). The profibrotic effects of activin A on BIOLOGICAL ROLES IN RESPONSE hepatic stellate cells in vitro are also mitigated TO INJURY AND DISEASE by follistatin (Wada et al. 2004). In the , activin A participates in the Wound Healing response to ischemic injury, which includes ex- Activin A expression increases in skin after in- pression in medullary tubules (Maeshima et al. jury and promotes wound healing (Hu¨bner 2002). Follistatin protects against ischemic in-

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jury and preserves renal function in vivo, where- prognosis for overall and disease-free survival as activin A has the opposite effect (Maeshima (Chang et al. 2010). Soluble ActRIIB-Fc, an in- et al. 2002). Rat kidney fibroblasts, but not renal hibitor of activin signaling, reverses cancer- tubule epithelial cells, express induced cachexia and improves survival in and actin when treated with ac- mice (Zhou et al. 2010). tivin A (Yamashita et al. 2004), and cultured rat Activin A overexpression in skin increases renal mesangial cells express extracellular ma- susceptibility to chemically induced skin cancer trix proteins when treated with activin A (Gae- because of effects on stromal cells and loss of deke et al. 2005). antitumor T-cell function. T-reg cells (T cells Several medical conditions result in in- that normally suppress the function of tumor- creased activin A expression in the of suppressing T cells) increase in number in patients with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis chemically treated activin transgenic mice. The (Matsuse et al. 1996). In vitro studies show net result of activin A overexpression in this that activin A enhances the proliferation of model, therefore, is reduced T-cell antitumor lung fibroblasts, induces their differentiation activity and tumor progression (Antsiferova into myofibroblasts and enhances their ability et al. 2011). Taken together, these data suggest to contract collagen gels (Ohga et al. 1996, a biphasic role for activin, first as an inhibitor 2000). Moreover, bleomycin-induced lung inju- of cell proliferation and tumor growth, and ry and fibrosis is mitigated by administration of later as a promoter of oncogenesis, similar to follistatin (Aoki et al. 2005). the actions of TGF-b (reviewed in Akhurst In summary, in vitro and in vivo experi- and Hata 2012). ments suggest roles for activin signaling in the Inha2/2 mice with targeted inactivation of pathogenesis of fibrosis in a variety of tissues inhibin a expression, display early lethality at and cell types. Most data corroborate the obser- 12 weeks because of gonadal tumors, hepatocel- vation that activin expression increases during lular injury and a cancer cachexia syndrome. acute inflammatory processes, which leads to Gonadectomized mice survive longer but suc- profibrotic events. Moreover, in vitro experi- cumb to adrenal cortical tumors. Therefore, ments show activin-induced up-regulation of inhibins are gonadal and sup- a variety of profibrotic factors, including in- pressors. Several genes are modifiers of the flammatory cytokines and extracellular matrix Inha2/2 phenotype (Table 2) (Matzuk et al. components. 1995a; Coerver et al. 1996; Kumar et al. 1996, 1999; Mishina et al. 1996; Shou et al. 1997; Ci- priano et al. 2000, 2001; Burns et al. 2003a,b; Cancer Li et al. 2007; Nagaraja et al. 2008; Zhou et al. Activin inhibits the proliferation of breast, liver, 2010; Gold et al. 2013). With the exception of prostate, and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines AMH, AMHRII and p27KIP1, which repress the and pituitary . Many malignant cell cancer cachexia syndrome, the double mutants types repress the expression of activin receptors, have milder phenotypes than the Inha2/2 while activins promote the proliferation of cells mice, thereby identifying coregulatory process- from testis and ovary (reviewed in Risbridger es that influence tumor progression. Collec- et al. 2001, 2004). Activins can also indirectly tively, these findings suggest that dysregulated support tumor growth by inducing angiogene- activin signaling contributes to cancer and ca- sis and by affecting the tumor microenviron- chexia, that cachexia and tumor progression are ment, influencing dendritic cell number and not indelibly linked, and that other signaling antigen uptake. Elevated circulating activin A pathways and cell-cycle proteins influence in- is associated with bone metastases in breast hibin-related cancer progression. The cachexia and (Leto et al. 2006; Incorvaia of Inha2/2 mice is mediated at least in part et al. 2007), and increased activin A expression by the type II activin receptors, ActRII and in head and neck tumors is associated with poor ActRIIB, because genetic inactivation (Coerver

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et al. 1996) or inhibition (Zhou et al. 2010) of naling pathways. Targeting the activin-signaling these receptors can block Inha2/2-induced ca- pathways has promising therapeutic potential chexia. to influence lean/fat body mass and energy expenditure. Inhibiting ActRIIB using neutral- izing or modified soluble human THERAPEUTIC INITIATIVES TO TARGET receptors (ActRIIB-hFc) positively influences ACTIVIN-SIGNALING PATHWAYS: body composition and nutrient metabolism ANTIBODIES, RECEPTOR-BASED LIGAND (Table 3) (Akpan et al. 2009; Fournier et al. TRAPS AND MODIFIED PRODOMAINS 2012; Koncarevic et al. 2012; Zhang et al. Disorders of Energy Metabolism 2012). Administering soluble ActRIIB (RAP- 031) improves muscle mass and function, re- Obesity duces fat mass irrespective of diet composition, In addition to physical exercise and diet-modi- enhances peripheral glucose uptake, and sup- fication, new drugs aim to treat obesity and its presses hepatic glucose production. Mice treat- associated morbidities by targeting specific sig- ed with ActRIIB neutralizing antibody have in-

Table 3. Therapeutic strategies to inhibit activin receptor signaling Disease model Agent Benefits References Neutralizing antibody Obesity/energy Anti-ActRIIB Increased brown adipose and Fournier et al. 2012 metabolism (mouse) monoclonal skeletal mass; no effect on antibody white adipose Ligand traps (soluble receptors) Obesity/energy ActRIIB-hFc (RAP- Increased muscle mass and Akpan et al. 2009; metabolism (mouse) 031); sActRIIB function; increased glucose Koncarevic et al. uptake; reduced fat-mass and 2012; Zhang et al. britening of white adipose 2012 Cancer cachexia (mouse) sActRIIB Increased weight gain and muscle Zhou et al. 2010 mass; increased survival Duchenne muscular sActRIIB; ACE-031 Increased muscle mass and Pistilli et al. 2011; dystrophy (mouse, function; phase II clinical trial Wahl 2013 human) terminated b-Thalassemia (mouse), RAP-536 ACE-536; Reduced erythroid hyperplasia; Suragani et al. 2014; anemia, and ActRIIA-Fc (ACE- improved anemia; phase II clinical trials.gov myelodysplastic 011 [Sotatercept]) clinical trials ongoing syndromes (human) (mouse, ActRIIA-Fc (ACE-011 Increased osteoblast Pearsall et al. 2008; cynomologus monkey) [Sotatercept]) differentiation, bone mass, and Chantry et al. strength; improved noncortical 2010; Lotinun bone volume and increased et al. 2010 bone formation; suppressed in breast Reduced bone destruction and cancer (mouse) bone metastasis Multiple myeloma (mouse) Reduced osteoclastic lesions and prolonged survival Modified prodomains Muscle wasting (mouse) Modified activin A Specific inhibition of activin A Chen et al. 2015 and B prodomains and B; improved muscle mass

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creased brown fat and skeletal muscle mass rela- the onset of cachexia (Zhou et al. 2010). tive to controls, increased energy expenditure, Although much attention has been given to and increased expression of mitochondrial func- ActRIIB, ActRII is also an important contribu- tionandenergyexpendituregenes;however,there tor to the cancer-cachexia syndrome. Inha2/2; are no effects onwhite adipose tissue mass (Four- Acvr22/2 (ActRII) double mutant mice de- nier et al. 2012). The antibody treatment also re- velop tumors but fail to develop Inha2/2-in- duces the activation of Smad3 in brown adipose duced cachexia (Coerver et al. 1996), suggesting tissue. In contrast, the soluble receptor, ActRIIB- that both type II activin receptors mediate sig- hFC, reverses the effects of diet-induced obesity nals that influence energy homeostasis. by increasing energy expenditure and expression of energy expenditure genes in white adipose tis- Muscular Dystrophies sues, including the appearance of brown-like ad- ipocytes (Koncarevic et al. 2012). Because reduction of GDF-8 (myostatin) ex- Several TGF-b family members, that is, pression dramatically increases muscle mass in GDF-8, GDF-3, GDF-11, and activins A, B, several species, and GDF-8 signals through and AB, bind ActRIIB with high affinity (Souza ActRIIB, an ActRIIB-soluble receptor was rea- et al. 2008; Koncarevic et al. 2012) and are coex- soned to potentially benefit patients with path- pressed in adipose tissues, which challenges our ologically reduced muscle mass such as in Du- ability to separate direct and indirect effects of chenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). In the mdx each ligand on metabolism in vivo and tissue- mouse model of DMD, 12 weeks of treatment specific effects in organs that contribute to nu- with soluble ActRIIB improved skeletal muscle trient metabolism. However, the results above mass, absolute force production and specific suggest that ActRIIB signaling is a promising force, with a corresponding decrease in blood target for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, creatine kinase (CK) levels, a marker of muscle and conditions in which muscle mass is ad- cell damage. These findings are consistent with versely affected. an overall improvement in muscle mass, in- tegrity, and function (Pistilli et al. 2011). Ac- cordingly, human clinical trials were initiated Cancer-Induced Cachexia in DMD patients, but these were stopped be- Although the morbidity most commonly asso- cause of off-target effects, which included nose- ciated with cancer results from metastasis and bleeds, gum bleeding, and dilatation of skin its effects, cancer progression also adversely im- vessels (Wahl2013). These side effects, although pacts energy metabolism. In advanced cancer, mild, underscore the need for agents with high the release of cytokines and other signaling specificity, if therapeutic inhibition strategies molecules affect the expression of acute-phase are to be successful. proteins and the ubiquitin-dependent protea- some system, culminating in a hypermetabolic Anemia “cancer-cachexia” state, with loss of lean and fat body mass. Cachexia is associated with poor One of the earliest identified functions of acti- clinical outcomes in a variety of settings (Kotler vins was the ability to augment EPO-dependent 2000; Acharyya and Guttridge 2007). The first hemoglobin production and enhance prolifera- successful use of a soluble ActRIIB antagonist to tion of human bone marrow–derived erythro- prevent and reverse cancer cachexia was in four cyte precursors in vitro (Yu et al. 1987). It is models of tumor-bearing mice, including therefore counterintuitive that soluble receptor Inha2/2 mice. Lean body mass and survival derivatives of the human ActRIIB extracellular improved despite ongoing tumor growth and domain, ACE-536, or its mouse counterpart, elevated proinflammatory cytokine levels. The RAP-536, produce rapid and robust increases beneficial effects were observed when soluble in erythrocyte numbers under basal conditions, ActRIIB treatment was initiated before and after and reduces or prevents anemia in disease mod-

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els. Unlike EPO, which acts at early stages of metabolism has not been robustly studied. erythrocyte development, soluble receptors ActRIIA-Fc administration in miceenhances os- promote maturation of late-stage erythrocyte teoblast differentiation and increases bone mass precursors in vivo. Accordingly, cotreatment and strength in normal and ovariectomized, with ACE-536 and EPO produces a synergistic osteoporotic mice (Pearsall et al. 2008). More- erythropoietic response. The apparent paradox over, in an osteolytic mouse model of multiple regarding activin effects on erythropoiesis is re- myeloma, ActRIIA-Fc triggers osteoblastogene- solved by the binding properties of ACE-536 sis, prevents myeloma-induced suppression of that were modified to affect the ligand-receptor bone formation, prevents osteolytic bone le- interface: a single substitution sions, and increases survival. ActRIIA-Fc also (L79D), an amino-terminal truncation of four prevents bone destruction and inhibits bone amino acids, and a carboxy-terminal truncation metastases in a mouse model of breast cancer of three amino acids (Suragani et al. 2014). (Chantry et al. 2010). In nonhuman primates, ACE-536 binds activin with low affinity but av- human ActRIIA-Fc (ACE-011) improves med- idly binds GDF-11 and blocks GDF-11-induced ullary (noncortical) bone volume by enhancing Smad2/3 signaling. GDF-11 inhibits erythroid bone formation and inhibiting bone resorp- maturation in mice in vivo and ex vivo, and tion (Lotinun et al. 2010). These experiments treatment of mice with RAP-536 reduces strongly support the rationale for developing Smad2/3 activation, improves anemia and re- soluble activin receptors for the treatment of duces erythroid hyperplasia (a marker of inef- conditions with osteopenia as a feature, such fective erythropoiesis) in a genetic mouse as age-related osteoporosis, metastatic bone dis- model of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) ease, chronic immobility, and . To (Suragani et al. 2014). The beneficial effects of our knowledge, there are no ongoing clinical RAP-536 are not a result of enhanced activin trials to investigate these possibilities. signaling as a consequence of GDF-11 seques- tration, because a neutralizing activin antibody Inflammation does not reduce the positive effects of RAP-536 on erythropoiesis. ACE-536 also binds myosta- Activin levels are markedly elevated in humans tin with high affinity and inhibits myostatin sig- with life-threatening infections or acute respi- naling, yet RAP-536 does not impact lean body ratory failure (ARF), and is a poor prognostic mass in vivo (Suragani et al. 2014). ACE-536 indicator in ARF (Michel et al. 2003; de Kretser is now in phase 2 clinical trials for treatment et al. 2013). In intensive care settings, ARF re- of anemia in b-thalassemia and MDS. Clinical quires mechanical ventilation for longer than 6 trials for disorders with anemia as a primary or hours, with a 30-day mortality risk of 30% (Es- secondary feature are also underway using ACE- teban et al. 2002; Linko et al. 2009). Abnormally 011 (Sotatercept), an ActRII-soluble receptor elevated activin A and B levels correlate signifi- that has not been modified at its ligand-binding cantly with mortality within 1 year of hospital- interface (clinical trials.gov). ization, suggesting that activins are for patients at highest risk for death (de Kretser et al. 2013). In contrast, activins may confer a Osteopenia protective effect in human newborns. Like ARF Diseases that impact bone turnover, such as os- patients, premature newborns with life-threat- teoporosis and cancer metastasis, cause osteo- ening infections have elevated activin A levels. penia and increase fracture risk. Several mem- However, activin A suppresses proinflamma- bers of the TGF-b family impact the tory cytokine production in vitro while enhanc- structurally and functionally, and are implicated ing the production of anti-inflammatory cyto- in rare inherited bone disorders (reviewed in kines in LPS or phytohemagglutinin-treated Chen et al. 2012). Activin A is present at high peripheral leukocytes from human newborns levels in bone, yet activin signaling in bone (Petrakou et al. 2013). These observations

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have led to the idea that modulating activin sig- through mutagenesis, as in ACE-536, or using naling during these and other inflammatory ligand-selective modified prodomains. These processes might be clinically beneficial. Consis- agents will not only be useful clinically, but tent with this hypothesis, mice given lethal dos- also provide tools to dissect the milieu of factors es of LPS show improved clinical outcomes that affect biological outcomes in vivo. Restrict- when treated with follistatin, and circulating ing therapeutic inhibition strategies to a single activin levels directly correlate with proinflam- ligand or a selected combination of ligands will matory cytokine production, and inversely with help to achieve the most desirable clinical out- survival (Jones et al. 2007). Also, administered comes while minimizing undesirable side ef- follistatin protects against several inflammatory fects. It will be interesting to determine whether processes, such as bleomycin-induced lung in- targeting specific ligands has beneficial effects jury in rats (Aoki et al. 2005), antigen-induced on body composition, metabolism, and other asthma and airway remodeling in mice (Hardy processes in which activins participate. Efforts et al. 2006, 2013), early-stage liver fibrosis (Pa- to develop such agents are underway, with evi- tella et al. 2006), and inflammatory bowel dis- dence that selective inhibitors reproduce some ease (Dohi et al. 2005). This spectrum of characteristics of the soluble receptors in vivo benefits in animal models strongly supports po- (Schneyer et al. 2008; Datta-Mannan et al. 2013; tential clinical use. Important considerations, Suragani et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2015). Based on however, are the biphasic complexity of activin the early successes of several TGF-b inhibitors, contributions to inflammatory processes and additional strategies for attenuating activin potential off-target effects of systemic follistatin signaling should be explored, which include administration. To our knowledge, no ongoing blocking the expression of specific ligands or human clinical trials target activin-associated the translation of their mRNAs using antisense inflammation. molecules, producing antibodies that target ligands, receptors, and associated proteins, blocking the conversion from latent to active FUTURE DIRECTIONS: INHIBITION OF ligand, identifying and refining ligand-compet- ACTIVIN SIGNALING—THERAPEUTIC itive peptide inhibitors, blocking receptor ki- POTENTIAL AND POSSIBLE PITFALLS nases using small molecules, or blocking tran- Although much attention has been given to scription effects of Smad complexes. GDF-8 as the primary ligand target for benefi- An important challenge facing inhibition of cial effects of ActRIIB inhibition on body com- specific ligands, particularly activins that are position, metabolism, and energy expenditure, widely expressed, is that off-target effects be- other ligands and receptors, notably the activins cause of suppression of activin signaling in and ActRII, may contribute substantially to other tissues might limit the potential for clin- these processes (Coerver et al. 1996; Lee and ical use. However, this possibility exists for any McPherron 2001; Lee et al. 2005; Souza et al. new therapeutic agent, and the clinical risk to 2008). Moreover, myostatin-deficient mice benefit ratio must always be carefully consid- treated with soluble ActRIIB show a further in- ered. We are encouraged by the progress of sev- crease in muscle mass, suggesting that other li- eral clinical trials that successfully target TGF-b gands contribute (Lee et al. 2005), and activins signaling to improve outcomes for a variety of have recently been implicated as negative regu- and fibrotic diseases (reviewed in lators of muscle mass in vivo (Chen et al. 2015). Akhurst and Hata 2012). Therefore, soluble receptors and other “ligand traps” will ultimately impact the functions of all ligand partners, particularly those that bind REFERENCES with high affinity. To be most useful clinically, Acharyya S, Guttridge DC. 2007. Cancer cachexia signaling more selective approaches are needed, such as pathways continue to emerge yet much still points to the altering the binding characteristics of the traps proteasome. Clin Cancer Res 13: 1356–1361.

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Activins and Inhibins

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Activins and Inhibins: Roles in Development, Physiology, and Disease

Maria Namwanje and Chester W. Brown

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021881 originally published online June 21, 2016

Subject Collection The Biology of the TGF-β Family

TGF-β Family Signaling in Early Vertebrate TGF-β Family Signaling in Mesenchymal Development Differentiation Joseph Zinski, Benjamin Tajer and Mary C. Mullins Ingo Grafe, Stefanie Alexander, Jonathan R. Peterson, et al. Bone Morphogenetic Protein−Based Therapeutic TGF-β1 Signaling and Tissue Fibrosis Approaches Kevin K. Kim, Dean Sheppard and Harold A. Jonathan W. Lowery and Vicki Rosen Chapman TGF-β Family Signaling in Ductal Differentiation Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Vascular and Branching Morphogenesis Homeostasis and Disease Kaoru Kahata, Varun Maturi and Aristidis Marie-José Goumans, An Zwijsen, Peter ten Dijke, Moustakas et al. TGF-β Signaling in Control of Cardiovascular TGF-β Family Signaling in Epithelial Function Differentiation and Epithelial−Mesenchymal Marie-José Goumans and Peter ten Dijke Transition Kaoru Kahata, Mahsa Shahidi Dadras and Aristidis Moustakas TGF-β Family Signaling in Tumor Suppression TGF-β Family Signaling in Connective Tissue and and Cancer Progression Skeletal Diseases Joan Seoane and Roger R. Gomis Elena Gallo MacFarlane, Julia Haupt, Harry C. Dietz, et al. Targeting TGF-β Signaling for Therapeutic Gain The TGF-β Family in the Reproductive Tract Rosemary J. Akhurst Diana Monsivais, Martin M. Matzuk and Stephanie A. Pangas Regulation of Hematopoiesis and Hematological TGF-β Family Signaling in Drosophila Disease by TGF- β Family Signaling Molecules Ambuj Upadhyay, Lindsay Moss-Taylor, Myung-Jun Kazuhito Naka and Atsushi Hirao Kim, et al.

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TGF-β Family Signaling in Neural and Neuronal Signaling Cross Talk between TGF-β/Smad and Differentiation, Development, and Function Other Signaling Pathways Emily A. Meyers and John A. Kessler Kunxin Luo

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