Community Weekend COVELO WILDFIRE sports digest entertainment 427-acre fire nearly contained ............Page 7 ..............Page 3 ..................................Page 1 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Breezy with lots of sunshine 7 58551 69301 0 THURSDAY July 12, 2007 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL 16 pages, Volume 149 Number 94 email:
[email protected] Supervisors defend travel expenses By KATIE MINTZ travel policy for reimbursements, in the grand jury report that I feel are clusions about expenditures I don’t January 2007, that “claims for unre- The Daily Journal some saying that any apparent abuse erroneous and are misinformed,” think you really can make.” imbursable meetings, functions/ Mendocino County supervisors has been greatly blown out of pro- board Chairwoman Kendall Smith, The report states, based on super- events and miles not actually driven are responding to a recent grand jury portion. who represents the 4th District, said visor expense reports and travel report alleging misuse of the board “A lot of assumptions were made Wednesday. “They’re drawing con- claim forms from July 2005 to See TRAVEL, Page 15 UKIAH CITY COUNCIL HEALING WITH EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES Marijuana growing in city up for discussion By KATIE MINTZ The Daily Journal In a special meeting today, the Ukiah City Council will discuss enforcement of its ordinance related to cultivation of marijuana in city limits and a possible revision to the document. Inclusion of the topic in the meeting, scheduled to begin at 11:45 a.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 300 Seminary Ave., was suggested by Councilman John McCowen, who said both he and the city have continued to receive complaints about abuse of the city’s provision for growing medical marijuana, and he believes it’s time to consider possible changes.