Policy Compendium Summer 2016 (UPDATED 8/10/16)
Policy Compendium Summer 2016 (UPDATED 8/10/16) Produced by The American College of Physicians Division of Government Affairs and Public Policy Washington, DC HOW TO USE THE ACP POLICY COMPENDIUM The American College of Physicians (ACP) Policy Compendium is arranged by headings of broad category areas relating to health care. These categories follow those used in the American Medical Association (AMA) Policy Compendium to facilitate cross-referencing between ACP and AMA policies. All headings are listed in both the table of contents and the text of the manual in bold, underlined, upper-case letters. Headings indicate the general subject being addressed, and are followed by one or more policies. The individual policies indicate the subject being addressed, and appear as bold, lower-case letters below the heading. Subheadings address specific elements of a policy, and are listed in italic, lower-case letters. CITATION LEGEND A citation follows each policy in this Compendium. The following table shows the key for abbreviations used in those citations. The citation format is [Paper Title, Approving Body YY], where YY represents the last two digits of the approval year. ACP The Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians, pre-merger. ACP AMA Del Res A Resolution of the ACP Delegation to the AMA. BoR The Board of Regents of the ACP, post-merger. CMS The Council of Medical Societies HoD The House of Delegates of the ASIM, pre-merger. ADDRESS The American College of Physicians Division of Governmental Affairs and Public Policy 25 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 Telephone: 202.261.4500 or 800.338.2746 <http://www.acponline.org> Policy statements published in the Policy Compendium are those policy statements of a national scope adopted by the ACP Board of Regents.
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