June 16, 1994
lllll*l****IIIICAR-RT-SORT••O 241 01/31/95 II 14 R. I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOCIA 130 SESSiDNS ST. PROVIDENCE Rl 02906 Rhode Island Jew1sn Father's ~~·; ·H E RALD Day PAGES 13 &14 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIV, NUMBER 30 TAMMUZ 7, 5754 /THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1994 35¢ PER COPY Yemenite Leader Thousands Mourn Death Focuses on Missing of Rabbi Schneerson Yemenite Children by Susan Birnbaum and Heights, as followers waited for Despite the sudden rush to by Michele Chabin Meshulam, a former intelli Pamela Druckennan their first glimpse of the rebbe's the coffin from the sea of black JERUSALEM (JTA) - For 45 genceoffi cer,claims tohavedocu NEW YORK (JT A) - Tens of coffin. hatted mourners, no injuries were years, Israel's tight-knit Yemenite ments proving that government thousands of Chasidic Jews reported. community has maintained that officials in the late '40s and early flocked to Brooklyn's Crown The crowds walked behind the thousands of Yemenite children 'S0s stole Yemenite children and Heights neighborhood to pay slowly moving vehicle, which who supposedly died in early sold them to overseas brokers as tribute to Rabbi Menachem led a processional through the childhood were actually kid a means of earning cash for the Mendel Schneerson, who died Crown Heights neighborhood. napped from their fledgling state. here early Sunday morning at Some SO buses were waiting parents in the He claims that the age of 92. to take some of the rebbe's fol 1940s and 1950s, 'We asked where the most of the chil A monumental figure in the lowers to the cemetery after the and given up for dren a re alive, modern-day Jewish world who procession was over.
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