Pr. dr. hab. Anna GEPPERT Full Professor, University Paris-Sorbonne. Past Secretary General of AESOP (2007-2011). 63, rue Libergier F-51100 Reims +33 679 71 96 24
[email protected] Curriculum Vitae Education and training 2008 Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) ➢ Title : Towards the emergence of Strategic Spatial Planning ➢ Jury : Pr. Marcel Bazin (Reims), Pr. Gabrial Dupuy (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Pr. Andreas Faludi (UT Delft, Netherlands), Pr. Claude Lacour (Bordeaux 4), Pr. Alain Motte (Aix-Marseille 3), Pr. Didier Paris (Lille 1). ➢ Mandatory to apply for the Abilitazione for full professorship in France ➢ There are no distinctions for this diploma level in France. 1996 PhD (Doctorat NR) ➢ Title : Réseaux urbains et aménagement du territoire en Champagne-Ardenne [intercity networks and spatial planning in Champagne-Ardenne] ➢ Director : Prof. Marcel Bazin, U. Reims-Champagne-Ardenne ➢ Distinction : Très Honorable avec les Féliciations du Jury [cum laude] 1991 Master in urban and regional planning, Université Paris-Sorbonne ➢ 1991 : D.E.A., title : Reims et Amiens, villes à une heure de Paris. ➢ 1989 : Maîtrise, title : L'aménagement des zones d'activités et des infrastructures de transport dans la perspective européenne à Reims ➢ Director : Pr. Bernard Dézert ➢ Distinctions : Mention Très Bien [cum laude] Language skills Mother tongues French, Polish Fluent English, Swedish Fair Russian, Italian - 1 - Work experience Since 2009 Full Professor, Paris-Sorbonne University. Faculty of Geography and Planning ➢ Director of Studies of the Master in Urban planning 1996-2009 Associate Professor, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Geography Department, Institut d'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement de l'Université de Reims (IATEUR) ➢ 2008 : Creation of the joint Master in spatial planning in partnership with Slovak Technical University in Bratislava ➢ 2003-2004 : National School of Administration (ENA) scholarship ➢ 1998-2001 : Director of the Geography Department 1992-96 Assistant and lecturer, Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne.