(NAC) the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Nextgen Advisory Committee (NAC) Was Held on March 14 at Harris Corporation in Palm Bay, FL
RTCA, Inc. 1150 18th Street, NW, Suite 910 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 833-9339 Fax: (202) 833-9434 www.rtca.org RTCA Paper No. 117-18/NAC-054 March 14, 2018 Meeting Summary, March 14, 2018 NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) The twenty-third meeting of the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) was held on March 14 at Harris Corporation in Palm Bay, FL. The meeting discussions are summarized below and the presentation (Attachment 1) for the meeting contains much of the detail on the content covered during the meeting. List of attachments: • Attachment 1 – Presentations for the Committee meeting • Attachment 2 – List of Attendees – Committee members and general public • Attachment 3 - October 4, 2017 NAC Meeting Summary • Attachment 4 – NAC Chairman Bronczek Report • Attachment 5 – FAA Report/Designated Federal Officer remarks • Attachment 6 – Priorities for Improving Operational Performance in the Northeast Corridor through CY2021 Report Welcome and Introduction NAC Chair Dave Bronczek, President & COO, FedEx Corporation, began the meeting at 9 a.m., thanking Ed Zoiss and the Harris team for hosting the event and welcoming the committee members and others in attendance (Attachment 2). He emphasized the importance of the Committee members participation and the opportunity, “to have their voice heard”. Designated Federal Officer Statement (DFO) DFO Dan Elwell, FAA Acting Administrator, presented the Federal Advisory Committee Act notice that governs public meetings. Review and Approval of October 4, 2017 Meeting Summary Chairman Bronczek asked for and received approval of the summary from the October 4, 2017 meeting. (Attachment 3) Chairman’s Report In his remarks (Attachment 4), Chairman Bronczek emphasized the huge potential benefits of modernizing air transportation (NextGen) in the Northeast Corridor (NEC).
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