BBC WEEK 40, 4 – 10 October 2014 Programme Information, Television & Radio BBC Press Office



SUNDAY 5 OCTOBER Great Scottish Run NEW BBC Two Scotland



THURSDAY 9 OCTOBER Clann a' Chogaidh Mhoir / Small Hands in a Big War NEW BBC ALBA HMS Timbertown NEW BBC ALBA

FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER Danny MacAskill: Riding the Ridge NEW BBC One Scotland


Viewers outside Scotland can access BBC One Scotland on Sky 141 (HD) & 951, Freesat 108 (HD) & 960, Virgin Media 108 (HD) & 862. BBC Two Scotland can be viewed on Sky 142 (HD) & 970, Freesat 970. BBC ALBA is on Sky 143, Freesat 110, Virgin Media 188, Freeview 8 (Scotland only). BBC Radio Scotland can be accessed on Sky 0116, Freesat 712, Freeview 719 (Scotland only). BBC One Scotland, BBC Two Scotland and BBC ALBA are also available on the BBC iPlayer & BBC Radio Scotland on


Great Scottish Run NEW Sunday 5 October BBC Two, 10.30am – 1.30pm

As thousands take to the streets of for the Great Scottish Run, BBC Two brings all the action from the event, presented by Dougie Vipond. BBC Scotland presenters Rhona MacLeod and David Currie will also be at landmarks along the route, with Brendan Foster, Andrew Cotter and Paula Radcliffe providing commentary. Elite athletes taking part include last year’s winner Haile Gebrselassie who will be defending his crown, along with Jo Pavey who will be lining up for the women’s race, returning to Glasgow where she won a bronze medal in the Commonwealth Games. It’s not just the elite athletes taking part though, with the Great Scottish Run being Scotland’s largest mass participation event. BBC Two will be on the ground with the 10k and half marathon runners, cheering them on to the finishing line. Great Scottish Run is a Film Nova Production for BBC Scotland.

Karen Higgins


Cobhair Chloinne/Paediatric Retrieval Service, Ep 3/6 Monday 6 October BBC ALBA, 8.30 – 9.00pm

The Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service provides a unique and vital service at the heart of Scotland's NHS. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this team of specialist doctors and nurses are on call to ensure that critically ill children receive life-saving treatment wherever they are in Scotland. This week the team transfer a child to Yorkhill hospital for emergency surgery after a chest infection becomes serious. A young girl is brought from Wick to Glasgow by air ambulance after suffering an acute asthma attack. And a very sick premature baby with a serious lung condition requires emergency treatment to try to save his life.

Gary McQueen / Rachel Woodford


River City Tuesday 7 October BBC One Scotland HD, 8.00 – 9.00pm

This week in Shieldinch…the grisly discovery of Eric Turnbull’s body sets DI Donald on a mission to seek justice; the heat is on Frank as DI Donald grows increasingly suspicious; and there’s trouble ahead for Alex as Kelly-Marie and Lenny pile on the pressure. As forensics retrieve Eric’s body from a shallow grave, DI Donald grows determined to prove a link between his murder and the corrupt regeneration project. However, Acting DI Grant urges caution. When Betty Turnbull’s questioned about the run-up to Eric’s disappearance, a number of suspects come to light including Alan and Frank. The investigation takes an unexpected turn after the initial post-mortem reveals Eric died six weeks ago. Recalling Betty’s comment that Frank said he’d spoken to Eric three weeks previously, DI Donald’s interest is spiked. At the City Chambers, the heat is firmly on Frank as he denies all knowledge, claiming Betty got her dates wrong but DI Donald remains unconvinced. Meanwhile, Will finds something unsettling in Raymond’s toxicology report, casting a shadow of doubt over his death as suicide. And when an eye witness comes forward, it looks as though the net is closing in on Frank. Meanwhile, Kelly-Marie challenges Alex about Lenny’s secret involvement in the ill-fated development. Furious he lied to her, Kelly-Marie questions their future together. Things go from bad to worse for Alex when Lenny makes him and offer he can’t refuse – run his new club with him to pay off his debt.

DI Donald is played by Robin Laing, Frank by Paul Thomas Hickey, Alex by Jordan Young, Kelly -Marie by Carmen Pieraccini, Lenny by Frank Gallagher, Acting DCI Grant by Therese Bradley, Betty by Molly Innes and Alan by Stephen McCole,

Julie Whiteside


Vets: Gach Creutair Beo, Ep 3/8 Tuesday 7 October BBC ALBA, 8.30 – 9.00pm

This series takes viewers on a journey across Scotland following vets as they tend to animals from small to large to very wild. This programme follows equine specialist vet Scott Pirie at the Dick Vet School. One horse gets a CT scan, which is a real practical challenge, and a late night emergency case comes in with suspected colic, which is a life threatening condition. At Ardene House, Marcel Kovalik is the visiting specialist dermatologist vet who has to go through a process of elimination before he can identify what causes a dog's allergies. This week viewers also see him teaching an owner to inject his dog himself as they are going on vacation. And in Wick, the programme sees how sick a newborn can get when Shadow the Alsatian puppy comes in after being very unwell, but vet Iain Maclean has good news for his owners who fear the worst. But it is not such good news for Shana the farmer who owns 15 goats as Iain goes out to see Opal, who is one of the older ones in her herd. Stories of joy and stories of sadness as Vets: Gach Creutair Beo meets all creatures great and small.

Gary McQueen / Rachel Woodford


Bannan / The Ties that Bind, Ep 3/3 LAST IN THE SERIES Tuesday 7 October BBC ALBA, 9.00 – 9.30pm

Bannan is the story of Màiri MacDonald's return home to the island from which she escaped eight years ago, having left her family and the place, its claustrophobia and its customs. However, her homecoming is longer than anticipated as the emotional ties ('bannan') renew their hold. Alasdair returns to their home in the city, expecting Mairi to follow as arranged. He is confused and suspicious when she reveals her intention to stay on the island even longer. Màiri is forced to explain her actions which create ripples in the community. Iain's relationship with his parents deteriorates even further, and he reacts recklessly - putting his own and other lives in great danger.

Gary McQueen / Rachel Woodford


Gaol @ Gael, Ep 3/3 LAST IN THE SERIES Wednesday 8 October BBC ALBA, 10.00 – 10.30pm

In the third, and final, episode of Gaol@Gael, Muriel takes her matchmaking skills to the Isles of Uist and Lewis. The website is up and running and Muriel takes it upon herself to personally vet potential singles applying to be on the Gaol@Gael website. She considers two new clients, Fearchar, a crofter from Uist and Mabel from South Lochs. Muriel attempts to quench Fearchar's love for Vietnam and tea and Gaol@Gael discovers if she can take on Mabel and her unique approach to life. She also meets up with a Gaol@Gael regular, Ishi, last seen in Da La san Damhair, and she's not happy with the service she's getting from Muriel. The programme sees whether diplomacy or fireworks are the order of the day. In the last of the current series, Gaol@Gael explores how does Muriel deals with the slightly more odd side of life.

Gary McQueen / Rachel Woodford


Clann a' Chogaidh Mhoir / Small Hands in a Big War NEW Thursday 9 October BBC ALBA, 8.30 – 8.55pm

Clann a' Chogaidh Mhòir (Small Hands In a Big War) is a series about the First World War, told through the eyes of the children who were alive at the time. A 12-year-old German girl helps her sister who is a nurse in a hospital for wounded soldiers. When the Head Doctor refuses to treat a gas victim she stealthily steps in to care for him herself and succeeds in saving his life.

Gary McQueen / Rachel Woodford


HMS Timbertown NEW Thursday 9 October BBC ALBA, 9.00 – 10.00pm

Angela MacLean brings us the untold story of HMS Timbertown where sailors from Lewis became prisoners of neutrality. After the fall of Antwerp in October 1914, 1,500 men from Winston Churchill's newly formed Royal Naval Division crossed the border into the neutral Netherlands to evade capture from the German Army. Incredibly, 102 men from that number came from the Isle of Lewis. These men would be interned in a camp in the Netherlands for the duration of the war. For the first time, Angela MacLean retraces the journey they took through the fort at Antwerp, to the border crossing with the Netherlands and finally to the town of Groningen where wooden huts were built to house the men in a camp which became known as HMS Timbertown. Angela uncovers what life was like in the camp: from the highs of the football matches, to the lows of failed escape attempts and the reality of death.

Gary McQueen / Rachel Woodford


Danny MacAskill: Riding the Ridge NEW Friday 10 October BBC One Scotland, 7.30 – 8.00pm

Scottish street trials rider and internet sensation Danny MacAskill has taken on a daredevil challenge on the Isle of Skye – to ride a bike on the island’s notorious Cuillin Ridge line. In this documentary, BBC One Scotland follows Danny and his team as they tackle the breath-taking but dangerous landscape to shoot their latest video, which they hope will be a viral internet hit. As Danny returns to the island he grew up on, he says: “Although I get to travel the world now, Skye’s very much my home. You maybe don’t appreciate it when you live here but it’s quite a magical place. The Cuillin Ridge is the centre of Skye for me, the sort of backbone of the island.” The idea for the viral is to feature Danny riding along and around the 12 kilometre ridge line. BBC One Scotland follows the journey every step of the way – with the documentary featuring the finished result at the end. Danny MacAskill: Riding the Ridge is a Cut Media production for BBC Scotland.

Karen Higgins


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