LETTERS to the EDITOR a Critical Analysis Of
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR test of my claims. All that is needed is to fol- must be toxic, and suggested that she would low the simple step-by-step directions I pro- need to remove her clothing for tapping to be vide. It only takes a matter of minutes to do effective. There is currently no solid evidence to and the therapy results are usually immediate. view such concepts as anything more than post My algorithms arc quite simple. Using hoc attempts to explain away null effects. my algorithms, grandmothers cure young Callahan states that he has been developing grandchildren, children cure other children, this therapy for over twenty years now, but has lay people are curing themselves, their rela- only in the past few years stopped using affir- tives, and friends. Some psychologists, how- mations in his therapy. However, many TFT¬ ever, are curiously reluctant to try my easy trained therapists, as well as other "energy" step-by-step procedures. therapists, continue to use the affirmations I was recently invited to discuss my work with tapping. For example, we recently with an e-mail list called "Scientific Clinical reviewed a training video from a CT-TFT Psychologists." Surprisingly, not one scientist trained therapist who used affirmations in a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. on the list was willing to test my easily "Energy" therapists frequently combine TFT testable therapy. Professor Herbert indicated with techniques borrowed from established on the list that his only interest in trying it therapies. This highlights the importance of would be to "disprove" my claims, but nev- testing a TFT protocol in controlled conditions ertheless, he was opposed to anyone even in order to determine what, if any, "active trying my procedures.
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