Running head: SYSTEMATIC PHONICS 1 Reconsidering the evidence that systematic phonics is more effective than alternative methods of reading instruction Jeffrey S. Bowers University of Bristol Author Note: Jeffrey S. Bowers, School of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol. I would like to thank Patricia Bowers, Peter Bowers, Danielle Colenbrander, Rebecca Marsh, Kathy Rastle, Robert Ross, and Gail Venable for comments on previous drafts and Abla Hatherell for help on compiling the data for Figures 2-3. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jeffrey S Bowers, School of Experimental Psychology, 12a Priory Road, Bristol, BS8-1TU. Email j.bow-
[email protected] Personal website: SYSTEMATIC PHONICS 2 Abstract There is a widespread consensus in the research community that reading instruction in Eng- lish should first systematically teach children letter (grapheme) to sound (phoneme) corre- spondences rather than meaning-based reading approaches such as whole language instruc- tion. That is, initial reading instruction should emphasize systematic phonics. In this system- atic review I show this conclusion is not justified. First, I review and critique experimental studies that have assessed the efficacy of systematic phonics as summarized in 12 meta-anal- yses and two government reports. Not only are the results and conclusions of these reports often mischaracterized in the literature, there are serious flaws in analyses that undermine the conclusions that are drawn. Second, I review non-experimental studies have been used to support the conclusion that systematic phonics is most effective. Again, I show the conclu- sions are not justified. These findings should not be taken as an argument in support of whole language and related methods, but rather, highlight the need for alternative approaches to reading instruction.