THE DIAPASON MAY 2020 Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Worcester, Massachusetts Cover feature on pages 22–23 PHILLIP TRUCKENBROD CONCERT ARTISTS ANTHONY & BEARD ADAM J. BRAKEL THE CHENAULT DUO PETER RICHARD CONTE CONTE & ENNIS DUO LYNNE DAVIS ISABELLE DEMERS CLIVE DRISKILL-SMITH DUO MUSART BARCELONA JEREMY FILSELL MICHAEL HEY HEY & LIBERIS DUO CHRISTOPHER HOULIHAN DAVID HURD MARTIN JEAN BÁLINT KAROSI JEAN-WILLY KUNZ HUW LEWIS RENÉE ANNE LOUPRETTE ROBERT MCCORMICK JACK MITCHENER BRUCE NESWICK ORGANIZED RHYTHM RAÚL PRIETO RAM°REZ JEAN-BAPTISTE ROBIN BENJAMIN SHEEN HERNDON SPILLMAN JOSHUA STAFFORD CAROLE TERRY JOHANN VEXO W͘K͘ŽdžϰϯϮ ĞĂƌďŽƌŶ,ĞŝŐŚƚƐ͕D/ϰဒϭϮϳ ǁǁǁ͘ĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƌƟƐƚƐ͘ĐŽŵ ĞŵĂŝůΛĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƌƟƐƚƐ͘ĐŽŵ ဒϲϬͲϱϲϬͲϳဒϬϬ ŚĂƌůĞƐDŝůůĞƌ͕WƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ WŚŝůůŝƉdƌƵĐŬĞŶďƌŽĚ͕&ŽƵŶĚĞƌ BRADLEY HUNTER WELCH SEBASTIAN HEINDL INSPIRATIONS ENSEMBLE ϮϬϭဓ>ÊĦóÊÊ'ÙÄÝ /ÄãÙÄã®ÊĽKÙ¦Ä ÊÃÖã®ã®ÊÄt®ÄÄÙ THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Eleventh Year: No. 5, Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home! Whole No. 1326 We have all heard some variation on this mantra countless MAY 2020 times in recent weeks. The staff of The Diapason wishes Established in 1909 our readers health and safety as we continue to make our way Stephen Schnurr ISSN 0012-2378 together through this unprecedented world-wide pandemic. 847/954-7989;
[email protected] As of this writing, we are still on schedule with production An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, of the monthly magazine for you, our subscribers. We are all the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music working remotely to keep our journal coming to you and to In this issue keep our staff safe. We are pleased to present the CONTENTS winning entry for our fi rst Gruen- FEATURES Resources at our website stein Award, “Reevaluating Andrea Reevaluating Andrea Antico’s Frottole of As most of us will spend much of our foreseeable future Antico’s Frottole of 1517,” by Alex- 1517 mindful of social distancing, our dependence on the internet ander Meszler.