The Farmington Normal, Vol.4 : No.1 : December 1904
Scholar Works The Farmington Normal University Archives 12-1904 The Farmington Normal, vol.4 : no.1 : December 1904 Farmington State Normal School University of Maine at Farmington Follow this and additional works at: \'.)ol. 4 no.1 DECEMBER, l 904 Entered at P os t-Offi c e al Fam, ;n~to n , Maine, as Seco nd-Cla ss Mail Matter {, FARMINGTONSrfATE NORMAL SCHOO L. TEACHERS. I>vincipal. GEORGE C. PURINGTON, A. M. Psychology, Didactics, Civics, School Laws, School Management, Music. Hssistants. WILBERT G. MALLETT, A. B. Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Geology, Astronomy, Moral Philosophy, Ethics. HORTENSE M. MERRILL. Reading, English Literature, General History, History United States. KATE H. PATTANGALL, A. B. Physiology, Botany, English Composition, English Grammar, Algebra. KATHARINE E. ABBOTT. Algebra, Geometry, Drawing, Book- keeping. HELEN M. MARCH. Arithmetic, Calisthenics, Elementary Vocal Music, Geography. LOUISE W. RICHARDS, Penmanship, Arithmetic. 'i I>vincipal of the 'Cvaining School. LILLIAN I. LINCOLN. Psychology and Methods. t Hssistants in the 'Cvaining Schools. LOUISE W. RICHARDS,-GRAMMAR GRADE. CELIA B. LELAND,-INTERMEDIATE GRADE. ETHEL M. EDWARDS,-SECOND PRIMARY. MYRTIE R . GARVIN,-FIRST PRIMARY. The FarmingtonNorma l. VoL . IV . FARMINGTON, MAINE, DECEMBER, 1904 . No. 1 . add to scholarship and teaching power, exec utive ability of a high order, all of which Mr. FOUR NUMBERS A YEAR . Johnson has in a marked degree. Life is (DecembeY, FebYUary,Apn'/ and Ju ne.) much more complex to-day than it was even twenty:five years ago,-a complexity that is Published by the Teachers and Pupils of the Farmington intensified in school manag ement.
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