Staffordshire. [Kelly'~
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• STOKE·UPON-T.HE:NT .. STAFFORDSHIRE. [KELLY'~ Burley Amelia (Miss), d.Tess maker, 22 Copeland street Cooper John T. shopkeeper, 18 Market street Burley Mary Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, II5 Liverpool rd Cooper Thomas, shopkeeper,. 39 Birks street Burslem & District Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. Cope Catherine (Mrs.), grocer, 488 Hartshill road 2 Jubilee road; 215 London road; 59 Liverpool road & Copeland W. T. & Sons, earthenware manufrs. High at I 1 Lovatt street Copeland Arms Hotel (.Arthur Wm. Burgess), Glebe at Burt Robert & William, stone maaons, London road Corbishley A. H. & Co. earthenware mers. 39 Jame11 at Burton Joseph & Son, grocers, 56 Church street Corbishley Charles, hair dresser, 3 Market street Burton .A.mos F.S.I., .A..M.I.O.E. borough engineer & Gorbishley Charles, tobacconist, 377 London road surveyor for the county borough of Stoke-on-Trent, *Oorbishle;t: Henry, farmer, Springfields villa,Spring.field 'fawn hall, Glebe street Corden Hannah (Mrs.), fancy draper, 187 London road Burton Francis, shopkeeper, 4 John street Cornes Joseph, butcher, 63 Cc>rparation street Burton Thomas H. grocer, 64 Cornwallis street Cornforth Ernest Edward, railway plant contractor, if Burton William H. confectioner, 41 Church street Winton terrace Bury G. W., M.B., Ch.B.Vict. house surgeon to North Cornwell William, confectioner &c. 52 Church street Staffordshire Infirmary, Hartshill Coronation Pottery Co. earthenware mfrs. Lonsdale a\ Butler Edward, beer retailer, u & 12 Winton terrace Corporation Yard (William Howell, storekeeper),Orosa •' Butler George, registrar of births, deaths & marriage:., Corser Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Woodhouse 11 8 Brook street Cotgrave Robert, beer retailer, 16 North street Butler George H. grocer, 29 Hill street Cotton Richard & .Albert, grocers, 64 Liverpool road Butterfield Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, 30 Liverpool road Cotton Harry, Bridge inn, Liverpool road Butterworth Frank & Ernest, grocers, 23 Etruria road, Cotton Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer, 409 Ha.rtshillroad Basford County Court (Stoke & Lc>ngton) (His Honor Alfred H. Butterworth Frederick J. coal merchant, see Baliewell Ruegg K.G. judge; James Cutcli:ffe Marshall,registra.r & Butterworth & high bailiff; Jas. W.Clucas, chief clerk),Lonsdale at Buxton Lewis. beer retailer, 26 Thomas street County Dental Association Limited (The) (Frank Sarson, Caddick John & Son Limited, brick & tile manufac- manager), artific1al teeth manufacturers, 15 Church at turers &c. Spoutfield tileries, Brickkiln lane County of Stafford Northern Division Weights & Measurea Caddy Samuel, fishmonger, 707 Hartshill road Office (Edward Walker Horton Knight, chief inspector), Caldwell Hy.&Co.india rubber goods mfrs.41Liverpool rd 32 Copeland street Calvin Charles, beer retailer, 369 London road Cow en J oseph, loan office, 8 Lonsdale street Campbell Tile Co. (The), encaustic tile mfrs.London rd Cox John, grocer, Bg Victoria street, Basford Capewell Jane & Harriet (Misses), shopkprs.44 Wilson at Oox Philip Mottram, ooal merchant, Glebe buildinga Capewell Albert, blacksmith, 12 Stoke Old road Craddock Bros. Lim. boot & ahoe mas. 21 Church at Capewell Ernest Jas. shopkeeper, 52 Flashla. Trent vale Craddock Winifred (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 19 Boughey ab Carratt Ed~in, chief inspector of nuisances for the CTaig Emily (Mrs.), tobacconist, 92 High street county borough of Stoke-on-Trent, St. Peter's cham- Critchlow Ern est, crate ma. & cooper, 39 W oodhouae ~~ hers, Glebe street Critchlow Peter, fried fish dealer, I Sweating stree• as Carter Charles, baker, 285 London road 94 Corporation street Carter Thomas, confectioner, 106 Liverpool road Crosby Sarah Mary (Miss), bookseller, 54 Liverpool road Cartlich Herbert, painter & plumber, 30 Hill street Cross & Co. boot repairers, 84 Liverpool road Cartlidge Arthur, shopkpr. 797 London rd. Trent vale Croxton Agnes (Mrs.), tobacconist, 85 London road Cartlidge Edwd.Capper, china & glass dlr. II Church st Culley & Co. Limited, beer bottlers, 44 Copeland s• Cartlidge Peter, shopkeeper, 40 .A.lbert street Curbishley Harry, canal surveyor to North Staffordshire Cartlidge William, grocPr, 13 A.rgyle street, Penkhull Railway Co.; office, 3 Winton square Cartwri!:,l'ht .Albert, ~hopkeeper, 74 New street Currie & Beattie, pawnbrokers, 427 Hartshill Toad Cartwright Edith (Mrs.), stocking knitter, 51 Stanley rd Dabbs Samuel, boot repairer, 51 Corporation street Cartwright Herbert, beer retailer, 13 Hill street Dale Frank Chester, fruiterer & greengrocer, III Vic- Cartwright Lillian May (Miss), milliner, 31 Richmond st toria street, Basford Cash Clothing Co. clothiers, 36 Church street Dale John .Arthur, chemi~t & druggist, 30 High street Catholic Chronicle (The) (Midlands Catholic Chronicle Dale Robert, shopkeeper, 13 Garnll'r t!treet, Cliff vale Ltd. proprietors & publishers; weekly), 36 Glebe st Dale Samuel, tripe dresser, 72 Lonsdale street Cemetery (E. B. Sharpley, clerk to the burial board; Dalton Harry, agent for Showell's Brewery Cc>. Ltd. John Myntt, registrar), Hartshill I 11 Copeland street Chambers F. G. & Co. timber merchants, & sawing Dancer Charles, b()ot repairer, 94 Lonsdale stTeet mills, Shelton wharf. T N 936 Central Dancer Frank, boot repairer, Corporation street f'harrington & Co. Lim. brewers (Alfred Mayer, agent), Daniel Henry Chas. beer retailer, 758 Hartshill road Jolm street Davies John Harry, Queen's P.H. 2 Liverpool road Chatfield Richard, plumber, 97 Liverpool road Davif's Samuel tailor, 42 Liverpool road Chatfield Thomas A.. beer retailer, 392 HaTtshill road ' Davies VincPnt, tailor, ·g8 Richmond street Chatterton William H. boot maker, 3 Liverpool road Davis Ada (Mrs.), herbalist, 28 Lonsdale road Cheadle E. J. & Sons, butchers, 24 Bedford st. Basford Davison Frederick, shopkePper, 28 George street Chell .Albert Edward, greengrocer, 367 London road Dawson G. J. Crosbie M.Jnqt.C.E. engineer North Staf. Churton Sidney, boot maker & shopkpr. 24 Lonsdale st I fordshire Railway Co.; offices, Railway station Clanway Colliery Co. Ltd. colliery proprs. Wolfe street Dawson Hannah(Mrs.),shopkpr.835 London rd.Trent vale Clark .Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Church st. Penkhull Dawson Herbert, shopkeeper, 417 Hartshill road Clark Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, 245 London road Dawson Leon. bf'Pr retailer, 37 Honeywall Clarke Emma Ann(Mrs. ),dairy farm,Fowlea fum,Basfrd Day Robert William, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Clarke Fredk. Jsph. ooal mer. 14 Belle Vue ter. Basford 28 Glebe street Clarke Gilbert, shopkeeper, Ior Selwvn street Deacon Harry, insurance supt. 17 Wolseley road Clarke Thomas, hay & straw dealer, Peel ~treet Dean & Lowe Limited, iron founders, Foundry street Clay William, shopkeeper, q. South Terrace, Boothen Dean George, machinery merchant, Stockton brook Clementa John, saddler, So L()nsdale sh·eet Dean Wm. picture frame ma. see Bellinl!ham & Dean Cliff James, boot repairer, 131 O'!:ford st. Penkhull Deaville ~o\rthur, shopkeepPr, 656 Oak hill 1 Cliff Thomas, beer retailer, II Wharf street Df'nton Alhert, joiner, 46 Clarence street, Basford Clowps Martha (Mrs.), grocer, 59 Neville street Df'vereux Dan G. ironmon~er, 40 High street Clutterbuck .Annie (Mrs.), hardware dlr. 178 London rd Dicken A.rthur, photographer, 1 Parker's ter.Brickkiln la Cockling Thomas, shopkeeper, 21 Wharf street Dick son J e'3sie (Mrs.), beer retailer, ro Liverpool road Coe Joseph Wm. F.R.O.V.S. vet. surgeon, 4 Copeland st Dhtance Cc>. (The), tobacconists, 93 Liverpool road Colclough & Weston, grocers, 31 Liverpool road Dix Emma (Mrs.), draper, 48 Newcastle rd. Trent vale Colclough Charles, fried fish dealer, 33 Wilson street Dobson Mary (Miss), milliner, 6o Victoria st. Basford Colclough Wm. firewood dealer, Old Farm yard,Penkhull Dodd William, confectioner, 23 High street Coleman James, sup1;. fire brigade, 32 Hill street Dolby Morris, grocer, 56 Liverpool road Collis Arthnr, grocer, q3 Campbell road Dolbv Morri~ (Mrs.), teacher of music, 56 Liverpool rd Collis Frank, solicitor, Wolfe street Dominican Convent & St. Margaret's Ho~pital for In- Collyer ErnPst W. survevor of taxes No. 2 district, cnrables, Hart~hiU road StokP, Hie-h StrePt chambers Doran Harry A. boot repairer, 738 Hartqhill road Connell Charles., sho-pkeepPr, II4 Fletcher road Douglas Andrew Richmond M.B., Ch.B.Edin. physician Conservative Club (Philip Rigby Mather,sec.),41 Glebe st & surgeon, 2 Brook street Cook James, butch(>r, go6 London road, Trent vale Dovey George, drug !!tOTes, gr; Victo-ria street, Easford Cooke Cicely (Miss), dress maker,76 Honeywall,Penkhull Dovey William, fried fi~h shop, 3 Clarenl'e 11t. Basford Cooper Alfred, boot re~airer, 310 London road DrakP Harry. picturE' frame maker, 470 Hartshill road Cooper John, beer retailer, 9 James street Draper Francis, 11hopkeeper, 3 Frank street Cooper John, im!Urance agent, 41 Campbell road Dndley Horace H. photographer, 46 Liverpool road .