Perry Harvey, Sr. Park: a Journey Into Tampa's History
Perry Harvey, Sr. Park: A Journey into Tampa’s History Celebrating history Celebrating The Scrub important part in the history of the city of Tampa. Over the years, the Central Avenue has a special place neighborhood of The Scrub developed in Tampa’s history, particularly for the a vibrant business district, and became African-American community, and a cultural mecca of sorts for a number the Perry Harvey, Sr. Park, located at of black musicians. 900 E. Scott St., will be a place where The area was booming, but began generations can come together to share to decline with urban renewal and in that history, to learn and enjoy. The integration. In 1967, the shooting of a improvements for Perry Harvey, Sr. Park 19-year-old black man resulted in three celebrate the history of Central Avenue, days of rioting, which contributed to its community leaders and cultural the downturn of the area. influences. In 1974, the last of the buildings The strength of the Tampa along Central Avenue, Henry community is built on its history. Joyner's Cotton Club, was closed and Central Avenue was the heart and demolished. Central Avenue Cotton Club soul of a community flourishing with Photo from Arthenia Joyner Five years later, in 1979, Perry leadership, entrepreneurship, strength Harvey, Sr. Park was developed at the and courage. request of local youth, looking for a The area was settled after the Civil place of their own to recreate near their War, when freed slaves relocated to Perry Harvey, Sr. homes. Photo from Harvey family an area northeast of downtown Tampa The park was named after Perry called The Scrub.
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