Suffolk Rare Plant Register
Species. Italic = probably extinct. Bold = new to Suffolk list as a result of latest RDB listing National/Local. 1= rare in Suffolk but commoner elsewhere. 2 = Frequent in Suffolk but rare elsewhere. 3 = Rare everywhere. 4 = declining but widespread a = Suffolk has a significant proportion of the national population Species English Threat status Distributi National E W Comment on status /Local 25 26 Atriplex pedunculata Pedunculate Sea Critically Endangered RDB 3 Extinct since last record at Walberswick 1935. A re-introduction attampt at Walberswick in the Purslane 1990s was not successful. Bupleurum Thorow-wax Critically Endangered 3 Archaeophyte, extinct in the wild. Now only occuring as a casual or deliberate introduction with rotundifolium arable seed mix. Dryopteris cristata Crested Buckler- Critically Endangered RDB 3 Extinct, last recorded at Purdis Farm pre-1980. fern Galeopsis angustifolia Red Hemp-nettle Critically Endangered 1 E W Archaeophyte, 4 doubtful records, but probably correct for Orfordness. Galium tricornutum Corn Cleavers Critically Endangered 3 Archaeophyte, extinct in the wild. Records in the 1980s were from deliberate introductions with arable weed mix. Ranunculus arvensis Corn Buttercup Critically Endangered Suffolk 1 E W Archaeophyte, about 7 sites in mid-Suffolk in arable sites on boulder clay. Middleton, Beccles, Rarity Witnesham, Wattisham, Elmsett, Great Thurlow, Cowlinge. Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd’s-needle Critically Endangered Nationally 2a E W Archaeophyte, still about 100 sites in Suffolk, but very scarce outside E. Anglia. This species is scarce also included as a priority species in the national and local BAPs. Senecio paludosus Fen Ragwort Critically Endangered 3 W 1 site, re-introduced in several places at Lakenheath Washes, last native record c.
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