About Our Firm
ABOUT OUR FIRM Software Equity Group is the nation’s leading investment bank and M&A advisory for privately- held software companies, e-businesses and IT service providers. Founded in 1992, our firm has provided advice and representation to hundreds of such firms throughout the United States and Canada, as well as Europe, Pacific-Asia, Africa and Israel. We primarily represent sellers – established, successful companies with revenues of $5 million to $50 million that seek to be acquired at a highly attractive valuation. We also provide M&A advisory services to public companies in search of strategic acquisitions. Software Equity Group is known and respected worldwide by public software company CEOs, CFOs and Corporate Development executives, first tier U.S. venture capital and private equity firms and software entrepreneurs. Software Equity Group’s Quarterly Reports are read by decision makers in twenty-six countries and members of our firm are quoted widely in such leading publications as The Daily Deal, Barrons, Reuters, Mergers & Acquisitions, USA Today, Softletter, Software Success, Software CEO Online and Software Business Magazine. Software Equity Group’s senior bankers have keynoted and spoken at more than one hundred software industry conferences and seminars, including Software Business, SoftExpo, Culpepper, VAR Conference, and the Arizona, Colorado, Chicago, Southern California, Denver, San Diego and Boulder Software Associations. Our clients span virtually every software technology, including e-commerce, data analytics, development tools, call center management, digital rights management, embedded systems, wireless apps, supply chain, ERP, CRM, middleware, CAD, internet infrastructure, as well as some 57 different vertical markets. We know these technologies and these software subsectors intimately, and we track closely software market trends and directions.
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