47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 2714.pdf Tectonics of Charon Ross A. Beyer1;2, Francis Nimmo3, William B. McKinnon4, Jeffrey Moore2, Paul Schenk5, Kelsi Singer6, John R. Spencer6, Hal Weaver7, Leslie Young6, Kimberly Ennico2, Cathy Olkin6, Alan Stern6, and the New Horizons Science Team. 1Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, 2NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA (
[email protected]), 3UCSC, 4WUStL, 5LPI, 6SwRI, 7JHU APL Charon, Pluto’s large companion, has a variety of (0.288 m s−2). Charon’s tectonic terrain is exception- terrains that exhibit tectonic features. The Pluto-facing ally rugged and and contains a network of fault-bounded hemisphere that New Horizons [1] observed at high res- troughs and scarps in the equatorial to middle latitudes. olution has two broad provinces: the relatively smooth This transitions northward and over the pole to the visi- plains of the informally named (as are all names in this ble limb into an irregular zone where the fault traces are abstract) Vulcan Planum to the south of the encounter neither so parallel nor so obvious, but which contains ir- hemisphere, and the zone north of Vulcan Planum. This regular depressions (one as deep as 10 km just outside of area is characterized by ridges, graben, and scarps, which Mordor Macula) and other large relief variations. are signs of extensional tectonism. The border between Chasmata: There are a number of chasmata that gen- these two provinces strikes diagonally across the en- erally parallel the strike of the northern margin of Vulcan counter hemisphere from as far south as −19◦ latitude ◦ Planum, and we will discuss the largest two here as they in the west to 25 in the east (Figure1).