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19,1940 Friday, January THE SOUTHERN JEWISH WEEKLY Page Five “THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS BEACH” Daytona Beach Average Summer Temperature, 81 Population 20,099 The American Way Sears, JEWS IN If it is the unusual that makes news, then the remark of President Karl Nordgren at the Kiwanis Club recently de- Roebuck serves widespread publicity. “For in no other country in SPORTS the world,” said President Nordgren, “could a club have for and Company its president a ‘heathen Swede, as its secretary a Catholic Irishman, and its vice hy Morris Weiner „ as president a German Jew.” DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. And that is exactly what the Sanford Kiwanis Club has as its principal officers, except that we doubt if President THROUGH? ball—Lou Spindell, Moe Nordgren IS NAT HOLMAN Goldman, is really a “heathen.” But he is a Swede. And Moe Spahn, the Raskin boys— Is the great Nat Holman slip- the Kiwanis secretary is the Rev. Father J. J. Kelleghan of Julie and Morris—have been Hol- ping? Has the “Miracle man of Catholic faith and more Irish than De Valera. While its EXCELLENT SERVICE! lost his magic man-coached products. For a vice .. Court Game” president Julius Dingfelder, .. MAGNIFICENT VIEW! the score of years the press, is a German Jew who coaching touch? These are but the fought in the Kaiser’s armies during the World War. many questions the coaches, the fans and the players two of the Now this is the sort of thing which could happen in any are asking and some of the all attested to the fact that Hol- <®rtll fans man knew more about game other city in the United States. But it is not the of Halifax278 N. Beach St. skeptics on Basketball Boulevard the sort than any ten coaches you thing likely to be found in any other country in the DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. would have it that Nat Holman is might world. mention —including Clair Bee of In many countries it would be impossible headed for the exits on a pair of to have any kind Famous For Fine Food at streamlined skids. Furthermore, L. I. U., Joe Lapchick of St. of organization at all even remotely resembling the Kiwanis Reasonable Prices Louis, and Howard Cann of N. Y. the kibitzers claim that no longer Club, much less with a roster of officers such as the local U. can the Holman genius breathe one has. And in some countries it would be utterly un- (We’re not shooting our mouth its personality into a handful of thinkable that a Swede, an Irish Catholic, and off in making so broad a state- a German Jew scrawny, scraggly, short-statured could sit down at the same table for the sake of good and come up with a ment—this entire last paragraph a youngsters sociable companionship. Your Business Appreciated championship basketball quintet is almost a direct steal from the testimonial dinner to Holman And yet isn’t that just the way we it in .this the way he used to do it five, ten ten- want dered by the New York Basket- country ? That is just the way fifteen and even twenty years it has been since long be- Rohatsch’s ball Writers’ Association 1938 fore the ago. What does this all boil down in Constitution of the United States guaranteed us the and the coaches just mentioned Bakery to then, or is it merely a tempest freedom of religious worship and the Declaration of Inde- took special pains to make their Home Made Pies, Cakes, in a teapot ? pendence held that all men are created free and equal. Isn’t points.) Pastry, Rolls and Bread Holman has been the recognized that one of the significant differences between country Again, then, what does all the this 816 MAIN ST. prince of the court game and other nations and of crown fuming and fretting about Nat one the main things which has DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. twenty years and more, and made this country greatest for Holman’s prestige boil down to? the of them all? his has been a royal road both In our estimation City College is Let’s keep it that way. (The Sanford Herald) as player and coach. His bril- merely in the doldrums. We’re liance as a player from 1915 to no apologist and even if we were land. There are four at City and for this trio saw three years of 1935 was not furnished a whit by Holman’s genius wouldn’t need four more on L. I. U. The same team-work in a Brooklyn high his amazing success as a coach on our alibis, but the “breaks” have number the Vincentian Red- school . We think this is a from 1920 to the same date. Some Jack L been piling up against the quin- men at St. John’s and a like record of some kind but what is of the greatest names in basket- tets produced by Holman during amount at N. Y. U. Which all even more impressive than rec- Robinson adds up to Neil Coholan’s state- ords is the the last two years. Thus, the fans fact that their earn- INSUROR REALTOR who have come to expect perenial ment when the coach of the Jesuit ings for their professional period school Phone 1330-1331 successes and eternal brilliance at Manhattan College told have averaged $4,700 per year . the Browning from a Holman coached team assembled sportwriters that While on the subject of pros . 118 Volusia Ave. D. W. were stunned last season when C. he would trade his “right arm for the Philly SPHAS are top favor- PLUMBING and HEATING DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. C. N. Y. flopped dismally and are a couple of smart Hebrew sharp- ites to clinch the National pro CONTRACTOR absolutely flabbergasted that the shooters up at my school. There’s title this season ... In case you’re no getting away from that old interested PHONE 50 performance has been duplicated SPHAS are the initials again this year. The fans are axiom that Jewish boys make the for the South Philadelphia He- 116 EAST FAIRVIEW AVE. unaccustomed to anything but a best basketball players ...” brew All-Stars and their playing DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. razzle-dazzle gang from City and BASKETBALL BANTER headquarters is the Broadwood “Modern Office Outfitters” because they haven’t seen Holman The only absolutely all Jewish Hotel in that city. come across for two successive court team this year that we years are yelling blue murder. know of—is the Yeshiva five in Upchurch But don’t sell Holman short! N. Y. C.—(Matter of fact this ERNEST He’s still tops and will still be school is only five minutes by Bond Office Supply JOHNSON’S leading ’em down the home subway from Manhattan College Suggestions When You Buy are Package Store Co. stretch when the kibitzers and Neil . Coholan) James WINES FISHING TACKLE Nat Holman through ? LIQUORS George Upchurch gone. Madison High School of Brooklyn, CORDIALS Deep Sea Fishing Parties Forget it and don’t make us New York, has already rolled up Arranged Minimum Prices 145 MAGNOLIA AVE. laugh! the impressive figure of thirty- Quality Bicycles for Sale and Rent Merchandise DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. two unbeaten games—a national Phone 536 Locks Repaired, Keys Made THE BASKETBALL SITUATION We Deliver PHONE 1021 IN GENERAL record for scholastic quintets . 242 S. Beach St. 818 Main Street DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. According to an Associated The “Jewels,” with Captain Mac Telephone 154 are Press wire dispatch little Old Posnac, still going strong in pro basketball . New York may not boast the the leagues This team smartest, the smoothest, the slick- graduated directly PHONE 529 WE DELIVER from the college gyms into the est-shooting and the speediest pro ranks has remained in- basketball quintets in the country and - & The Bogart tact for the past eleven years. Halifax Market B B Fisheries but it does possess the best. For & Retail All of them played together on Wholesale the past five years—ever since We Pack and Ship Pharmacy the freshmen team at St. John’s Fish To AllPoints In U. S. A. THE basketball went boom in the BEACH’S PIONEER and on the Varsity quintet as 22 SOUTH ATLANTIC AVE. DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. DRUGGIST Garden and has been jamming the well . thereby making a total fans of seventeen and eighteen of fifteen years for the same Phone 14 thousand up to the Garden raf- . group . and in the cases of ters —a New York City team has DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. i Posnak, Allie Shuckman, and Rip been the national champion. A i Gerson —the total is even more, quartet of quintets each have held the title once and one of them has MURPHY’S BAR come through on two successive Daytona Beach’s Oldest and | occasions. Only Exclusive Cash and LIQUORS Avon Studio The sou C. N. Y., Long Carry Cleaners and PORTRAITS KODAKS Island University, St. John’s DIXIE CLEANERS 128 Magnolia Ave. Daytona Beach, Fla. Kodak Finishing i New York University—are rated year in and Enlarging Coloring among the top-notchers and year out, but what is more DYERS I Telephone 1546 706 MAIN ST. ! interesting is the fact that there are more Jewish basketeers on 438 No. Beach St. FLA. Near Fairview Ave. DAYTONA BEACH, thase four outfits than on any i DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. thirty other court combines in the DAYTONA COCA COLA DINE AND DANCE BOTTLING CO. NEW YORKER BAR AND GRILL Fix-All Beach is Served The Choicest Food in Daytona DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA ~ Seafoods a Specialty Refrigeration Regular, up Dinners from 50c up.