Congressional Record-Sen Ate. 36I
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1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 359 Also, petition of Union League Club of New York, favoring with its request, the bill ( S. 7777) to authorize the St. Paul passage of bill H. R. 220, by Mr. Goulden, against desecration Bridge and Terminal Railway Company to construct a bridge of the flag by advertisements and in other ways-to the Com across the Mississippi River at or near St. Paul, Minn. mittee on Military Affairs. The message also announced that the House had passed a - By Mr. OVERSTREET: Paper to accompany bill for relief of bill (H. R. 22879) to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an Thomas Brunker-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. act to authorize the city of St. Louis, a corporation organized By l\1r. PUJO: Petition of citizens of St. Landry Parish, La., under the laws of the State of Missouri, to construct a bridge against construction of a dam across Bayou Courtableau-to across the Mississippi River," approved January 23, 1908, in the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. By l\Ir. RE"i'NOLDS: Paper to accompany bill for relief of ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Blair W. Peck-to the Committee on Pensions. The message further announced that the Speaker of the House Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of John Davis and had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution, and Joseph H. Stonebraker-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SABATH: Petition of Asiatic Exclusion League of they were thereupon signed by the Vice-President: S. 2999. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for North America, favori,ng a more effective Asiatic exclusion the extension of New Hampshire avenue, in the District of Co law-to the Committee O-Q. Foreign Affairs. lumbia, and for other pm·poses," approved-February 27, 1907; By Mr. SLAYDEN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of S. 4308. An act to change the name of V street, from Florida Mary A. and Clarence E. Haney-to the Committee on War avenue to Nineteenth street NW., to California street; Claims. S. 4814. An act to amend section 491 n of the Code of Law for By Mr. STEENERSON: Petition of residents of Becker the District of Columbia; County, Minn., against the Johnston bill (S. 3940), providing H. R. 22274. An act to authorize the St. Paul Bridge and for religious legislation in the District of Columbia-to th_e Terminal Railway Company to construct a bridge across the Committee on the District of Columbia. Mississippi River at or near St. Paul, Minn. ; and By l\lr. STURGISS: Paper to accompany bill for relief of H. J. Res. 206. Joint resolution to pay the officers and em Pary McNair-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ployees of the Senate and House of Representatives their re By Mr. TIRRELL: Paper to accompany bill for relief of spective salaries for the month of December, 1908, on the ~9th George W. Clark-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. day of said month. By l\Ir. WOOD: Paper to accompany bilf for relief of Charles M. Goodfellow-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ADJOURNMENT TO SATURDAY. By Mr. YOUNG: Petition of William S. Piper and others, of l\Ir. ALDRICH. I move that when the Senate adjourns Michigan, favoring the pensioning of members of the l\lilitary to-day it adjourn to meet on Saturday next. Telegraphers' Corps in civil war-to the Committee on Invalid The motion was agreed to. Pensions. BUSINESS ON SATURDAY. Mr. ALDRICH. I make the request that there be an under standing that no business shall be transacted by the Senate at SENATE. its session on Saturday. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Rhode Island re THURSDAY, December 17, 1908. quests that it be understood that no business shall be trans The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. acted at its session on Saturday next. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Edward Everett Hale. Mr. HALE. I have just been present at a meeting of the The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's Committee on the Census, and the chairman. of the committee proceedings, when, on request of Mr. .ALDRICH, and by unani would like a reservation of the right to report the census bill mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. on Saturday. The VICE - PRESIDE.l.~T. The Journal stands approved. l\Ir. ALDRICH. Yes; that is excepted, as routine business. DISMISSAL OF CASES BY COURT OF CLAIMS. Mr. BURKETT. The Senator from Montana [Mr. CABTEB] is not here. I know that he is very anxious to push along the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica consideration of the postal savings bank bill. I think, perhaps, it tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, tl·ansmit may not be his intention to take up the bill for action before the ting a list of congressional cases dismissed on motion of the de holidays, but as I understand the request of the Senator from fendants l\Iay 13, 1907, for want of jurisdiction, which, with Rhode Island, it would not preclude the continuation of debate the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on this week on that bill. Claims and ordered to be printed. l\fr. ALDRICH. A large number of Senators are about to He also laid before the Senate a communication from the as leave the city; in fact, quite a number have already left, and sistant clerk of the Court of Claims, certifying, pursuant to I think the discussion of any question of general importance the order of the court, that the cases of Charles Choteau, No. ought not to take place in the absence of a majority of the 9090 (dismissed April 6, 1908), William Birdsong, No. 11907 A Senate. (dismissed January 6, 1908), and Andrew J. Musselman, No. Mr. BURKETT. I think we should not make the agreement 11908 C (dismissed January 6, 1908), were severally dismissed in the absence of the Senator from Montana. upon motions of the defendants, and were ordered by the court l\Ir. ALDRICH. I have no objection to let the question re to be certified to the President of the Senate, etc., which was main unacted upon until the Senator from Montana is present. referred to the Committee on Claims and orde~·ed to be printed. l\1r. BURKETT. I think that would be ');Jerhaps the better FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. way. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Rhode Island tions from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmit withdraws his request? . ting certified copies of the findings of fact filed by the court in Mr. ALDRICH. I withdraw the request for the present. the following causes: • PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. In the cause of the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church Mr. GALLINGER presented the petition of Joseph L. Atkins, of Paris, Ky., v. United States; of Washington, D. C., praying for the enactment of legislation In the cause of St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church, of to establish a United States court of patent appeals, which was Lebanon, Ky., v. United States; and referred to the Committee on Patents. In the cause of the Shiloh Presbyterian Church, of Calhoun, He also presented a memorial of the Brightwood Citizens' Tenn., v. United States. Association of the District of Columbia, remonstrating against The foregoing findings were, with the accompanying papers, the violati~n of section 16 of the act governing the operation referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. of street railways b'y the street railway companies of the Dis THE PABLIAMENT OF TURKEY. trict of Columbia, which was referred to the Committee on the Mr. CULLOM. Mr. President, I ask leave out of order to District of Columbia. present a resolution for consideration at this time. He also presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Wash There being no objection, the resolution was read, considered ington, D. C., and the petition of W. H. Rapley, of Washington, by unanimous consent, and agreed to, as follows : D. C., praying for the enactment of legislation providing for a R esolved That "the De partment o'f State be requested to communi high-pressure water system in the District of Columbia, which cate to the newly convened parliament of Turkey the congratulations were referred to the Committee on Appropriations. and good wishes of the Senate of the United States. Mr. PERKINS presented a petition of the committee on har MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. bor of the Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu, Territory of .A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J". Hawaii, praying that the present coastwise shipping law be Browning, its Chief Clerk, returned to the Senate, in compliance continued in force, and also for the upbuilding of the American 360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 17, merchant marine by subsidy, which was referred to the Com-· Mr. BOURNE introduced a bill ( S. 7904) to increase the sal mittee on Commerce. aries of the President and Vice-President of the United States, . 1\Ir. W .A.RNER presented a petition of sundry citizens of the respectively, to $100,000 and $25,000 per annum, wllich was State of Missouri, praying for the adoption of a certain amend read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Finance. ment to the present widows' pension law, which was referred Mr. DEPEW introduced a bill ( S.