arXiv:0706.1817v2 [math.QA] 15 Jun 2007 formula). λ any to h T8 T0 n ain[a9] sarsl h hrce ch character the result a As [Cas96]. Casian and KT00] KT98, y[B1 K1)hsbe eeaie to generalized conjectu been Kazhdan-Lusztig has BK81]) celebrated [BB81, The by Wey the have formulas. also character KW89] [KW88, representations admissible Wakimoto where where stenraie nain ne rdc of product inner invariant normalized the is for h aethat case the h raglrdecomposition triangular the hc scle the called is which ..Ltch Let 1.2. h eta element central The h od i ler soitdwith associated algebra Lie Moody 17740006. ..Let 1.1. h omtto eain of relations commutation The (1) ∨ = ∈ Let h elKccaatrfrua[a7]gvsa xlctfruao c of formula explicit an gives [Kac74] formula character Weyl-Kac The h uhri atal upre yteJP rn-nAdf Grant-in-Aid JSPS the by supported partially is author The K steda oee ubrof number Coxeter dual the is ,Y X, A-OD I LERSA H RTCLLEVEL CRITICAL THE AT ALGEBRAS LIE KAC-MOODY h ¯ L h and ⊕ ∗ ( L L λ HRCESO ERSNAIN FAFFINE OF REPRESENTATIONS OF CHARACTERS C ihrsett h tnadtinua decomposition triangular standard the to respect with ( rvddta t ee is level its that provided ) ( λ λ ∈ K D g ¯ ) eteirdcbehgetwih ersnainof representation weight highest irreducible the be ) µ g ¯ respectively. , ⊕ eacmlxsml i ler frank of algebra Lie simple complex a be L , stewih pc of space weight the is ( C ,n m, L λ [ [ D ( etefra hrce of character formal the be ) X ,X D, λ ehave We . n sa nerberpeettosof representations integrable an is ) ( − m level ∈ K 1. ) ( = Z Y , m where , cson acts n ¯ nrdcinadMi Results Main and Introduction ]= )] of ( − n ch g ⊕ ]=[ = )] L h = L mX ( g ¯ ∗ g ¯ λ OOUIARAKAWA TOMOYUKI ⊗ ( g g ¯ = .Televel The ). λ L = X C ⊗ r ie ytefollowing. the by given are ,Y X, = ) ( ( h ¯ [ m C ( g ¯ λ n ¯ t ∗ m − . L stemlilcto yteconstant the by multiplication the as ) − g ¯ [ ) ⊕ ,t t, not µ 1 , : ( = ) X ]( ⊕ ∈ ] λ t C m h − − fweight of ) h ¯ ∗ Λ [ 1 1 1 rtcl(e K0]frtems general most the for [KT00] (see critical K, ⊕ e + X ] , 0 µ ⊕ g ⊕ n ¯ ⊗ n g dim h yKsiaaTnsk K9,KT96, [KT95, Kashiwara-Tanisaki by + C L 0 = ] n ,K λ, + ) g ¯ C t n h atnsbler of subalgebra Cartan the and , + m eidentify We . ( K δ λ C hr Λ where , = ): mδ with ⊕ L i µ n ¯ ( C = m λ + . D. ) + − ⊕ µ X l n, , , h g ¯ g 0 g ∨ ⊗ ti nw htKac- that known is It . ∈ 0 ( rYugSinit B No. (B) Scientists Young or X o-wse ffieKac- affine non-twisted C and scalled is g ¯ | [ g ¯ Y t and ] with t. ) δ g K, e[L9 (proved [KL79] re L g r lmnsdual elements are fhgetweight highest of ( m λ = g ¯ critical skonfor known is ) ⊗ ∈ n C − Z -a type l-Kac ⊕ h ⊂ n ( and where , L h h g ,K λ, ( ⊕ Fix . λ g in ) n ·|· + as i ) , , 2 TOMOYUKI ARAKAWA

1.3. On the contrary not much is known about the characters of L(λ) at the critical level. It seems that only the generic case is known, that is, the case that λ satisfies the condition that ∨ N re (2) hλ + ρ, α i 6∈ for all α ∈ ∆+ , re g ∨ where ∆+ is the set of positive real roots of , ρ =ρ ¯+h Λ0,ρ ¯ =1/2 α¯∈∆¯ + α and ∆¯ ⊂ ∆re is the set of positive roots of g¯. In this case the Kac-Kazhdan conjecture + + P [KK79] (which is a theorem proved by [Hay88, GW89, FF88, Ku89]1) gives the following character formula of L(λ): eλ (3) ch L(λ)= . (1 − e−α) re α∈∆+ Q By the existence of the Wakimoto modules at the critical level [Wak86, FF90b, Fre05], it follows that the irreducible representation L(λ) at the critical level in general has a character equal to or smaller than the right hand side of (3).

1.4. In this paper we study the irreducible highest weight representations of g at the critical level which are integrable over g¯. Denote by λ¯ the restriction of λ ∈ h∗ to h¯. Set + ∗ ¯ ¯+ ∨ Pcrit = {λ ∈ h ; λ ∈ P , hλ, Ki = −h }, where P¯+ the set of integral dominant weights of g¯:

+ ∗ ∨ (4) P¯ = {λ¯ ∈ h¯ ; hλ,¯ α i ∈ Z≥0 for all α ∈ ∆¯ +}.

+ The L(λ) at the critical level is integrable over g¯ if and only if λ belongs to Pcrit. We have the following result.

+ Theorem 1. Let λ ∈ Pcrit. The character of L(λ) is given by (−1)ℓ(w)ew◦λ ¯ ch L(λ)= w∈W , (1 − qP−hλ+ρ,α∨ i) (1 − e−α) re α∈∆¯ + α∈∆+ Q Q where q = eδ, W¯ is the Weyl group of g¯, ℓ(w) is the length of w and w ◦ λ = w(λ + ρ) − ρ. 1.5. Recently the representations of g at the critical level have been studied in detail by Frenkel and Gaitsgory [FG04, FG05, FG06, FG07] in the view point of the geometric . Our original motivation was to confirm2 Conjecture 5 of [Fre06] in the case that the opers are “graded” (see Theorem 10) by applying the method of the quantum Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction [FF90a, FF92, FBZ04] (cf. [FKW92, KRW03, KW04, Ara04, Ara05, Ara06, Ara07a]). Theorem 1 has been obtained as a byproduct of the proof.

1See also [Mat03, Fre05, Ara06]. 2After finishing this paper we were notified that Frenkel and Gaitsgory have recently proved Conjecture 5 of [Fre06] and that Theorem 1 was known to E. Frenkel. AFFINE KAC-MOODY LIE ALGEBRAS AT THE CRITICAL LEVEL 3

2. Endmorphism rings, duality and the character formula KL KL 2.1. The category Ocrit. Denote by Ocrit the full subcategory of the category of g-modules consisting of objects M such that the following hold: (1) K acts on M ∨ as the multiplication by −h , (2) D acts on M semisimply: M = d∈C Md, where Md = {m ∈ M; Dm = dm}, (3) dim Md < ∞ for all d, (4) there exists a finite C ZL subset {d1,...,dr} of such that Md = 0 unless d ∈ i=1r di − ≥0. KL λ Any object M of Ocrit admits a weight space decomposition: M = λ M , λ S λ λ M = {m ∈ M; hm = hλ, him ∀h ∈ h}. We set ch M = ∗ e dim M . λ∈h L The Weyl module P (5) V (λ)= U(g)⊗U(g¯⊗C[t] ⊕ CK)E(λ) + KL with λ ∈ Pcrit belongs to Ocrit. Here E(λ) is the irreducible finite-dimensional representation of g¯ of highest weight λ¯, considered as a g¯⊗C[t] ⊕ CK ⊕ CD-module on which g¯⊗C[t]t acts by zero, and K and D act as the multiplication by −h∨ and hλ, Di, respectively. By the Weyl character formula one has ℓ(w) w◦λ w∈W¯ (−1) e (6) ch V (λ)= −j ℓ −α . (1 − q ) re (1 − e ) j≥1 P α∈∆+ The V (λ) has L(λ) as its uniqueQ simple quotient.Q 2.2. The derived algebra g′ of g. Let g′ be the derived algebra of g: (7) g′ := [g, g]= g¯⊗C[t,t−1] ⊕ CK. One sees that each L(λ) remains irreducible over g′. 2.3. The vertex algebra associated with g¯ at the critical level. The vacuum Weyl module ∨ (8) Vg,crit := V (−h Λ0) has the natural structure of vertex algebras (see eg. [Kac98, FBZ04]). The Vg,crit is called the universal affine vertex algebra associated with g¯ at the critical level. KL V Each object of Ocrit can be regarded as a g,crit-module. For a vertex algebra V in general we denote by −n−1 −1 (9) Y (a,z)= a(n)z ∈ (End V )[[z,z ]] n Z X∈ the quantum field corresponding to a ∈ V . Also, we write Zh(V ) for the Zhu algebra [FZ92, Zhu96] (see also [NT05]) of V . One knows by [FZ92] that there is a natural isomorphism

(10) Zh(Vg,crit) =∼ U(g¯).

2.4. Feigin-Frenkel’s theorem. The vertex algebra Vg,crit has a large center [Hay88, FF92], which we denote by Z(Vg,crit):

Z(Vg,crit)= {a ∈ Vg,crit; a(n)v = 0 for all n ∈ Z≥0, v ∈ Vg,crit}. Then

Z(Vg,crit)= {a ∈ Vg,crit;[a(m), v(n)] = 0 for all m,n ∈ Z, v ∈ Vg,crit}. V Z KL Let a ∈ Z( g,crit) and n ∈ . The action of a(n) on M ∈ Ocrit commutes with the ′ action of g . Therefore each a(n) acts as the multiplication by a constant on L(λ). 4 TOMOYUKI ARAKAWA

Let I = {1, 2,...,l} (l = rank g¯), {di; i ∈ I} the exponents of g¯, Z(g¯) the center of the universal enveloping algebra U(g¯) of g¯. There is a remarkable realization of Z(Vg,crit) due to Feigin and Frenkel [FF92] as a chiralization of Kostant’s Whittaker model [Kos78] of Z(g¯) (for details, see [FBZ04]). As a result one has the following description of Z(Vg,crit). Theorem 2 (E. Frenkel and B. Feigin [FF92]). There exist homogeneous vectors i V V V p ∈ Z( g,crit) ∩ ( g,crit)−di−1 with i ∈ I that generate a PBW basis of Z( g,crit): that is, there is a linear isomorphism C i Z ∼ V [p(−n); i ∈ I,n ∈ ≥1] → Z( g,crit). a 7→ a|0i, where |0i is the highest weight vector of Vg,crit. KL i V 2.5. The linkage principle for Ocrit. Let p with i ∈ I be generators of Z( g,crit) i i as in Theorem 2. (We have p = p(−1)|0i.) Write

i i −n−di−1 (11) Y (p ,z)= pnz , n Z X∈ so that i i (12) [D,pn]= npn

KL on M ∈ Ocrit. Set C i Z (13) RZ = [pn; i ∈ I, n ∈ ].

KL An object M of Ocrit is regarded as a RZ -module naturally. There is a natural map C i V (14) [p0; i ∈ I] → Zh(Z( g,crit)), which is actually an isomorphism. To be precise we have the following assertion.

Theorem 3. The natural map Zh(Z(Vg,crit)) → Zh(Vg,crit)= U(g¯) is injective and its image coincides with Z(g¯).

See [Ara07a] for a proof of Theorem 3. We shall identify Zh(Z(Vg,crit)) with Z(g¯) ⊂ U(g¯) through Theorem 3. i i V KL Let o(p ) be the image of p0 in Zh(Z( g,crit)). If vλ ∈ M ∈ Ocrit is annihilated by n+, then one has i i i (15) p0v = o(p )v =χ ¯λ¯ (o(p ))v, where C χ¯λ¯ : Z(g¯) → is the evaluation of Z(g¯) at the Verma module of g¯ of highest weight λ¯. i ′ KL Because p0 commutes with the action of g on M ∈ Ocrit, the following assertion follows immediately. Proposition 4. If L(µ) appears in the local composition factor of V (λ) then µ = λ − nδ for some n ∈ Z≥0. AFFINE KAC-MOODY LIE ALGEBRAS AT THE CRITICAL LEVEL 5

2.6. The conjecture of Frenkel and Gaitsgory for graded opers. Let λ¯ ∈ ¯+ V P . The characterχ ¯λ¯ naturally extends to the graded central character of Z( g,crit), that is, to the ring homomorphism C (16) χλ¯ : RZ → defined by i i χ¯λ¯ (o(p0)) if n =0, (17) χλ¯(pn)= (0 if n 6=0.

The ker χλ¯ · V (λ) is a submodule of V (λ). One has i (18) ker χλ¯ · V (λ)= U(n−)p−n|λi, n> , i I X0 ∈ where |λi is the highest weight vector of V (λ). Thus ker χλ¯ · V (λ) is a proper KL submodule of V (λ) which lies in Ocrit. Hence there is a following exact sequence in KL Ocrit:

(19) V (λ)/ ker χλ¯ · V (λ) → L(λ) → 0. The following assertion is clear.

Proposition 5. Any vector of L(λ) is annihilated by ker χλ¯ . λ¯ KL Let M0 be the full subcategory Ocrit consisting of objects M such that ker χλ¯ · λ¯ + M = 0. Any simple object of M0 is isomorphic to L(µ) with µ ∈ Pcrit such that µ¯ = λ¯ (thus all the simple modules are mutually isomorphic as g′-modules). The following striking assertion was conjectured by Frenkel and Gaitsgory (an- nounced in [Fre06]). Conjecture 1 (E. Frenkel and D. Gaitsgory). λ¯ ¯ ¯+ (i) The category M0 is semisimple for any λ ∈ P . + ∼ (ii) For each λ ∈ Pcrit there is an isomorphism V (λ)/ ker χλ¯ · V (λ) = L(λ). Remark 6.

(i) By the “Langlands duality” [FF92], the χλ¯ can be considered as an element L × × of the G-oper OpLG(D ) [BD04] on the punctured disk D , which is “graded”. The original conjecture (Conjecture 5 of [Fre06]) of Frenkel and Gaitsgory is more general and applies to any (not necessarily graded) λ central character χ (i.e. to any element of OpLG, see Remark 8 and [Fre06]). (ii) In the case that λ¯ = 0, Conjecture 1 follows from Theorem 6.3 of [FG04] (applied to the graded oper χ0). + 2.7. Endmorphism rings of Weyl modules. Let λ ∈ Pcrit. Recall that |λi denotes the highest weight vector of V (λ). Define λ¯ (20) RZ = RZ / AnnRZ |λi. λ¯ Note that RZ is naturally graded by D: λ¯ λ¯ λ¯ λ¯ (21) RZ = (RZ )d, (RZ )d = {a ∈ RZ ;[D,a]= da}. d Z ∈−M≥0 There is a natural algebra homomorphism λ¯ (22) RZ → EndU(g′)(V (λ)). 6 TOMOYUKI ARAKAWA

¯ 0 ∼ V If λ = 0, then RZ = Z( g,crit). In this case it is known by [FF92, Fre05] that (22) gives an isomorphism ∼ (23) Z(Vg,crit) = EndU(g′)(Vg,crit). + This is true for any λ ∈ Pcrit. + Theorem 7. Let λ ∈ Pcrit. λ¯ ∼ (i) The map (22) gives the isomorphism RZ → EndU(g′)(V (λ)). λ¯ d λ¯ (ii) Set ch RZ = d∈C q dim(RZ )d. Then ∨ (1 − q−hλ+ρ,α i) L λ¯ α∈∆¯ + ch RZ = −j ℓ . Q j≥1(1 − q ) Theorem 7 was obtained earlier inQ [FG07]. In [Ara07b] we give an independent proof of Theorem 7 by the method of quantum Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction. Remark 8. According to Frenkel and Gaitsgory [FG07], one has λ¯ ∼ λ¯ Spec RZ = OpLG . λ¯ × where OpLG is a certain sub-pro-variety of OpLG(D ) described in [Fre04, FG06] (cf. (7.17) of [Fre06]).

λ¯ KL 2.8. An equivalence of categories. Let M be the full subcategory of Ocrit consisting of objects M that are annihilated by i i pn − χλ¯(pn) for all i ∈ I, n ≥ 0. λ¯ λ¯ λ¯ Then V (λ), L(λ) ∈M . Also, M0 is a full subcategory of M . λ¯ λ¯ Let RZ -grmod be the full subcategory of the category of graded RZ -modules λ¯ consisting of objects X = d∈C Xd ((RZ )d · Xd′ ⊂ Xd+d′ ) such that (1) dim Xd < ∞ for all d ∈ C; (2) there exists a finite subset d1,...,dr ⊂ C such that Xd = 0 Z L λ¯ unless d ∈ di − ≥0. Then any simple object of RZ -grmod is isomorphic to C λ¯ λ¯ (24) S χλ¯ := RZ / ker χλ¯ · RZ λ¯ as RZ -modules. Set

(25) F (M) = HomU(g′)(V (λ),M) ¯ ¯ λ ∼ n+ λ for M ∈M . Then F (M) = M . The F (M) is naturally a graded RZ -module:

(26) F (M)= F (M)d d Z M∈ n+ λ¯ λ¯ where F (M)d = M ∩ Md. Thus F defines a functor from M to RZ -grmod. Next let

(27) G(X)= V (λ)⊗ λ¯ X RZ λ¯ λ¯ for X ∈ RZ -grmod (See (i) of Theorem 7). Then G(X) is an object of M . Here the action of D on G(X) is defined in an obvious way. + Theorem 9. Let λ ∈ Pcrit. λ¯ (i) The V (λ) is a free RZ -module. AFFINE KAC-MOODY LIE ALGEBRAS AT THE CRITICAL LEVEL 7

(ii) (cf. Theorem 6.3 of [FG04]) The functor F gives an equivalence of cate- λ¯ ∼ λ¯ gories M → RZ -grmod. The inverse functor is given by G. The proof of Theorem 9 is given in [Ara07b]. The following assertion follows immediately from Theorem 9. Theorem 10. Conjecture 1 holds. C Because L(λ)= G( χλ¯ ), by (i) of Theorem 9 one has λ¯ (28) ch V (λ) = ch RZ · ch L(λ). Therefore (6) and (ii) of Theorem 7 give Theorem 1. Remark 11. Using Theorem 9, one can show the irreduciblity of the g′-module λ¯ V (λ)/ ker χ · V (λ) for any χ ∈ OpLG. This confirms the original conjecture of Frenkel and Gaitsgory (Conjecture 5 of [Fre06], see Remarks 6 and 8) partially. 2.9. Acknowledgment. This work grew out of stimulating conversations with E. Frenkel, and the author is grateful to him. He also thanks for W. Wang for useful discussions. References

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Department of Mathematics, Nara Women’s University, Nara 630-8506, JAPAN E-mail address: [email protected]