BEFORE JAMES BOND CAME JOHNNY FEDORA a Look Back at the Espionage Assignments of Johnny Fedora

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BEFORE JAMES BOND CAME JOHNNY FEDORA a Look Back at the Espionage Assignments of Johnny Fedora BEFORE JAMES BOND CAME JOHNNY FEDORA A look back at the espionage assignments of Johnny Fedora A year before Ian Fleming saw his to appeal to us decades after their Hammerhead (1963) Johnny first James Bond novel published in first publication. Fedora is halting the world’s 1952, a fictional secret agent called In his first novel, Secret Ministry annihilation, facing off against a Johnny Fedora was already being (1951), Fedora is part of a “team of cold and ruthless Russian agent sent by British Intelligence on seasoned assassins,” called together (Feramontov) completely dedicated secret missions. The critics to eliminate “Gestapo men…and to his government’s ideals. described Fedora as the “thinking anybody consider[ed] better dead Echoes of James Bond novels, The creator of Johnny man's James Bond” who spends his than alive.” Germany is defeated you might say, except we should Fedora, Desmond Cory. life “dealing with the cold-blooded but a select group of Hitler’s remember here that Fedora came He authored more than 40 bastards on this earth.” In this henchmen continue to kill and before Bond. Like Fleming’s 007, novels, 16 of which featured British intelligence agent, article we will take a look back at maim. Their hideout is London, and Fedora was very much a product of Johnny Fedora. Johnny Fedora’s assignments, and Fedora’s assignment is to destroy the post World War II/ Cold War investigate just how alike these two them! period. This was a time when two agents were, and why they continue By his 13th assignment, groups of countries were at war 1951 1952 1953 1954 Fedora’s Second Third Fourth first assignment: assignment: assignment: assignment Abroad in Mission to Sent to starts in Paris Austria Trieste, London Italy without actually fighting each Today, instead of the Nazi or Soviet become Britain’s most successful other. For some 40 years, the East threat, we now fret about Al-Qaeda secret agent, but an American and the West spied on each other, and other extremist organisations. President. As Professor Marcia and killed each other’s spies. They Written by an ex-British Songer explains: fought for influence over other Commando turned best-selling “Even though Johnny Fedora countries in different parts of the author, Desmond Cory wrote with a predates James Bond, comparisons world, and consequently wherever flourish that caught the eye of the with Ian Fleming’s better known British Intelligence wanted Johnny critics. Early on, he was applauded hero are inevitable. Agent 007’s Fedora to go, he would go. As the as a possible “British Raymond popularity is often attributed to the title of many of his books show, Chandler,” and a “writer of thrillers admission by President John F. “Johnny goes East, West, South, who really can write. He combines Kennedy that From Russia With and North,” Fedora followed the verve and intelligence with genuine Love was one of his favourite enemy no matter their location. skill in the use of words.” As a con- novels. After that revelation in While these days are now gone, sequence, Johnny Fedora novels 1957, sales of the Fleming spy Johnny Fedora reaches they still resonate with the society sold more than James Bond’s early novel soared. Seven years later the masses through paperback we live in today, and with the publications. In fact, it was not the when [Cory’s] Hammerhead was editions public’s continued interest in the British public who were to republished in the United States as clandestine life of the secret agent. ultimately decide on who was to Shockwave, the book jacket carried 1956 1957 1957 1957 Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth assignment: assignment: assignment: assignment: Out in Sabotage in From Italy Adventure Africa Africa to Sweden in remote 1956 Tibet a quote from Anthony Boucher of Bond, we need to look at one of his daughter named Adriana whose the New York Times saying that novels. In this case, let’s look at body Cory describes in loving Johnny Fedora “more than deserves Johnny Goes South, the 10th detail. At first glance, the elements “For my money, Johnny to take over James Bond’s avid Fedora novel, first published in may seem familiar. Fedora shares Fedora, professional killer audience.” Reviews of Feramontov 1959 and later published again a some of Bond’s familiar traits. Both for British Intelligence, more than deserves to take and Ian Fleming’s Octopussy number of times in the 1960s as are from humble backgrounds, with over James Bond’s avid appeared side by side in the New Overload. Fedora is called to South a tendency to use as few words as audience.” York Times Book Review of 1966. America by a leading dictator possible. Cory also uses a similar Of Feramontov a reviewer said, called Tocino. Although he is number of Fleming characteristics, Anthony Boucher, “As one has come to expect from occasionally on the delivering end such as exotic locations. But while New York Times Cory, colorful action, copious of a bullet, Fedora’s job this time is the packaging appears to be similar, carnage, elaborate intrigue, frequent to assure that Tocino’s top rival the contents are strikingly different. surprises.” Octopussy, however, survives a probable assassination For one thing, the action here falls was dismissed as “a thin and even attempt. well short of the fast-paced, emaciated volume.” As with most spy fiction, there techno-gadgetry we associate with In order to better understand how are plenty of twists and sub-plots Bond movies. Johnny Fedora novels are actually ahead in this story. For one thing, This is because Cory is less quite different to those of James Tocino has a sexually voracious concerned with pace, and more 1958 1959 1960 1962 Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth assignment: assignment: assignment: assignment: Investigations Intrigue in Adventure in Hunting in Venezuela Argentina Spain Nazi treas- ure in Spain concerned in delivering a thriller secret agent novels where routine number of themes, particuarly the with brains. After cleverly destruction is in abundance. psychological and the sexual. Cory developing the situation, Cory Instead, Cory novels are written in was in fact to develop the drops (yet again) Fedora in the lean, realistic prose, having often pyschological theme further after thick of it, letting him figure out for clever and exciting plots, and Fedora, penning a number of himself a way out. The action is achieving almost a cinematic visual pyschological thrillers that included often slow, Fedora methodically realism in its description. Rather Deadfall, which was later made trying to get the opponent to crack than fast-paced action, Cory into a 20th Century Fox film under interrogation. It’s less concentrates on portraying the starring Michael Caine. exciting than seeing him take on characters’ internal lives, the Like other secret agent novels, three enemy gunmen, but it’s mental, emotional, and spiritual. there are political undertones in gripping in its own way. Usually, the characters around Fedora’s novels, although on the Johnny Goes South, as with many Fedora are internally troubled, with whole Cory is far less vocal than Johnny other Federa novels, falls closer to Fedora himself showing his own others in expressing them. All the Fedora has Graham Greene (whose England frailities from time to time. more surprising, given Fedora’s entertained Made Me Cory wrote the screen- Like Greene (and others such as background. Born of a Spanish audiences for more play when filmed in 1973) than Ian Norman Mailer), the world of men father and Irish mother, Fedora “got than 30 Fleming. Similar to Greene, Cory with secret lives is for Cory a himself mixed up with the IRA on years avoids the melodrama of many vehicle in which to explore a one side and the Spanish civil war 1963 1966 1967 1971 Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth assignment: assignment: assignment: assignment: Russian threat Danger in the Lost with Facing a continues in Costa Brava amnesia in military Spain Spain coup in Spain on the other.” Due to his father's explore the emotional and conflict between the East and West, was probably more due to Cory’s Republican tendencies, The psychological conflicts that live in yet Spain was at that time a target publicists and the press than anyone Falangists killed both his parents. the characters of his novels. for the Communist cause. Like else. The James Bond phenomena It is understandable to learn that Politics always remains a small Pakistan or Turkey today, Spain was so huge in the 60s and 70s that Fedora is driven as much by a need undercurrent in Fedora novels. For wanted to appease the West while all espionage writers were being to avenge the death of his parents example, the last five Fedora books showing political tendencies not compared to Fleming. Below are than patriotism or loyally to British (sometimes called the Feramontov favored by the capitalistic West. just some examples of how critics Intelligence. Yet, despite this, Cory Quintet) are mostly based in Spain. Just as Cuba turned out to be a reviewed Fedora’s novels: expresses no strong political Some might consider this a strange communist country on the doorstep “For my money, Johnny Fedora, opinions either way, preferring to choice to depict the cold-war of America, Spain could go the professional killer for British same way. Intelligence, more than deserves to Hence why Feramontov, a Soviet take over James Bond’s avid The novels of Johnny Fedora: secret operative and Fedora’s audience.” - Anthony Boucher, New Original Title Also published as archrival, targets Madrid for nuclear York Times 1965. Secret Ministry (1951, 1957) The Nazi Assassins (1970) annihilation, putting in place new “As fast, furious and horrifying as This Traitor, Death (1952, 1957)7 The Gestapo File (1971) political leadership that would anything in this Bond age.” - The Dead Man Falling (1953, 1957) The Hitler Diamonds (1969) favour the Communists.

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