Signed by the Governor
SENATE JOURNAL EIGHTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE Ð REGULAR SESSION AUSTIN, TEXAS PROCEEDINGS SIXTY-SECOND DAY (Monday, May 27, 2019) The Senate met at 11:00 a.m. pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the following Senators were present:iiAlvarado, Bettencourt, Birdwell, Buckingham, Campbell, Creighton, Fallon, Flores, Hall, Hancock, Hinojosa, Huffman, Hughes, Johnson, Kolkhorst, Lucio, MeneÂndez, Miles, Nelson, Nichols, Paxton, Perry, Powell, RodrõÂguez, Schwertner, Seliger, Taylor, Watson, West, Whitmire, Zaffirini. The President announced that a quorum of the Senate was present. Senator Kolkhorst offered the invocation as follows: Father, we gather today on a day that ends the 86th Legislature, but a day, too, that we memorialize all who have given their lives while serving our country. Father, we mourn them, we remember them, but most of all we celebrate them. We celebrate their families and we remember them as well for all that they have given so that we may have freedom in this country, freedom. Freedom is never free. Father, we also gather today on a day that we called sine die, a day without another, but because of our faith, because of Jesus Christ, I always know there is another day and that eternal life awaits us. And so as we go forth, Father, from this 86th Legislature, having served You as servant leaders, I pray for all of our civil servants who will go to work on the things that we have passed. I pray for those that touched the lives of others and help others and teach others, those that serve in our law enforcement.
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