Fresno River Watershed Assessment Project Draft Final Report
Fresno River Watershed Assessment Project Draft Final Report Prepared for California State Department of Water Resources County of Madera By California State University, Fresno March 2010 This project was funded in part by a grant from the California Department of Water Resources and the County of Madera, California Acknowledgements Special thanks to the Central Sierra Watershed Committee for their support and feedback, which would not be possible without the leadership of Jeannie Habben. Larry Bellew, Tom Wheeler, and Jack Fry provided valuable support and local wisdom. Project director Elissa Brown navigated a diverse interests through logistics including a project freeze. The Madera County Departments of Environmental Health provided critical information and support for GIS-based data and tools. At CSU-Fresno, we thank Dr. Alice Wright and Darrin Alexander who processed all of the bacterial samples. Student Research Assistants Brett Moore, Jorge Baca, Zili He, Steven Gong, Sarah Rutherford, Thomas Gromis, Eddie Alves made the project possible. We also thank the College of Science & Mathematics and Dean Rogerson for support. Finally, thanks to the various landowners in the watershed for your generous property access and concern about your watershed. Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION Project Objectives and Tasks 2. MONITORING PLAN Background Selection of Sample Locations and Frequency General Field Measurements and Sample Collection 3. HYDROLOGY, WATER QUALITY AND FIRST FLUSH STUDY 4. SEDIMENTATION STUDY TO QUANTIFY SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT 5. BIOASSESSMENT OF SEDIMENTATION & WATER QUALITY 6. SEPTIC INFLUENCES ON FECAL INDICATOR BACTERIA 7. IMPLICATIONS, DATA GAPS, AND FURTHER STUDIES REFERENCES Appendicies Literature review: Septic influences 1. INTRODUCTION The Fresno River is located in Madera County, California and is the most southerly of major east-side tributaries of the San Joaquin River (Figure 1.1).
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