Pune Rain Wednesdayasaides Frantically President,Accordingto Peoplein- Americans
DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2021, PUNE, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM HEARING IN SUPREMECOURT ON MONDAY DAY AFTER AZHAR WARRANT Noheadway,GovtwantsustogotoSCorform 15 years’jailfor panel:farmerunions;nextroundoftalksJan15 26/11planner Lakhvi, India Sought option other than repeal, courthearingdid come up during talks: Tomar to sit across the table again on who along with Food Minister tions to tryand resolve the im- points to FATF HARIKISHANSHARMA January15, alleyesare nowon Piyush Goyalhavebeennegoti- passe –farmer unions, the ma- &RAAKHIJAGGA the Supreme Courtwherehear- ating with the farmers, said ref- jorityfromPunjab,havebeen NEWDELHI,LUDHIANA,JAN8 ing on aclutchofpetitions is erence to the Supreme Court camping at the gatesofDelhi scheduledJanuary11. hearing on January11did come since November 26. Lashkar ops chief TALKSBETWEEN the Centreand Leaders of the unions up duringthe talks. Twodays ago, athree-judge sentencedin farmer unions opposedtothe claimedtheyweretold by the Lastmonth, the Supreme benchheadedbyChief Justice of newagriculturelawsfailedto government to go to the Court, while noting that the India SABobde postedthe mat- terror financecase makeheadway Fridayafter the Supreme Court or form acom- Centre’s talkswith farmer tertoJanuary11after Attorney unions insisted on repeal of the mittee with representativesof groups did notappear to be General KKVenugopal told the laws,onlytobetold by the gov- the twosides. yielding results, had said it courtthat “thereare chances of MZULQUERNAIN ernment to “suggestanalterna- AgricultureMinister would form acommitteecom- the parties coming to some sort LAHORE,JANUARY8 Farmer union leaders leave aftertheir meeting with the tive other thanrepeal”. NarendraSingh Tomar and prising representativesofthe of an understanding”.
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