Curriculum Vitae

Hendrik R. Pieterse Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary w 2121 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201 w Tel: 847-866-3892 w Fax: 847-866-3884 w Cell: 615-618-9553 w Email: [email protected]

PLACE OF ORIGIN: Windhoek, Namibia Southern Africa

DENOMINATIONAL AFFILIATION: United Methodist Church Status: Lay Membership: First United Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

EDUCATION: Doctor Philosophiae (D.Phil.) (April 1996) University of Port Elizabeth (now Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) P.O. Box 1600 6000 Port Elizabeth Republic of South Africa Dissertation Title: “The Revisionist of David Tracy: A Postmodern Challenge.” Areas of Concentration: Major Areas: , Philosophical Theology; Minor Area: New Testament Doctoral Advisor: Prof. Wentzel van Huyssteen James I. McCord Professor of Theology and Science Princeton Theological Seminary P.O. Box 821 Princeton, New Jersey 08542-0803

Master of Divinity (cum laude) (May 1986) Nazarene Theological Seminary 1700 East Meyer Boulevard Kansas City, Missouri 64131

Bachelor of Theology (April 1983) Canadian Nazarene College 1301 Lee Boulevard Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T2P7, Canada Course work completed at: Africa Nazarene Theological College

Curriculum Vitae / 1 P.O. Box 3083 2040 Honeydew, Republic of South Africa

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: (1) 2010–Present: Associate Professor of Global Christianity and World Religions Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 2121 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60201 Courses Taught: Introduction to Global Christianity; The Mission of the Church In the World; Christian Witness In a World of Many Faiths; Doctrine of God—Doctrine of Creation; Christian of Religion In a Violent World; Introduction to Theology; Christian Moral Theology; Doing Theology Across Cultures; Introduction to Living Religions

(2) 2006–2010: Book Editor and Director of Scholarly Research General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) The United Methodist Church 1001 Nineteenth Avenue, South P.O. Box 340007 Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0007

(3) 1999–2005: Editor of Quarterly Review Published jointly by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and The United Methodist Publishing House, Quarterly Review (1980–2005) was a journal of theological reflection in the practice of ministry, aimed at United Methodist clergy, seminary students, and faculty

(4) 1993–1996: Associate Pastor First United Methodist Church 208 West Lauderdale Street Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388 Tel: 615-455-5434

(5) 1990–1992: Adjunct Professor Trevecca Nazarene University 333 Murfreesboro Pike Nashville, Tennessee 37210 Tel: 615-248-1200 Courses Taught: Introduction to Christian Thought; Introduction to Philosophy; History of Philosophy III (19th Century History of Philosophy IV (20th Century); Missions

(6) 1990–1992: Associate Pastor Goodlettsville 400 Loretta Drive Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Tel: 615-859-2555

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(7) 1986–1989: Missionary Professor of Theology Africa Nazarene Theological College Port Elizabeth, Republic of South Africa Courses Taught: Introduction to Philosophy; Systematic Theology Contemporary Theology; Christian Social Ethics; Old Testament Prophets; Wisdom Literature; Theology of Paul; Fine Arts and Music; Sociology

(8) 1982: Editor of Afrikaans Literature Africa Nazarene Publications P.O. Box 1710 Florida Republic of South Africa

RECENT PROJECTS 2015-2016: Project Leader, Locating U.S. Theological Education In a Global Context: Prospects, Problems, and Possibilities Served as project leader of the research project and convener of the consultation, Oct. 7- 9, 2016, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

2012: Convener, Toward a Global United Methodist Theological Imagination: Challenges, Prospects, Possibilities Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Keynote speaker: Robert Cummings Neville, Boston University

2009: Taught Course of Study, Tennessee Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church Extension Center, Hiwassee College, Madisonville, Tennessee; Martin Methodist College, Pulaski, Tennessee • Theology and the Practice of Ministry (COS 514) February-March 2009 • Contemporary Theology (COS 512) April-May 2009 • Theological Heritage: Early and Medieval (COS 212) October-November 2009

2008–2012: Project leader, “Support of Theological Education in Africa” Initiative approved by the 2008 General Conference of The United Methodist Church to enable and support sustainable theological education for clergy and lay leadership in The United Methodist Church in Africa Responsibilities: • Organize a continent-wide consultation on theological education in Africa to assess the needs, challenges, and opportunities facing the theological formation and training of clergy and lay leadership for The United Methodist Church in

Curriculum Vitae / 3 Africa. • Lead the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive plan to implement the priorities for theological education identified at the consultation and through other methods. • Work collaboratively with other general agencies and colleagues in theological education in Africa to ensure appropriate and timely implementation of the initiative. • Supervise the allocation and disbursement of the $2,000,000 appropriated for the project.

Selected Symposia, Consultations, and Dialogues: Conceptualized, convened, and conducted (unless otherwise noted) the following consultations, symposia, and dialogues:

1) Panelist on the topic “The Face of the Young Ecumenist—The Next Generation,” 2016 Illinois Conference of Churches Annual Assembly Sept. 30, 2016, Grace Lutheran Church, Champaign, IL

2) Consultation on “Locating U.S. Theological Education In a Global Context: Prospects, Problems, and Possibilities” (Oct. 7-9, 2016) Group of scholars of theological education presenting essays around questions like these: In a global context, including a global Christian church, how do U.S. theological institutions locate themselves so as to be appropriate participants, contributors, and shapers of theological formation within the globalizing ecology of theological formation? What longstanding questions need fresh responses? What new questions arise that demand attention?

3) Convener, panel on theology in a global church, Annual Meeting, American Society of Missiology, June 16-20, 2016 Organized a panel that explored the challenges and possibilities of theology and theologizing in and as a global Christian church, in the context of the annual meeting theme of “public missiology.” Presented a paper titled “A New Global Theology?: Intercultural Theology and the Possibility of Theology as Public Discourse In a Global Church.”

4) Consultation on United Methodist Theological Education in Africa (August 19-20, 2009, Kampala, Uganda) Group of United Methodist educators representing all the episcopal areas in Africa gathered to identify the needs and challenges facing United Methodist theological education in Africa today and to formulate the priorities that should guide an effective long-term approach to these challenges

5) The Promise of Campus Ministry: Theological Explorations (October 18-20, 2009, Nashville, Tennessee) Selected group of United Methodist campus ministers, agency personnel, and educators theologically explore the promise of campus ministry as a frontier in

Curriculum Vitae / 4 the church’s mission today as it seeks to encounter a rapidly changing intellectual, demographic, and cultural context

6) The Poor In a Global Church: What Is at Stake for United Methodists? (October 18-19, 2007, Nashville, Tennessee) In collaboration with the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, organized and hosted a two-day intensive dialogue on the question, “What is the impact of the rising global disparity between rich and poor on The United Methodist Church’s claim and aspiration to be a global church?” Statement available online at: b.3819925/.

7) Keynote Speaker, “Colloquium on Membership: Who Decides and On What Basis?” (March 3, 2007, Wesley United Methodist Church, Dover, DE) Served as keynote speaker at event hosted by Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference to analyze the implications of Judicial Council Decision 1032, focusing specifically on the question of membership.

8) Judicial Council Decision 1032: A Theological Consultation (February 15-16, 2007, Nashville, Tennessee) Group of twenty participants representing the spectrum of theological persuasions in The United Methodist Church engaged in theological dialogue about the implications of Judicial Council Decision 1032 for the self- understanding and ministry of The United Methodist Church, around three topics:(a) membership; (b) ; and (c) appointed leadership. Papers available online at: k.A280/Publications.htm

9) “Take Authority: A Symposium on the Future of Ordained Ministry in The United Methodist Church” (January 19-21, 2004, Nashville, Tennessee) Group of United Methodist church leaders from across the United States analyzed and discussed the key theological, practical, and missional challenges and possibilities facing the denomination’s ordered ministry in the new century

OTHER LEADERSHIP ROLES 2016-2020 quadrennium: Committee on Faith and Order, The United Methodist Church

2013-2016 quadrennium: Committee on Faith and Order, The United Methodist Church • Served as chair of subcommittee to develop United Methodist statement on ecclesiology, titled Wonder, Love, and Praise: Sharing a Vision of the Church.

2009-2012 quadrennium: Committee on Faith and Order, The United Methodist Church

Curriculum Vitae / 5 Serve as GBHEM staff representative on committee

2004–2008 quadrennium, 2009-2010: Commission to Study the Ministry, The United Methodist Church § Served as member of the Commission representing GBHEM § Edited Commission’s report for 2008 General Conference

2008-2010: Member, Board of Directors, Methodist Review: A Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies Peer-reviewed, full-text, online journal based on an open-access model

2010–Present: Member, Editorial Board, Methodist Review: A Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies

DENOMINATIONAL PRESENTATIONS: 1) “United Methodism In a World Church: Reimagining Conference.” Gathering of General Conference delegates of North Central Jurisdiction, The United Methodist Church, Barrington, Illinois, October 23-24, 2015. 2) “United Methodism In a World Church: Reimagining Identity and Mission.” Presented at the annual meeting of United Methodist Ecumenical and Interreligious Training, April 28, 2014, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS: Papers Delivered: 1) “A New Global Theology?: Intercultural Theology and the Challenge of Public Discourse In an Global Church.” Read as part of a panel on theology and public missiology at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Society of Missiology, St. Paul, MN, June 16-19, 2016. 2) “Rorty Among the Theologians: The Possibility of Theology after the New Historicism.” Read at the Annual Meeting of the Highlands Institute for American Religious Thought, Highlands, North Carolina, June 1995. Web: 3) “Neopragmatism and the Christian Desire for a Transcendent God: Is a Dialogue Possible?” Read at the Third International Conference on Philosophical Theology in Bad Boll, Germany, on July 29-August 3, 1998. (Sponsored by the Highlands Institute for American Religious Thought). Web: 4) “History, Transcendence, and God.” Read at the Annual Meeting of the Highlands Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought, Highlands, North Carolina, June 2000. Web: 5) “In Search of a Nation: Nation Building in the New South Africa.” Read at International Conference on Contrasting Values and Multicultural Society, Prague, Czech Republic, September 19-21, 2001. Sponsored by Centre for Research into Sociocultural Pluralism, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences; General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; St. Martin’s College, Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science, Lancaster University, Great Britain 6) “Living the Hospitality of God.” Read at symposium on the future of ordained

Curriculum Vitae / 6 ministry in The United Methodist Church, January 19-21, 2004, Nashville, Tennessee 7) “Opting for the Margins, Again: Recovering an Episcopal Initiative.” Read at The Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies, Christ Church, Oxford University, August 12–21, 2007. Web: 8) “In Praise of Bureaucracy: Mission, Structure, and Renewal In The United Methodist Church.” Willson Lecture delivered at the fall meeting of the board of directors, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, October 8, 2010, Nashville, Tennessee 9) “A Worldwide United Methodist Church: A Richeyan Meditation on a Contested Theme.” Paper read at The Methodist Experience In America: An Academic Conference on the Life and Work of Russell E. Richey, 28-29 March 2011, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. 10) “Truth Be Told: Intercultural Theology and the Possibility of Theology as Public Discourse In a Global Church.” Paper read for panel on public missiology at annual meeting of the American Society of Missiology, June 17-19, 2016.

Publications: Works Published: 1) “A Worldwide United Methodist Church? Soundings toward a Connectional Theological Imagination.” In Methodist Review 5 (2013):1-23. 2) “A Worldwide United Methodist Church: A Richeyan Meditation on a Contested Theme.” In The Renewal of United Methodism: Mission, Ministry, and Connectionalism—Essays In Honor of Russell E. Richey, ed. Rex D. Matthews. Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2012. 3) In Praise of Bureaucracy: Mission, Structure, and Renewal In The United Methodist Church. Occasional Paper 103. Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, December 2010. 4) “Die Gastfreundschaft Gottes leben,” in Michael Nausner, ed., Kirchliches Leben in methodistische Tradition: Perspektiven aus drei Kontinenten. Reutlinger Theologische Studien Band 6 (Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht, 2009) 5) Opting for the Margins, Again: Recovering an Episcopal Initiative (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, 2007); also available online: 6) “In Search of a Nation: Nation Building in the New South Africa.” Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies, Volume 8 (February 2002). Web: 7) “Neopragmatism and the Christian Desire for a Transcendent God: Is a Dialogue Possible?” Essays in Philosophy: A Biannual Journal, Volume 3, Number 2, 2002. Web: 8) “Schools, Violence, and the Hope of Peace,” in Education: The Gift of Hope (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2001) 9) “Rorty among the Theologians: The Possibility of Theology after the New Historicism.” Published in Charley D. Hardwick and Donald A. Crosby (eds.), Pragmatism, Neo-Pragmatism, and Religion: Conversations with Richard Rorty (New York: Peter Lang, 1997).

Curriculum Vitae / 7 10) “Pentecost: How the Festival Changed.” Illustrated Bible Life 16/1 (September- October-November, 1992). Forthcoming: “A New Global Theology? Intercultural Theology and the Challenge of Public Discourse In a Global Church,” Missiology: An International Review (SAGE).

Works Edited: 1) Hendrik R. Pieterse, ed., Serving God with Heart and Mind: A Festschrift in Honor of Roger W. Ireson (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2001. 2) Hendrik R. Pieterse, ed., The Eucharist in a United Methodist Perspective. QRClassics (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2007) 3) Hendrik R. Pieterse, ed., The Orders of Ministry: Problems and Prospects. QRClassics (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2007) 4) Hendrik R. Pieterse, ed., Wealth, Poverty, and Economy in God’s World. QRClassics (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2008) 5) Hendrik R. Pieterse, ed., Preaching for the Twenty-first Century. QRClassics (Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2008)

Works Reviewed: 1) John Edward Nuessle, Faithful Witnesses: United Methodist Theology of Mission. General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church, 2008. In Mission Studies 31 (2014): 452-53. 2) Bryan Stone, Mission after Christendom: The Theology and Practice of Christian Witness. Brazos, 2007. In Mission Studies 31 (2014): 454-55.

Other Publishing: 1990–1992: Abstractor Religious & Theological Abstracts (journal) Journals abstracted: Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift (Dutch) Tijdschrift voor Theologie (Dutch) Evangelische Theologie (German)

MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: § American Society of Missiology § American Academy of Religion

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: English: read, speak, write Afrikaans: read, speak, write (South African) Dutch: read German: read

TECHNOLOGICAL PROFICIENCY: § Microsoft Word § Microsoft Excel

Curriculum Vitae / 8 § Microsoft PowerPoint § QuarkXPress

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