1669 2005 The oldest Croatian  1662 StudyofPhilosophyestablishedattheJesuit Academy oftheRoyalFreeCityof.

 16691669 LeopoldIHabsburgissuedLeopoldIHabsburgissued aa decreedecree granting granting the the status status and and privilegesofauniversitytotheJesuitprivilegesofauniversitytotheJesuit AcademyAcademy of of the the Royal Royal Free Free City City of of ZagrebZagreb ..

The last page of the Diploma by King Leopold I. Kept in the Croatian State Archives .  1671 (November3)The CroatianParliamentpassedthe foundationActoftheUniversityofZagreb.  1776 Due toeducationreformintheAustroHungarianEmpire theJesuitAcademywasrenamedintotheRoyalAcademyof Science( Regia Scientiarum Academia ),consistingofthreestudies Philosophy,TheologyandLaw.  1861 The Parliamentestablishedalegalbasisforthefoundingof theUniversityofZagreb.  1869 EmperorFranzJosephsignedtheDecreeonthe EstablishmentoftheUniversityofZagreb.  1874 The ParliamentpassedtheActofFounding,whichwas ratifiedbytheEmperoronJanuary5 th . Modern University ofZagreb

19October 1874 aceremonialopening ofthemodern UniversityofZagreb.

Memorial plaque of the ceremonial opening of the Royal University of Franz Joseph I in Zagreb . Kept in the Archeological Museum in Zagreb and in the Archives . • Thefirstwas Professor Matija Mesić

• Professor HelenaJasna Mencer isthe 80thrector of the modern university – the first woman rector

• 1878 theinsigniaofthe University(thegiftofthe EmperorFranzJoseph)was usedforthefirsttime 1882 Universitychangeditsseat andmoved intothe presentbuilding(originallybuiltforthehospitalin 1859) 1874 1947

 The UniversityofZagrebconsisted of3faculties: ofLaw,FacultyofTheologyandFacultyof Philosophy(withnaturalsciences).

 TheUniversityexpended newfacultieswere founded: 1917FacultyofMedicine, 1919FacultyofAgriculture andForestry,1924FacultyofVeterinaryMedicine,1926 TechnicalFaculty (formerTechnicalHigh School 1919),1942FacultyofPharmacy,1946Facultyof Science,1947FacultyofEconomics. University building around 1900, photo by Julie Hühn 2005

Constituent Units : • 29 Faculties • 3Art Academies • University Centrefor CroatianStudies

Faculties andAcademies of the University ofZagreb • FacultyofScience • FacultyofArchitecture • FacultyofElectrical Engineering andComputing • FacultyofChemical Engineering andTechnology • FacultyofTransportandTraffic Engineering • FacultyofMechanical Engineering andNaval Architecture • FacultyofGeodesy • FacultyofGeotechnical Engineering • FacultyofCivilEngineering • FacultyofGraphic Arts • FacultyofMetallurgy • FacultyofMining,Geology andPetroleum Engineering • FacultyofTextile Technology • FacultyofPharmacy andBiochemistry • School ofMedicine • School ofDentalMedicine • FacultyofVeterinary Medicine Faculties andAcademies of the University ofZagreb • Faculty ofAgriculture • FacultyofFood Technology andBiotechnology • FacultyofForestry • Graduate School ofEconomics andBusiness • FacultyofOrganization andInformatics • FacultyofPolitical Science • FacultyofEducation andRehabilitation Sciences • FacultyofKinesiology • FacultyofPhilosophy • Teacher Education Academy • FacultyofLaw • Academy ofDramatic Art • Academy ofFineArts • Academy ofMusic • University Centrefor • Catholic FacultyofTheology Organizational Units • Centrefor Advanced Academic Studies in • Centrefor Field Studies andContinuing Education in Motovun • International Research Centrefor Archeology Brijuni Medulin

Legal entities • University Computing centre • University StudentCentres (Zagreb,Varaždin,)

Management ofthe University

 Rector  Senate(70members)  University Council (12members)  Rectors’Collegium (narrow andenlarged rector’s collegium)

 The newStatuteofthe University adopted in2005 Number ofstudents

• about55.000enrolledstudentsperyear 45.8%ofallstudentsin • about8.000graduatedstudentsperyear(56%female) • about650mastersofscienceperyear • about260doctorsofscienceperyear • about100foreignstudentsperyear • about7800teachingandadministrativestaff(31% administrativestaff)