— Girl Lone Victim Of Broken *!Death Pact” Leaden Plan First


Report of Committee on Costs of Medical Care in Results High Spots By FREDEUICK A. STORM Vork (Vnni Pnn mac OMieapoatMl) of Survey of Over Warm iprtnn, G«, Nor H— Great- (UP)—Beer and farm roft* Will Five Years get the right pf way In the short session of congress, President-elect thin, •( 'Importance, to the ter west- Roosevelt and democratic leader* ern Staton because of their trade Changti Prtopoied Ate Adapt- havs decided. with the orient .where silver Is the able to All Communitiei. Roosevelt. renewing Hla confer- standard of exchange. ences with the lechdatlve'chteftaln* Roosevplt had .been scheduled to •f his patty at the "Little White I* into naval Matters with Repre- wiv n.ft o tern of pro* Medical Center! Urged. House” here, planned to exchange sentative Oarl ivinson, chairman of __for the people of the United States is Ideas for measures they fee! should the ho me naval affairs Committee. be enacted to keep, the campaign buf*the appointment waa postponed ided in the report of the committee pn the Cbsts 6f Provide* Scientific Bari* Report my*terines of f5-re*r-oM proposes of a "new deal" la gov- until to-morrow or the nest day. Care made at the national conference depth of the public to-day for Handling Problem. Kranoe* Bempfcr (More) ernment. ? Some, members Roosevelt on the Costs of Medical Care held at the Academy of Medi- With this end hi view, It was Re- party here.-dncludinir dames A. vealed by Senator Joseph T. Rob- Farley, democratic national chair- New York that our and mental city. Asserting physical Group Payment^ecommendeJ. > at Newton, Pa. Charles inson, minority leadet*, the-import-, man, end Mre Farley^ Col Marvin health is the nation’s greatest asset, the report, which has Arnwine, M end twine married, ant matter of executive appoint- M. McIntyre, press representative. ments to of CbrneUns, ,: Vanderbilt. Jr. and been a substantial of the subject approval fho adopted by majority committee, Recommendation* Bated Largely senate, will be one of those things Forbes Morgan, took time to at- to a the urtfes immediate steps provide better medical care for the on Exitting Organization!. suicide pact end tbat lie loet hi* passed over. That means, he ex- tend 'possum hunt dpep in people of the United States, and to bring this about, out- nerve when be tiled to kill him- plained, that no action win be tak- pine woods of Georgia. They were self. en on judicial appointments, post- rewarded with a half-grown, and lines five recommendations. Prominently featured among Pertonal Relation Between Pby- ^ masterships, and others. ; badly frightened 'possum. Later attended a fish and the recommendations are group organization of medical tician and Patient and XJBST: •_ "Of course, there may bo excep- they dry chit- Higher fJ'l "\.:J on dinner. service and of the costs. tions but no decisions as to what, group payment Compilation to Physician* Ciierlc* Arnwine, reported by po- kind has been reached," he said. Men Eleanor Patterson. Wash- lice to hew confessed to the mur- about cabinet ington newspaper publisher, here. Basic Ilccommefidatlon* hank Memorial New York Streucd. "How appoint- fund, der of 15-rear-old Prances Hemp- for two days aboard her city. ments?” he was askgd. urivate Til* five basic recommendation* fer near, liowtown, Pa, Is shown "We would not do anything to railroad cai> went home last night. are: Ur Dean of De- Of th* committee Lewie, surgcon-ln-chlef, (at left) in custody County ember rasa the president.'' he said. *■ Johns and various organizations and Individu- who hold* / perimentation and demonstrations In rural areas, towns, ally sound and justifiable Is still to to promote and expedite mpve- Bridge expert* apd.bridge players for those who It. particularly tees in the necessary •. prefer of directors, Rockefeller Institute In local communities along lines and small cities. be undertaken by New England In- ment in their respective geographic formulating made their little1 private wagers 4. That a organization ac- and bringing It out. S specific for Medical Research, Baltimore, proposed In tho committee’s recom- 3. There Is need for a geo- dustry.” This Is the conclusion of areas and fields of Industrial legislation to-day In advance of one of the l)e in community Roosevelt, meanwhile, hOs made formed every Md; Dr Horace J. Whltacrc, presi- mendations. graphical dlslrlbutoln of practl- the Now England committee on In- tivity; major events of or state for the "study, evaluation, no comment as to the type of legis- dent, Washington State Medical so- dustrial Rehabilitation expressed “Second, to'approach first firms —the tournaments to decide the and coordination of medical ser- lation he would like to see enacted ciety, TucOma, Washington; SIGNIFICANT FACT?* REVEALED In its report to the National Organ- which have fcastupp- credit and arc team of four and pair champion- vice." / Dr, In thO lame seSelon. Btnsiy it. Williams, managing di- Among the significant facts and figures revealed In the report are ization for industrial Rehabilita- .therefore In a position to under- S. That the professional educa- The democratic ships. rector of New York academy of the following: tion, made public here to-day by take modernization programs Im- .congressional These tournaments, features of' tion of dentists, pharm- leaders, It was out, are an- physicians, medicine, New York city: Dr M. C. 1. The nntlon's "medical dollar" Chased on data for total medical President Harry C. Knight of the mediately, and, second firms whose pointed the sixth annual American Brldgo foists, und nurses ho reoriented to for distributed as folows: xious that a complete program be §y School of Medi- hill of 83.6G6.000.000 1020) la New England Council, chairman current business ■ and winter tournament, take ■ Wlntcrnltz, dean, prospects league accord more closely with present ■ in order they con- cine, Yale university. New Haven, Physicians In private practice 20.0 for New England Of the Industrial warrant plant expansion, but r?ady tbat cap place to-day and. to-hlght at the needs, und that educational fa- 23.4 centrate on Its -per- Conn, and Deo Wolmun, professor Hospitals Rehabilitation committee. which are- not In a financial passage gityl Hotel Rltz Carlton with America's to train threo posi- cilities be provided .. 12.2 avoid an extra session of con- of economics, Columbia university, dentists "It is to thp New England firms tion to It now; haps leading players part. new of workers in the field 10.2 undertaHp , taking types New York city. Medicines ...... which should and are In position gress. Tho tournament» opened last of namely, nursing attend- "Thrt-d, to approach the manu- them called on health: Public health .. 3.3 modernize that the New Engr All of WM