Archaeological Evaluation on Land East of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops, Essex, CM8 3NW January 2017

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Archaeological Evaluation on Land East of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops, Essex, CM8 3NW January 2017 Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops, Essex, CM8 3NW January 2017 by Laura Pooley figures by Ben Holloway and Emma Holloway fieldwork by Ben Holloway with Sarah Carter, Jane Roberts and Alec Wade on behalf of Brad Davies, Mersea Homes Ltd NGR: TL 8376 1209 (centre) Planning ref.: OUT/MAL/15/00267 CAT project ref.: 17/01b ECC code: WIMC17 Colchester Museum accession code COLEM: 2017.2 OASIS ref.: colchest3-272668 Colchester Archaeological Trust Roman Circus House, Roman Circus Walk, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7GZ tel.: 01206 501785 email: [email protected] CAT Report 1061 February 2017 Environmental report added April 2017 Contents 1 Summary 1 2 Introduction 1 3 Archaeological background 1 4 Results 3 5 Finds 5 6 Environmental results 6 7 Discussion 8 8 Acknowledgements 9 9 References 9 10 Abbreviations and glossary 10 11 Contents of archive 10 12 Archive deposition 10 Appendix 1 Context list 12 Appendix 2 Environmental results 14 Figures after p14 OASIS summary sheet List of maps, photographs, tables and figures Cover: general site shot Map 1 Chapman and André map of Essex 1777 showing the enclosure 2 of Tiptree Heath, development site indicated by the blue arrow Map 2 1895 6-inch OS map overlaid on modern aerial shot, boundary 2 ditch indicated by the blue arrow Photograph 1 T4, looking NW 3 Photograph 2 T7, ditch F15, looking NW 3 Photograph 3 T9, looking SW 4 Table 1 All finds by context 6 Fig 1 Site location Fig 2 Results Fig 3 Trench plans: T1-T6 Fig 4 Trench plans: T7-T9, T11-T12 Fig 5 Feature and representative trench sections CAT Report 1061: Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops – January 2017 1 Summary An archaeological evaluation (fourteen trial-trenches) was carried out on land east Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops, Essex in advance of the construction of fourteen new dwellings. The development is located within what was Tiptree Heath, a historically important area of pasture and open woodland until the early 19th century. The earliest feature excavated was a later prehistoric pit. A large post-medieval/modern boundary ditch was probably associated with the enclosure of Tiptree Heath and a post-medieval pit contained large quantities of vitrified brick. The remaining undated pits, postholes and gullies were probably of an agricultural/ horticultural nature. 2 Introduction (Fig 1) This is the archive report for an archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops, Essex carried out 16th-18th January 2017. The work was commissioned by Brad Davies, Mersea Homes Ltd, in advance of the construction of fourteen new dwellings, and was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust (CAT). In response to consultation with Essex County Council Place Services (ECCPS), Historic Environment Advisor Maria Medlycott advised that in order to establish the archaeological implications of this application, the applicant should be required to commission a scheme of archaeological investigation in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG 2012). All archaeological work was carried out in accordance with an Archaeological brief for trial trenching , detailing the required archaeological work, written by Maria Medlycott (ECCPS 2016), and a written scheme of investigation (WSI) prepared by CAT in response to the brief and agreed with ECCPS (CAT 2016). In addition to the brief and WSI, all fieldwork and reporting was done in accordance with English Heritage’s Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE ) (English Heritage 2006), and with Standards for field archaeology in the East of England (EAA 14 and 24 ). This report mirrors standards and practices contained in the Institute for Archaeologists’ Standard and guidance for archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014a) and Standard and guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and research of archaeological materials (CIfA 2014b). 3 Archaeological background The following archaeological background utilises the Essex Historic Environment Record (EHER) held at Essex County Council, County Hall, Chelmsford. The proposed development site is located to the southeast of the historic core of Wickham Bishops. Cartographic evidence identifies two areas of historic greens extending out of the settlement on roads on the northern and southern side of the development area, this formed part of Tiptree Heath. The 1777 Chapman and André map of Essex shows the development area as having been enclosed; such enclosures of the Heath took place in a piecemeal fashion from the medieval period onwards. There is potential to both date the enclosure and for medieval settlement to be identified along the roadside edge. The Historic Environment Characterisation also indicates the potential for multi-period archaeological deposits in the area. 1 CAT Report 1061: Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops – January 2017 Map 1 Chapman and André map of Essex 1777 showing the enclosure of Tiptree Heath, development site indicated by the blue arrow (Bing © Getmapping plc © 2016 Geoeye © 2016 Microsoft Corporation © 2016 HERE ©) Map 2 1895 6-inch OS map overlaid on modern aerial shot, boundary ditch indicated by the blue arrow 2 CAT Report 1061: Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops – January 2017 4 Results (Figs 2-4) Fourteen trial-trenches measuring 30m long by 1.8m wide were laid out across the development site. All were machine stripped under the supervision of a CAT archaeologist. Three layers were identified. Modern topsoil (L1, c 160-310mm thick, medium grey/brown slightly sandy silty-clay) sealed subsoil (L2, c 100-280mm thick, light- medium grey/brown slightly sandy silty-clay) which sealed natural sands (L3). Trench 1 (T1): Post-medieval/modern ditch F1 was aligned NW/SE. This ditch continued to the SE as ditch F15 in T7. Gullies F4 and F5 ran parallel to each other on a NW/SE alignment. The U-shaped gullies measured approximately 0.23m wide by 0.20m deep, with F5 containing fragments of coal (not retained). Two similar parallel gullies (F6) were left unexcavated. These gullies are likely to be of a post-medieval/modern agricultural/horticultural nature, with plough marks recorded further to the NE. Undated pit F2 and natural feature F3 was also excavated. Trench 2 (T2): Undated pit F9 showed evidence of burning with red clay and a few lumps of charcoal scattered throughout the fill. Trench 3 (T3): Undated ditch F12 was aligned E/W and measured 1.09m wide by 0.27m deep. Post-medieval pit F20 contained a large quantity of fragments of vitrified brick and some peg-tile. Trench 4 (T4): Undated postholes F10 and F11 measured 0.36m in diameter by 0.18m deep and 0.32m diameter and 0.07m deep. These posthole bases had vertical sides, a flat base and charcoal rich fill. Trench 5 (T5): Undated posthole F7 and undated pit F8 were excavated. Trench 6 (T6): Later prehistoric pit F17 contained three small sherds of possible Middle Iron Age pottery from the upper fill. It was overcut during excavation but measured 0.64m in diameter and 0.14m deep. Trench 7 (T7): Post-medieval/modern ditch F15 was aligned NW/SE and measured 2m wide by 0.76m deep. This ditch continued to the NW as ditch F1 in T1. A layer of imported material (L4) was identified between the existing roadside ditch and F15. It was sealed by L1 and sealed L3. Undated pits or natural features F16 and F23 were also excavated. Trench 8 (T8): Undated postholes F13 and F14 were excavated. Trench 9 (T9): Undated pit F21 was excavated. Trench 11 (T11): Undated pits F22 and F24 were excavated. Trench 12 (T12): Modern postholes F18 and F19 were excavated. Posthole F18 still contained the remains of the wooden post (not retained). Trenches 10, 13, 14 (T10, T13, T14): No archaeological remains were encountered in these trenches. 3 CAT Report 1061: Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops – January 2017 Photograph 1 T4, looking NW Photograph 2 T7, ditch F15, looking NW 4 CAT Report 1061: Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops – January 2017 Photograph 3 T9, looking SW 5 Finds Only four features produced finds, ditch F1/F15, pit F17 and pit F20. Finds included pottery, ceramic building material (CBM), glass and iron. All of the finds are listed by context in Table 1. Trench, feature Description Date (finds) nos. T1, F1 (1) CBM: fragment of peg-tile (42g), 14mm thick; fragment of Post-medieval/ unfrogged red brick (550g), 60mm thick modern Iron: iron bolt (60g), post-medieval/modern T7, F15 (9) Pottery: sherd (1g) Staffordshire-type white earthenware, Late 18th- Fabric 48D, late 18th-19th/early 20th century 19th/early 20th CBM: fragment of unfrogged brick (204g), pinkish-cream century colour, 55mm thick, post-medieval Glass: fragment of pale blue bottle glass (16g), later post- medieval/modern Iron: iron strip, 115mm long, 20mm wide, 5mm thick, 82g, post-medieval/modern T6, F17 (5) Pottery: three sherds (10g) of hand-made sand-tempered Later pottery, later prehistoric ( c Middle Bronze Age-Iron Age) prehistoric 5 CAT Report 1061: Archaeological evaluation on land east of Malone Cottage, Maypole Road, Wickham Bishops – January 2017 T3, F20 (7) CBM: peg-tile fragments (13:430g), 14-16mm thick, one Probably late peg-hole 14mm diameter, fine orange/brownish-orange 17th-early 18th sandy fabric; brick fragments (7: 856g), three have century surviving thicknesses (38mm, 45mm, 51mm thick), unfrogged, fine orange/reddish-orange sandy fabric, probably late 17th-early 18th century Vitrified CBM: brick fragments with complete thicknesses (11: 3.38kg), 8 are 45mm thick, 3 are 50mm thick, probably late 17th-early 18th century; brick fragments (79: 7.3kg); peg-tile fragments (8:254g) Table 1 All finds by context (* CAR 7) Prehistoric pottery by Stephen Benfield Three small sherds of moderately thick, hand-made sand-tempered pottery (10g) were recovered from a small pit F17 (5) in T6.
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