EASTER 2013 The SPIRIT of GRACE GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 820 Howard Street PO Box 596 Carthage MO 64836 417-358-4631 fax 417-358-6775
[email protected] gracecarthage.org BLESSING BRICKS From the Rectory: The Very Rev. Steven C. Wilson For $30, you can honor friends & family in our Bible garden with an en- The single most important event which matters... graved paving brick. See the in the Christian calendar is the Christianity hinges on the his- “Great Triduum,” the three day re- toric details of these days. No one display in the Parish House. membrance of Christ’s death, burial of any real historical merit ques- and resurrection which runs from tions what has just been de- Sunday sunset on Maundy Thursday night scribed. It’s not what people be- • Eucharist 8 & 10:30 to shortly after sunrise on Easter lieved, nor what happened, which • Acolyte Practice 10 morning. In it, a series of services are in dispute. It’s the meaning, • Sunday School 9:15 • Choir Practice 9:45 which have no opening or closing the “why.” • La Santa Misa 12 lines flow into one another, moving The tomb is empty—and that’s • Estudio Biblico 1:30 from tragedy to exhaustion to tri- rather unusual. It requires a faith Monday: Fr Estes in umph in a seamless whole. If we did response. Faith that the apostles • Narcotics Anonymous 7 it “right,” we’d never stop the ser- were frauds who spirited the Tuesday: Fr Wilson in vice during those hours. But even corpse away, that the cowards • Men’s Social @ St Luke’s 9:30 Episcopalians have to sleep some- who ran from the police suddenly • Coro en Espanol 5 times, right? became master con men.