Nations Shall Walk by Your Light. ^ Isaiah 60:3, January 3

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Nations Shall Walk by Your Light. ^ Isaiah 60:3, January 3

$4.95 Isaiah 60:3, January 3 Isaiah 60:3, ^ JANUARY 2021 JANUARY Nations shall walk by your light. light. your by Nations shall walk YOUR DAILY COMPANION FOR PRAYING AND LIVING THE EUCHARIST LIVING THE AND PRAYING FOR COMPANION DAILY YOUR




St. Raymond of HOURS: WEEK II St. André Bessette Penyafort 10 x THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD HOURS: PROPER PSS WEEKDAY 11 WEEKDAY 12 WEEKDAY 13 WEEKDAY 14 WEEKDAY 15 WEEKDAY 16 (First Week in Ordinary Time)


HOURS: PROPER PSS St. Angela Merici Blessed Virgin Mary 31 x FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HOURS: WEEK IV *Memorials in italics are optional LIVING WITH CHRIST THIS MONTH “A prayer of thanksgiving”

FR. RICHARD LAMOUREUX, AA » [email protected]

This will be my last contribution to Living with Christ. In February, you will receive greetings from an Assumptionist confrère, Father John Franck, who, from now on, will take on the role of associate pub- lisher and will write the introductory message in my place. Fr. John has been an educator, religious formator, college administrator, and Congregation leader. He is now working in an Assumptionist parish. His experience has prepared him well for this new mission. Way back in 2012, when I wrote my first of more than hun- dred messages for Living with Christ, my theme for that month of July was gratitude. And that’s a good way to end the series. In the light of God’s loving plan for us, even to the point of sharing our human condition by sending his Son, it makes sense that a prayer of thanks- giving should always be on our lips. I’m also grateful because these brief messages have enabled me to dwell with you on the wisdom communicated to us through God’s word and the Church’s liturgy. Thank you for your generous response. You won’t be reading my words on these pages, but you can continue to count on my prayers in the months ahead. Have a blessed new year! ] LIVING WITH CHRIST 1 Contents JANUARY 2021 ] VOLUME 21 | NUMBER 1

daily personal prayer Prayer in the morning...... 3 Gospel canticles...... 4 The pope’s Prayer in the evening...... 6 A prayer for each day ...... 7 intention

reflections for January This month’s Scriptures...... 16 Guide for the journey...... 18 Human Fraternity Praying with the Scriptures...... 20 Wisdom from our friends...... 23 May the Lord give us the grace to live in full our eucharistic liturgy fellowship with our The Order of Mass ...... 25 brothers and sisters

daily readings & prayers of other religions,

Mary, the Holy Mother of God praying for one » January 1...... 55 another, open to all. Week in the Christmas Season » January 2 ...... 59

The Epiphany of the Lord » January 3 ...... 64

Week after the Epiphany Second Week in Ordinary Time » January 4-9...... 72 » January 17-23...... 129

The Baptism of the Lord Third Week in Ordinary Time » January 10 ...... 96 » January 24-30...... 161

First Week in Ordinary Time Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time » January 11-16...... 105 » January 31...... 195

2 JANUARY 2021 ( DAILY PERSONAL(pa PRAYERge 125 Ps 19 monday [ 

Prayer in the morning

INVITATION TO PRAYER month’s booklet: Use the Entrance Antiphon for the day or the following: monday Ps 19 (page 125) tuesday Ps 24 (page 183) Lord, open our lips. wednesday Ps 96 (page 174) And we shall proclaim your praise. thursday Ps 97 (page 106) Glory to God in the highest. friday Ps 98 (page 61) And peace to God’s people on earth. saturday Ps 40 (page 131) Play or sing a favorite song of praise. sunday Ps 149 (page 92)

OPENING PRAYER You might also use the Song of Use the Collect of the day, the Zechariah, Luke 1:68-79 (page 4). suggested prayer for the day (page 7), After the psalm, spend some quiet or a prayer of your own choosing. time considering the challenges that might occur as you are living with SCRIPTURE READING Christ during the coming day. Choose one of the Scripture readings After reflecting, offer some sponta- from the day. neous petitions and intercessions.

REFLECTION CLOSING PRAYER Pray silently about the Scripture Pray a spontaneous prayer or the passage, letting the Holy Spirit guide Lord’s Prayer. Conclude with a you so that you may discover God’s blessing, the suggested prayer for the message . day (page 7), or another prayer of Pray a psalm of praise. These your own choosing. ] morning psalms can be found in this LIVING WITH CHRIST 3 DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER

Gospel canticles

The gospel canticles (or “songs”) come from Luke’s gospel. In honor of the mystery of the Incarnation (to which all three refer), it is customary to make the sign of the cross as the canticle begins and to stand while it is sung.

The Song of Zechariah This was the oath he swore (Luke 1:68-79) to our father Abraham: Blessed be the Lord, to set us free from the the God of Israel; hands of our enemies, he has come to his people free to worship him and set them free. without fear, He has raised up for us holy and righteous a mighty savior, in his sight all the days born of the house of our life. of his servant David. You, my child, shall be called Through his prophets the prophet of the he promised of old Most High, that he would save us for you will go before the from our enemies, Lord to prepare his way, from the hands to give his people of all who hate us. knowledge of salvation He promised to show mercy by the forgiveness of to our fathers their sins. and to remember In the tender compassion his holy covenant. of our God

4 JANUARY 2021 ( (page 125 Ps 19 monday [ 

the dawn from on high from their thrones, shall break upon us, and has lifted up the lowly. to shine on those He has filled the hungry who dwell in darkness with good things, and the shadow of death, and the rich he has sent and to guide our feet away empty. into the way of peace. He has come to the help of his servant Israel The Song of Mary for he has remembered (Luke 1:46-55) his promise of mercy, My soul proclaims the the promise he made greatness of the Lord, to our fathers, my spirit rejoices in God to Abraham and his children my Savior for ever. for he has looked with favor upon his lowly servant. The Song of Simeon From this day all generations (Luke 2:29-32) will call me blessed: Lord, now let your servant the Almighty has done go in peace; great things for me, your word has been fulfilled: and holy is his Name. my own eyes have seen He has mercy on those who the salvation fear him in every generation. which you have prepared He has shown the strength in the sight of every people: of his arm, a light to reveal you and has scattered the proud to the nations in their conceit. and the glory of your He has cast down the mighty people Israel. LIVING WITH CHRIST 5 DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER

Prayer in the evening

INVITATION TO PRAYER wednesday Ps 72 (page 66) Use the Entrance Antiphon for the day thursday Ps 95 (page 117) or the following: friday Ps 105 (page 113) O God, come to our assistance. saturday Ps 110 (page 137) Lord, make haste to help us. sunday Ps 111 (page 141) Play or sing a favorite song of praise. You might also use the Song of Mary,

OPENING PRAYER the Magnificat, Luke 1:46-55, or the Use the Collect of the day, the Song of Simeon, Luke 2:29-32 suggested prayer for the day (page 7), (page 5). or a prayer of your own choosing. After the psalm, spend a few minutes looking back over the day, SCRIPTURE READING quietly reflecting on how you met the Choose one of the Scripture readings challenges of living with Christ today. from the day. After this time for reflection, offer some spontaneous petitions and REFLECTION intercessions or use the ones for this Pray silently to understand and apply week found at the end of each Sunday. the Scripture passage to your life. Pray a psalm of thanks or trust. CLOSING PRAYER These evening psalms may be found Pray a spontaneous prayer or the in this month’s booklet: Lord’s Prayer. Conclude with a blessing, the suggested prayer for monday Ps 40 (page 131) the day (page 7), or a prayer of tuesday Ps 67 (page 56) your own choosing. ]

6 JANUARY 2021 ( DAILY PERSONAL(pa PRAYERge 131 Ps 40 monday [ 

A prayer for each day

January 2021

Friday who are past hope, the savior of Mary, I love you. Mary, make the tempest-tossed, the harbor 1 me live in God, with God, of the voyagers, the physician and for God. Mary, mother of of the sick. You know each soul God and mother of mercy, pray and our prayer, each home and for me and for the departed. its need. Become to each one of Mary, holy mother of God, be us what we most dearly desire, our helper. In every difficulty receiving us all into your king- and distress, come to our aid, dom, making us children of the O Mary. O queen of heaven, lead light. Pour on us your peace and us to eternal life with God. Pray love, O Lord our God. Amen. for us, O holy mother of God, orthodox liturgy of st. basil that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen. Sunday st. philip neri O God, by your heavenly 3 star, you guided those who Saturday were wise to your beloved Son, O Lord, the helper of the Jesus Christ. May your blessing 2 helpless, the hope of those come to rest on us. Make us wise LIVING WITH CHRIST 7 

with your wisdom, energized by the dew of your grace. Amen. your love, and ready to proclaim st. john neumann your Son as our Savior. May your Word made flesh make his Wednesday home among us. Amen. Jesus, no voice can sing, no author unknown 6 heart can frame, nor can the memory find a sweeter sound Monday than your name, dear Savior of O Father, the first rule of humankind. O hope of every 4 our Savior’s life was to do contrite heart! O joy of all the your will. Let his will of the meek! To those who fall, how present moment be the first kind you are! How good to those rule of our daily life and work, who seek! Jesus! Be our only with no other desire but for its hope and prize! In you is all our most full and complete accom- glory now and through eternity. plishment. Help us to follow it Amen. st. bernard of clairvaux faithfully so that, doing what you wish, we will be pleasing Thursday to you. Amen. O supreme, eternal Good! st. elizabeth ann seton 7 What moved you to enlighten me with the light of Tuesday your truth? You yourself, the O my God, I thank you for very fire of love, you yourself 5 the love you have planted are the reason. For it always has in my heart. I will cultivate this been and always is love that con- precious flower. I will guard it strains you to create in us your night and day that nothing may own image and likeness, and to injure it. O Lord, water it with show us mercy by giving your

8 JANUARY 2021 ( (page 131 Ps 40 monday [  creatures infinite and immeasur- by your grace, change within able graces. Amen. our souls will make us worthy st. raymond of penyafort of your heavenly kingdom. Amen. alcuin of york Friday God, our true life, to know Sunday 8 you is life, to serve you is Glorious Lord Christ: freedom, to enjoy you is a king- 10 the divine influence dom, to praise you is the joy and secretly diffused and active in happiness of the soul. I praise the depths of matter, and the and bless and adore and thank dazzling center where all the and glorify you. I beg you to innumerable firers of the mani- live with me, to reign in me, to fold meet; power as implacable make this heart of mine a holy as the world and as warm as life. temple, a fit habitation for your You gather into your exuberant divine majesty. Amen. unity every mode of existence. st. augustine of hippo It is you to whom my being cries out with a desire as vast as Saturday the universe. In truth, you are O God, here on earth you my Lord and my God. Amen. 9 are constantly seeking to fr. teilhard de chardin, s.j. change us. At times we wish to flee into the wilderness to avoid Monday you. But let us learn to love the Jesus, I come before you lasting things of heaven rather 11 at the beginning of this than the dying things of earth. day. Take, Lord, and receive my We must accept that time always heart: the words of faith that I brings change, and we pray that, speak, the works of justice that LIVING WITH CHRIST 9 

I do, my joys and sufferings. die, which will enkindle our When I come to the eucharistic lamps but not extinguish them, table, gather my offering to your so that they may shine in us own for the life of the world. and bring light to others. Most At the end of the day, place me dear Savior, enkindle our lamps with Mary, your mother, and that they may shine forever in for her sake take me to your your temple. May we receive heart. Amen. unquenchable light from you maryland province jesuits so that our darkness will be illu- minated and the darkness of the Tuesday world will be made less. Amen. Take away, O Lord, from st. columba 12 our hearts all suspicious- ness, indignation, anger, conten- Thursday tion, and whatever is calculated Jesus, name full of glory, to wound charity and lessen 14 grace, love, and strength! neighborly love. Have mercy, You are the refuge of those who O Lord, on those who seek repent, our banner of warfare your mercy. Give grace to the in this life, the medicine of needy. Make us live so that we souls, the comfort of those who may be found worthy to enjoy mourn, the delight of those who the fruition of your grace and believe, the healing of the sick. attain eternal life. Amen. To you our devotion aspires; by thomas à kempis you our prayers are received. O name of Jesus, you are the Wednesday glory of all the saints for eter- O Lord, grant us that nity. Amen. 13 love which can never st. bernardine of siena

10 JANUARY 2021 ( (page 131 Ps 40 monday [ 

Friday worthy to bear the Redeemer of Jesus, what a true friend the world. Amen. 15 you are, and how pow- st. augustine of hippo erful! For when you wish to be with us, you can be, and Sunday you always wish it, if only we Almighty and ever-liv- will receive you. May you be 17 ing God, I approach the blessed forever, Lord, for offer- sacrament of your only-begot- ing your hand of love in my ten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. darkest, most lonely moments, I come sick to the doctor of for loving me more than I love life, unclean to the fountain myself, and for putting up with of mercy, blind to the radiance such a stubborn soul as mine. of eternal light, and poor and Amen. st. teresa of ávila needy to the Lord of heaven and earth. Lord, in your great Saturday generosity, heal my sickness, Holy Mary, help those wash away my sins, enlighten 16 who are miserable, my blindness, enrich my pov- strengthen those who are dis- erty, and clothe my nakedness. couraged, and comfort those Amen. st. thomas aquinas who are sorrowful. May all who venerate you experience Monday your assistance and protection. Holy Spirit, fire of love, Be ready to aid us when we 18 come rest over each of pray and bring back to us the us. Make our tongue ready to answers to our prayers. Pray for confess our sins, that in reveal- the people of God, for you were ing everything and concealing blessed by God and were made nothing, we may attain heavenly LIVING WITH CHRIST 11 

life to sing eternal praise with Thursday the angels. With your help, you Lord, I am yours, and I who live and reign through all 21 must belong to no one ages. Amen. but you. My soul is yours and st. anthony of padua must live only by you. My will is yours and must love only Tuesday for you. I must love you as my Lord, open our eyes that first cause, since I am from you. 19 we may see you in our I must love you as my end and brothers and sisters. Lord, open rest, since I am for you. I must our ears that we may hear the love you more than my own cries of the hungry, the cold, the being, since my being subsists frightened, and the oppressed. by you. I must love you more Lord, open our hearts that we than myself, since I am all yours may love each other as you love and all in you. Amen. us. Renew in us your Spirit. st. francis de sales Lord, free us and make us one. Amen. st. teresa of calcutta Friday Lord, God of peace, we Wednesday 22 thank you for the desire, Helper of those who which your spirit of peace has 20 turn to you, Light of roused in our day: to replace those in the dark, Creator of all hatred with love, diffidence with that grows from seed, Promoter understanding, unconcern with of all spiritual growth, have care. Open our hearts even more mercy, Lord, on me and make to the needs of all our brothers me a temple fit for yourself. and sisters, so that we may be 3rd/4th cent. christian prayer better able to build a true peace.

12 JANUARY 2021 LIVING WITH CHRIST ] monday Ps131) 40 e gap (

For the people of every race, of every tongue, may your king- dom come: your kingdom of justice, of peace, of love. Amen. st. pope paul vi

Saturday Alone with none but 23 you, my God, I journey on my way. What need I fear, when you are near, O King of night and day? More safe am I within your hand than if a host did round me stand. st. columba

Sunday Jesus, fill us, we pray, 24 with your light and life that we may show forth your wonderful glory. Grant that your love may so fill our lives that we may count nothing too small to do for you, nothing too much to give, and nothing too hard to bear. Amen. st. ignatius of loyola LIVING WITH CHRIST 13 13

Monday all, I give you my heart that you O my divine Savior, may love in me all that you have 25 transform me into your- created. I give you my whole self. Grant that every faculty self that you may grow in me, of my body may serve only to so that it is you, Lord Jesus, who glorify you. Above all, transform live and work and pray in me. my soul and all its powers so lancelot andrewes that my memory, will, and affec- tions may be the memory, will, Wednesday and affections of Jesus. I pray Jesus, we commend to you to destroy in me all that 27 to you the sick, the is not of you. Grant that I may unhappy, the poor, and all who live but in you, by you, and for beg for food and employment, you, so that I may truly say with imploring for all and every one St. Paul, “I live now, not I, but the assistance of your provi- Christ lives in me.” Amen. dence. We commend to you st. john gabriel perboyre, c.m. their families, so that they may be fruitful centers of Christian Tuesday life. May the abundance of your Lord Jesus, I give you grace be poured out over all. 26 my hands to do your Amen. st. john xxiii work. I give you my feet to go your way. I give you my eyes Thursday to see as you do. I give you my Give us, O Lord, stead- tongue to speak your words. I 28 fast hearts, which no give you my mind that you may unworthy affection may drag think in me. I give you my spirit downward. Give us uncon- that you may pray in me. Above quered hearts, which no trib-

14 JANUARY 2021 LIVING WITH CHRIST ] monday Ps131) 40 e gap ( ulations can wear out. Give God has also chosen to dwell. us upright hearts, which no Following your example, may unworthy purpose may tempt we bring the same kind of aside. Bestow upon us also, O peace, the same kind of recol- Lord our God, understanding to lection to everything we do. know you, diligence to seek you, Help us to act in such a way that wisdom to find you, and a faith- through God’s presence in us, fulness that may finally embrace the most trivial things in our you. Amen. st. thomas aquinas days may be divinized. Amen. st. elizabeth of the trinity Friday Take, O Lord, and Sunday 29 receive my entire liberty, O tender Father, you my memory, my understanding, 31 gave me more, much and my whole will. All that I am more, than I ever thought and all that I possess you have to ask for. I realize that our given me: I surrender it all to human desires can never really you to be disposed of according match what you long to give to your will. Give me only your us. Thanks and again thanks, love and your grace; with these O Father, for having granted my I will be rich enough, and will petitions and that which I never desire nothing more. Amen. realized I needed or petitioned. st. ignatius of loyola Amen. st. catherine of siena

Saturday Mary, your attitude 30 is the model for all interior souls, in whose depths LIVING WITH CHRIST 15 REFLECTIONS13

This month’s Scriptures REV. GEORGE SMIGA


e meet the character of Zebedee in the gospel on January 24th. Zebedee was a fisherman, and by all indications a successful one. His business was robust enough to have a boat and hired employees. But what mostW likely gave Zebedee the greatest satisfaction was that his legacy would continue. His two sons, James and John, were fishermen them- selves. Zebedee was confident that they would carry on the family business after he was gone. However, in the gospel story, Jesus walks by and calls James and John. They follow him, leaving Zebedee in the boat. Zebedee sits there, apparently realizing that his world has changed. Who will take over the business? What about grandchildren? The character of Zebedee reminds us that people we love and trust will sometimes make decisions that confound and disturb us. Our daughter tells us that she has found someone to marry and presents us with a man who we believe is unsuited for her. Our son announces his homosexual orientation and tells us that he is about to adopt a lifestyle with which we do not agree. Our spouse develops an interest or attitude that threatens our marital unity. When people in our lives fail to meet our expectations, we, like Zebedee, find ourselves with more questions

16 JANUARY 2021 LIVING WITH CHRIST ] monday Ps131) 40 e gap ( than answers. We may be profoundly disappointed, believing that the people we love are not the people we thought them to be. In such confusion, it is important to remember who we are. We hear on January 10th the heavenly voice announcing Jesus as God’s beloved son. Through Christ, we are also God’s beloved sons and daughters. When people disappoint us, we must hold fast to the God who loves us, trusting that THE EXPERIENCE God will guide us into a future we had never OF ZEBEDEE CALLS anticipated. US TO WAIT AND James and John never returned to the BE PATIENT. family business. From the time they set WE MUST TRUST out to follow Jesus, they were his until the IN GOD'S LOVE end. But perhaps a day came when Zebedee AND LET THINGS could look at the decision of his two boys PLAY OUT. and recognize that their choice was not as foolish as it first appeared to him. The experience of Zebedee calls us to wait and be patient when people we love make decisions that we do not understand. We must trust in God’s love and let things play out. Perhaps time will show that the choices of those who disappointed us were as senseless and destructive as we had feared. But it may also reveal that what they chose to do was more lifegiving than we imagined. And perhaps, if we are very lucky, a day will come when we realize that a choice another made—which seemed foolish to us at the time—was in fact a response to a call from God. ]

Fr. George Smiga holds a doctorate in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. He teaches at St. Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in Wickliffe, Ohio, and is pastor of St. Noel Church in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. His website is LIVING WITH CHRIST 17 REFLECTIONS13

Guide for the journey ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON

Meet your grace in ordinary life

Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton (1774-1821) was the frst native-born saint of the United States. Her feast day is celebrated this month on January 4. (For more on her life, see page 72.) These excerpts from Mother Seton’s writings reveal her warm and practical spiritual advice.

he little daily lesson to keep soberly and quietly in [God’s] presence, trying to turn every little action on his will, and to praise and love through cloud or sunshine, is all my care Tand study. Meet your grace We must be so careful to meet our grace—if mine depended on going to a place to which I had the most dreadful aversion, in that place there is a store of grace waiting for me. Keep well to what you believe to be the grace of the moment. You will so often be unsure of what is best in a situation so new, but only do your best as you always have done, and leave the rest for our dear God. Do what we can, and God will do the rest; what seems so impossible to nature is quite easy to grace.

18 JANUARY 2021 LIVING WITH CHRIST ] monday Ps131) 40 e gap (

God’s presence in us God is more intimately present to us than we are to ourselves, and whatever we do is done in God. A true joy to me indeed is the daily morning Mass and our frequent and daily communion. It has been my wealth in poverty and joy in deepest afflictions. The accidents of life separate us from our dearest friends, but let us not despond. God is like a looking glass in which souls see each other. The more we are united to him by love, the nearer we are to those who belong to him. I find in proportion as my heart is more drawn toward the summit, it looks back with added tenderness to everyone I have ever loved; much more to those who have long possessed its entire and truest attachment.

Trust in Providence So sweet is the Providence that overrules us! I see all in the order of Providence. Is he not the God of our affairs—do they not all belong to him? Fear not, the love which nourishes us is unchangeable as him from whom it proceeds. There is a Providence which never slumbers or sleeps. [God] who sits above smiles at the anxious, calculating heart, and makes everything easy to the simple and confiding. Never be hurried by anything whatsoever; nothing can be more pressing than the necessity for your peace with God. God will provide, that is all my comfort. Never did that providence fail me. There can be no disappointment where the soul’s only desire and expectation is to meet his Adored Will and fulfill it. ]

These excerpts were provided by Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC, of the Sisters of Charity of New York and co-editor of the multi-volume Elizabeth Bayley Seton: Collected Writings (New City Press, 2000). LIVING WITH CHRIST 19 REFLECTIONS13

Praying with the Scriptures ALICE CAMILLE

Come and see

Find a quiet spot to read, reflect, and pray. You may record your thoughts in a prayer journal, or share your responses with others in a group.

INTRODUCTION today’s Collect, or the suggested Take a few moments to become prayer for the day (page 7). more prayerful and centered in order to receive the gift of God’s SCRIPTURE READING word. Consider: (John 1:35-42, taken from Sunday, January 17, page 132) • It’s a new year. How am I Read the Scripture passage. Pause dealing with all of the difficult for a few minutes of silence to be challenges presented by the old attentive to God’s message for year, some of which are still you today. lingering?

• What are my hopes for this new REFLECTION year of grace? Take a deep breath, then hold it at the top. Count until you can’t Offer a spontaneous prayer, the hold it any longer, then let it go. Collect from the Second Sunday I have a friend who can hold his in Ordinary Time (page 130), breath all the way to thirty-five.

20 JANUARY 2021 LIVING WITH CHRIST ] monday Ps131) 40 e gap (

Those with compromised lungs gather like before? Will there be might not get to ten. The ability enough jobs to go around? Will to hold your breath is an indica- we be able to travel without risk? tor of how healthy your respira- Will we be able to take a deep tory system is. It’s not something breath, and let it out without a I ever thought about, before the monumental sigh for all that year of pandemic behind us. we’ve lost? Within this past year, so much It’s not just the health of our has changed regarding the way bodies or our economy that we we think about our world. How worry about. Mental health is close is that woman to me in under assault as a result of pro- line? Is my brother safe at work, cessing stress and uncertainty for are the grandchildren safe at so long. Some of us have dipped school? Will the groceries I want into the well of depression, or be available at the supermarket maybe fallen in headlong. If today? And the strangest question you’re one of those people who I never thought I’d have to ask: find it hard to think clearly these how many people in church are days or to function up to your too many? usual standards, you have lots and lots of company. The world is changing We’ve thrown out the old calen- What are you looking for? dar at last: good riddance, 2020! We’ve all had the experience of The fresh new page of 2021 has not seeing something right in begun. Yet we have no idea what front of us because we’re look- that will mean for us or for the ing for something else. This world that God so loves. Will happens at the card table a lot: global citizens get healthier? Will I’m so focused on making the the vaccine make it possible to move I have in mind that I miss LIVING WITH CHRIST 21 13 three others I might have taken EXPLORING TODAY’S READING advantage of. When Jesus sees Consider the following questions: two young men following him, • What are you looking for from he asks a question that’s more your participation in the life of powerful than you might think: faith? “What are you looking for?” A lot of people in those days were as we • Write down a list of things are now: anxious, confused, won- you’re hoping this year will dering about their difficult gen- bring. How can you participate eration, their leadership, and the in their arrival? way forward through the gloom. TAKING THE WORD TO THE WORLD Those two men had been tipped Identify one or more ways in off by their teacher, John the which you might be prepared Baptist, that Jesus was “the Lamb to make this year of grace one of of God.” What in the world did hope and healing for all. that mean? What were they looking for? • What can I do to create a world A new teacher? A king? A revolu- of hope and healing? tionary? More importantly, what Decide on some specific, practical are we looking for when we fall thing to do this coming week. in behind Jesus? Do we think he will save us? If so, from what? To CLOSING PRAYER discover the answer to that, we’re Close with the suggested prayer invited to come and see. for the day (page 7) or another prayer of your choosing. ]

Alice Camille is an author, religious educator, and retreat leader. She received her master of divinity degree from the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley, California.

22 JANUARY 2021 LIVING WITH CHRIST REFLECTIONS ] monday Ps131) 40 e gap (

Wisdom from our friends POPE FRANCIS

Fratelli tutti

Last October, Pope Francis released his third encyclical, “Fratelli tutti” (All Brothers). With the subtitle of “On Fraternity and Social Friendship” the encyclical calls on all brothers and sisters to recognize and live out our common fraternity. The following is the frst of three excerpts that we will be presenting over the next three issues of Living with Christ. We hope you enjoy them.

or decades, it seemed that the world had learned a lesson from its many wars and disasters, and was slowly moving towards various forms of integration. For example, there was the dream of a united Europe, capable of acknowledging its shared roots Fand rejoicing in its rich diversity.…There was also a growing desire for integration in Latin America, and several steps were taken in this direction. In some countries and regions, attempts at reconciliation and rapprochement proved fruitful, while others showed great promise. Our own days, however, seem to be showing signs of a certain regression. Ancient conflicts thought long buried are breaking out anew, while instances of a myopic, extremist, resentful and aggressive nationalism are on the rise. In some countries, a concept of popular and national unity influenced by various ideologies is creating new LIVING WITH CHRIST 23 13 forms of selfishness and a loss of the social sense under the guise of defending national interests. Once more we are being reminded that “each new generation must take up the struggles and attainments of past generations, while setting its sights even higher. This is the path. Goodness, together with love, justice and solidarity, are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realized each day. It is not possible to settle for what was achieved in the past and complacently enjoy it, as if we could somehow disregard the fact that many of our brothers and sisters still endure situations that cry out for our attention.”8 “Opening up to the world” is an expression that has been co-opted by the economic and financial sector and is now used exclusively of openness to foreign interests or to the freedom of economic powers to invest without obstacles or complications in all countries. Local conflicts and disregard for the common good are exploited by the global economy in order to impose a single cultural model. This cul- ture unifies the world, but divides persons and nations….We are more alone than ever in an increasingly massified world that promotes indi- vidual interests and weakens the communitarian dimension of life. Indeed, there are markets where individuals become mere consumers or bystanders. As a rule, the advance of this kind of globalism strength- ens the identity of the more powerful, who can protect themselves, but it tends to diminish the identity of the weaker and poorer regions, making them more vulnerable and dependent. In this way, political life becomes increasingly fragile in the face of transnational economic powers that operate with the principle of “divide and conquer.” ]

8. Meeting with Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps, Santiago, Chile (16 January 2018): AAS 110 (2018), 256.

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Introductory Rites 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father ENTRANCE ANTIPHON and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Turn to the appropriate day) And with your spirit. GREETING 3 The Lord be with you. In the name of the Father, And with your spirit. and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. PENITENTIAL ACT Amen. Brethren (brothers and sisters), 1 The grace of our Lord let us acknowledge Jesus Christ, our sins, and the love of God, and so prepare ourselves and the communion to celebrate the sacred of the Holy Spirit mysteries. be with you all. And with your spirit. LIVING WITH CHRIST 25 After a brief pause for silence, Show us, O Lord, your mercy. one of the following forms is used: And grant us your salvation. 1 I confess to almighty God May almighty God have and to you, my brothers mercy on us, and sisters, forgive us our sins, that I have greatly sinned, and bring us to in my thoughts and in my words, everlasting life. Amen. in what I have done and 3 The celebrant makes the following in what I have failed to do, or other invocations: And, striking their breast, they say: You were sent to heal through my fault, the contrite of heart: through my fault, Lord, have mercy. through my most grievous fault; (OR: Kyrie, eleison.) therefore I ask blessed Mary Lord, have mercy. ever-Virgin, (OR: Kyrie, eleison.) all the Angels and Saints, You came to call sinners: and you, my brothers Christ, have mercy. and sisters, (OR: Christe, eleison.) to pray for me to the Lord Christ, have mercy. our God. (OR: Christe, eleison.) May almighty God have You are seated at the right mercy on us, hand of the Father to forgive us our sins, intercede for us: and bring us to Lord, have mercy. everlasting life. Amen. (OR: Kyrie, eleison.) 2 Have mercy on us, O Lord. Lord, have mercy. For we have sinned against you. (OR: Kyrie, eleison.)

26 JANUARY 2021 May almighty God have we adore you, mercy on us, we glorify you, forgive us our sins, we give you thanks and bring us to for your great glory, everlasting life. Amen. Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. The following invocations in either English or the ancient Greek are said, Lord Jesus Christ, unless they have just occurred in a Only Begotten Son, formula of the Penitential Act: Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Lord, have mercy. you take away the sins Lord, have mercy. of the world, Christ, have mercy. have mercy on us; Christ, have mercy. you take away the sins Lord, have mercy. of the world, Lord, have mercy. receive our prayer; OR you are seated at the right hand Kyrie, eleison. of the Father: Kyrie, eleison. have mercy on us. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison. For you alone are the Holy One, Kyrie, eleison. you alone are the Lord, Kyrie, eleison. you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, GLORY TO GOD with the Holy Spirit, Glory to God in the highest, in the glory of God the Father. and on earth peace to people Amen. of good will. COLLECT We praise you, (Turn to the appropriate day) we bless you, LIVING WITH CHRIST 27 Liturgy of the Word consubstantial with the Father; READINGS through him all things (Turn to the appropriate day) were made. HOMILY For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, PROFESSION OF FAITH: NICENE CREED At the words that follow, up to and I believe in one God, including and became man, all bow. the Father almighty, and by the Holy Spirit was maker of heaven and earth, incarnate of the Virgin Mary, of all things visible and invisible. and became man. I believe in one Lord For our sake he was crucified Jesus Christ, under Pontius Pilate, the Only Begotten Son of God, he suffered death born of the Father before and was buried, all ages. and rose again on the third day God from God, Light from Light, in accordance with the Scriptures. true God from true God, He ascended into heaven begotten, not made,

28 JANUARY 2021 and is seated at the right hand Creator of heaven and earth, of the Father. and in Jesus Christ, He will come again in glory his only Son, our Lord, to judge the living and the dead At the words that follow, up to and and his kingdom including the Virgin Mary, all bow. will have no end. who was conceived by the I believe in the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, born of the Virgin Mary, who proceeds from the Father suffered under Pontius Pilate, and the Son, was crucified, died and who with the Father and the Son was buried; is adored and glorified, he descended into hell; who has spoken through on the third day he rose again the prophets. from the dead; I believe in one, holy, catholic he ascended into heaven, and apostolic Church. and is seated at the right hand I confess one Baptism for of God the Father almighty; the forgiveness of sins from there he will come to judge and I look forward to the the living and the dead. resurrection of the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit, and the life of the world to come. the holy catholic Church, Amen. the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, OR the resurrection of the body, PROFESSION OF FAITH: and life everlasting. APOSTLES’ CREED Amen. I believe in God, the Father almighty, PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL LIVING WITH CHRIST 29 Liturgy of the Eucharist With humble spirit and contrite heart PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS may we be accepted by you, Blessed are you, Lord God O Lord, of all creation, and may our sacrifice for through your goodness in your sight this day we have received be pleasing to you, Lord God. the bread we offer you: fruit of the earth and work Wash me, O Lord, of human hands, from my iniquity it will become for us and cleanse me from my sin. the bread of life. Pray, brethren Blessed be God for ever. (brothers and sisters), By the mystery of this water that my sacrifice and yours and wine may be acceptable to God, may we come to share the almighty Father. in the divinity of Christ May the Lord accept the who humbled himself to share sacrifice at your hands in our humanity. for the praise and glory Blessed are you, Lord God of his name, of all creation, for our good for through your goodness and the good of all we have received his holy Church. the wine we offer you: PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS fruit of the vine and work (Turn to the appropriate day) of human hands, it will become our EUCHARISTIC PRAYER spiritual drink. The Lord be with you. Blessed be God for ever. And with your spirit.

30 JANUARY 2021 Lift up your hearts. summoning us to the glory We lift them up to the Lord. of being now called a chosen race, a royal Let us give thanks priesthood, to the Lord our God. a holy nation, a people It is right and just. for your own possession, The celebrant chooses from among the to proclaim everywhere possible prefaces corresponding to liturgical your mighty works, seasons and feasts. These prefaces are for for you have called us use with Eucharistic Prayers I, II, and III, out of darkness as Eucharistic Prayer IV has its own into your own fixed preface. wonderful light.

PREFACE OF THE SUNDAYS And so, with Angels IN ORDINARY TIME I and Archangels, with Thrones and It is truly right and just, Dominions, our duty and our salvation, and with all the hosts and always and everywhere Powers of heaven, to give you thanks, we sing the hymn Lord, holy Father, almighty of your glory, and eternal God, as without end we acclaim: through Christ our Lord. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God For through his of hosts… (page 37) Paschal Mystery, he accomplished the PREFACE OF THE SUNDAYS marvelous deed, IN ORDINARY TIME III by which he has freed It is truly right and just, us from the yoke of our duty and our salvation, sin and death, always and everywhere LIVING WITH CHRIST 31 to give you thanks, PREFACE OF THE SUNDAYS Lord, holy Father, almighty IN ORDINARY TIME V and eternal God. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, For we know it belongs to always and everywhere to your boundless glory, give you thanks, that you came to the Lord, holy Father, almighty aid of mortal beings and eternal God. with your divinity and even fashioned for us For you laid the foundations a remedy out of of the world mortality itself, and have arranged the that the cause of changing of times our downfall and seasons; might become the means you formed man in of our salvation, your own image through Christ our Lord. and set humanity over the Through him the host whole world in all its wonder, of Angels adores to rule in your name your majesty over all you have made and rejoices in your and for ever praise you presence for ever. in your mighty works, May our voices, we pray, through Christ our Lord. join with theirs And so, with all the Angels, in one chorus of exultant we praise you, praise, as we acclaim: as in joyful celebration Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God we acclaim: of hosts… (page 37) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts… (page 37)

32 JANUARY 2021 COMMON PREFACE II PREFACE I OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY It is truly right and just, It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere always and everywhere to to give you thanks, give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. and eternal God, and to praise, bless, and For in goodness you glorify your name created man (on the Solemnity of the and, when he was justly Motherhood / condemned, on the feast day / on the in mercy you redeemed him, Nativity / in veneration) through Christ our Lord. of the Blessed ever-Virgin Through him the Angels Mary. praise your majesty, For by the overshadowing Dominions adore and Powers of the Holy Spirit tremble before you. she conceived your Only Heaven and the Virtues Begotten Son, of heaven and the and without losing the glory blessed Seraphim of virginity, worship together brought forth into the world with exultation. the eternal Light, May our voices, we pray, Jesus Christ our Lord. join with theirs Through him the Angels in humble praise, praise your majesty, as we acclaim: Dominions adore and Powers Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God tremble before you. of hosts… (page 37) LIVING WITH CHRIST 33 Heaven and the Virtues of your Son. of heaven and the blessed And so, with Angels Seraphim and Archangels, worship together with with Thrones and exultation. Dominions, May our voices, we pray, join and with all the hosts with theirs and Powers of heaven, in humble praise, as we we sing the hymn acclaim: of your glory, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God as without end we acclaim: of hosts… (page 37) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts… (page 37) PREFACE OF APOSTLES I It is truly right and just, PREFACE I OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD our duty and our salvation, It is truly right and just, always and everywhere our duty and our salvation, to give you thanks, always and everywhere Lord, holy Father, to give you thanks, almighty and eternal God. Lord, holy Father, For you, eternal Shepherd, almighty and eternal God. do not desert your flock, For in the mystery of the but through the Word made flesh blessed Apostles a new light of your glory watch over it and has shone upon the eyes protect it always, of our mind, so that it may be governed so that, as we recognize in by those you have him God made visible, appointed shepherds we may be caught up to lead it in the name

34 JANUARY 2021 through him in love of his immortal nature. of things invisible. And so, with Angels And so, with Angels and Archangels, and Archangels, with Thrones and with Thrones and Dominions, Dominions, and with all the hosts and with all the hosts and and Powers of heaven, Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn we sing the hymn of your glory, of your glory, as without end we acclaim: as without end we acclaim: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts… (page 37) of hosts… (page 37) PREFACE OF HOLY MARTYRS I PREFACE OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD It is truly right and just, It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere always and everywhere to give you thanks, to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. almighty and eternal God. For the blood of your For today you have blessed Martyr N., revealed the mystery poured out like Christ’s of our salvation in Christ to glorify your name, as a light for the nations, shows forth your and, when he appeared marvelous works, in our mortal nature, by which in our weakness you made us new by the glory you perfect your power LIVING WITH CHRIST 35 and on the feeble of preaching, bestow strength and keep her safe in answer to bear you witness, to his prayers. through Christ our Lord. And so, with the company And so, with the of Angels and Saints, Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn we worship you constantly of your praise, on earth, as without end we acclaim: and before your majesty Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God without end we acclaim: of hosts… (page 37) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts… (page 37) PREFACE OF HOLY VIRGINS AND RELIGIOUS It is truly right and just, PREFACE OF HOLY PASTORS our duty and our salvation, It is truly right and just, always and everywhere our duty and our salvation, to give you thanks, always and everywhere Lord, holy Father, to give you thanks, almighty and eternal God. Lord, holy Father, For in the Saints who almighty and eternal God, consecrated themselves through Christ our Lord. to Christ For, as on the festival of for the sake of the Saint N. you bid your Kingdom of Heaven, Church rejoice, it is right to celebrate so, too, you strengthen her the wonders of by the example your providence, of his holy life, by which you call teach her by his words human nature back to its

36 JANUARY 2021 original holiness And that your saving and bring it to experience mysteries may be fulfilled, on this earth their great example the gifts you promise lends us courage, in the new world to come. their fervent prayers sustain us in all we do. And so, with all the Angels and Saints, And so, Lord, with all the we praise you, as without end Angels and Saints, we acclaim: we, too, give you thanks, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God as in exultation we acclaim: of hosts… HOLY, HOLY, HOLY PREFACE OF SAINTS II Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God It is truly right and just, of hosts. our duty and our salvation, Heaven and earth are full always and everywhere of your glory. to give you thanks, Hosanna in the highest. Lord, holy Father, Blessed is he who comes almighty and eternal God, in the name of the Lord. through Christ our Lord. Hosanna in the highest. For in the marvelous confession of your Saints, you make your Church fruitful with strength ever new and offer us sure signs of your love. LIVING WITH CHRIST 37 EUCHARISTIC PRAYERS govern her EUCHARISTIC PRAYER I throughout the whole world, (To you, therefore) page 38 together with your servant EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II N. our Pope (You are indeed Holy, O Lord, and N. our Bishop, the fount of all holiness) page 42 and all those who, EUCHARISTIC PRAYER III holding to the truth, (You are indeed Holy, O Lord, hand on the catholic and all you have created) page 45 and apostolic faith. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER IV Remember, Lord, (We give you praise) page 47 your servants N. and N.

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER I and all gathered here, whose faith and devotion To you, therefore, are known to you. most merciful Father, For them, we offer you we make humble prayer this sacrifice of praise and petition or they offer it through Jesus Christ, for themselves your Son, our Lord: and all who are dear that you accept to them: and bless these gifts, for the redemption these offerings, of their souls, these holy and unblemished in hope of health and sacrifices, well-being, which we offer you firstly and paying their homage for your holy catholic to you, Church. the eternal God, Be pleased to grant her peace, living and true. to guard, unite and

38 JANUARY 2021 In communion with those Therefore, Lord, we pray: whose memory we venerate, graciously accept this especially the glorious oblation of our service, ever-Virgin Mary, that of your whole family; Mother of our God and Lord, order our days in your peace, Jesus Christ, and command that and blessed Joseph, we be delivered her Spouse, from eternal damnation your blessed Apostles and counted among and Martyrs, the flock of those Peter and Paul, Andrew, you have chosen. (James, John, (Through Christ our Lord. Thomas, James, Philip, Amen.) Bartholomew, Matthew, Be pleased, O God, we pray, Simon and Jude; to bless, acknowledge, Linus, Cletus, and approve this offering Clement, Sixtus, in every respect; Cornelius, Cyprian, make it spiritual and Lawrence, Chrysogonus, acceptable, John and Paul, so that it may become for us Cosmas and Damian) the Body and Blood of and all your Saints; your most beloved Son, we ask that through their our Lord Jesus Christ. merits and prayers, in all things we may On the day before he was be defended to suffer, by your protecting help. he took bread in his holy (Through Christ our Lord. and venerable hands, Amen.) and with eyes raised to heaven LIVING WITH CHRIST 39 to you, O God, which will be poured out his almighty Father, for you and for many giving you thanks, for the forgiveness of sins. he said the blessing, do this in memory of me. broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, The mystery of faith. saying: 1 We proclaim your Death, take this, all of you, O Lord, and eat of it, and profess your Resurrection for this is my body, until you come again. which will be given up 2 When we eat this Bread for you. and drink this Cup, In a similar way, we proclaim your Death, when supper was ended, O Lord, he took this precious chalice until you come again. in his holy and 3 Save us, Savior of the world, venerable hands, for by your Cross and once more giving and Resurrection you thanks, he said you have set us free. the blessing and gave the chalice Therefore, O Lord, to his disciples, saying: as we celebrate the memorial of the blessed Passion, take this, all of you, the Resurrection and drink from it, from the dead, for this is the chalice and the glorious Ascension of my blood, into heaven the blood of the new of Christ, your Son, our Lord, and eternal covenant,

40 JANUARY 2021 we, your servants and command that these your holy people, gifts be borne offer to your glorious majesty by the hands of your from the gifts that you holy Angel have given us, to your altar on high this pure victim, in the sight of your this holy victim, divine majesty, this spotless victim, so that all of us, who the holy Bread of eternal life through this participation and the Chalice of at the altar everlasting salvation. receive the most holy Body and Blood of your Son, Be pleased to look upon may be filled with these offerings every grace and with a serene and kindly heavenly blessing. countenance, (Through Christ our Lord. and to accept them, Amen.) as once you were pleased to accept Remember also, Lord, the gifts of your servant your servants N. and N., Abel the just, who have gone before us the sacrifice of Abraham, with the sign of faith our father in faith, and rest in the sleep of peace. and the offering of your Grant them, O Lord, high priest Melchizedek, we pray, a holy sacrifice, and all who sleep in Christ, a spotless victim. a place of refreshment, light and peace. In humble prayer we ask you, (Through Christ our Lord. almighty God: Amen.) LIVING WITH CHRIST 41 To us, also, your servants, Through him, and with him, who, though sinners, and in him, hope in your abundant O God, almighty Father, mercies, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, graciously grant some share all glory and honor is yours, and fellowship with your for ever and ever. Amen. holy Apostles and Martyrs: (Turn to the Lord’s Prayer, page 52) with John the Baptist, Stephen, EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II Matthias, Barnabas, Preface (Ignatius, Alexander, It is truly right and just, Marcellinus, Peter, our duty and our salvation, Felicity, Perpetua, always and everywhere Agatha, Lucy, to give you thanks, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia) Father most holy, and all your Saints; through your beloved Son, admit us, we beseech you, Jesus Christ, into their company, your Word through whom not weighing our merits, you made all things, but granting us your pardon, whom you sent as our Savior through Christ our Lord. and Redeemer, incarnate by the Holy Spirit Through whom and born of the Virgin. you continue to make all these good things, O Lord; Fulfilling your will and you sanctify them, gaining for you fill them with life, a holy people, bless them, and bestow them he stretched out his hands upon us. as he endured his Passion, so as to break the bonds of

42 JANUARY 2021 death and manifest for this is my body, the resurrection. which will be given up for you. And so, with the Angels and all the Saints In a similar way, when supper we declare your glory, was ended, as with one voice we acclaim: he took the chalice Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God and, once more giving thanks, of hosts… (page 37) he gave it to his disciples, saying: You are indeed Holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness. take this, all of you, and drink from it, Make holy, therefore, for this is the chalice these gifts, we pray, of my blood, by sending down your Spirit the blood of the new upon them like the dewfall, and eternal covenant, so that they may which will be poured out become for us for you and for many the Body and Blood for the forgiveness of sins. of our Lord Jesus Christ. do this in memory of me. At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into The mystery of faith. his Passion, We proclaim your Death, he took bread and, O Lord, giving thanks, broke it, and profess your Resurrection and gave it to his disciples, until you come again. saying: (For other acclamations, see page 40) take this, all of you, Therefore, as we celebrate and eat of it, LIVING WITH CHRIST 43 the memorial of his Death and all who have died and Resurrection, in your mercy: we offer you, Lord, welcome them into the the Bread of life and the light of your face. Chalice of salvation, Have mercy on us all, giving thanks that you have we pray, held us worthy that with the Blessed Virgin to be in your presence Mary, Mother of God, and minister to you. with blessed Joseph, her Spouse, Humbly we pray with the blessed Apostles, that, partaking of the and all the Saints Body and Blood of Christ, who have pleased you we may be gathered into one throughout the ages, by the Holy Spirit. we may merit to be coheirs Remember, Lord, to eternal life, your Church, and may praise and spread throughout glorify you the world, through your Son, and bring her to the Jesus Christ. fullness of charity, Through him, and with him, together with N. our Pope and in him, and N. our Bishop O God, almighty Father, and all the clergy. in the unity of the Remember also our brothers Holy Spirit, and sisters all glory and honor is yours, who have fallen asleep for ever and ever. Amen. in the hope of the (Turn to the Lord’s Prayer, page 52) resurrection,

44 JANUARY 2021 EUCHARISTIC PRAYER III For on the night he You are indeed Holy, O Lord, was betrayed and all you have created he himself took bread, rightly gives you praise, and, giving you thanks, for through your Son he said the blessing, our Lord Jesus Christ, broke the bread and gave it by the power and working to his disciples, saying: of the Holy Spirit, take this, all of you, you give life to all things and eat of it, and make them holy, for this is my body, and you never cease to gather which will be given up a people to yourself, for you. so that from the rising of the sun to its setting In a similar way, when supper a pure sacrifice may be was ended, offered to your name. he took the chalice, and, giving you thanks, Therefore, O Lord, he said the blessing, we humbly implore you: and gave the chalice by the same Spirit graciously to his disciples, saying: make holy these gifts we have brought take this, all of you, to you for consecration, and drink from it, that they may become the for this is the chalice Body and Blood of my blood, of your Son our Lord the blood of the new Jesus Christ, and eternal covenant, at whose command which will be poured out we celebrate these for you and for many mysteries. for the forgiveness of sins. LIVING WITH CHRIST 45 do this in memory of me. of your Son and filled with his The mystery of faith. Holy Spirit, When we eat this Bread may become one body, and drink this Cup, one spirit in Christ. we proclaim your Death, O Lord, May he make of us until you come again. an eternal offering to you, (For other acclamations, see page 40) so that we may obtain Therefore, O Lord, as we an inheritance with celebrate the memorial your elect, of the saving Passion of especially with the most your Son, Blessed Virgin Mary, his wondrous Resurrection Mother of God, and Ascension into heaven, with blessed Joseph, and as we look forward her Spouse, to his second coming, with your blessed Apostles we offer you in thanksgiving and glorious Martyrs this holy and living sacrifice. (with Saint N.) and with all the Saints, Look, we pray, upon the on whose constant oblation of your Church intercession in and, recognizing the your presence sacrificial Victim we rely for unfailing help. by whose death you willed to reconcile May this Sacrifice of us to yourself, our reconciliation, grant that we, we pray, O Lord, who are nourished advance the peace and by the Body and Blood salvation of all the world.

46 JANUARY 2021 Be pleased to confirm for ever the fullness in faith and charity of your glory your pilgrim Church through Christ our Lord, on earth, through whom you with your servant N. our bestow on the world Pope and N. our Bishop, all that is good. the Order of Bishops, Through him, and with him, all the clergy, and in him, and the entire people you O God, almighty Father, have gained for your own. in the unity of the Holy Spirit, Listen graciously to the all glory and honor is yours, prayers of this family, for ever and ever. Amen. whom you have summoned (Turn to the Lord’s Prayer, page 52) before you: in your compassion, EUCHARISTIC PRAYER IV O merciful Father, Preface gather to yourself It is truly right to give all your children you thanks, scattered throughout truly just to give you glory, the world. Father most holy, To our departed brothers for you are the one God and sisters living and true, and to all who were existing before all ages and pleasing to you abiding for all eternity, at their passing from dwelling in unapproachable this life, light; give kind admittance yet you, who alone are good, to your kingdom. the source of life, There we hope to enjoy have made all that is, LIVING WITH CHRIST 47 so that you might fill your so that in serving you alone, creatures with blessings the Creator, and bring joy to many he might have dominion of them by the glory over all creatures. of your light. And when through disobedience he had And so, in your presence are lost your friendship, countless hosts of Angels, you did not abandon him who serve you day and night to the domain of death. and, gazing upon the glory For you came in mercy of your face, to the aid of all, glorify you without ceasing. so that those who seek With them we, too, confess might find you. your name in exultation, Time and again you offered giving voice to every creature them covenants under heaven, and through the prophets as we acclaim: taught them to look forward Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God to salvation. of hosts… (page 37) And you so loved the world, We give you praise, Father most holy, Father most holy, that in the fullness of time for you are great you sent your Only Begotten and you have fashioned all Son to be our Savior. your works Made incarnate by the in wisdom and in love. Holy Spirit You formed man and born of the Virgin Mary, in your own image he shared our human nature and entrusted the whole in all things but sin. world to his care, To the poor he proclaimed

48 JANUARY 2021 the good news of salvation, of our Lord Jesus Christ to prisoners, freedom, for the celebration and to the sorrowful of this great mystery, of heart, joy. which he himself left us To accomplish your plan, as an eternal covenant. he gave himself up to death, For when the hour had come and, rising from the dead, for him to be glorified he destroyed death by you, Father most holy, and restored life. having loved his own And that we might live who were in the world, no longer for ourselves he loved them to the end: but for him who died and while they were and rose again for us, at supper, he sent the Holy Spirit he took bread, blessed from you, Father, and broke it, as the first fruits for those and gave it to his disciples, who believe, saying: so that, bringing to take this, all of you, perfection his work and eat of it, in the world, for this is my body, he might sanctify creation which will be given up to the full. for you. Therefore, O Lord, we pray: In a similar way, may this same Holy Spirit taking the chalice filled graciously sanctify with the fruit of the vine, these offerings, he gave thanks, that they may become and gave the chalice the Body and Blood to his disciples, saying: LIVING WITH CHRIST 49 take this, all of you, in glory, and drink from it, we offer you his Body for this is the chalice and Blood, of my blood, the sacrifice acceptable to you the blood of the new which brings salvation and eternal covenant, to the whole world. which will be poured out Look, O Lord, for you and for many upon the Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. which you yourself have do this in memory of me. provided for your Church, and grant in your loving The mystery of faith. kindness Save us, Savior of the world, to all who partake of this one for by your Cross and Bread and one Chalice Resurrection that, gathered into one body you have set us free. by the Holy Spirit, (For other acclamations, see page 40) they may truly become a living sacrifice in Christ Therefore, O Lord, to the praise of your glory. as we now celebrate the memorial of Therefore, Lord, our redemption, remember now we remember Christ’s Death all for whom we offer and his descent to the realm this sacrifice: of the dead, especially your servant we proclaim his Resurrection N. our Pope, and his Ascension N. our Bishop, and the to your right hand, whole Order of Bishops, and, as we await his coming all the clergy,

50 JANUARY 2021 those who take part with blessed Joseph, in this offering, her Spouse, those gathered here and with your Apostles and before you, Saints in your kingdom. your entire people, There, with the whole and all who seek you of creation, with a sincere heart. freed from the corruption of sin and death, Remember also may we glorify you those who have died in the through Christ our Lord, peace of your Christ through whom you and all the dead, bestow on the world whose faith you alone all that is good. have known. Through him, and with him, To all of us, your children, and in him, grant, O merciful Father, O God, almighty Father, that we may enter into in the unity of the Holy Spirit, a heavenly inheritance all glory and honor is yours, with the Blessed Virgin Mary, for ever and ever. Amen. Mother of God, LIVING WITH CHRIST 51 Communion Rite LORD’S PRAYER For the kingdom, At the Savior’s command and the power and the glory are yours formed by divine teaching, now and for ever. we dare to say: SIGN OF PEACE Our Father, who art in heaven, Lord Jesus Christ, hallowed be thy name; who said to your Apostles: thy kingdom come, Peace I leave you, my peace thy will be done I give you, on earth as it is in heaven. look not on our sins, Give us this day our daily bread, but on the faith and forgive us our trespasses, of your Church, as we forgive those and graciously grant her who trespass against us; peace and unity and lead us not into temptation, in accordance with your will. but deliver us from evil. Who live and reign for ever Deliver us, Lord, we pray, and ever. Amen. from every evil, The peace of the Lord graciously grant peace be with you always. in our days, And with your spirit. that, by the help of Let us offer each other the your mercy, sign of peace. we may be always free from sin FRACTION OF THE BREAD and safe from all distress, May this mingling of the as we await the blessed hope Body and Blood and the coming of our Savior, of our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ.

52 JANUARY 2021 bring eternal life to us who free me by this, your most holy receive it. Body and Blood, from all my sins and from Lamb of God, you take away every evil; the sins of the world, keep me always faithful have mercy on us. to your commandments, Lamb of God, you take away and never let me be parted the sins of the world, from you. have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away OR the sins of the world, May the receiving of your grant us peace. Body and Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, not bring me to judgment Son of the living God, and condemnation, who, by the will of the Father and but through your loving mercy the work of the Holy Spirit, be for me protection in mind through your Death gave life and body to the world, and a healing remedy. LIVING WITH CHRIST 53 COMMUNION but only say the word Behold the Lamb of God, and my soul shall be healed. behold him who takes away May the Body (Blood) of Christ the sins of the world. keep me safe for eternal life. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. COMMUNION ANTIPHON (Turn to the appropriate day) Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION my roof, (Turn to the appropriate day)

Concluding Rite

BLESSING DISMISSAL On certain days or occasions, 1 Go forth, the Mass this blessing is preceded by a solemn is ended. blessing or a prayer over the people. Thanks be to God. 2 Go and announce The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. the Gospel of the Lord. Thanks be to God. May almighty God 3 Go in peace, glorifying bless you, the Lord by your life. the Father, and the Son, Thanks be to God. and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 4 Go in peace. Thanks be to God.

54 JANUARY 2021 FRIDAY heaven and earth for ever. JANUARY 1 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OR (Cf. Isaiah 9:1, 5; Luke 1:33) OF GOD Today a light will shine upon us, for the Lord is born for us; and he will be called Wondrous God, Prince of peace, Father of future ages: and his reign will be without end.


COLLECT Of all the Marian celebrations of O God, who through the the Church, this day dedicated fruitful virginity of to Mary, Mother of God, is the Blessed Mary greatest. Drawing on scriptural bestowed on the human race and patristic sources, it celebrates the grace of eternal salvation, Mary’s role in the incarnation and grant, we pray, in redemption. In this role, her that we may experience the special relationship with her son is intercession of her, emphasized, and she is acknowl- through whom we were edged as a model of the Church. ] found worthy to receive the author of life, ENTRANCE ANTIPHON our Lord Jesus Christ, Hail, Holy Mother, who gave your Son. birth to the King who rules Who lives and reigns with LIVING WITH CHRIST 55 Mary, the Holy Mother of God

you in the unity of the May God have pity on Holy Spirit, us and bless us; one God, for ever and ever. may he let his face Amen. shine upon us. So may your way be FIRST READING (Numbers 6:22-27) known upon earth; The Lord said to Moses: among all nations, “Speak to Aaron and his sons your salvation. r· and tell them: This is how you May the nations be shall bless the Israelites. Say to glad and exult them: because you rule the The Lord bless you peoples in equity; and keep you! the nations on the earth The Lord let his face you guide. r· shine upon you, and May the peoples be gracious to you! praise you, God; The Lord look upon may all the peoples you kindly and praise you! give you peace! May God bless us, So shall they invoke my name and may all the ends upon the Israelites, and I will of the earth fear him! r· bless them.” The word of the Lord. SECOND READING (Galatians 4:4-7) Thanks be to God. Brothers and sisters: When the fullness of time had come, RESPONSORIAL PSALM God sent his Son, born of a (Psalm 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8) woman, born under the law, r· May God bless us in his mercy. to ransom those under the law,

56 JANUARY 2021 January 1 ] Friday

so that we might receive adop- in the manger. When they saw tion as sons. As proof that you this, they made known the are sons, God sent the Spirit message that had been told of his Son into our hearts, cry- them about this child. All ing out, “Abba, Father!” So you who heard it were amazed by are no longer a slave but a son, what had been told them by and if a son then also an heir, the shepherds. And Mary kept through God. all these things, reflecting on The word of the Lord. them in her heart. Then the Thanks be to God. shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they ALLELUIA (Hebrews 1:1-2) had heard and seen, just as it Alleluia, alleluia. In the past had been told to them. God spoke to our ancestors When eight days were com- through the prophets; in pleted for his circumcision, these last days, he has spoken he was named Jesus, the name to us through the Son. Alleluia, given him by the angel before alleluia. he was conceived in the womb. The Gospel of the Lord. GOSPEL (Luke 2:16-21) Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke. PROFESSION OF FAITH (page 28) Glory to you, O Lord. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL he shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem PREPARATION OF GIFTS (page 30) Tand found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying LIVING WITH CHRIST 57 Mary, the Holy Mother of God

PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS its completion. O God, who in your kindness Through Christ our Lord. begin all good things Amen. and bring them to fulfillment, PREFACE grant to us, who find joy in (Blessed Virgin Mary I, page 33) the Solemnity of the holy Mother of God, COMMUNION ANTIPHON that, just as we glory in the (Hebrews 13:8) beginnings of your grace, Jesus Christ is the same so one day we may rejoice in yesterday, today, and for ever.

A week ago, we celebrated Christ’s nativity: the revelation of God among us, in the flesh. Today’s gospel is full of actions, and each one guides us on how to live this gift of Christmas—which hasn’t ended, though the holidays and celebrations may be winding down. Luke shows us the shepherds’ actions: They came in a hurry, found their way, saw, heard, made known, glorified, and praised God. Could these be our post-Christmas activities as we return to work and winter and the unfolding of our lives? Could we find our way to Christ and make him known? Luke also shows us the Mother of God’s actions: She treasured, pondered, made room in her heart. Could we treasure it and let it grow among us, this mystery of God-with-us? We need each other. Together we can find our way, speak, ponder, and praise God. MARY MARROCCO

58 JANUARY 2021 PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION SATURDAY We have received this JANUARY 2 heavenly Sacrament with ST. BASIL THE GREAT AND joy, O Lord: ST. GREGORY NAZIANZEN grant, we pray, that it may lead us to eternal St. Basil the Great life, and St. Gregory for we rejoice to proclaim the Nazianzen, blessed ever-Virgin Mary bishops & doctors of Mother of your Son and the Church Mother of the Church. Born in Asia Through Christ our Lord. Minor, these Amen. men are two of the four great doctors of the Eastern BLESSING & DISMISSAL (page 54) Church (with Athanasius and John Chrysostom) because of their preaching, teaching, and RESPONDING TO THE WORD defense of the Mary reflected on all the ways God faith against the worked in her life. Arians. Basil $ How will I thank God for (330-379) being present in my life this was a hermit, past year? but so many Jesus, thank you for… joined him that he created a form of common life that influenced both Eastern and Western monasticism. He be- came archbishop of Caesarea and LIVING WITH CHRIST 59 St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen influenced Gregory (329-390), Christ, your Son, who was named coadjutor bishop who lives and reigns with of Nazianzus, bishop of Sasima, you in the unity of the and archbishop of Constantinople. Holy Spirit, May we imitate their desire to one God, for ever and ever. proclaim the truth that Jesus is Amen. both divine and human. ] READING (1 John 2:22-28) ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Beloved: Who is the liar? (Cf. Sirach 44:15, 14) Whoever denies that Jesus is Let the peoples recount the the Christ. Whoever denies wisdom of the Saints, and let the Father and the Son, this the Church proclaim their is the antichrist. Anyone who praise. Their names will live denies the Son does not have on and on. the Father, but whoever con- fesses the Son has the Father COLLECT as well. O God, who were pleased to Let what you heard from give light to your Church the beginning remain in you. by the example and teaching If what you heard from the of the Bishops Saints Basil beginning remains in you, and Gregory, then you will remain in the grant, we pray, Son and in the Father. And that in humility we may this is the promise that he learn your truth made us: eternal life. I write and practice it faithfully you these things about those in charity. who would deceive you. As for Through our Lord Jesus you, the anointing that you

60 JANUARY 2021 January 2 ] Saturday

received from him remains in He has remembered you, so that you do not need his kindness and anyone to teach you. But his his faithfulness anointing teaches you about toward the house everything and is true and of Israel. r· not false; just as it taught you, All the ends of the remain in him. earth have seen And now, children, remain the salvation by our God. in him, so that when he Sing joyfully to the Lord, appears we may have confi- all you lands; dence and not be put to shame break into song; by him at his coming. sing praise. r·

RESPONSORIAL PSALM ALLELUIA (Hebrews 1:1-2) (Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4) Alleluia, alleluia. In times past, r· All the ends of the earth have God spoke to our ancestors seen the saving power of God. through the prophets: in Sing to the Lord these last days, he has spoken a new song, to us through his Son. Alleluia, for he has done alleluia. wondrous deeds; His right hand has won GOSPEL (John 1:19-28) victory for him, his is the testimony of his holy arm. r· John. When the Jews The Lord has made his Tfrom Jerusalem sent salvation known: priests and Levites to him to in the sight of the nations ask him, “Who are you?” He he has revealed his justice. admitted and did not deny it, LIVING WITH CHRIST 61 St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen but admitted, “I am not the ‘Make straight the way Christ.” So they asked him, of the Lord,’ “What are you then? Are you as Isaiah the prophet said.” Elijah?” And he said, “I am Some Pharisees were also not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He sent. They asked him, “Why answered, “No.” So they said to then do you baptize if you him, “Who are you, so we can are not the Christ or Elijah or give an answer to those who the Prophet?” John answered sent us? What do you have to them, “I baptize with water; say for yourself?” He said: but there is one among you “I am the voice of one whom you do not recognize, crying out in the desert, the one who is coming after

“Let what you heard from the beginning remain in you” ( 1 John 2:24). » Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? I’ve read that the percentage who keep their resolutions is low. Typical ones include losing weight, saving money, exercising more, and getting organized. All are good things, but none are of ultimate value. Today’s Scripture suggests the essential New Year’s resolution: Remain in Jesus. At the end of our lives, we are not likely going to be as thin, organized, or fit as we would like. This may be sad, but not tragic. The ultimate tragedy would be to die outside of Jesus. Today, the day after New Year’s, let us begin again with a new resolution—one of ultimate value. We resolve to make Jesus our Lord. We resolve to follow him throughout this year and every year. This is the one resolution that truly matters. MSGR. STEPHEN J. ROSSETTI

62 JANUARY 2021 January 2 ] Saturday me, whose sandal strap I am PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION not worthy to untie.” This May partaking at the happened in Bethany across heavenly table, almighty the Jordan, where John was God, baptizing. confirm and increase strength from on high PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS in all who celebrate the feast Accept this sacrifice from day of Saints Basil and your people, we pray, Gregory, O Lord, that we may preserve in and make what is offered integrity the gift of faith for your glory, and walk in the path of in honor of Saints Basil salvation you trace for us. and Gregory, Through Christ our Lord. a means to our eternal Amen. salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Like John, as Christians we must PREFACE (Nativity, page 34, or make a way for Christ. Holy Pastors, page 36) $ How can I announce his pres- ence today? COMMUNION ANTIPHON Jesus, be with me so that… (Cf. 1 Corinthians 1:23-24) We proclaim Christ crucified; Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. LIVING WITH CHRIST 63 TSthe. B Easpiphil theany G oreatf the and lord St. Gregory Nazianzen

Today in Focus JANUARY 3 » THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Sharing the Light

“Your light has come,” Isaiah says. He calls us to know God’s presence, God’s light on and around us. Isaiah tells the people of Israel that the light of God’s blessing shines on them and beyond them. Some Israelites thought God’s favor was exclusively theirs. But God’s light can be shared without diminishing it. Every year at Easter, the paschal candle, the Light of Christ, comes into a dark church, and its light is shared so the whole church glows. We proclaim a light divided but never dimmed. Epiphany celebrates God’s light being revealed to all nations. The gospel, Paul says, has spread to the Gentiles. They have seen and received the light of Christ. Matthew tells of even earlier Gentile observers of that light, the Magi: “We saw his star at its rising, and have come to do him homage.” The light that shone on the Magi shines on us. Jesus shares his light with us, and asks us to share it. The light of our faith may seem fragile but a small light can set the world on fire! Sharing the light of God’s love, God’s blessing, does not diminish it—it grows in strength as it is shared. Let’s keep it burning brightly! ] dinah simmons

64 JANUARY 2021 January 3 Sunday

Sunday, January 3

MASS DURING THE DAY sublime glory. Through our Lord Jesus ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Christ, your Son, (Cf. Malachi 3:1; 1 Chronicles 29:12) who lives and reigns with Behold, the Lord, the Mighty you in the unity of the One, has come; and kingship Holy Spirit, is in his grasp, and power and one God, for ever and ever. dominion. Amen.

INTRODUCTORY RITES (page 25) FIRST READING (Isaiah 60:1-6) Rise up in splendor, COLLECT Jerusalem! Your light O God, who on this day has come, revealed your Only Begotten the glory of the Lord Son to the nations shines upon you. by the guidance of a star, See, darkness covers grant in your mercy the earth, that we, who know you and thick clouds already by faith, cover the peoples; may be brought to behold but upon you the the beauty of your Lord shines, LIVING WITH CHRIST 65 TSthe. B Easpiphil theany G oreatf the and lord St. Gregory Nazianzen

and over you appears bearing gold and his glory. frankincense, Nations shall walk and proclaiming the by your light, praises of the Lord. and kings by your The word of the Lord. shining radiance. Thanks be to God. Raise your eyes and look about; RESPONSORIAL PSALM they all gather and (Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13) come to you: r· Lord, every nation on earth your sons come from afar, will adore you. and your daughters in O God, with your judgment the arms of their nurses. endow the king, and with your justice, Then you shall be the king’s son; radiant at what you see, he shall govern your your heart shall throb people with justice and overflow, and your afflicted ones for the riches of the sea with judgment. r· shall be emptied out Justice shall flower before you, in his days, the wealth of nations and profound peace, till shall be brought to you. the moon be no more. Caravans of camels May he rule from sea to sea, shall fill you, and from the River to dromedaries from the ends of the earth. r· Midian and Ephah; The kings of Tarshish and all from Sheba shall come the Isles shall offer gifts;

66 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 2 3] S at Suundrdayay

the kings of Arabia and the promise in Christ Jesus Seba shall bring tribute. through the gospel. All kings shall pay him homage, The word of the Lord. all nations shall serve him. r· Thanks be to God. For he shall rescue the poor when he cries out, ALLELUIA (Matthew 2:2) and the afflicted when he Alleluia, alleluia. We saw his star has no one to help him. at its rising and have come to do He shall have pity for the him homage. Alleluia, alleluia. lowly and the poor; the lives of the poor GOSPEL (Matthew 2:1-12) he shall save. r· A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew. SECOND READING Glory to you, O Lord. (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6) Brothers and sisters: You have hen Jesus was born heard of the stewardship of in Bethlehem God’s grace that was given to Wof Judea, in the me for your benefit, namely, days of King Herod, behold, that the mystery$ was made magi from the east arrived in known to me by revelation. It Jerusalem, saying, “Where is was not made known to peo- the newborn king of the Jews? ple in other generations as it We saw his star at its rising and has now been revealed to his have come to do him hom- holy apostles and prophets by age.” When King Herod heard the Spirit: that the Gentiles this, he was greatly troubled, are coheirs, members of the and all Jerusalem with him. same body, and copartners in Assembling all the chief priests LIVING WITH CHRIST 67 TSthe. B Easpiphil theany G oreatf the and lord St. Gregory Nazianzen

$ Mystery » In the Greek world of early Christianity, “mystery” (singular) referred to that which is hidden or secret and cannot be talked about openly. For Christians like Paul, a mystery points to what is hidden unless God reveals it. Paul identifies this revealed mystery as God’s desire to unite all humanity—both Jew and Gentile—into one community in Christ. This becomes the core of Paul’s Christian message. In later theological terminology, a mystery (such as the Trinity or the Incarnation) is a revealed truth about God that can be affirmed in faith but never completely and adequately expressed in abstract concepts or rational explanations. and the scribes of the people, Then Herod called the magi he inquired of them where the secretly and ascertained from Christ was to be born. They them the time of the star’s said to him, “In Bethlehem of appearance. He sent them to Judea, for thus it has been writ- Bethlehem and said, “Go and ten through the prophet: search diligently for the child. And you, Bethlehem, When you have found him, land of Judah, bring me word, that I too may are by no means least go and do him homage.” After among the rulers their audience with the king of Judah; they set out. And behold, the since from you shall come star that they had seen at its a ruler, rising preceded them, until who is to shepherd it came and stopped over the my people Israel.” place where the child was.

68 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 2 3] S at Suundrdayay

They were overjoyed at seeing or myrrh, the star, and on entering the but he who by them is house they saw the child with proclaimed, Mary his mother. They pros- sacrificed and received, trated themselves and did him Jesus Christ. homage. Then they opened Who lives and reigns for ever their treasures and offered and ever. Amen. him gifts of gold, frankin- cense, and myrrh. And hav- PREFACE (Epiphany, page 35) ing been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they COMMUNION ANTIPHON departed for their country by (Cf. Matthew 2:2) another way. We have seen his star in the The Gospel of the Lord. East, and have come with Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. gifts to adore the Lord.

PROFESSION OF FAITH (page 28) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Go before us with heavenly PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL light, O Lord, always and everywhere, PREPARATION OF GIFTS (page 30) that we may perceive with clear sight PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS and revere with true affection Look with favor, Lord, the mystery in which we pray, you have willed us to on these gifts of your Church, participate. in which are offered now Through Christ our Lord. not gold or frankincense Amen. LIVING WITH CHRIST 69 TSthe. B Easpiphil theany G oreatf the and lord St. Gregory Nazianzen

BLESSING & DISMISSAL (page 54) SAYING AMEN In the Collect, we ask that we who know God already by faith may be RESPONDING TO THE WORD brought to behold the beauty of The magi followed a star to find God’s sublime glory. Jesus. $ What is my vision of heaven? $ Like the magi, how willing am What hints of God’s sublime I to “go the extra mile” to find glory do I see around me? Jesus in my daily life? God of glory, thank you… Jesus, today I will…

70 JANUARY 2021 » The Epiphany of the lord

Living with Christ This Week

This week the PSALM RESPONSE epiphanies continue r∙ Lord, every nation on earth as God’s mercy is will adore you! revealed in Jesus This week’s psalm response reminds us and in his ministry. that our God is King over all the world, John’s first letter ruling with justice and mercy. weaves together the themes of God’s love GENERAL INTERCESSIONS for us and our love Use these intercessions with your prayers for God, especially this week. as shown by our love # For those who live in darkness and fear, for one another. The we pray: gospels describe Show yourself, Jesus, and save us. Jesus’ ministry of r· proclamation and # For those who feel lost and without of release from evil. direction, we pray: r· Jesus announces the # For those fearful and overcome by life’s presence of God’s storms, we pray: kingdom through his r· wondrous feeding # For captives and the oppressed of the crowds and everywhere, we pray: r· the compassionate # For those who are socially rejected healing of those who because of their illness, we pray: r· suffer. ] LIVING WITH CHRIST 71 MONDAY COLLECT JANUARY 4 O God, who crowned with ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON the gift of true faith Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, burning zeal to find you, religious (1774-1821) Born in New grant by her intercession and York, Elizabeth Bayley married example and had five children. After her that we may always seek you husband died, she became a with diligent love Catholic and founded a girls’ and find you in daily service school in Baltimore. She founded with sincere faith. the Sisters of Charity, the first Through our Lord Jesus community of active women reli- Christ, your Son, gious begun in America. May we who lives and reigns with imitate her example of service to you in the unity of the the poor, sick, and uneducated. ] Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Amen. (Cf. Proverb 14:1-2) Behold a wise woman who READING (1 John 3:22–4:6) has built her house. She Beloved: We receive from him feared the Lord and walked whatever we ask, because we in the right path. keep his commandments and do what pleases him. And his OR (Cf. Psalm 24 [23]:6) commandment is this: we This is the generation which should believe in the name seeks the face of the God of of his Son, Jesus Christ, and Jacob. love one another just as he

72 JANUARY 2021 January 4 ] Monday commanded us. Those who to the world, and the world keep his commandments listens to them. We belong to remain in him, and he in God, and anyone who knows them, and the way we know God listens to us, while any- that he remains in us is from one who does not belong to the Spirit whom he gave us. God refuses to hear us. This Beloved, do not trust every is how we know the spirit of spirit but test the spirits to see truth and the spirit of deceit. whether they belong to God, because many false prophets RESPONSORIAL PSALM have gone out into the world. (Psalm 2:7bc-8, 10-12a) This is how you can know the r· I will give you all the nations Spirit of God: every spirit that for an inheritance. acknowledges Jesus Christ The Lord said to me, come in the flesh belongs “You are my Son; to God, and every spirit that this day I have does not acknowledge Jesus begotten you. does not belong to God. This Ask of me and I will give you is the spirit of the antichrist the nations for an who, as you heard, is to come, inheritance but in fact is already in the and the ends of the earth world. You belong to God, for your possession.” r· children, and you have con- And now, O kings, give heed; quered them, for the one who take warning, you rulers is in you is greater than the of the earth. one who is in the world. They Serve the Lord with fear, belong to the world; accord- and rejoice before him; ingly, their teaching belongs with trembling rejoice. r· LIVING WITH CHRIST 73 ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON

ALLELUIA (See Matthew 4:23) of Naphtali, Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus pro- the way to the sea, claimed the Gospel of the beyond the Jordan, Kingdom and cured every Galilee of the Gentiles, disease among the people. the people who sit in darkness Alleluia, alleluia. have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a land GOSPEL (Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25) overshadowed by death hen Jesus heard light has arisen. that John had From that time on, Jesus began Wbeen arrested, he to preach and say, “Repent, for withdrew to Galilee. He left the Kingdom of heaven is at Nazareth and went to live hand.” in Capernaum by the sea, He went around all of in the region of Zebulun Galilee, teaching in their syn- and Naphtali, that what had agogues, proclaiming the been said through Isaiah the Gospel of the Kingdom, and prophet might be fulfilled: curing every disease and illness Land of Zebulun and land among the people. His fame

I was in a serious predicament. I didn’t know what to do. A friend just happened to call me. When she asked how I was, I blurted out my problem and started to cry. She said, “I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” She listened. She affirmed my goodness. She was a healing presence. That’s the kind of presence Jesus was. And that’s the kind of presence he calls us to be. How willing am I just to be with someone “racked with pain”? How good am I at listening? SR. MELANNIE SVOBODA, S.N.D.

74 JANUARY 2021 January 4 ] Monday

spread to all of Syria, and they COMMUNION ANTIPHON (John 6:51) brought to him all who were I am the living bread from sick with various diseases and heaven, says the Lord. racked with pain, those who Whoever eats this bread will were possessed, lunatics, and live for ever; the bread I shall paralytics, and he cured them. give is my flesh for the life of And great crowds from Galilee, the world. the Decapolis, Jerusalem, and Judea, and from beyond the PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Jordan followed him. As we partake of the sacrament of our salvation, PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS while recalling the memory of O Lord, we ask that you look Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, graciously we humbly ask you, O Lord, upon our gifts placed on that we may be inflamed your altar with a burning desire in celebration of Saint for the heavenly table, Elizabeth Ann Seton, and by its power consecrate and grant by the power at our life faithfully to you. work in this sacrifice, Through Christ Lord. Amen. that we may be more deeply inserted into the mystery of your Son. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Who lives and reigns for ever Jesus asks the people of his time to and ever. Amen. repent. He also asks us to do so. $ What does the Kingdom of PREFACE (Nativity, page 34, or Saints, heaven mean to me today? page 37) Jesus, help me to… LIVING WITH CHRIST 75 TUESDAY COLLECT JANUARY 5 O God, who called the ST. JOHN NEUMANN Bishop Saint John Neumann, St. John Neumann, bishop renowned for his charity and (1811-1860) Born in Bohemia, pastoral service, John Neumann emigrated as to shepherd your people in a missionary to America. He America, joined the Redemptorist Order in grant by his intercession Pittsburgh and was consecrated that, as we foster the bishop of Philadelphia. Devoted to Christian education spreading God’s word by preach- of youth ing and building churches, he was and are strengthened by the a strong advocate of Catholic witness of brotherly love, education. Like John, may we we may constantly increase dedicate ourselves to overcoming the family of your Church. ignorance of God’s word through Through our Lord Jesus education. ] Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with ENTRANCE ANTIPHON you in the unity of the (Psalm 16:5-6) Holy Spirit, O Lord, my allotted portion one God, for ever and ever. and my cup, you it is who Amen. hold fast my lot. For me the measuring lines have fallen READING (1 John 4:7-10) on pleasant sites; fair to me Beloved, let us love one indeed is my inheritance. another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is

76 JANUARY 2021 January 5 ] Tuesday begotten by God and knows He shall defend the afflicted God. Whoever is without love among the people, does not know God, for God save the children is love. In this way the love of the poor. r· of God was revealed to us: Justice shall flower God sent his only-begotten in his days, Son into the world so that we and profound peace, might have life through him. till the moon be no more. In this is love: not that we May he rule from sea to sea, have loved God, but that he and from the River to the loved us and sent his Son as ends of the earth. r· expiation for our sins. ALLELUIA (Luke 4:18) RESPONSORIAL PSALM Alleluia, alleluia. The Lord has (Psalm 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8) sent me to bring glad tidings r· Lord, every nation on earth to the poor and to proclaim will adore you. liberty to captives. Alleluia, O God, with your judgment alleluia. endow the king, and with your justice, GOSPEL (Mark 6:34-44) the king’s son; hen Jesus saw the He shall govern your vast crowd, his people with justice Wheart was moved and your afflicted ones with pity for them, for they with judgment. r· were like sheep without a The mountains shall yield shepherd; and he began to peace for the people, teach them many things. By and the hills justice. now it was already late and LIVING WITH CHRIST 77 st. john neumann his disciples approached him said, “five loaves and two fish.” and said, “This is a deserted So he gave orders to have them place and it is already very late. sit down in groups on the Dismiss them so that they can green grass. The people took go to the surrounding farms their places in rows by hun- and villages and buy them- dreds and by fifties. Then, tak- selves something to eat.” He ing the five loaves and the two said to them in reply, “Give fish and looking up to heaven, them some food yourselves.” he said the blessing, broke the But they said to him, “Are loaves, and gave them to his we to buy two hundred days’ disciples to set before the peo- wages worth of food and give ple; he also divided the two it to them to eat?” He asked fish among them all. They all them, “How many loaves do ate and were satisfied. And you have? Go and see.” And they picked up twelve wicker when they had found out they baskets full of fragments and

We just celebrated the great feast of God’s love made manifest in the world: Jesus, the Son of God, born into our midst. In response, we exchanged gifts, sang carols, ate too much food, and wished everyone “peace on earth.” Now the kings have come and gone and the tree lies waiting for pickup by the roadside. But we must never take the miracle of Christmas for granted. We must never stop loving in response to God’s great love for us. We are Christ’s body now in the world. We are called to live the message of Christmas every day. It is the message of love made manifest in the daily encounters of our lives. JENNIFER CHRIST

78 JANUARY 2021 January 5 ] Tuesday what was left of the fish. Those PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION who ate of the loaves were five Refreshed by our thousand men. participation in the memorial PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS of the Death and Merciful Father, Resurrection of your Son, look upon the gifts we have we ask, O Lord, placed on your altar that by the example of and grant that we may reflect Saint John Neumann, the image of Christ your Son, we may experience the power just as you granted to Saint of this Sacrament John Neumann and remain constantly in to imitate what he celebrated. the Church Through Christ our Lord. by the bond of unity and Amen. truth. Through Christ our Lord. PREFACE (Epiphany, page 35, or Amen. Nativity, page 34)

COMMUNION ANTIPHON RESPONDING TO THE WORD (Matthew 19:29) God is love, and Jesus shows us Everyone who has given up that love is expressed in our will- home, brothers, or sisters, ingness to feed one another. father or mother, wife or $ What can I do today to offer children or property for others the “food” they need? my sake will receive many Jesus, today I will… times as much and inherit everlasting life. LIVING WITH CHRIST 79 WEDNESDAY COLLECT JANUARY 6 O God, who bestow light on CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY all the nations, grant your peoples the [ St. Andre Bessette, religious gladness of lasting peace (1845-1937) ] Born in Quebec and and pour into our hearts that orphaned by age twelve, he joined brilliant light the Congregation of Holy Cross. by which you purified the For the next forty years André minds of our fathers in was a brother at the Collège faith. Notre-Dame in Montreal, where Through our Lord Jesus he cared for the sick and was Christ, your Son, known as the “Miracle Man of who lives and reigns with Montreal.” Assisted by lay friends, you in the unity of the he built a wooden chapel that Holy Spirit, eventually became St. Joseph’s one God, for ever and ever. Oratory, a basilica that receives Amen. more than two million visitors a year. Like him, may we always be READING (1 John 4:11-18) ready to serve those in need and Beloved, if God so loved us, so build up the Church. ] we also must love one another. No one has ever seen God. Yet, ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (Isaiah 9:1) if we love one another, God A people who walked in remains in us, and his love is darkness has seen a great brought to perfection in us. light; for those dwelling in a This is how we know that land of deep gloom, a light we remain in him and he in has shone. us, that he has given us of his

80 JANUARY 2021 January 6 ] Wednesday

Spirit. Moreover, we have seen endow the king, and testify that the Father sent and with your justice, his Son as savior of the world. the king’s son; Whoever acknowledges that He shall govern your people Jesus is the Son of God, God with justice remains in him and he in and your afflicted ones God. We have come to know with judgment. r· and to believe in the love God The kings of Tarshish and the has for us. Isles shall offer gifts; God is love, and whoever the kings of Arabia and remains in love remains in Seba shall bring tribute. r· God and God in him. In this For he shall rescue the poor is love brought to perfection when he cries out, among us, that we have confi- and the afflicted when he dence on the day of judgment has no one to help him. because as he is, so are we in He shall have pity for the this world. There is no fear in lowly and the poor; love, but perfect love drives the lives of the poor out fear because fear has to do he shall save. r· with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect ALLELUIA (See 1 Timothy 3:16) in love. Alleluia, alleluia. Glory to you, O Christ, proclaimed RESPONSORIAL PSALM to the Gentiles. Glory to (Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13) you, O Christ, believed in r· Lord, every nation on earth throughout the world. Alleluia, will adore you. alleluia. O God, with your judgment LIVING WITH CHRIST 81 Christmas weekday

GOSPEL (Mark 6:45-52) alone on shore. Then he saw fter the five thousand that they were tossed about had eaten and were while rowing, for the wind Asatisfied, Jesus made was against them. About the his disciples get into the boat fourth watch of the night, he and precede him to the other came toward them walking side toward Bethsaida, while on the sea. He meant to pass he dismissed the crowd. And by them. But when they saw when he had taken leave him walking on the sea, they of them, he went off to the thought it was a ghost and mountain to pray. When it cried out. They had all seen was evening, the boat was him and were terrified. But far out on the sea and he was at once he spoke with them,

Every believer I know struggles with trusting in God. Instead, we worry about many things: natural disasters, terrorists, and global warming, not to mention the daily fears of getting sick, not having enough money, etc. I sympathize with the disciples in the boat. It was nighttime, the winds started to blow, and their small boat was tossed about. They cried out in fear. We all want to trust in God. But it is unlikely our fears will disappear in the future. You and I will probably worry about something until the day we die. But in the midst of our fears, we can promise to raise our eyes to heaven and be confident that our prayer will be heard. This confidence, in the midst of our fears, is real trust in God. MSGR. STEPHEN J. ROSSETTI

82 JANUARY 2021 January 6 ] Wednesday

“Take courage, it is I, do not Father became visible, and be afraid!” He got into the has appeared to us. boat with them and the wind died down. They were com- PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION pletely astounded. They had May your people, O Lord, not understood the incident whom you guide and sustain of the loaves. On the contrary, in many ways, their hearts were hardened. experience, both now and in the future, PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS the remedies which you O God, who give us the gift bestow, of true prayer and of peace, that, with the needed solace graciously grant that, of things that pass away, through this offering, they may strive with ever we may do fitting homage to deepened trust for things your divine majesty eternal. and, by partaking of the Through Christ our Lord. sacred mystery, Amen. we may be faithfully united in mind and heart. Through Christ our Lord. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Amen. John reminds us that we need not be afraid because our loving God PREFACE (Epiphany, page 35, or dwells in us. Nativity, page 34) $ What fears keep me from loving and serving God? COMMUNION ANTIPHON (1 John 1:2) Jesus, free me so that… That life which was with the LIVING WITH CHRIST 83 THURSDAY COLLECT JANUARY 7 O God, who through your CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY Son raised up your eternal light for all nations, [ St. Raymond of Penyafort, grant that your people may priest (1175-1275) ] Born near come to acknowledge Barcelona, Raymond was a the full splendor of their professor of philosophy and Redeemer, a lawyer. A Dominican priest, that, bathed ever more in his he traveled through Spain to radiance, preach to Moors and Christians. they may reach everlasting Appointed archbishop of glory. Tarragona, he declined, preferring Through our Lord Jesus solitude, study, and preaching. Christ, your Son, While master of the Dominican who lives and reigns with Order, he revised the constitution, you in the unity of the which remained in effect until Holy Spirit, 1924. May we imitate his zeal one God, for ever and ever. . for ordering all of life by God’s Amen. guidelines. ] READING (1 John 4:19–5:4) ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (Cf. John 1:1) Beloved, we love God because In the beginning and before he first loved us. If anyone all ages, the Word was God says, “I love God,” but hates his and he humbled himself brother, he is a liar; for who- to be born the Savior of ever does not love a brother the world. whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.

84 JANUARY 2021 January 7 ] Thursday

This is the commandment we the king’s son; have from him: Whoever loves He shall govern your people God must also love his brother. with justice Everyone who believes that and your afflicted ones Jesus is the Christ is begot- with judgment. r· ten by God, and everyone From fraud and violence who loves the Father loves he shall redeem them, also the one begotten by him. and precious shall their In this way we know that blood be in his sight. we love the children of God May they be prayed when we love God and obey for continually; his commandments. For the day by day shall love of God is this, that we they bless him. r· keep his commandments. May his name be And his commandments are blessed forever; not burdensome, for who- as long as the sun his name ever is begotten by God con- shall remain. quers the world. And the In him shall all the tribes victory that conquers the of the earth be blessed; world is our faith. all the nations shall proclaim his happiness. r· RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Psalm 72:1-2, 14 and 15bc, 17) ALLELUIA (Luke 4:18) r· Lord, every nation on earth Alleluia, alleluia. The Lord has will adore you. sent me to bring glad tidings O God, with your judgment to the poor and to proclaim endow the king, liberty to captives. Alleluia, and with your justice, alleluia. LIVING WITH CHRIST 85 Christmas weekday

GOSPEL (Luke 4:14-22a) prophet Isaiah. He unrolled esus returned to Galilee the scroll and found the pas- in the power of the Spirit, sage where it was written: Jand news of him spread The Spirit of the Lord throughout the whole region. is upon me, He taught in their synagogues because he has anointed me and was praised by all. to bring glad tidings He came to Nazareth, where to the poor. he had grown up, and went He has sent me to proclaim according to his custom into liberty to captives the synagogue on the sabbath and recovery of sight day. He stood up to read and to the blind, was handed a scroll of the to let the oppressed

“We love because [God] first loved us” (1 John 4:19). » This sentence is incredibly simple and absolutely essential to our faith: God loves us first. Yet sometimes we live as if it were the other way around. Sometimes, we think it’s our job to love God first, and then God will love us. At times, we also think it’s our task to seek and find God. In reality, God is already seeking us more than we can imagine. As I walk with individuals in spiritual direction, I’ve noticed this: If they are with God’s love for them, everything else in their life (even the hard stuff) seems to fall into place. And conversely, if they lose touch with their own lovability, nothing (even the good stuff) seems to matter. A grace to pray for: a deep sense of God’s love for us. SR. MELANNIE SVOBODA, S.N.D.

86 JANUARY 2021 January 7 ] Thursday

go free, COMMUNION ANTIPHON (John 3:16) and to proclaim a year God so loved the world that acceptable to the Lord. he gave his Only Begotten Rolling up the scroll, he Son, so that all who believe handed it back to the atten- in him may not perish, but dant and sat down, and the may have eternal life. eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him. He said PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION to them, “Today this Scripture Grant, we pray, almighty God, passage is fulfilled in your that, by the power of these hearing.” And all spoke highly holy mysteries, of him and were amazed at our life may be constantly the gracious words that came sustained. from his mouth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS Receive our oblation, O Lord, by which is brought about a RESPONDING TO THE WORD glorious exchange, Jesus’ mission and ministry were that, by offering what you empowered by the Holy Spirit. have given, $ How am I being empowered we may merit to receive your by that same Spirit for my very self. ministry? Through Christ our Lord. Jesus, send me your Spirit so that… Amen.

PREFACE (Epiphany, page 35, or Nativity, page 34) LIVING WITH CHRIST 87 FRIDAY READING (1 John 5:5-13) JANUARY 8 Beloved: Who indeed is the CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is ENTRANCE ANTIPHON the Son of God? (Psalm 112 [111]:4) This is the one who came A light has risen in the through water and Blood, darkness for the upright of Jesus Christ, not by water heart; the Lord is generous, alone, but by water and Blood. merciful and just. The Spirit is the one who tes- tifies, and the Spirit is truth. COLLECT So there are three that testify, Grant, we ask, almighty God, the Spirit, the water, and the that the Nativity of the Savior Blood, and the three are of one of the world, accord. If we accept human made known by the guidance testimony, the testimony of of a star, God is surely greater. Now the may be revealed ever more testimony of God is this, that fully to our minds. he has testified on behalf of his Through our Lord Jesus Son. Whoever believes in the Christ, your Son, Son of God has this testimony who lives and reigns with within himself. Whoever does you in the unity of the not believe God has made Holy Spirit, him a liar by not believing one God, for ever and ever. the testimony God has given Amen. about his Son. And this is the testimony: God gave us eter- nal life, and this life is in his

88 JANUARY 2021 January 8 ] Friday

Son. Whoever possesses the He has proclaimed his Son has life; whoever does not word to Jacob, possess the Son of God does his statutes and his not have life. ordinances to Israel. I write these things to you He has not done thus so that you may know that for any other nation; you have eternal life, you who his ordinances he has not believe in the name of the Son made known to them. of God. Alleluia. r·

RESPONSORIAL PSALM ALLELUIA (See Matthew 4:23) (Psalm 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20) Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus pro- r· Praise the Lord, Jerusalem. claimed the Gospel of the OR Alleluia. Kingdom and cured every Glorify the Lord, disease among the people. O Jerusalem; Alleluia, alleluia. praise your God, O Zion. For he has strengthened GOSPEL (Luke 5:12-16) the bars of your gates; t happened that there was a he has blessed your man full of leprosy in one children within you. r· Iof the towns where Jesus He has granted peace was; and when he saw Jesus, in your borders; he fell prostrate, pleaded with with the best of wheat him, and said, “Lord, if you he fills you. wish, you can make me clean.” He sends forth his command Jesus stretched out his hand, to the earth; touched him, and said, “I do swiftly runs his word! r· will it. Be made clean.” And LIVING WITH CHRIST 89 Christmas weekday the leprosy left him immedi- PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS ately. Then he ordered him not Receive with favor, O Lord, to tell anyone, but “Go, show we pray, the offerings of your yourself to the priest and offer people, for your cleansing what Moses that what they profess with prescribed; that will be proof devotion and faith for them.” The report about may be theirs through these him spread all the more, and heavenly mysteries. great crowds assembled to lis- Through Christ our Lord. ten to him and to be cured of Amen. their ailments, but he would withdraw to deserted places PREFACE (Epiphany, page 35, or to pray. Nativity, page 34)

“…but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray” (Luke 5:16). » There has been so much bustle over these last several weeks! Now, on this January weekday, the mantel still overflows with holiday cards, the carpet is embedded with tree needles, and the good dishes wait to be returned to the cabinet for their long respite. Where is one to put all the new “stuff” of Christmas? Today, in the aftermath of all the “to do,” find a deserted place to pray. Speak to the Son, Emmanuel, who has come to you in all this bustle. Lord, Jesus, you are here with me now. Help me to be aware of your presence in all aspects of this season. Help me through all my human “doings” to first receive and then to give out your love. JENNIFER CHRIST

90 JANUARY 2021 COMMUNION ANTIPHON (1 John 4:9) SATURDAY By this the love of God was JANUARY 9 revealed to us: God sent his CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY Only Begotten Son into the world, so that we might have ENTRANCE ANTIPHON life through him. (Galatians 4:4-5) God sent his Son, born of PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION a woman, so that we might O God, who touch us receive adoption as children. through our partaking of your Sacrament, COLLECT work, we pray, the effects of Almighty ever-living God, its power in our hearts, who through your Only that we may be made fit to Begotten Son receive your gift have made us a new creation through this very gift itself. for yourself, Through Christ our Lord. grant, we pray, Amen. that by your grace we may be found in the likeness of him, RESPONDING TO THE WORD in whom our nature is united Jesus withdrew from his ministry to you. of healing to find time to pray and Who lives and reigns with be with God. you in the unity of the $ What steps can I take to make Holy Spirit, more time for prayer? one God, for ever and ever. Jesus, I will… Amen. LIVING WITH CHRIST 91 Christmas weekday

READING (1 John 5:14-21) God has come and has given Beloved: We have this confi- us discernment to know the dence in him that if we ask one who is true. And we are anything according to his will, in the one who is true, in his he hears us. And if we know Son Jesus Christ. He is the true that he hears us in regard to God and eternal life. Children, whatever we ask, we know be on your guard against idols. that what we have asked him for is ours. If anyone sees his RESPONSORIAL PSALM brother sinning, if the sin is (Psalm 149:1-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b) not deadly, he should pray to r· The Lord takes delight in his God and he will give him life. people. OR Alleluia. This is only for those whose Sing to the Lord a new song sin is not deadly. There is such of praise in the assembly a thing as deadly sin, about of the faithful. which I do not say that you Let Israel be glad in should pray. All wrongdoing their maker, is sin, but there is sin that is let the children of Zion not deadly. rejoice in their king. r· We know that anyone Let them praise his name begotten by God does not in the festive dance, sin; but the one begotten by let them sing praise to him God he protects, and the Evil with timbrel and harp. One cannot touch him. We For the Lord loves know that we belong to God, his people, and the whole world is under and he adorns the lowly the power of the Evil One. with victory. r· We also know that the Son of Let the faithful exult in glory;

92 JANUARY 2021 January 9 ] Saturday

let them sing for joy death light has arisen. Alleluia, upon their couches; alleluia. Let the high praises of God be in their throats. GOSPEL (John 3:22-30) This is the glory of all esus and his disciples went his faithful. Alleluia. r· into the region of Judea, Jwhere he spent some time ALLELUIA (Matthew 4:16) with them baptizing. John was Alleluia, alleluia. The people also baptizing in Aenon near who sit in darkness have seen Salim, because there was an a great light, on those dwell- abundance of water there, and ing in a land overshadowed by people came to be baptized,

“So this joy of mine has been made complete” (John 3:29). » Some days I’m almost ashamed to feel joy—the days I’m aware of the immensity of suffering. Someone dear to me has died, far too young and too painfully; those who love him will never forget. How can there be joy? Violence rages on our earth, lives are rent asunder, tears flow deeper than all the oceans combined. Yet John the Baptist has fullness of joy. The Awaited One has arrived—not removing our suffering, but infusing it with love. If there were no love, there would be no suffering. Our suffering is real, profound, terribly challenging. We don’t rejoice in that. We find our joy in the presence of God who can always be found here, permanently joined to our humanity, never letting go no matter where we wander. Lord, make full our joy. MARY MARROCCO LIVING WITH CHRIST 93 Christmas weekday for John had not yet been of true prayer and of peace, imprisoned. Now a dispute graciously grant that, through arose between the disciples of this offering, John and a Jew about ceremo- we may do fitting homage to nial washings. So they came to your divine majesty John and said to him, “Rabbi, and, by partaking of the the one who was with you sacred mystery, across the Jordan, to whom we may be faithfully united you testified, here he is bap- in mind and heart. tizing and everyone is coming Through Christ our Lord. to him.” John answered and Amen. said, “No one can receive any- thing except what has been PREFACE (Epiphany, page 35, or given from heaven. You your- Nativity, page 34) selves can testify that I said that I am not the Christ, but COMMUNION ANTIPHON (John 1:16) that I was sent before him. From his fullness we have all The one who has the bride received, grace upon grace. is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION for him, rejoices greatly at the May your people, O Lord, bridegroom’s voice. So this joy whom you guide and sustain of mine has been made com- in many ways, plete. He must increase; I must experience, both now and decrease.” in the future, the remedies which you PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS bestow, O God, who give us the gift that, with the needed solace

94 JANUARY 2021 January 9 ] Saturday

of things that pass away, RESPONDING TO THE WORD they may strive with ever When we pray for what is God’s deepened trust for things will, we can be confident that God eternal. will hear our prayer. Through Christ our Lord. $ What is it that I most need Amen. now in order to live with Christ? Jesus, please give me…

I know that anger never travels alone. It is always accompanied by plenty of other sins....Oh, dear Lord, grant that such ugly and evil phrases should never fall from the lips of fathers and mothers who should desire nothing but benedictions from heaven upon their poor little children. ST. JOHN VIANNEY LIVING WITH CHRIST 95 BCAhrPTISMistmas OF weekdayTHE LORD

Today in Focus JANUARY 10 » BAPTISM OF THE LORD Promises fulfilled

In today’s liturgy, Jesus is baptized by John, and God’s voice proclaims Jesus to be the Beloved Son of God with the visible presence of the Holy Spirit bearing witness. Do you remember your baptism? Have you ever witnessed someone else’s baptism? What do you recall from these baptismal liturgies? In today’s Scriptures, we do well to listen for echoes of our own baptism and the baptisms we have witnessed: water, Spirit, the Trinity, a faith-filled community gathered. This gospel recounts the final event we celebrate in the Christmas season. The Christmas season looks beyond the baby in Bethlehem. Each feast peels back the layers a little further, each revealing the truth of Jesus of Nazareth from a different perspective. Jesus is the One in whom God keeps the promises made through Isaiah. He will show to the world the glory, justice, power, and abundant love of God. And us? Through baptism into Christ, we share in his life in God and in his promise-keeping mission in the world. Do you celebrate your baptism date anniversary? Today is a fitting time to do so. ] margaret bick

96 JANUARY 2021 January 10 Sunday

Sunday, January 10

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON grant that your children (Cf. Matthew 3:16-17) by adoption, After the Lord was baptized, reborn of water and the the heavens were opened, and Holy Spirit, the Spirit descended upon may always be well pleasing him like a dove, and the voice to you. of the Father thundered: Through our Lord Jesus This is my beloved Son, with Christ, your Son, whom I am well pleased. who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the INTRODUCTORY RITES (page 25) Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. COLLECT Amen. Almighty ever-living God, who, when Christ had been OR baptized in the River O God, whose Only Jordan Begotten Son and as the Holy Spirit has appeared in our very descended upon him, flesh, solemnly declared him your grant, we pray, that we may beloved Son, be inwardly transformed LIVING WITH CHRIST 97 BCAhrPTISMistmas OF weekdayTHE LORD through him whom we to satisfy? recognize as outwardly Heed me, and you shall like ourselves. eat well, Who lives and reigns with you shall delight in rich you in the unity of the fare. Holy Spirit, Come to me heedfully, one God, for ever and ever. listen, that you may have Amen. life. I will renew with you These are the readings for Year B. the everlasting covenant, The first reading, responsorial psalm, the benefits assured and second reading from Year A to David. (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 29:1-2, As I made him a witness 3-4, 3, 9-10; and Acts 10:34-38) to the peoples, may also be used. a leader and commander of nations, FIRST READING (Isaiah 55:1-11) so shall you summon Thus says the Lord: a nation you knew not, All you who are thirsty, and nations that knew come to the water! you not shall run to you, You who have no money, because of the Lord, come, receive grain and eat; your God, come, without paying the Holy One of Israel, and without cost, who has glorified you. drink wine and milk! Why spend your money Seek the Lord while he for what is not bread, may be found, your wages for what fails call him while he is near.

98 JANUARY 2021 JFanuaryJanuary 9 10 ] S at Suundrdayay

Let the scoundrel forsake who sows his way, and bread to the one and the wicked man who eats, his thoughts; so shall my word be that let him turn to the Lord goes forth from my for mercy; mouth; to our God, who is my word shall not return generous in forgiving. to me void, For my thoughts are not but shall do my will, your thoughts, achieving the end for nor are your ways my ways, which I sent it. says the Lord. The word of the Lord. As high as the heavens Thanks be to God. are above the earth so high are my ways RESPONSORIAL CANTICLE (Isaiah above your ways 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6) and my thoughts r· You will draw water joyfully above your thoughts. from the springs of salvation. God indeed is my savior; For just as from the heavens I am confident and the rain and snow come unafraid. down My strength and my courage and do not return there is the Lord, till they have watered and he has been my savior. the earth, With joy you will draw water making it fertile and at the fountain of salvation. fruitful, r· giving seed to the one Give thanks to the Lord, LIVING WITH CHRIST 99 BCAhrPTISMistmas OF weekdayTHE LORD

acclaim his name; the love of God is this, that among the nations make we keep his commandments. known his deeds, And his commandments are proclaim how exalted not burdensome, for whoever is his name. is begotten by God conquers r· You will draw water joyfully the world. And the victory from the springs of salvation. that conquers the world is our Sing praise to the Lord faith. Who indeed is the vic- for his glorious tor over the world but the one achievement; who believes that Jesus is the let this be known Son of God? throughout all the earth. This is the one who came Shout with exultation, through water and blood, O city of Zion, Jesus Christ, not by water for great in your midst alone, but by water and blood. is the Holy One of Israel! The Spirit is the one who tes- r· tifies, and the Spirit is truth. So there are three that tes- SECOND READING (1 John 5:1-9) tify, the Spirit, the water, and Beloved: Everyone who the blood, and the three are believes that Jesus is the Christ of one accord. If we accept is begotten by God, and every- human testimony, the testi- one who loves the Father mony of God is surely greater. loves also the one begotten Now the testimony of God is by him. In this way we know this, that he has testified on that we love the children of behalf of his Son. God when we love God and Thanks be to God. obey his commandments. For

100 JANUARY 2021 JFanuaryJanuary 9 10 ] S at Suundrdayay

ALLELUIA (See John 1:29) descending upon him. And Alleluia, alleluia. John saw a voice came from the heav- Jesus approaching him, and ens, “You are my beloved Son; said: Behold the Lamb of God with you I am well pleased.” who takes away the sin of the The Gospel of the Lord. world. Alleluia, alleluia. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

GOSPEL (Mark 1:7-11) PROFESSION OF FAITH (page 28) A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Glory to you, O Lord. PREPARATION OF GIFTS (page 30) his is what John the Baptist proclaimed: PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS T“One mightier than I Accept, O Lord, the offerings is coming after me. I am not we have brought to honor worthy to stoop and loosen the revealing of your the thongs of his sandals. I beloved Son, have baptized you with water; so that the oblation of your he will baptize you with the faithful Holy Spirit.” may be transformed into the It happened in those days sacrifice of him that Jesus came from Nazareth who willed in his compassion of Galilee and was baptized in to wash away the sins the Jordan by John. On com- of the world. ing up out of the water he saw Who lives and reigns for ever the heavens being torn open and ever. Amen. and the Spirit, like a dove, LIVING WITH CHRIST 101 BCAhrPTISMistmas OF weekdayTHE LORD

PREFACE: And so, with the Powers of THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD heaven, It is truly right and just, we worship you constantly our duty and our salvation, on earth, always and everywhere and before your majesty to give you thanks, without end we acclaim: Lord, holy Father, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty and eternal God. of hosts (page 37)

For in the waters of the COMMUNION ANTIPHON Jordan (John 1:32, 34) you revealed with signs and Behold the One of whom wonders a new Baptism, John said: I have seen and so that through the voice testified that this is the Son that came down from of God. heaven we might come to believe PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION in your Word dwelling Nourished with these sacred among us, gifts, and by the Spirit’s descending we humbly entreat your in the likeness of a dove mercy, O Lord, we might know that Christ that, faithfully listening to your Servant your Only Begotten Son, has been anointed with the we may be your children oil of gladness in name and in truth. and sent to bring the good Through Christ our Lord. news to the poor. Amen.

102 JANUARY 2021 JFanuaryJanuary 9 10 ] S at Suundrdayay


RESPONDING TO THE WORD The Beloved is our Loving God is expressed by keeping refuge and our strength, God’s commandments. $ Which of God’s command- a Loving Presence in ments is most difficult for me times of trouble. to obey? Jesus, help me… Therefore we need not fear though the earth SAYING AMEN should change, In the Prayer after Communion, we pray that, by faithfully listening to though the mountains Jesus, we may be God’s children shake in the heart not only in name but in truth. $ What is Jesus saying to me in of the sea. this Eucharist and in my life The Beloved is right now? Jesus, because I am God’s child… ever with us, the infinite Heart of Love.


Living with Christ This Week THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD

At his baptism, Jesus PSALM RESPONSE is identified as God’s beloved Son and r∙ You will draw water empowered by the joyfully from the springs Holy Spirit for his of salvation. This week’s psalm response reminds us ministry. The read- that God is our savior who offers courage ings from the Letter and strength in difficult times. to the Hebrews remind us how Jesus GENERAL INTERCESSIONS became like us in all things in order to Use these intercessions with your prayers help us. The readings this week. from Mark’s gospel # To hear how God is calling us today: recount how Jesus r· God, help us to do Christ’s work opened his mission with joy. to include all those # To drive out evil from our hearts and who needed his lives: r· comforting words # To grow in astonishment at your love and healing touch, for us: r· regardless of their # To help those troubled by the problems religious status. ] of their lives: r· # To overcome the paralysis that keeps us from you: r·

104 JANUARY 2021 MONDAY READING (Hebrews 1:1-6) JANUARY 11 Brothers and sisters: In times WEEKDAY past, God spoke in partial and (FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME) various ways to our ances- tors through the prophets; in ENTRANCE ANTIPHON these last days, he spoke to us Upon a lofty throne, I saw through the Son, whom he a man seated, whom a host made heir of all things and of angels adore, singing in through whom he created the unison: Behold him, the universe, name of whose empire is who is the refulgence of eternal. his glory, the very imprint of COLLECT his being, Attend to the pleas of your and who sustains all things people with heavenly care, by his mighty word. O Lord, we pray, When he had accomplished that they may see what must purification from sins, be done he took his seat at the right and gain strength to do what hand of the Majesty they have seen. on high, Through our Lord Jesus as far superior to the angels Christ, your Son, as the name he has inherited who lives and reigns with is more excellent than you in the unity of the theirs. Holy Spirit, For to which of the angels did one God, for ever and ever. God ever say: Amen. You are my Son; this day LIVING WITH CHRIST 105 weekday (First week in ordinary time)

I have begotten you? ALLELUIA (Mark 1:15) Or again: Alleluia, alleluia. The Kingdom I will be a father to him, and of God is at hand; repent and he shall be a Son to me? believe in the Gospel. Alleluia, And again, when he leads the alleluia. first born into the world, he says: GOSPEL (Mark 1:14-20) Let all the angels of God fter John had been worship him. arrested, Jesus came Ato Galilee proclaim- RESPONSORIAL PSALM ing the Gospel of God: “This (Psalm 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9) is the time of fulfillment. The r· Let all his angels worship him. Kingdom of God is at hand. The Lord is king; Repent, and believe in the let the earth rejoice; Gospel.” let the many isles be glad. As he passed by the Sea of Justice and judgment Galilee, he saw Simon and are the foundation his brother Andrew casting of his throne. r· their nets into the sea; they The heavens proclaim were fishermen. Jesus said to his justice, them, “Come after me, and I and all peoples see his glory. will make you fishers of men.” Let all his angels Then they left their nets and worship him. r· followed him. He walked Because you, O Lord, along a little farther and saw are the Most High James, the son of Zebedee, over all the earth, and his brother John. They too exalted far above all gods. r· were in a boat mending their

106 JANUARY 2021 January 11 ] Monday nets. Then he called them. So devoutly entreat. they left their father Zebedee Through Christ our Lord. in the boat along with the Amen. hired men and followed him. COMMUNION ANTIPHON PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS (Psalm 36 [35]:10) May your people’s oblation, With you, O Lord, is the O Lord, find favor with fountain of life, and in your you, we pray, light we see light. that it may restore them to holiness OR (John 10:10) and obtain what they I have come that they may

“Then they abandoned their nets and followed him” (Mark 1:18). » I used to think that the highest form of praise is to drop your nets, leave all things behind, and follow Christ. But the lepers, the possessed, the ones whom Jesus heals always want to follow him, and he often sends them home to tell their families what the Lord has done for them. Or, in some cases, to tell no one. Going home to your family, making reparation, can be a more difficult mission than leaving a tragic past behind and starting fresh. Actually, we don’t really get to choose if we will drop everything to follow Christ or if we will remain where we are and follow Christ. He chooses for us. He says either, “Come after me” (Mark 1:17), or “Go, show yourself” (Mark 1:44). The highest form of praise is to listen and obey. ELIZABETH DUFFY LIVING WITH CHRIST 107 have life, and have it more TUESDAY abundantly, says the Lord. JANUARY 12 WEEKDAY PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Humbly we ask you, ENTRANCE ANTIPHON almighty God, Upon a lofty throne, I saw be graciously pleased to grant a man seated, whom a host that those you renew with of angels adore, singing in your Sacraments unison: Behold him, the may also serve with lives name of whose empire is pleasing to you. eternal. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. COLLECT Attend to the pleas of your people with heavenly care, RESPONDING TO THE WORD O Lord, we pray, Jesus’ mission is to create God’s that they may see what must kingdom community. be done $ What signs show that God’s and gain strength to do what reign is “at hand” in my life they have seen. now? Through our Lord Jesus Jesus, give me eyes to see… Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

108 JANUARY 2021 January 12 ] Tuesday

READING (Hebrews 2:5-12) for everyone. It was not to angels that God For it was fitting that he, for subjected the world to come, whom and through whom all of which we are speaking. things exist, in bringing many Instead, someone has testi- children to glory, should make fied somewhere: the leader to their salvation What is man that you are perfect through suffering. He mindful of him, who consecrates and those or the son of man that you who are being consecrated all care for him? have one origin. Therefore, he You made him for a little is not ashamed to call them while lower than the “brothers” saying: angels; I will proclaim your name you crowned him with glory to my brethren, and honor, in the midst of the assembly subjecting all things under I will praise you. his feet. In “subjecting” all things to RESPONSORIAL PSALM him, he left nothing not “sub- (Psalm 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9) ject to him.” Yet at present we r· You have given your Son rule do not see “all things subject over the works of your hands. to him,” but we do see Jesus O Lord, our Lord, “crowned with glory and how glorious is your name honor” because he suffered over all the earth! death, he who “for a little What is man that you should while” was made “lower than be mindful of him, the angels,” that by the grace or the son of man that you of God he might taste death should care for him? r· LIVING WITH CHRIST 109 Weekday

You have made him little less the synagogue and taught. than the angels, The people were astonished and crowned him with at his teaching, for he taught glory and honor. them as one having authority You have given him rule over and not as the scribes. In their the works of your hands, synagogue was a man with an putting all things unclean spirit; he cried out, under his feet. “What have you to do with us, r· You have given your Son rule Jesus of Nazareth? Have you over the works of your hands. come to destroy us? I know All sheep and oxen, who you are—the Holy One yes, and the beasts of God!” Jesus rebuked him of the field, and said, “Quiet! Come out The birds of the air, the fishes of him!” The unclean spirit of the sea, convulsed him and with a and whatever swims the loud cry came out of him. All paths of the seas. r· were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new ALLELUIA (See 1 Thessalonians 2:13) teaching with authority. He Alleluia, alleluia. Receive the commands even the unclean word of God, not as the word spirits and they obey him.” of men, but as it truly is, the His fame spread everywhere word of God. Alleluia, alleluia. throughout the whole region of Galilee. GOSPEL (Mark 1:21-28) esus came to Capernaum PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS with his followers, and on May your people’s oblation, Jthe sabbath he entered O Lord, find favor with

110 JANUARY 2021 January 12 ] Tuesday

you, we pray, OR (John 10:10) that it may restore them I have come that they may to holiness have life, and have it more and obtain what they abundantly, says the Lord. devoutly entreat. Through Christ our Lord. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Amen. Humbly we ask you, almighty God, COMMUNION ANTIPHON be graciously pleased to grant (Psalm 36 [35]:10) that those you renew with With you, O Lord, is the your Sacraments fountain of life, and in your may also serve with lives light we see light. pleasing to you.

Through the gift to us of Jesus by his Father, we raise our hearts and voices in praise and in gratitude. A savior has come as one of us, and so it is that we are on our way to glory. Yet the way is not always what we would prefer. Suffering deeply wounds us, and in the midst of our afflictions, we look for ways to ease our suffering. Despite our best efforts, suffering remains. In light of what we read in Hebrews today, suffering is what Jesus embraced as he moved on to glory. It is hard for us to take to heart the truth that suffering bears within it the living presence of God. Our natural instinct is to avoid it until we are given the grace to know the God who lives and loves in our brokenness. FR. JAMES STEPHEN BEHRENS, O.C.S.O. LIVING WITH CHRIST 111 Through Christ our Lord. WEDNESDAY Amen. JANUARY 13 WEEKDAY

RESPONDING TO THE WORD [ St. Hilary, bishop & doctor of People were astonished by Jesus’ the Church (c. 315-367) ] Born in teaching. Poitiers, Gaul, Hilary was an $ What astonishes me about adult convert to Christianity. As Jesus? bishop of Poitiers, he defended Jesus, thank you for… Christianity against the Arians. On the advice of Arian bishops, the emperor exiled Hilary to the East, but his defense of orthodoxy created such problems there that Jesus, open the eyes they convinced the emperor to send him back. He continued to of my heart, that I may confront Arianism until his death. hear your word and He was named a doctor of the understand and do Church in 1851. May we imitate his desire to proclaim the truth your will. Open the of Christ even when we face eyes of my mind opposition. ]

to the understanding ENTRANCE ANTIPHON of your Gospel Upon a lofty throne, I saw a man seated, whom a host teachings. of angels adore, singing in ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM unison: Behold him, the

112 JANUARY 2021 January 13 ] Wednesday name of whose empire is slavery all their life. Surely he eternal. did not help angels but rather the descendants of Abraham; COLLECT therefore, he had to become Attend to the pleas of your like his brothers and sisters people with heavenly care, in every way, that he might be O Lord, we pray, a merciful and faithful high that they may see what must priest before God to expiate be done the sins of the people. Because and gain strength to do what he himself was tested through they have seen. what he suffered, he is able Through our Lord Jesus to help those who are being Christ, your Son, tested. who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the RESPONSORIAL PSALM Holy Spirit, (Psalm 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9) one God, for ever and ever. r· The Lord remembers his Amen. covenant for ever. OR Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord, READING (Hebrews 2:14-18) invoke his name; Since the children share in make known among the blood and Flesh, Jesus likewise nations his deeds. shared in them, that through Sing to him, sing his praise, death he might destroy the proclaim all his wondrous one who has the power of deeds. r· death, that is, the Devil, and Glory in his holy name; free those who through fear rejoice, O hearts that seek of death had been subject to the Lord! LIVING WITH CHRIST 113 weekday

Look to the Lord in his GOSPEL (Mark 1:29-39) strength; n leaving the synagogue seek to serve him Jesus entered the house constantly. Oof Simon and Andrew r· The Lord remembers his with James and John. Simon’s covenant for ever. OR Alleluia. mother-in-law lay sick with a You descendants of Abraham, fever. They immediately told his servants, him about her. He approached, sons of Jacob, his chosen grasped her hand, and helped ones! her up. Then the fever left her He, the Lord, is our God; and she waited on them. throughout the earth When it was evening, after his judgments prevail. r· sunset, they brought to him all He remembers forever his who were ill or possessed by covenant demons. The whole town was which he made binding gathered at the door. He cured for a thousand many who were sick with vari- generations— ous diseases, and he drove out Which he entered into with many demons, not permitting Abraham them to speak because they and by his oath to Isaac. r· knew him. Rising very early before ALLELUIA (John 10:27) dawn, he left and went off to a Alleluia, alleluia. My sheep deserted place, where he prayed. hear my voice, says the Lord. Simon and those who were I know them, and they follow with him pursued him and on me. Alleluia, alleluia. finding him said, “Everyone is looking for you.” He told them,

114 JANUARY 2021 January 13 ] Wednesday

“Let us go on to the nearby vil- find favor with you, we pray, lages that I may preach there that it may restore them to also. For this purpose have I holiness come.” So he went into their and obtain what they synagogues, preaching and devoutly entreat. driving out demons through- Through Christ our Lord. out the whole of Galilee. Amen.

PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS COMMUNION ANTIPHON May your people’s oblation, (Psalm 36 [35]:10) O Lord, With you, O Lord, is the

“The whole town was gathered at the door” (Mark 1:32-33). » Imagine a mother saying to her child at bedtime, “If you need anything in the middle of the night, wait until morning to tell me because I’m tired.” While it would be nice to count on a full night’s sleep or a break from all responsibilities, love for others presents us with needs greater than our own. Who knew this better than Jesus? When this particular day was done—and surely he was weary—a crowd waited, anticipating his healing touch. He could have turned them away, but he did not. He remained fully present to them as long as necessary. Can we say the same? We need our rest, as Jesus certainly did. But as he ministered to the crowds, he made it clear that convenience was not an attribute of God’s love. May we be present to those in crisis as Jesus was, no matter the hour or the day. GAIL GOLEAS LIVING WITH CHRIST 115 fountain of life, and in your THURSDAY light we see light. JANUARY 14 WEEKDAY OR (John 10:10) I have come that they may ENTRANCE ANTIPHON have life, and have it more Upon a lofty throne, I saw abundantly, says the Lord. a man seated, whom a host of angels adore, singing in PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION unison: Behold him, the Humbly we ask you, name of whose empire is almighty God, eternal. be graciously pleased to grant that those you renew with COLLECT your Sacraments Attend to the pleas of your may also serve with lives people with heavenly care, pleasing to you. O Lord, we pray, Through Christ our Lord. that they may see what must Amen. be done and gain strength to do what they have seen. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Through our Lord Jesus Jesus’ love and compassion drove Christ, your Son, him to widen his ministry in new who lives and reigns with directions. you in the unity of the $ In what new direction might Holy Spirit, Jesus be leading me today? one God, for ever and ever. Jesus, be with me when… Amen.

116 JANUARY 2021 January 14 ] Thursday

READING (Hebrews 3:7-14) while it is still “today,” so that The Holy Spirit says: none of you may grow hard- Oh, that today you would ened by the deceit of sin. hear his voice, We have become partners of “Harden not your hearts Christ if only we hold the as at the rebellion beginning of the reality firm in the day of testing in until the end. the desert, where your ancestors tested RESPONSORIAL PSALM and tried me (Psalm 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11) and saw my works for r· If today you hear his voice, forty years. harden not your hearts. Because of this I was Come, let us bow provoked with that down in worship; generation let us kneel before the and I said, ‘They have Lord who made us. always been of erring For he is our God, heart, and we are the people he and they do not know shepherds, the flock my ways.’ he guides. r· As I swore in my wrath, Oh, that today you would ‘They shall not enter into hear his voice: my rest.’” “Harden not your hearts Take care, brothers and sisters, as at Meribah, that none of you may have an as in the day of Massah evil and unfaithful heart, so in the desert, as to forsake the living God. Where your fathers Encourage yourselves daily tempted me; LIVING WITH CHRIST 117 WEEKDAY

they tested me though they the leper, and said to him, “I had seen my works.” do will it. Be made clean.” The r· If today you hear his voice, leprosy left him immediately, harden not your hearts. and he was made clean. Then, Forty years I was wearied warning him sternly, he dis- of that generation; missed him at once. Then he I said: “This people’s heart said to him, “See that you tell goes astray, no one anything, but go, show they do not know yourself to the priest and offer my ways.” for your cleansing what Moses Therefore I swore in my prescribed; that will be proof anger: for them.” The man went away “They shall never enter and began to publicize the my rest.” r· whole matter. He spread the report abroad so that it was ALLELUIA (See Matthew 4:23) impossible for Jesus to enter Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus preached a town openly. He remained the Gospel of the Kingdom outside in deserted places, and and cured every disease among people kept coming to him the people. Alleluia, alleluia. from everywhere.

GOSPEL (Mark 1:40-45) PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS leper came to him May your people’s oblation, and kneeling down O Lord, A begged him and said, find favor with you, we pray, “If you wish, you can make that it may restore them to me clean.” Moved with pity, he holiness stretched out his hand, touched and obtain what they

118 JANUARY 2021 January 14 ] Thursday

devoutly entreat. OR (John 10:10) Through Christ our Lord. I have come that they may Amen. have life, and have it more abundantly, says the Lord. PREFACE (Common, page 33, or Saints, page 37) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Humbly we ask you, COMMUNION ANTIPHON almighty God, (Psalm 36 [35]:10) be graciously pleased to grant With you, O Lord, is the that those you renew with fountain of life, and in your your Sacraments light we see light. may also serve with lives

“We have become partners of Christ ” (Hebrews 3:14). » I once thought that marriage and parenting would be the antidote to selfishness. No cure for selfishness, I’m afraid, but sometimes it distracts me from my selfishness for a time. What our vocation does supply (married, single, or religious life) is the opportunity to be faithful, again and again. Sometimes being faithful is thankless and anonymous; sometimes it can make us look like saints or heroes. And sometimes faithfulness is all we have. Even lacking purity of intention, lacking a generous spirit, I do things nonetheless, and my selfishness becomes the offering. I have not been cured of my selfishness. I’ve been given opportunities to be faithful. Will I have these same opportunities next week? Next year? More importantly, will I be faithful? ELIZABETH DUFFY LIVING WITH CHRIST 119 pleasing to you. FRIDAY Through Christ our Lord. JANUARY 15 Amen. WEEKDAY

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON RESPONDING TO THE WORD Upon a lofty throne, I saw Like the leper, we want to be made a man seated, whom a host new through Jesus’ loving touch. of angels adore, singing in $ What would I like Jesus to unison: Behold him, the heal in me? name of whose empire is Jesus, touch and heal me… eternal.

COLLECT Attend to the pleas of your There is a terrible people with heavenly care, hunger for love. O Lord, we pray, that they may see what must We all experience be done that in our lives— and gain strength to do what the pain, the loneliness. they have seen. Through our Lord Jesus We must have the Christ, your Son, courage to recognize it. who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the The poor you may have Holy Spirit, right in your own family. one God, for ever and ever. Find them. Love them. Amen. ST. TERESA OF KOLKATA

120 JANUARY 2021 January 15 ] Friday

READING (Hebrews 4:1-5, 11) example of disobedience. Let us be on our guard while the promise of entering into RESPONSORIAL PSALM his rest remains, that none of (Psalm 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8) you seem to have failed. For in r· Do not forget the works of fact we have received the Good the Lord! News just as our ancestors did. What we have heard and But the word that they heard know, did not profit them, for they and what our fathers were not united in faith with have declared to us, those who listened. For we we will declare to the who believed enter into that generation to come rest, just as he has said: The glorious deeds of the As I swore in my wrath, Lord and his strength. r· “They shall not enter into That they too may rise and my rest,” declare to their sons and yet his works were accom- that they should put their plished at the foundation of hope in God, the world. For he has spoken And not forget the somewhere about the seventh deeds of God day in this manner, And God but keep his commands. r· rested on the seventh day from And not be like their fathers, all his works; and again, in the a generation wayward previously mentioned place, and rebellious, They shall not enter into my rest. A generation that kept not Therefore, let us strive to its heart steadfast enter into that rest, so that no nor its spirit faithful one may fall after the same toward God. r· LIVING WITH CHRIST 121 weekday

ALLELUIA (Luke 7:16) was at home. Many gathered Alleluia, alleluia. A great together so that there was no prophet has arisen in our longer room for them, not midst and God has visited his even around the door, and he people. Alleluia, alleluia. preached the word to them. They came bringing to him GOSPEL (Mark 2:1-12) a paralytic carried by four hen Jesus returned men. Unable to get near Jesus to Capernaum because of the crowd, they Wafter some days, opened up the roof above it became known that he him. After they had broken

“They were all astounded and glorified God, saying, ‘We have never seen anything like this’ ” (Mark 2:12). » Scholars say that in the time of Jesus, there were many sorcerers and magicians who dazzled the crowds with seemingly miraculous things. I suppose many people slotted Jesus in that category. And we live in an age of near miracles in so many areas of human life. Perhaps we are used to them. What stands Jesus apart from the long line of miracle workers is his forgiveness of sin. That is something we cannot do and never will be able to do. And yet sinfulness is at the root of all the misery in life that we inflict upon each other. Through the grace of God, we can forgive because he has forgiven us. We may have those among us who can restore sight, hearing, and walking. But these are as good as the heart that gives them life, a heart that can be made clean only through the miracle of forgiveness. FR. JAMES STEPHEN BEHRENS, O.C.S.O.

122 JANUARY 2021 January 15 ] Friday through, they let down the rified God, saying, “We have mat on which the paralytic never seen anything like this.” was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to him, PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS “Child, your sins are forgiven.” May your people’s oblation, Now some of the scribes were O Lord, find favor with sitting there asking them- you, we pray, selves, “Why does this man that it may restore them to speak that way? He is blas- holiness pheming. Who but God alone and obtain what they can forgive sins?” Jesus imme- devoutly entreat. diately knew in his mind what Through Christ our Lord. they were thinking to them- Amen. selves, so he said, “Why are you thinking such things in your COMMUNION ANTIPHON hearts? Which is easier, to say (Psalm 36 [35]:10) to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are With you, O Lord, is the forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, pick fountain of life, and in your up your mat and walk’? But light we see light. that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to OR (John 10:10) forgive sins on earth”—he said I have come that they may to the paralytic, “I say to you, have life, and have it more rise, pick up your mat, and go abundantly, says the Lord. home.” He rose, picked up his mat at once, and went away PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION in the sight of everyone. They Humbly we ask you, were all astounded and glo- almighty God, LIVING WITH CHRIST 123 be graciously pleased to grant SATURDAY that those you renew with JANUARY 16 your Sacraments WEEKDAY may also serve with lives (BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) pleasing to you. Through Christ our Lord. ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Amen. Hail, Holy Mother, who gave birth to the King who rules heaven and earth RESPONDING TO THE WORD for ever. Jesus heals both body and spirit by forgiving sins. COLLECT $ For what sins do I want to ask Grant, Lord God, that we, forgiveness? your servants, Jesus, forgive me for… may rejoice in unfailing health of mind and body, and, through the glorious Grant me, Lord, intercession of Blessed to know what is worth Mary ever-Virgin, knowing, to love what is may we be set free from present sorrow worth loving, to praise and come to enjoy eternal what delights you most, happiness. to value what is precious Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, in your sight, and to hate who lives and reigns with what is offensive to you. you in the unity of the THOMAS À KEMPIS Holy Spirit,

124 JANUARY 2021 January 16 ] Saturday one God, for ever and ever. RESPONSORIAL PSALM Amen. (Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15) r· Your words, Lord, are Spirit READING (Hebrews 4:12-16) and life. The word of God is living and The law of the Lord effective, sharper than any two- is perfect, edged sword, penetrating even refreshing the soul; between soul and spirit, joints The decree of the Lord and marrow, and able to dis- is trustworthy, cern reflections and thoughts giving wisdom to of the heart. No creature is the simple. r· concealed from him, but every- The precepts of the Lord thing is naked and exposed to are right, the eyes of him to whom we rejoicing the heart; must render an account. The command of the Lord Since we have a great high is clear, priest who has passed through enlightening the eye. r· the heavens, Jesus, the Son of The fear of the Lord is pure, God, let us hold fast to our enduring forever; confession. For we do not have The ordinances of the Lord a high priest who is unable to are true, sympathize with our weak- all of them just. r· nesses, but one who has simi- Let the words of my mouth larly been tested in every way, and the thought yet without sin. So let us confi- of my heart dently approach the throne of find favor before you, grace to receive mercy and to O Lord, my rock find grace for timely help. and my redeemer. r· LIVING WITH CHRIST 125 weekday (Blessed Virgin Mary)

ALLELUIA (Luke 4:18) As he passed by, he saw Levi, Alleluia, alleluia. The Lord sent son of Alphaeus, sitting at the me to bring glad tidings to the customs post. Jesus said to poor and to proclaim liberty him, “Follow me.” And he got to captives. Alleluia, alleluia. up and followed Jesus. While he was at table in his house, GOSPEL (Mark 2:13-17) many tax collectors and sin- esus went out along the ners sat with Jesus and his dis- sea. All the crowd came to ciples; for there were many Jhim and he taught them. who followed him. Some

“No creature is concealed from him” (Hebrews 4:13). » An elderly neighbor once demonstrated her skill in applying lipstick without the aid of a mirror. She was quite adept at it and took great pleasure in her appearance. While I admit to a habit of checking myself in the mirror, I’m seldom content with the image staring back at me. When faced with our own reflections, they reveal little of who we really are. What perceived flaws do we attempt to conceal because of what we notice in the mirror? Curly hair can be straightened, and straight hair can be curled. Too much hair can be removed, and a bald spot can be covered. But a question remains: How will a subtle, or not so subtle, change give us any more than a fleeting sense of well-being? We all yearn to be loved and accepted just as we are, and no mirror can reveal or assist with that. Only the One who created us, who knows us completely, can show us how to love ourselves unconditionally. GAIL GOLEAS

126 JANUARY 2021 January 16 ] Saturday scribes who were Pharisees come, O Lord, to our aid, saw that Jesus was eating with and may he, who at his birth sinners and tax collectors and from the Blessed Virgin said to his disciples, “Why did not diminish but does he eat with tax collectors consecrated her integrity, and sinners?” Jesus heard this by taking from us now our and said to them, “Those who wicked deeds, are well do not need a physi- make our oblation acceptable cian, but the sick do. I did not to you. come to call the righteous but Through Christ our Lord. sinners.” Amen.

PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS PREFACE (Blessed Virgin Mary, page 33) Receive, O Lord, we ask, the prayers of your people COMMUNION ANTIPHON with the sacrificial offerings, (Cf. Luke 11:27) that, through the intercession Blessed is the womb of the of Blessed Mary, Virgin Mary, which bore the the Mother of your Son, Son of the eternal Father. no petition may go unanswered, PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION no request be made in vain. As we receive this heavenly Through Christ our Lord. Sacrament, Amen. we beseech, O Lord, your mercy, OR that we, who rejoice in May the humanity of your commemorating the Only Begotten Son Blessed Virgin Mary, LIVING WITH CHRIST 127 weekday (Blessed Virgin Mary)

may by imitating her RESPONDING TO THE WORD serve worthily the mystery Jesus reached out to all those who of our redemption. needed help. Through Christ our Lord. $ How does my awareness need Amen. to broaden to recognize those in need? Jesus, help me to…

Mary, your attitude is the model for all interior souls, in whose depths God has also chosen to dwell. Following your example, may we bring the same kind of peace, the same kind of recollection to everything we do. Help us to act in such a way that through God’s presence in us, the most trivial things in our days may be divinized. Amen.


128 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 16 17 ] S at Suundrdayay


In today’s gospel, John the Baptist proclaims that Jesus is the Lamb of God, the one who takes away our sins, the Promised One of God. When the two disciples run up to Jesus, he asks them, “What are you looking for?” I believe Jesus asks the same question of you and me. How do we answer him? Maybe we can’t answer that question, unless we face a deeper question: what is God asking of me? Am I truly letting that question shape me? Are you and I ready, like Samuel, to say: “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening”? Can we accept God’s invitation to discipleship, to love and serve God? Like Samuel, John, and the first disciples, will you and I “come and see,” trusting in the Lord’s love and saving power that is given to us and through us for others? ] julia cachia LIVING WITH CHRIST 129 SECONDJanuary SUND 17AY IN Su ORDINnday ARY TIME

Sunday, January 17

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Holy Spirit, (Psalm 66 [65]:4) one God, for ever and ever. All the earth shall bow down Amen. before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your FIRST READING (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19) name, O Most High! Samuel was sleeping in the tem- ple of the Lord where the ark INTRODUCTORY RITES (page 25) of God was. The Lord called to Samuel, who answered, “Here I COLLECT am.” Samuel ran to Eli and said, Almighty ever-living God, “Here I am. You called me.” “I who govern all things, did not call you,” Eli said. “Go both in heaven and on earth, back to sleep.” So he went back mercifully hear the pleading to sleep. Again the Lord called of your people Samuel, who rose and went to and bestow your peace on Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You our times. called me.” But Eli answered, Through our Lord Jesus “I did not call you, my son. Go Christ, your Son, back to sleep.” who lives and reigns with At that time Samuel was not you in the unity of the familiar with the Lord, because

130 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 16 17 ] S at Suundrdayay the Lord had not revealed any- I have waited, waited thing to him as yet. The Lord for the Lord, called Samuel again, for the and he stooped toward third time. Getting up and me and heard my cry. going to Eli, he said, “Here I And he put a new song am. You called me.” Then Eli into my mouth, understood that the Lord was a hymn to our God. r· calling the youth. So he said to Sacrifice or offering Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you you wished not, are called, reply, Speak, Lord, but ears open to for your servant is listening.” obedience you gave me. When Samuel went to sleep in Holocausts or sin-offerings his place, the Lord came and you sought not; revealed his presence, calling then said I, “Behold I come.” r· out as before, “Samuel, Samuel!” “In the written scroll it Samuel answered, “Speak, for is prescribed for me, your servant is listening.” to do your will, O my Samuel grew up, and the God, is my delight, Lord was with him, not per- and your law is within mitting any word of his to be my heart!” r· without effect. I announced your justice The word of the Lord. in the vast assembly; Thanks be to God. I did not restrain my lips, as you, O Lord, know. r· RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10) SECOND READING r· Here am I, Lord; I come to do (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20) your will. Brothers and sisters: The body LIVING WITH CHRIST 131 SECONDweekday S U(BNDlessedAY IN ViORDINrginA MRYary TIME)

is not for immorality, but for GOSPEL (John 1:35-42) the Lord, and the Lord is for the A reading from the holy body; God raised the Lord and Gospel according to John. will also raise us by his power. Glory to you, O Lord. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? ohn was standing with But whoever is joined to the two of his disciples, and as Lord becomes one Spirit with Jhe watched Jesus walk by, him. Avoid immorality. Every he said, “Behold, the Lamb of other sin a person commits God.” The two disciples heard is outside the body, but the what he said and followed immoral person sins against Jesus. Jesus turned and saw his own body. Do you not them following him and said know that your body is a tem- to them, “What are you look- ple of the Holy Spirit within ing for?” They said to him, you, whom you have from “Rabbi”—which translated God, and that you are not means Teacher—, “where are your own? For you have been you staying?” He said to them, purchased at a price. Therefore “Come, and you will see.” So glorify God in your body. they went and saw where The word of the Lord. Jesus was staying, and they Thanks be to God. stayed with him that day. It was about four in the after- ALLELUIA (John 1:41, 17b) noon. Andrew, the brother of Alleluia, alleluia. We have found Simon Peter, was one of the the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who two who heard John and fol- brings us truth and grace. lowed Jesus. He first found Alleluia, alleluia. his own brother Simon and

132 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 16 17 ] S at Suundrdayay

told him, “We have found the PREFACE (Sundays in Ordinary Time, Messiah”—which is translated pages 31-32) Christ. Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him COMMUNION ANTIPHON and said, “You are Simon the (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) son of John; you will be called You have prepared a table Cephas”—which is translated before me, and how precious Peter. is the chalice that quenches The Gospel of the Lord. my thirst. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. OR (1 John 4:16) PROFESSION OF FAITH (page 28) We have come to know and to believe in the love that PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL God has for us.

PREPARATION OF GIFTS (page 30) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Pour on us, O Lord, the Spirit PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS of your love, Grant us, O Lord, we pray, and in your kindness that we may participate make those you have worthily in these mysteries, nourished for whenever the memorial by this one heavenly Bread of this sacrifice is one in mind and heart. celebrated Through Christ our Lord. the work of our redemption Amen. is accomplished. Through Christ our Lord. BLESSING & DISMISSAL (page 54) Amen. • • • LIVING WITH CHRIST 133 SECONDweekday S U(BNDlessedAY IN ViORDINrginA MRYary TIME)

RESPONDING TO THE WORD SAYING AMEN The disciples search out Jesus but In the Prayer After Communion, we are not sure what they want from ask God to make us one in mind him. and heart. $ How would I answer if Jesus $ Where am I not “one in mind asked me, “What are you and heart” with others in my looking for?” life? How can I help bring Jesus, I am looking for… about reconciliation? God, give me courage and wisdom…

Living with Christ This Week SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME This week we hear the stories GENERAL INTERCESSIONS of old and new “anointed” kings. Use these intercessions with your Saul loses God’s approval and prayers this week. David, an obscure shepherd # For those who serve in boy, is chosen as Israel’s future leadership roles: king. Jesus,“anointed” by the r· Lord, be with us and Holy Spirit at his baptism, give us your strength. reveals the new kingdom # For the hungry and those who and its revised guidelines for work to feed them: our behavior, fasting, and r· Sabbath observance. ] # For those cowering in fear before “Goliaths” who threaten them: r· # For those afflicted with physical and mental illness: r·

134 JANUARY 2021 Our soul should be directed in God, not merely when we suddenly think of prayer, but even when we are concerned with something else. If we are looking after the poor, if we are busy in some other way, or if we are doing any type of good work, we should season our actions with the desire and the remembrance of God.

ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM MONDAY Holy Spirit, JANUARY 18 one God, for ever and ever. WEEKDAY Amen.

Begun in 1908 and recognized by READING (Hebrews 5:1-10) many Christian denominations, the Brothers and sisters: Every Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is high priest is taken from celebrated January 18-25. among men and made their representative before God, ENTRANCE ANTIPHON to offer gifts and sacrifices (Psalm 66 [65]:4) for sins. He is able to deal All the earth shall bow down patiently with the ignorant before you, O God, and shall and erring, for he himself is sing to you, shall sing to your beset by weakness and so, for name, O Most High! this reason, must make sin offerings for himself as well as COLLECT for the people. No one takes Almighty ever-living God, this honor upon himself but who govern all things, only when called by God, just both in heaven and on earth, as Aaron was. In the same way, mercifully hear the pleading it was not Christ who glori- of your people fied himself in becoming high and bestow your peace on priest, but rather the one who our times. said to him: Through our Lord Jesus You are my Son: Christ, your Son, this day I have begotten you; who lives and reigns with you just as he says in another place, in the unity of the You are a priest forever

136 JANUARY 2021 January 18 ] Monday

according to the order of of your enemies.” r· Melchizedek. “Yours is princely power in In the days when he was in the the day of your birth, Flesh, he offered prayers and in holy splendor; supplications with loud cries before the daystar, like and tears to the one who was the dew, I have able to save him from death, begotten you.” r· and he was heard because of The Lord has sworn, his reverence. Son though he and he will not repent: was, he learned obedience “You are a priest forever, from what he suffered; and according to the order when he was made perfect, of Melchizedek.” r· he became the source of eter- nal salvation for all who obey ALLELUIA (Hebrews 4:12) him. Alleluia, alleluia. The word of God is living and effective, RESPONSORIAL PSALM able to discern reflections and (Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4) thoughts of the heart. Alleluia, r· You are a priest for ever, alleluia. in the line of Melchizedek. The Lord said to my Lord: GOSPEL (Mark 2:18-22) “Sit at my right hand he disciples of John till I make your enemies and of the Pharisees your footstool.” r· Twere accustomed to The scepter of your power fast. People came to Jesus and the Lord will stretch objected, “Why do the dis- forth from Zion: ciples of John and the disci- “Rule in the midst ples of the Pharisees fast, but LIVING WITH CHRIST 137 weekday your disciples do not fast?” pulls away, the new from the Jesus answered them, “Can old, and the tear gets worse. the wedding guests fast while Likewise, no one pours new the bridegroom is with them? wine into old wineskins. As long as they have the bride- Otherwise, the wine will groom with them they can- burst the skins, and both the not fast. But the days will wine and the skins are ruined. come when the bridegroom Rather, new wine is poured is taken away from them, and into fresh wineskins.” then they will fast on that day. No one sews a piece of PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS unshrunken cloth on an old Grant us, O Lord, we pray, cloak. If he does, its fullness that we may participate

In a poetic and thoughtful manner, the epistle to the Hebrews refers to the years Jesus lived on this earth as, “the days when he was in the flesh.” Those were the days he was born, grew to manhood, taught the world his message, and gave his life as an everlasting gift. Now these are the days when we are in the flesh. This world has seen millions of days before we were in the flesh, and most likely millions more will follow after we have departed. We possess only a tiny window of precious time. This is the time to deeply appreciate what we have been given and to use our gifts in the best ways possible. It’s our one and only opportunity to fashion a life filled with faith, love, and many good works—a life that will remain forever pleasing to God when we are no longer in the flesh. FR. JAMES MCKARNS

138 JANUARY 2021 January 18 ] Monday

worthily in these mysteries, PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION for whenever the memorial Pour on us, O Lord, of this sacrifice is the Spirit of your love, celebrated and in your kindness the work of our redemption make those you have is accomplished. nourished Through Christ our Lord. by this one heavenly Bread Amen. one in mind and heart. Through Christ our Lord. COMMUNION ANTIPHON Amen. (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) You have prepared a table before me, and how precious RESPONDING TO THE WORD is the chalice that quenches Jesus reminds us that our custom- my thirst. ary ways of behaving might not be right for his new kingdom. OR (1 John 4:16) $ What behaviors might I need We have come to know and to change to be more like to believe in the love that Jesus? God has for us. Jesus, today I will…

You have been enlightened by Christ. Walk« always as children of the light and keep the flame of faith alive in your hearts. » ROMAN RITE LIVING WITH CHRIST 139 TUESDAY READING (Hebrews 6:10-20) JANUARY 19 Brothers and sisters: God is WEEKDAY not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you ENTRANCE ANTIPHON have demonstrated for his (Psalm 66 [65]:4) name by having served and All the earth shall bow down continuing to serve the holy before you, O God, and shall ones. We earnestly desire each sing to you, shall sing to your of you to demonstrate the name, O Most High! same eagerness for the fulfill- ment of hope until the end, COLLECT so that you may not become Almighty ever-living God, sluggish, but imitators of who govern all things, those who, through faith and both in heaven and on earth, patience, are inheriting the mercifully hear the pleading promises. of your people When God made the prom- and bestow your peace on ise to Abraham, since he had our times. no one greater by whom to Through our Lord Jesus swear, he swore by himself, and Christ, your Son, said, I will indeed bless you and who lives and reigns with multiply you. And so, after you in the unity of the patient waiting, Abraham Holy Spirit, obtained the promise. Now, one God, for ever and ever. men swear by someone greater Amen. than themselves; for them an oath serves as a guarantee and puts an end to all argu-

140 JANUARY 2021 January 19 ] Tuesday

ment. So when God wanted Great are the works to give the heirs of his prom- of the Lord, ise an even clearer demon- exquisite in all stration of the immutability their delights. r· of his purpose, he intervened He has won renown with an oath, so that by two for his wondrous deeds; immutable things, in which gracious and merciful it was impossible for God to is the Lord. lie, we who have taken refuge He has given food to those might be strongly encouraged who fear him; to hold fast to the hope that he will forever be mindful lies before us. This we have as of his covenant. r· an anchor of the soul, sure and He has sent deliverance firm, which reaches into the to his people; interior behind the veil, where he has ratified his Jesus has entered on our behalf covenant forever; as forerunner, becoming high holy and awesome priest forever according to the is his name. order of Melchizedek. His praise endures forever. r· RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Psalm 111:1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10c) ALLELUIA (See Ephesians 1:17-18) r· The Lord will remember his Alleluia, alleluia. May the covenant for ever. OR Alleluia. Father of our Lord Jesus I will give thanks to the Lord Christ enlighten the eyes of with all my heart our hearts, that we may know in the company and what is the hope that belongs assembly of the just. to our call. Alleluia, alleluia. LIVING WITH CHRIST 141 weekday

GOSPEL (Mark 2:23-28) he went into the house of s Jesus was passing God when Abiathar was high through a field of priest and ate the bread of A grain on the sabbath, offering that only the priests his disciples began to make a could lawfully eat, and shared path while picking the heads it with his companions?” Then of grain. At this the Pharisees he said to them, “The sabbath said to him, “Look, why are was made for man, not man they doing what is unlawful for the sabbath. That is why on the sabbath?” He said to the Son of Man is lord even of them, “Have you never read the sabbath.” what David did when he was in need and he and his com- PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS panions were hungry? How Grant us, O Lord, we pray,

Do you remember a moment in time when you were convinced you were the height of fashion? What was it for you? Your bell-bottoms? Leather vest? Fringed bangs? Platform shoes? Your Dorothy Hamill haircut? Yes, we thought we were smashing, but now we look at the photographs and laugh, cringe, and cry a little, don’t we? How we could ever have thought that was cool. Those cringe-worthy images teach me to live in the present and love and treasure it. At the same time, the fact that yesterday’s certainty seems so very wrong today gives me pause. That embarrassing photograph prompts me to seek, with all the more vigor, the One whose holiness, truth, and love endures forever, unchanging and sure. God, you are my rock. AMY WELBORN

142 JANUARY 2021 January 19 ] Tuesday that we may participate PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION worthily in these mysteries, Pour on us, O Lord, for whenever the memorial the Spirit of your love, of this sacrifice is celebrated and in your kindness the work of our redemption make those you have is accomplished. nourished Through Christ our Lord. by this one heavenly Bread Amen. one in mind and heart. Through Christ our Lord. COMMUNION ANTIPHON Amen. (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) You have prepared a table before me, and how precious RESPONDING TO THE WORD is the chalice that quenches Jesus says we should evaluate our my thirst. human rules in the light of people’s basic needs. OR (1 John 4:16) $ How might this make me We have come to know and rethink my attitude toward to believe in the love that some rules? God has for us. Jesus, guide me today…

What should I do for Christ? Everything, O Lord, if you do but help me with your holy grace. POPE JOHN XXIII LIVING WITH CHRIST 143 WEDNESDAY Sebastian pictured pierced with JANUARY 20 arrows or holding an arrow. Like WEEKDAY him, may we pray for courage when we are called upon to speak [ St. Fabian, pope & martyr (d. 207) ] for Christ today. ] Fabian was a layman and a stranger in Rome at the time of a ENTRANCE ANTIPHON papal election. When a dove set- (Psalm 66 [65]:4) tled upon his head, those around All the earth shall bow down him were reminded of the descent before you, O God, and shall of the Holy Spirit on Jesus at his sing to you, shall sing to your baptism. The event was seen as a name, O Most High! divine sign. Fabian was chosen to be pope and served for fourteen COLLECT years until his martyrdom during Almighty ever-living God, a persecution. May we imitate his who govern all things, readiness to serve God’s people both in heaven and on earth, even when the cost is high. ] mercifully hear the pleading of your people [ St. Sebastian, martyr (d.c. 300) ] and bestow your peace on What we know about Sebastian our times. is mostly legend. He was mar- Through our Lord Jesus tyred in Rome and buried in the Christ, your Son, catacombs. St. Ambrose wrote who lives and reigns with that Sebastian came from Milan, you in the unity of the where he has been venerated Holy Spirit, since the fourth century. Not one God, for ever and ever. until the late medieval period was Amen.

144 JANUARY 2021 January 20 ] Wednesday

READING (Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17) RESPONSORIAL PSALM Melchizedek, king of Salem and (Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4) priest of God Most High, met r· You are a priest for ever, in the Abraham as he returned from his line of Melchizedek. defeat of the kings and blessed The Lord said to my Lord: him. And Abraham appor- “Sit at my right hand tioned to him a tenth of every- till I make your enemies thing. His name first means your footstool.” r· righteous king, and he was The scepter of your power also “king of Salem,” that is, the Lord will stretch king of peace. Without father, forth from Zion: mother, or ancestry, without “Rule in the midst beginning of days or end of of your enemies.” r· life, thus made to resemble “Yours is princely power in the Son of God, he remains a the day of your birth, priest forever. in holy splendor; It is even more obvious if before the daystar, like another priest is raised up after the dew, I have the likeness of Melchizedek, begotten you.” r· who has become so, not by a The Lord has sworn, law expressed in a command- and he will not repent: ment concerning physical “You are a priest forever, descent but by the power of a according to the order life that cannot be destroyed. of Melchizedek.” r· For it is testified: You are a priest forever according to the ALLELUIA (See Matthew 4:23) order of Melchizedek. Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom LIVING WITH CHRIST 145 WEEKDAY and cured every disease among withered hand, “Come up the people. Alleluia, alleluia. here before us.” Then he said to the Pharisees, “Is it lawful GOSPEL (Mark 3:1-6) to do good on the sabbath esus entered the syna- rather than to do evil, to save gogue. There was a man life rather than to destroy Jthere who had a withered it?” But they remained silent. hand. They watched Jesus Looking around at them with closely to see if he would anger and grieved at their cure him on the sabbath so hardness of heart, Jesus said that they might accuse him. to the man, “Stretch out your He said to the man with the hand.” He stretched it out and

Jesus was often in conflict with the Pharisees who were adamant about adhering literally to the 613 religious decrees they said every loyal Jew should observe. One regulation they followed was to adhere to a strict rest from activity on the Sabbath. When Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath, the Pharisees condemned him. Jesus became angry at their closed minds and explained that a good deed takes priority over the strict observance of Sabbath rest. I rejoice that Jesus acted from mercy, even if that meant ignoring some traditional regulation. I wonder if I may have ever failed to help someone in need for fear of violating a religious directive. The question we have to ask is: Am I rejecting the law or fulfilling the law? If I am acting from the motive of genuine mercy, I am imitating Jesus, the fulfillment of the Law. FR. JAMES MCKARNS

146 JANUARY 2021 January 20 ] Wednesday

his hand was restored. The OR (1 John 4:16) Pharisees went out and imme- We have come to know and diately took counsel with the to believe in the love that Herodians against him to put God has for us. him to death. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS Pour on us, O Lord, Grant us, O Lord, we pray, the Spirit of your love, that we may participate and in your kindness worthily in these mysteries, make those you have for whenever the memorial nourished of this sacrifice is by this one heavenly Bread celebrated one in mind and heart. the work of our redemption Through Christ our Lord. is accomplished. Amen. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. RESPONDING TO THE WORD COMMUNION ANTIPHON Jesus cures the man’s withered (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) hand. You have prepared a table $ What has withered in my before me, and how precious spiritual life that needs Jesus’ is the chalice that quenches attention? my thirst. Jesus, help me… LIVING WITH CHRIST 147 THURSDAY her offering, a sacrifice on the JANUARY 21 altar of chastity. ST. AGNES OR St. Agnes, virgin & martyr (d.c. 305) Blessed is the virgin who by Agnes was one of the most popular denying herself and taking early Roman martyrs, up her cross imitated the and her feast has Lord, the spouse of virgins been celebrated and prince of martyrs. on this day since the fourth century. COLLECT Although little is Almighty ever-living God, known about her, we who choose what is weak do know that she was martyred at in the world to confound a young age (twelve or thirteen) the strong, during a Roman persecution. mercifully grant, Because of the connection of her that we, who celebrate the name to the Latin word for lamb heavenly birthday of your (agnus), she is often pictured with Martyr Saint Agnes, a lamb, which is also a reminder of may follow her constancy her sacrifice and innocence. May in the faith. we also be willing to stand up for Through our Lord Jesus what we believe. ] Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with ENTRANCE ANTIPHON you in the unity of the Behold, now she follows the Holy Spirit, Lamb who was crucified for us, one God, for ever and ever. powerful in virginity, modesty Amen.

148 JANUARY 2021 January 21 ] Thursday

READING (Hebrews 7:25–8:6) nacle that the Lord, not man, Jesus is always able to save those set up. Now every high priest who approach God through is appointed to offer gifts and him, since he lives forever to sacrifices; thus the necessity for make intercession for them. this one also to have something It was fitting that we should to offer. If then he were on have such a high priest: holy, earth, he would not be a priest, innocent, undefiled, separated since there are those who offer from sinners, higher than the gifts according to the law. They heavens. He has no need, as did worship in a copy and shadow the high priests, to offer sacri- of the heavenly sanctuary, as fice day after day, first for his Moses was warned when he own sins and then for those of was about to erect the taber- the people; he did that once nacle. For God says, “See that for all when he offered him- you make everything accord- self. For the law appoints men ing to the pattern shown you subject to weakness to be high on the mountain.” Now he priests, but the word of the has obtained so much more oath, which was taken after excellent a ministry as he is the law, appoints a son, who mediator of a better covenant, has been made perfect forever. enacted on better promises. The main point of what has been said is this: we have such RESPONSORIAL PSALM a high priest, who has taken (Psalm 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17) his seat at the right hand of r· Here am I, Lord; I come to do the throne of the Majesty in your will. heaven, a minister of the sanc- Sacrifice or oblation tuary and of the true taber- you wished not, LIVING WITH CHRIST 149 st. Agnes

but ears open to obedience death and brought life to light you gave me. through the Gospel. Alleluia, Burnt offerings or sin- alleluia. offerings you sought not; then said I, “Behold GOSPEL (Mark 3:7-12) I come.” esus withdrew toward the r· Here am I, Lord; I come to do sea with his disciples. A your will. Jlarge number of people “In the written scroll followed from Galilee and it is prescribed for me, from Judea. Hearing what he To do your will, O my God, was doing, a large number of is my delight, people came to him also from and your law is within Jerusalem, from Idumea, from my heart!” r· beyond the Jordan, and from I announced your justice the neighborhood of Tyre in the vast assembly; and Sidon. He told his disci- I did not restrain my lips, ples to have a boat ready for as you, O Lord, know. r· him because of the crowd, May all who seek you exult so that they would not crush and be glad in you, him. He had cured many and, And may those who love as a result, those who had dis- your salvation eases were pressing upon him say ever, “The Lord to touch him. And whenever be glorified.” r· unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him ALLELUIA (See 2 Timothy 1:10) and shout, “You are the Son of Alleluia, alleluia. Our Savior God.” He warned them sternly Jesus Christ has destroyed not to make him known.

150 JANUARY 2021 January 21 ] Thursday

PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS PREFACE (Common, page 33, May the offerings we bring Holy Martyrs, page 35, or Holy Virgins in celebration of blessed and Religious, page 36) Saint Agnes win your gracious acceptance, COMMUNION ANTIPHON O Lord, we pray, (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) just as the struggle of her You have prepared a table suffering and passion before me, and how precious was pleasing to you. is the chalice that quenches Through Christ our Lord. my thirst. Amen.

“To do your will, O my God, is my delight…” (Psalm 40:9). » I have two reactions to today’s psalm. On the one hand, I completely agree that when we live in conjunction with God’s will, we will find peace. On the other hand, knowing God’s will is sometimes difficult. Many of the important decisions we have to make are not between right and wrong, but between courses of action that appear equally valid on the surface. When confronted with a difficult decision, a friend of mine prays that God will increase her desire to do whatever God’s will is for her. She tries to have no preconceived notions about what she thinks is best, but be open to God’s promptings. Slowly but surely, she says, the best course of action for her emerges, and then she wonders why she didn’t see the answer all along. As a T-shirt logo says, “Life is a journey, not a guided tour.” But with God’s grace, perhaps life can be a journey and a guided tour. MARYANNE HANNAN LIVING WITH CHRIST 151 OR (1 John 4:16) FRIDAY We have come to know and JANUARY 22 to believe in the love that DAY OF PRAYER FOR God has for us. THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION O God, who bestowed on Included are the readings for the blessed Saint Agnes a weekday in Ordinary Time. The crown among the Saints readings for the Mass for Peace and for her twofold triumph of Justice may be used as could the virginity and martyrdom, readings for the Mass in Thanksgiving grant, we pray, through the for the Gift of Human Life. power of this Sacrament, that, bravely overcoming ENTRANCE ANTIPHON every evil, (Psalm 66 [65]:4) we may attain the glory of All the earth shall bow down heaven. before you, O God, and shall Through Christ our Lord. sing to you, shall sing to your Amen. name, O Most High!

COLLECT RESPONDING TO THE WORD God our Creator, Jesus refused to allow the evil spir- we give thanks to you, its to make him known. who alone have the power to $ How has Jesus been inviting impart the breath of life me to make him known? as you form each of us in Jesus, today I will… our mother’s womb; grant, we pray,

152 JANUARY 2021 January 22 ] Friday that we, whom you have says the Lord, made stewards of creation, when I will conclude a new may remain faithful to this covenant with the house of sacred trust Israel and the house of Judah. and constant in safeguarding It will not be like the covenant the dignity of every human I made with their fathers life. the day I took them by the Through our Lord Jesus hand to lead Christ, your Son, them forth from the land who lives and reigns with of Egypt; you in the unity of the for they did not stand Holy Spirit, by my covenant one God, for ever and ever. and I ignored them, Amen. says the Lord. But this is the covenant READING (Hebrews 8:6-13) I will establish with Brothers and sisters: Now our the house of Israel high priest has obtained so after those days, says the Lord: much more excellent a minis- I will put my laws in their try as he is mediator of a better minds covenant, enacted on better and I will write them promises. upon their hearts. For if that first covenant had I will be their God, been faultless, no place would and they shall be my people. have been sought for a second And they shall not teach, one. But he finds fault with each one his fellow citizen them and says: and kin, saying, Behold, the days are coming, “Know the Lord,” LIVING WITH CHRIST 153 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

for all shall know me, from heaven. r∙ from least to greatest. The Lord himself will give For I will forgive their his benefits; evildoing our land shall yield its and remember their sins increase. no more. Justice shall walk before him, When he speaks of a “new” and salvation, along the covenant, he declares the way of his steps. r∙ first one obsolete. And what has become obsolete and ALLELUIA (2 Corinthians 5:19) has grown old is close to Alleluia, alleluia. God was rec- disappearing. onciling the world to himself in Christ, and entrusting to us RESPONSORIAL PSALM the message of reconciliation. (Psalm 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14) Alleluia, alleluia. r∙ Kindness and truth shall meet. Show us, O Lord, your mercy, GOSPEL (Mark 3:13-19) and grant us your salvation. esus went up the moun- Near indeed is his salvation tain and summoned to those who fear him, Jthose whom he wanted glory dwelling in our land. and they came to him. He r∙ appointed Twelve, whom he Kindness and truth shall also named Apostles, that meet; they might be with him and justice and peace shall kiss. he might send them forth to Truth shall spring out of the preach and to have author- earth, ity to drive out demons: He and justice shall look down appointed the Twelve: Simon,

154 JANUARY 2021 January 22 ] Friday whom he named Peter; James, that we may participate son of Zebedee, and John the worthily in these mysteries, brother of James, whom he for whenever the memorial named Boanerges, that is, sons of this sacrifice is of thunder; Andrew, Philip, celebrated Bartholomew, Matthew, the work of our redemption Thomas, James the son of is accomplished. Alphaeus; Thaddeus, Simon Through Christ our Lord. the Cananean, and Judas Amen. Iscariot who betrayed him. COMMUNION ANTIPHON PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) Grant us, O Lord, we pray, You have prepared a table

I once spent time in the City Museum in St. Louis. It’s an extravagant, generous, even wildly creative place, filled with mosaics and crazy crawling spaces. What caught my attention, though, was an undulating wall constructed completely of metal restaurant steam-table bins. I thought about the men and women who made the basic materials, constructed the machines: all work far less glamorous than the artist’s. But where would the artist have been without that work? Jesus’ mission for us is like that: some of us celebrated and well known, but more living quietly with layers and layers of hard work and sacrifice poured out in answer to the call. The great vision and small moment are working together with the Lord to build that extravagant place called the Kingdom of God. AMY WELBORN LIVING WITH CHRIST 155 before me, and how precious SATURDAY is the chalice that quenches JANUARY 23 my thirst. WEEKDAY (BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) OR (1 John 4:16) We have come to know and [ St. Vincent, deacon & martyr to believe in the love that (d.c. 304) ] Vincent was a deacon God has for us. in Spain. Deacons were responsi- ble for preaching and for the local PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION church’s works of charity and Pour on us, O Lord, mercy. He excelled in his duties the Spirit of your love, and became known to the hostile and in your kindness Roman authorities. He was arrest- make those you have nourished ed with his bishop, tortured, and by this one heavenly Bread killed because he refused to wor- one in mind and heart. ship pagan gods or to give over Through Christ our Lord. the sacred books of the Church. Amen. May we imitate his example of service and his veneration of the Scriptures. ] RESPONDING TO THE WORD Jesus chose disciples first to “be [ St. Marianne Cope, virgin & with him,” and then to share his martyr (1838-1918) ] Barbara Koob’s work. family emigrated to the United $ How am I growing as a fol- States from Germany the year lower of Jesus by daily “being after her birth. She entered the with him”? Third Order of St. Francis and Jesus, be with me so that… made her first vows as Sister

156 JANUARY 2021 January 23 ] Saturday

Marianne. She served as a prin- COLLECT cipal and teacher in New York Almighty ever-living God, schools and helped to establish who govern all things, two Catholic hospitals. In 1883, both in heaven and on earth, Marianne went to Hawaii to aid mercifully hear the pleading those with leprosy; there she of your people met and helped St. Damien de and bestow your peace on Veuster, who had contracted the our times. disease. Like her, may we also Through our Lord Jesus reach out to those who need our Christ, your Son, help and compassion. ] who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Holy Spirit, Behold, now she follows the one God, for ever and ever. Lamb who was crucified Amen. for us, powerful in virginity, modesty her offering, a READING (Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14) sacrifice on the altar of A tabernacle was constructed, chastity. the outer one, in which were the lampstand, the table, and OR the bread of offering; this is Blessed is the virgin who by called the Holy Place. Behind denying herself and taking the second veil was the tab- up her cross imitated the ernacle called the Holy of Lord, the spouse of virgins Holies. and prince of martyrs. But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that have come to be, pass- LIVING WITH CHRIST 157 Weekday (Blessed Virgin Mary) ing through the greater and shout to God with cries more perfect tabernacle not of gladness, made by hands, that is, not For the Lord, the Most High, belonging to this creation, he the awesome, entered once for all into the is the great king sanctuary, not with the blood over all the earth. r∙ of goats and calves but with God mounts his throne his own Blood, thus obtain- amid shouts of joy; ing eternal redemption. For if the Lord, amid trumpet the blood of goats and bulls blasts. and the sprinkling of a heif- Sing praise to God, er’s ashes can sanctify those sing praise; who are defiled so that their sing praise to our king, flesh is cleansed, how much sing praise. r∙ more will the Blood of Christ, For king of all the earth who through the eternal is God: spirit offered himself unblem- sing hymns of praise. ished to God, cleanse our con- God reigns over the nations, sciences from dead works to God sits upon his holy worship the living God. throne. r∙

RESPONSORIAL PSALM ALLELUIA (See Acts 16:14b) (Psalm 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9) Alleluia, alleluia. Open our r∙ God mounts his throne to hearts, O Lord, to listen to the shouts of joy: a blare of words of your Son. Alleluia, trumpets for the Lord. alleluia. All you peoples, clap your hands,

158 JANUARY 2021 January 23 ] Saturday

GOSPEL (Mark 3:20-21) worthily in these mysteries, esus came with his disci- for whenever the memorial ples into the house. Again of this sacrifice is J the crowd gathered, mak- celebrated ing it impossible for them the work of our redemption even to eat. When his relatives is accomplished. heard of this they set out to Through Christ our Lord. seize him, for they said, “He is Amen. out of his mind.” COMMUNION ANTIPHON PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS (Cf. Psalm 23 [22]:5) Grant us, O Lord, we pray, You have prepared a table that we may participate before me, and how precious

“Sing praise to God, sing praise; sing praise to our king, sing praise” (Psalm 47:7). » When I celebrate Mass without an organist or song leader, I invite the people to sing some hymn. Many times I have chosen “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.” That hymn lends itself well to any worship service. Praising God is what many of the psalms encourage us to do, and the word “praise” is used more than 350 times in the Scriptures. Praise includes concepts such as giving honor, showing respect, offering homage, devotion, and reverence to God. When we praise God, we are asking for nothing. We are expressing appreciation to our creator and the one who sustains our lives. And it is a wonderful way to say I love you. FR. JAMES MCKARNS LIVING WITH CHRIST 159 Weekday (Blessed Virgin Mary) is the chalice that quenches by this one heavenly Bread my thirst. one in mind and heart. Through Christ our Lord. OR (1 John 4:16) Amen. We have come to know and to believe in the love that God has for us. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Jesus’ family thought he was “out PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION of his mind.” Pour on us, O Lord, $ What words or actions would the Spirit of your love, make people today think and in your kindness Jesus might be a little bit make those you have crazy? nourished Jesus, help me to…

Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me. THOMAS MERTON

160 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 23 24 ] S at Suundrdayay

Today in Focus JANUARY 24 » THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Making God our priority

The Ninevites’ conversion is astounding in its brevity and sweeping success. Such an immediate and all-encompassing turning away from sin in this wicked and non-Israelite city toward a faith in God akin to Abraham’s or that of Moses was a testament to God’s power and a telling criticism of Israel’s infidelity. Our God, the source of such salvation, is described in today’s psalm. This is the God we know in Jesus of Nazareth, who dwelt among us and who offers us fullness of life. Today’s readings encourage us to follow the example of those who have given to God a complete and unreserved response of faith. The first disciples demonstrate such readiness and resolve, leaving behind their thriving business ventures, family, and employees. They follow Jesus regardless of the cost. Their actions are not a counsel to shirk life’s responsibilities, but to make God our priority. ] christine mader LIVING WITH CHRIST 161 TWhirdeekday Sund (Baylessed in O rdinVirgainr yM Taryime)

Sunday, January 24

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON who lives and reigns with (Cf. Psalm 96 [95]:1, 6) you in the unity of the O sing a new song to the Holy Spirit, Lord; sing to the Lord, all one God, for ever and ever. the earth. In his presence Amen. are majesty and splendor, strength and honor in his FIRST READING (Jonah 3:1-5, 10) holy place. The word of the Lord came to Jonah, saying: “Set out for INTRODUCTORY RITES (page 25) the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the mes- COLLECT sage that I will tell you.” So Almighty ever-living God, Jonah made ready and went direct our actions according to Nineveh, according to to your good pleasure, the Lord’s bidding. Now that in the name of your Nineveh was an enormously beloved Son large city; it took three days we may abound in good to go through it. Jonah began works. his journey through the city, Through our Lord Jesus and had gone but a single Christ, your Son, day’s walk announcing, “Forty

162 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 23 24 ] S at Suundrdayay days more and Nineveh shall from of old. be destroyed,” when the peo- In your kindness ple of Nineveh believed God; remember me, they proclaimed a fast and all because of your of them, great and small, put goodness, O Lord. r· on sackcloth. Good and upright is the Lord; When God saw by their thus he shows sinners actions how they turned from the way. their evil way, he repented of He guides the humble the evil that he had threatened to justice to do to them; he did not carry and teaches the humble it out. his way. r· The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SECOND READING (1 Corinthians 7:29-31) RESPONSORIAL PSALM I tell you, brothers and sis- (Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9) ters, the time is running out. r· Teach me your ways, O Lord. From now on, let those hav- Your ways, O Lord, make ing wives act as not having known to me; them, those weeping as not teach me your paths, weeping, those rejoicing as guide me in your truth not rejoicing, those buying as and teach me, not owning, those using the for you are God world as not using it fully. For my savior. r· the world in its present form Remember that your is passing away. compassion, O Lord, The word of the Lord. and your love are Thanks be to God. LIVING WITH CHRIST 163 TWhirdeekday Sund (Baylessed in O rdinVirgainr yM Taryime)

$ Kingdom of God In his teaching and preaching, Jesus identifies God’s ideal community as the kingdom of God—both the place where God rules and the people who live as God desires. This community is to be characterized by a new way of living together that includes everyone (both Jew and Gentile), who as brothers and sisters will relate to God as their father and as a king whose benevolent rule over them guides every moment of their lives. The kingdom is inaugurated by Jesus and continues today in the Christian community that daily strives to make God’s ideal of community a reality.

ALLELUIA (Mark 1:15) ing the gospel of God: “This Alleluia, alleluia. The kingdom is the time of fulfillment. The of God is at hand. Repent and kingdom of God$ is at hand. believe in the Gospel. Alleluia, Repent, and believe in the alleluia. gospel.” As he passed by the Sea of GOSPEL (Mark 1:14-20) Galilee, he saw Simon and A reading from the holy his brother Andrew casting Gospel according to Mark. their nets into the sea; they Glory to you, O Lord. were fishermen. Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and fter John had been I will make you fishers of arrested, Jesus came men.” Then they abandoned Ato Galilee proclaim- their nets and followed him.

164 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 23 24 ] S at Suundrdayay

He walked along a little far- PREFACE (Sundays in Ordinary Time, ther and saw James, the son pages 31-32) of Zebedee, and his brother John. They too were in a boat COMMUNION ANTIPHON mending their nets. Then he (Cf. Psalm 34 [33]:6) called them. So they left their Look toward the Lord and be father Zebedee in the boat radiant; let your faces not be along with the hired men and abashed. followed him. The Gospel of the Lord. OR (John 8:12) Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever PROFESSION OF FAITH (page 28) follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL light of life.

PREPARATION OF GIFTS (page 30) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Grant, we pray, almighty God, PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS that, receiving the grace Accept our offerings, O Lord, by which you bring us to we pray, new life, and in sanctifying them we may always glory in your grant that they may profit us gift. for salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. BLESSING & DISMISSAL (page 54) • • • LIVING WITH CHRIST 165 TWhirdeekday Sund (Baylessed in O rdinVirgainr yM Taryime)

RESPONDING TO THE WORD SAYING AMEN Jesus calls disciples to use their In the Collect, we ask for God’s help skills for building God’s kingdom so that “we may abound in good community. works.” $ Which gift or skill do I $ With what good works do I bring to the building of this need God’s help this week? community? God of love, help me… Jesus, I hear you calling me to…

Living with Christ This Week THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

Right now is the time when GENERAL INTERCESSIONS Jesus’ promises are being ful- Use these intercessions with your filled in the lives of those willing prayers this week. to learn God’s ways. This week’s # That we might bind the forces of first readings encourage us to evil in our world: be changed, to recall the gift of Teach us your ways, O Lord. God’s Spirit, to endure our suf- r· fering, and to grow in faith. In the # That we might be changed by gospels, Jesus teaches us about your presence: r· God’s presence in our midst # That we might stir into flame through parables about binding the gift of the Holy Spirit: a strong man, seeds growing in r· different soils, and the surprising # That we might let our lights growth of a mustard seed. ] shine into the darkness: r·

166 JANUARY 2021 MONDAY ENTRANCE ANTIPHON JANUARY 25 (2 Timothy 1:12; 4:8) THE CONVERSION OF I know the one in whom I ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE have believed and I am sure that he, the just judge, the mighty, will keep safe what is my due until that day.

GLORY TO GOD (page 27)

COLLECT O God, who taught the whole world through the preaching of the blessed Apostle Paul, draw us, we pray, nearer to you Paul’s conversion was a turning through the example of point in the history of the early him whose conversion we Church. There are three accounts celebrate today, of the incident in the Acts of the and so make us witnesses to Apostles (9:1-22; 22:3-16; 26:12- your truth in the world. 18). It was cause for celebration Through our Lord Jesus that a persecutor became a fol- Christ, your Son, lower of Christ and later a teacher who lives and reigns with of the nations. May we imitate you in the unity of the Paul’s willingness to be complete- Holy Spirit, ly changed by encountering the one God, for ever and ever. risen Christ. ] Amen. LIVING WITH CHRIST 167 The conversion of st. Paul the apostle

An alternate reading follows. why are you persecuting me?’ I replied, ‘Who are you, sir?’ And READING (Acts 22:3-16) he said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Paul addressed the people Nazorean whom you are per- in these words: “I am a Jew, secuting.’ My companions saw born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but the light but did not hear the brought up in this city. At the voice of the one who spoke to feet of Gamaliel I was edu- me. I asked, ‘What shall I do, cated strictly in our ancestral sir?’ The Lord answered me, law and was zealous for God, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, just as all of you are today. I and there you will be told persecuted this Way to death, about everything appointed binding both men and women for you to do.’ Since I could see and delivering them to prison. nothing because of the bright- Even the high priest and the ness of that light, I was led by whole council of elders can hand by my companions and testify on my behalf. For from entered Damascus. them I even received letters to “A certain Ananias, a devout the brothers and set out for observer of the law, and highly Damascus to bring back to spoken of by all the Jews who Jerusalem in chains for pun- lived there, came to me and ishment those there as well. stood there and said, ‘Saul, “On that journey as I drew my brother, regain your sight.’ near to Damascus, about noon And at that very moment I a great light from the sky sud- regained my sight and saw denly shone around me. I fell him. Then he said, ‘The God to the ground and heard a of our ancestors designated voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, you to know his will, to see

168 JANUARY 2021 January 25 ] Monday the Righteous One, and to came, “I am Jesus, whom you hear the sound of his voice; for are persecuting. Now get up you will be his witness before and go into the city and you all to what you have seen and will be told what you must heard. Now, why delay? Get do.” The men who were trav- up and have yourself baptized eling with him stood speech- and your sins washed away, less, for they heard the voice calling upon his name.’ ” but could see no one. Saul got up from the ground, but when OR he opened his eyes he could READING (Acts 9:1-22) see nothing; so they led him Saul, still breathing murder- by the hand and brought him ous threats against the disci- to Damascus. For three days ples of the Lord, went to the he was unable to see, and he high priest and asked him for neither ate nor drank. letters to the synagogues in There was a disciple in Damascus, that, if he should Damascus named Ananias, find any men or women who and the Lord said to him in a belonged to the Way, he might vision, “Ananias.” He answered, bring them back to Jerusalem “Here I am, Lord.” The Lord in chains. On his journey, as he said to him, “Get up and go was nearing Damascus, a light to the street called Straight from the sky suddenly flashed and ask at the house of Judas around him. He fell to the for a man from Tarsus named ground and heard a voice say- Saul. He is there praying, and ing to him, “Saul, Saul, why are in a vision he has seen a man you persecuting me?” He said, named Ananias come in and “Who are you, sir?” The reply lay his hands on him, that LIVING WITH CHRIST 169 The conversion of st. Paul the apostle he may regain his sight.” But when he had eaten, he recov- Ananias replied, “Lord, I have ered his strength. heard from many sources He stayed some days with about this man, what evil the disciples in Damascus, and things he has done to your he began at once to proclaim holy ones in Jerusalem. And Jesus in the synagogues, that here he has authority from he is the Son of God. All who the chief priests to imprison heard him were astounded all who call upon your name.” and said, “Is not this the man But the Lord said to him, “Go, who in Jerusalem ravaged for this man is a chosen instru- those who call upon this ment of mine to carry my name, and came here expressly name before Gentiles, kings, to take them back in chains and children of Israel, and I to the chief priests?” But Saul will show him what he will grew all the stronger and con- have to suffer for my name.” founded the Jews who lived in So Ananias went and entered Damascus, proving that this is the house; laying his hands the Christ. on him, he said, “Saul, my brother, the Lord has sent me, RESPONSORIAL PSALM Jesus who appeared to you on (Psalm 117:1bc, 2) the way by which you came, r· Go out to all the world and tell that you may regain your sight the Good News. OR Alleluia. and be filled with the Holy Praise the Lord, all Spirit.” Immediately things you nations; like scales fell from his eyes glorify him, all and he regained his sight. He you peoples! r· got up and was baptized, and For steadfast is his

170 JANUARY 2021 January 25 ] Monday

kindness toward us, if they drink any deadly thing, and the fidelity of the it will not harm them. They Lord endures forever. r· will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” ALLELUIA (See John 15:16) Alleluia, alleluia. I chose you PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS from the world, to go and As we celebrate the divine bear fruit that will last, says mysteries, O Lord, we pray, the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia. may the Spirit fill us with that light of faith GOSPEL (Mark 16:15-18) with which he constantly A reading from the holy enlightened the blessed Gospel according to Mark. Apostle Paul Glory to you, O Lord. for the spreading of your glory. Through Christ our Lord. esus appeared to the Eleven Amen. and said to them: “Go into Jthe whole world and pro- PREFACE (Apostles I, page 34) claim the Gospel to every crea- ture. Whoever believes and is COMMUNION ANTIPHON baptized will be saved; who- (Cf. Galatians 2:20) ever does not believe will be I live by faith in the Son of condemned. These signs will God, who has loved me and accompany those who believe: given himself up for me. in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION languages. They will pick up May the Sacrament we have serpents with their hands, and received, O Lord our God, LIVING WITH CHRIST 171 The conversion of st. Paul the apostle stir up in us that fire of charity with which the blessed Apostle Paul burned RESPONDING TO THE WORD ardently Paul’s whole life changed when he as he bore his concern for all met the risen Christ. the Churches. $ How has my life been changing Through Christ our Lord. as I discover Christ each day? Amen. Jesus, be with me…

For years there have been attempts to convert American measuring systems into metric ones. New road signs and packaging have been designed to persuade the public. So far, however, we have resisted, preferring to measure in our own inches, miles, or pounds. We resist a more significant conversion. From Jesus’ words in Matthew’s gospel, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers or sisters, you do to me,” to Saul’s recognition that in persecuting the Church, he was persecuting Jesus, it is clear that Jesus regards human behavior done to anyone as done to himself. Unfortunately, the measuring rod of holiness for too many of us is how much time we pray, how many spiritual practices we perform, the spiritual books we have read. Jesus’ measure is clear: your service to others, what you do on behalf of any person, counts as being done to God. Our spiritual practices are to attune us to God’s Personal Presence in each other’s flesh and need. FR. JAMES KRINGS

172 JANUARY 2021 TUESDAY COLLECT JANUARY 26 O God, who adorned Saints ST. TIMOTHY AND ST. TITUS Timothy and Titus with apostolic virtues, St. Timothy and St. Titus, grant, through the bishops (first century) These two men intercession of them both, were disciples of St. Paul, and that, living justly and devoutly Paul’s letters to them are part of in this present age, the New Testament. Each worked we may merit to reach our with Paul and became a leader of heavenly homeland. a Pauline community: Timothy, Through our Lord Jesus bishop of Ephesus, and Titus, Christ, your Son, bishop of Crete. It is believed that who lives and reigns with Timothy was stoned to death you in the unity of the around 97, while Titus died of old Holy Spirit, age. May we imitate their care one God, for ever and ever. for the Christian community by Amen. building our lives on Christ and his teachings. ] An alternate reading follows.

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON READING (2 Timothy 1:1-8) (Psalm 96 [95]:3-4) Paul, an Apostle of Christ Tell among the nations Jesus by the will of God for the his glory, and his wonders promise of life in Christ Jesus, among all the peoples, for the to Timothy, my dear child: Lord is great and highly to grace, mercy, and peace from be praised. God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. LIVING WITH CHRIST 173 St. timothy and st. Titus

I am grateful to God, whom OR I worship with a clear con- READING (Titus 1:1-5) science as my ancestors did, Paul, a slave of God and as I remember you constantly Apostle of Jesus Christ for the in my prayers, night and day. I sake of the faith of God’s cho- yearn to see you again, recall- sen ones and the recognition ing your tears, so that I may be of religious truth, in the hope filled with joy, as I recall your of eternal life that God, who sincere faith that first lived in does not lie, promised before your grandmother Lois and in time began, who indeed at your mother Eunice and that I the proper time revealed his am confident lives also in you. word in the proclamation For this reason, I remind with which I was entrusted by you to stir into flame the gift the command of God our sav- of God that you have through ior, to Titus, my true child in the imposition of my hands. our common faith: grace and For God did not give us a spirit peace from God the Father of cowardice but rather of and Christ Jesus our savior. power and love and self-con- For this reason I left you in trol. So do not be ashamed of Crete so that you might set your testimony to our Lord, right what remains to be done nor of me, a prisoner for his and appoint presbyters in sake; but bear your share every town, as I directed you. of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes RESPONSORIAL PSALM from God. (Psalm 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10) r· Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.

174 JANUARY 2021 January 26 ] Tuesday

Sing to the Lord and earth; you have revealed a new song; to little ones the mysteries of sing to the Lord, the Kingdom. Alleluia, alleluia. all you lands. Sing to the Lord; bless GOSPEL (Mark 3:31-35) his name. r· he mother of Jesus and Announce his salvation, his brothers arrived at day after day. Tthe house. Standing Tell his glory among outside, they sent word to the nations; Jesus and called him. A crowd among all peoples, his seated around him told him, wondrous deeds. r· “Your mother and your broth- Give to the Lord, you ers and your sisters are outside families of nations, asking for you.” But he said to give to the Lord glory them in reply, “Who are my and praise; mother and my brothers?” give to the Lord the glory And looking around at those due his name! r· seated in the circle he said, Say among the nations: “Here are my mother and my The Lord is king. brothers. For whoever does He has made the world the will of God is my brother firm, not to be moved; and sister and mother.” he governs the peoples with equity. r· PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS Receive, O Lord, we pray, the ALLELUIA (See Matthew 11:25) offerings of your people, Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed are which we bring in you, Father, Lord of heaven celebration of Saints LIVING WITH CHRIST 175 St. timothy and st. Titus

Timothy and Titus, proclaim the Gospel. I am and, in your kindness, render with you always, says the Lord. us fully acceptable by giving us sincerity of heart. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Through Christ our Lord. May the Sacrament we have Amen. received, O Lord our God, nourish in us that faith PREFACE (Common, page 33, or taught by the preaching of Holy Pastors, page 36) the Apostles and kept safe by the labors of COMMUNION ANTIPHON Saints Timothy and Titus. (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:20) Through Christ our Lord. Go into all the world, and Amen.

I am moved by Paul’s remembrance of the grandmother and mother of Timothy. Throughout the ages, we have sung about the faith of our fathers—all well and good. Yet when it comes to singing about faith, the mothers in my personal history loom larger than life. I am reminded of these strong women as I hear Paul highlight the truth that God did not give us a timid spirit, but a heart full of power and love. In an age when women are exploited and demeaned in so many ways, let’s take some time to recall the strong women in our lives who have been vessels of faith for us. Name their courageous deeds, their passionate faith, and their gentle power. These are the women who continue to rekindle our faithfulness to Christ. Let us honor their names! SR. MACRINA WIEDERKEHR, O.S.B.

176 JANUARY 2021 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 RESPONDING TO THE WORD WEEKDAY Jesus seems to have shunned his mother. But there is a broader [ St. Angela Merici, virgin message. (1474-1540) ] Seeing the need $ Am I doing my best to do for education among the poor, God's will? she and several friends taught Jesus, I know you are… girls in their own homes. They formed a religious association under the protection of St. Ursula, who is the patron of medieval universities. The Company of St. Ursula was officially recognized by Pope Paul III in 1544. May we Look on us, also desire to help the poor live better lives. ] Jesus, and let all ENTRANCE ANTIPHON the darkness of our (Cf. Psalm 96 [95]:1, 6) souls disappear O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all before the beams of the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendor, your brightness. strength and honor in his ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO holy place. LIVING WITH CHRIST 177 Weekday

COLLECT consecrated. The Holy Spirit Almighty ever-living God, also testifies to us, for after direct our actions according saying: to your good pleasure, This is the covenant I will that in the name of your establish with them beloved Son after those days, says we may abound in good the Lord: works. “I will put my laws in Through our Lord Jesus their hearts, Christ, your Son, and I will write them upon who lives and reigns with their minds,” you in the unity of the he also says: Holy Spirit, Their sins and their evildoing one God, for ever and ever. I will remember no more. Amen. Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer offer- READING (Hebrews 10:11-18) ing for sin. Every priest stands daily at his ministry, offering frequently RESPONSORIAL PSALM those same sacrifices that can (Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4) never take away sins. But this r· You are a priest for ever, one offered one sacrifice for in the line of Melchizedek. sins, and took his seat forever The Lord said to my Lord: at the right hand of God; now “Sit at my right hand he waits until his enemies are till I make your enemies made his footstool. For by one your footstool.” r· offering he has made perfect The scepter of your power forever those who are being the Lord will stretch

178 JANUARY 2021 January 27 ] Wednesday

forth from Zion: boat on the sea and sat down. “Rule in the midst of And the whole crowd was your enemies.” r· beside the sea on land. And “Yours is princely power he taught them at length in in the day of your parables, and in the course birth, in holy splendor; of his instruction he said to before the daystar, them, “Hear this! A sower like the dew, I have went out to sow. And as he begotten you.” r· sowed, some seed fell on the The Lord has sworn, and path, and the birds came and he will not repent: ate it up. Other seed fell on “You are a priest forever, rocky ground where it had according to the order little soil. It sprang up at once of Melchizedek.” r· because the soil was not deep. And when the sun rose, it was ALLELUIA scorched and it withered for Alleluia, alleluia. The seed is lack of roots. Some seed fell the word of God, Christ is among thorns, and the thorns the sower; all who come to grew up and choked it and it him will live for ever. Alleluia, produced no grain. And some alleluia. seed fell on rich soil and pro- duced fruit. It came up and GOSPEL (Mark 4:1-20) grew and yielded thirty, sixty, n another occasion, and a hundredfold.” He added, Jesus began to teach “Whoever has ears to hear Oby the sea. A very ought to hear.” large crowd gathered around And when he was alone, him so that he got into a those present along with the LIVING WITH CHRIST 179 Weekday

Twelve questioned him about Jesus said to them, “Do you not the parables. He answered understand this parable? Then them, “The mystery of the how will you understand any Kingdom of God has been of the parables? The sower sows granted to you. But to those the word. These are the ones outside everything comes in on the path where the word parables, so that is sown. As soon as they hear, they may look and see Satan comes at once and takes but not perceive, away the word sown in them. and hear and listen And these are the ones sown but not understand, on rocky ground who, when in order that they may not they hear the word, receive it be converted and at once with joy. But they have be forgiven.” no roots; they last only for a

“Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit” (Mark 4:8). » I think I’ve spent enough time investigating the thorns and the hard ground of my life. I’ve confessed the actions that have crowded out my joy and prevented the God-sown seed from falling into receptive soil. This parable clearly states that some of the seed fell into good soil. It is definitely time for me to hang out with my good soil. Why is it so difficult for us to acknowledge our goodness? Is it because someone forgot to tell us about it? Even if that is the case, our good soil will reveal to us the beautiful and receptive places in our lives if we start spending time with it. Deep within you there is a wise place. It’s where the Sower lives. You can live there too. SR. MACRINA WIEDERKEHR, O.S.B.

180 JANUARY 2021 January 27 ] Wednesday time. Then when tribulation radiant; let your faces not be or persecution comes because abashed. of the word, they quickly fall away. Those sown among OR (John 8:12) thorns are another sort. They I am the light of the world, are the people who hear the says the Lord; whoever word, but worldly anxiety, the follows me will not walk in lure of riches, and the craving darkness, but will have the for other things intrude and light of life. choke the word, and it bears no fruit. But those sown on PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION rich soil are the ones who hear Grant, we pray, almighty God, the word and accept it and that, receiving the grace bear fruit thirty and sixty and by which you bring us to a hundredfold.” new life, we may always glory in PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS your gift. Accept our offerings, O Lord, Through Christ our Lord. we pray, Amen. and in sanctifying them grant that they may profit us for salvation. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Through Christ our Lord. Jesus sows his word among us and Amen. there are many different responses. $ What is my response to Jesus COMMUNION ANTIPHON today? How do I want to (Cf. Psalm 34 [33]:6) change my response? Look toward the Lord and be Jesus, today I will… LIVING WITH CHRIST 181 THURSDAY ENTRANCE ANTIPHON JANUARY 28 (Cf. Sirach 15:5) ST. THOMAS AQUINAS In the midst of the Church he opened his mouth, and St. Thomas Aquinas, priest & the Lord filled him with doctor of the Church (c. 1225-1274) the spirit of wisdom and Born near Aquino, understanding and clothed Italy, he studied at him in a robe of glory. the Benedictine Monastery at OR (Psalm 37 [36]:30-31) Monte Cassino The mouth of the just man and joined the utters wisdom, and his newly formed tongue tells forth what is Dominicans. A man of towering just; the law of his God is in intellect, he wrote many books on his heart. Scripture and theology, among them his summary of theology COLLECT (Summa Theologiae). He was O God, who made also a man of simple devotion, Saint Thomas Aquinas whose hymns such as Pange outstanding in his zeal for Lingua, Tantum Ergo, and Adoro holiness Te Devote are still sung today. and his study of sacred A humble mystic, he considered doctrine, all his scholarly achievements grant us, we pray, “like straw” compared to what he that we may understand learned through prayer. Like him, what he taught may we use both our heads and and imitate what he our hearts to discover Christ. ] accomplished.

182 JANUARY 2021 January 28 ] Thursday

Through our Lord Jesus and good works. We should Christ, your Son, not stay away from our assem- who lives and reigns with bly, as is the custom of some, you in the unity of the but encourage one another, Holy Spirit, and this all the more as you see one God, for ever and ever. the day drawing near. Amen. RESPONSORIAL PSALM READING (Hebrews 10:19-25) (Psalm 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6) Brothers and sisters: Since r· Lord, this is the people that through the Blood of Jesus we longs to see your face. have confidence of entrance The Lord’s are the earth into the sanctuary by the new and its fullness; and living way he opened for the world and those who us through the veil, that is, dwell in it. his flesh, and since we have “a For he founded it upon great priest over the house of the seas God,” let us approach with a and established it upon sincere heart and in absolute the rivers. r· trust, with our hearts sprin- Who can ascend the kled clean from an evil con- mountain of the Lord? science and our bodies washed or who may stand in his in pure water. Let us hold holy place? unwaveringly to our confes- He whose hands are sinless, sion that gives us hope, for he whose heart is clean, who made the promise is trust- who desires not what worthy. We must consider how is vain. r· to rouse one another to love He shall receive a blessing LIVING WITH CHRIST 183 st. Thomas Aquinas

from the Lord, GOSPEL (Mark 4:21-25) a reward from God his savior. esus said to his disciples, Such is the race that seeks “Is a lamp brought in to for him, Jbe placed under a bushel that seeks the face of the basket or under a bed, and God of Jacob. not to be placed on a lamp- r· Lord, this is the people that stand? For there is nothing longs to see your face. hidden except to be made vis- ible; nothing is secret except ALLELUIA (Psalm 119:105) to come to light. Anyone who Alleluia, alleluia. A lamp to my has ears to hear ought to hear.” feet is your word, a light to my He also told them, “Take care path. Alleluia, alleluia. what you hear. The measure

“We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). » Like most parents, my wife and I spent many years rousing our children from slumber, getting them out of bed, into their clothes, and finally out the door and onto the school bus. They did not always do so happily, but we knew it was our responsibility as good parents. As people of faith, we need to know that it’s not enough to just love and do good works ourselves. It is our responsibility and part of our calling as disciples to urge those around us to lives of charity and unconditional love. By our words and, more importantly, by our actions, we must challenge others to lives of service as an essential way of drawing nearer to God. STEVE GIVENS

184 JANUARY 2021 January 28 ] Thursday

with which you measure will OR (Cf. Psalm 1:2-3) be measured out to you, and He who ponders the law of still more will be given to you. the Lord day and night will To the one who has, more will yield his fruit in due season. be given; from the one who has not, even what he has will PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION be taken away.” Through Christ the teacher, O Lord, PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS instruct those you feed with May the sacrifice which we Christ, the living Bread, gladly present on the feast that on the feast day of day of blessed Saint Thomas, blessed Saint Thomas they be pleasing to you, O God, may learn your truth for, taught by him, we, too, and express it in works of give ourselves entirely to charity. you in praise. Through Christ our Lord. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen.

PREFACE (Common, page 33, or RESPONDING TO THE WORD Holy Pastors, page 36) Jesus wants our light to shine, and the author of Hebrews urges us to CCOMMUNION ANTIPHON consider how to rouse one another (Cf. Luke 12:42) to love and good works. Behold a faithful and $ What can I do today to re- prudent steward to give them spond to these challenges? their allowance of food at the Jesus, today I will… proper time. LIVING WITH CHRIST 185 FRIDAY READING (Hebrews 10:32-39) JANUARY 29 Remember the days past when, WEEKDAY after you had been enlight- ened, you endured a great ENTRANCE ANTIPHON contest of suffering. At times (Cf. Psalm 96 [95]:1, 6) you were publicly exposed to O sing a new song to the abuse and affliction; at other Lord; sing to the Lord, all times you associated your- the earth. In his presence selves with those so treated. are majesty and splendor, You even joined in the suffer- strength and honor in his ings of those in prison and joy- holy place. fully accepted the confiscation of your property, knowing that COLLECT you had a better and lasting Almighty ever-living God, possession. Therefore, do not direct our actions according throw away your confidence; to your good pleasure, it will have great recompense. that in the name of your You need endurance to do the beloved Son will of God and receive what we may abound in good he has promised. works. For, after just a brief moment, Through our Lord Jesus he who is to come Christ, your Son, shall come; who lives and reigns with he shall not delay. you in the unity of the But my just one shall live Holy Spirit, by faith, one God, for ever and ever. and if he draws back I take Amen. no pleasure in him.

186 JANUARY 2021 January 29 ] Friday

We are not among those who for the hand of the Lord draw back and perish, but sustains him. r· among those who have faith The salvation of the just and will possess life. is from the Lord; he is their refuge in RESPONSORIAL PSALM time of distress. (Psalm 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40) And the Lord helps them r· The salvation of the just and delivers them; comes from the Lord. he delivers them from the Trust in the Lord wicked and saves them, and do good, because they take that you may dwell in the refuge in him. r· land and be fed in security. Take delight in the Lord, ALLELUIA (See Matthew 11:25) and he will grant you Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed are your heart’s requests. r· you, Father, Lord of heaven Commit to the Lord and earth; you have revealed your way; to little ones the mysteries of trust in him, and he will act. the Kingdom. Alleluia, alleluia. He will make justice dawn for you like the light; GOSPEL (Mark 4:26-34) bright as the noonday shall A reading from the holy be your vindication. r· Gospel according to Mark. By the Lord are the steps of a Glory to you, O Lord. man made firm, and he approves his way. esus said to the crowds: Though he fall, he does “This is how it is with the not lie prostrate, JKingdom of God; it is as LIVING WITH CHRIST 187 weekday if a man were to scatter seed wields the sickle at once, for on the land and would sleep the harvest has come.” and rise night and day and the He said, “To what shall we seed would sprout and grow, compare the Kingdom of he knows not how. Of its own God, or what parable can we accord the land yields fruit, use for it? It is like a mustard first the blade, then the ear, seed that, when it is sown in then the full grain in the ear. the ground, is the smallest of And when the grain is ripe, he all the seeds on the earth. But

Perhaps it’s time for us to write our own parable of the kingdom of God. What will you add to the list? The kingdom of God is like: • a word of affirmation falling into a despairing heart and growing into an immense tree of gratitude; • a soft, gentle breeze that slowly awakens and then becomes a thunderstorm of truth; • new green leaves of springtime slowly filling the branches of trees until hills and mountains are born; • wildflower seeds lavishly flung into the earth and blossoming into a meadow of delight; • a teaspoon of yeast leavening a nourishing loaf. Remember this: It starts out small yet grows into something breathtakingly stupendous. Will your parable of the kingdom of God provide comforting shade? Is your kingdom of God open to everyone? SR. MACRINA WIEDERKEHR, O.S.B.

188 JANUARY 2021 January 29 ] Friday

once it is sown, it springs up OR (John 8:12) and becomes the largest of I am the light of the world, plants and puts forth large says the Lord; whoever branches, so that the birds of follows me will not walk in the sky can dwell in its shade.” darkness, but will have the With many such parables he light of life. spoke the word to them as they were able to understand PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION it. Without parables he did not Grant, we pray, almighty God, speak to them, but to his own that, receiving the grace disciples he explained every- by which you bring us to thing in private. new life, we may always glory in your PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS gift. Accept our offerings, O Lord, Through Christ our Lord. we pray, Amen. and in sanctifying them • • • grant that they may profit us for salvation. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Through Christ our Lord. Great things can come from tiny Amen. efforts. $ Where am I being called to COMMUNION ANTIPHON begin new ways of living with (Cf. Psalm 34 [33]:6) Christ? Look toward the Lord and be Jesus, lead me… radiant; let your faces not be abashed. LIVING WITH CHRIST 189 SATURDAY READING (Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19) JANUARY 30 Brothers and sisters: Faith WEEKDAY is the realization of what (BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because ENTRANCE ANTIPHON of it the ancients were well (Cf. Psalm 96 [95]:1, 6) attested. O sing a new song to the By faith Abraham obeyed Lord; sing to the Lord, all when he was called to go out the earth. In his presence to a place that he was to receive are majesty and splendor, as an inheritance; he went out, strength and honor in his not knowing where he was holy place. to go. By faith he sojourned in the promised land as in a COLLECT foreign country, dwelling in Almighty ever-living God, tents with Isaac and Jacob, direct our actions according heirs of the same promise; for to your good pleasure, he was looking forward to the that in the name of your city with foundations, whose beloved Son architect and maker is God. we may abound in good works. By faith he received power Through our Lord Jesus to generate, even though he Christ, your Son, was past the normal age— who lives and reigns with and Sarah herself was ster- you in the unity of the ile—for he thought that the Holy Spirit, one who had made the prom- one God, for ever and ever. ise was trustworthy. So it was Amen. that there came forth from

190 JANUARY 2021 January 30 ] Saturday one man, himself as good as said, Through Isaac descendants dead, descendants as numer- shall bear your name. He rea- ous as the stars in the sky and soned that God was able to as countless as the sands on raise even from the dead, and the seashore. he received Isaac back as a All these died in faith. symbol. They did not receive what had been promised but saw it RESPONSORIAL PSALM and greeted it from afar and (Luke 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75) acknowledged themselves r∙ Blessed be the Lord the God to be strangers and aliens on of Israel; he has come to his earth, for those who speak people. thus show that they are seek- He has raised up for us ing a homeland. If they had a mighty savior, been thinking of the land born of the house from which they had come, of his servant David. r∙ they would have had opportu- Through his holy prophets nity to return. But now they he promised of old. desire a better homeland, a that he would save us heavenly one. Therefore, God from our sins is not ashamed to be called from the hands of all who their God, for he has prepared hate us. a city for them. He promised to show mercy By faith Abraham, when put to our fathers to the test, offered up Isaac, and to remember and he who had received the his holy covenant. r∙ promises was ready to offer This was the oath he swore his only son, of whom it was to our father Abraham: LIVING WITH CHRIST 191 WEEKDAY

to set us free from the lent squall came up and waves bonds of our enemies, were breaking over the boat, free to worship him so that it was already filling up. without fear, Jesus was in the stern, asleep holy and righteous on a cushion. They woke him in his sight and said to him, “Teacher, do all the days of our life. you not care that we are per- r∙ Blessed be the Lord the God ishing?” He woke up, rebuked of Israel; he has come to his the wind, and said to the sea, people. “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great ALLELUIA (John 3:16) calm. Then he asked them, Alleluia, alleluia. God so loved “Why are you terrified? Do the world that he gave his you not yet have faith?” They only-begotten Son, so that were filled with great awe and everyone who believes in said to one another, “Who him might have eternal life. then is this whom even wind Alleluia, alleluia. and sea obey?”

GOSPEL (Mark 4:35-41) PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS n that day, as evening Accept our offerings, O Lord, drew on, Jesus said we pray, Oto his disciples: “Let and in sanctifying them us cross to the other side.” grant that they may profit us Leaving the crowd, they took for salvation. Jesus with them in the boat Through Christ our Lord. just as he was. And other Amen. boats were with him. A vio-

192 JANUARY 2021 January 30 ] Saturday

PREFACE (Blessed Virgin Mary, page 33) darkness, but will have the light of life. COMMUNION ANTIPHON (Cf. Psalm 34 [33]:6) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Look toward the Lord and be Grant, we pray, almighty God, radiant; let your faces not be that, receiving the grace abashed. by which you bring us to new life, OR (John 8:12) we may always glory in your I am the light of the world, gift. says the Lord; whoever Through Christ our Lord. follows me will not walk in Amen.

“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). » We all know the story of Doubting Thomas. He would not believe in the resurrected Christ unless he could see and touch the wounds on Jesus’ body. Thomas’ faith was weak. It would appear that it strengthened after his encounter with Jesus. We are not so lucky as Thomas. We are asked to believe without any tangible proof: nothing as vivid as the human form of Jesus and never enough to convince the determined doubter of God’s presence in our lives. It is faith in things unseen that feeds our souls. We depend on God’s unending love, God's mercy and forgiveness. All God asks in return is our belief in God, a belief that, if we live according to God's plan, we will gain eternal life. Not a bad bargain. PAUL PENNICK LIVING WITH CHRIST 193 WEEKDAY

RESPONDING TO THE WORD Jesus wants us to grow in faith and confidence in him and his work in us. $ What fears shake my faith in Christ? Jesus, increase my faith…

O most holy mother of Jesus, you who witnessed and felt the utter desolation of your divine Son, help me in my hour of need. O Mother, I come to bury my anguish in your heart; and in your heart to seek courage and strength. O Mother, offer me to Jesus. ST. BERNADETTE SOUBIROUS

194 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 30 31 ] S at Suundrdayay

Today in Focus JANUARY 31 » FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A new teaching with authority

In today’s gospel reading, the people “were amazed and asked one another, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.’ ” You will notice that Jesus’ teaching is always consistent. There are no flip-flops. And there is no division between his words and his actions. Jesus lived as he taught, and whatever he said and did was a reflection of his love. No wonder his contemporaries were amazed. Jesus’ authority came from his consistent reflection of his Father’s love and from the harmony that existed between his words and actions. Those are the compelling reasons that draw our hearts to follow him in faith. May our actions be in harmony with our words, as Jesus’ actions were with God’s. Let us pray that God gives us the strength to be consistent as Jesus was; let us pray that Jesus shows us how to imitate him according to his plan for each of us, so that we may become who we were created to be. ] fr. kenneth e. grabner, csc LIVING WITH CHRIST 195 FWOeekdayURTH S U(BNDlessedAY IN ViORDINrginA MRYary TIME)

Sunday, January 31

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON one God, for ever and ever. (Psalm 106 [105]:47) Amen. Save us, O Lord our God! And gather us from the FIRST READING nations, to give thanks to (Deuteronomy 18:15-20) your holy name, and make it Moses spoke to all the people, our glory to praise you. saying: “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise INTRODUCTORY RITES (page 25) up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall lis- COLLECT ten. This is exactly what you Grant us, Lord our God, requested of the Lord, your that we may honor you with God, at Horeb on the day of all our mind, the assembly, when you said, and love everyone in truth ‘Let us not again hear the voice of heart. of the Lord, our God, nor see Through our Lord Jesus this great fire any more, lest Christ, your Son, we die.’ And the Lord said to who lives and reigns with me, ‘This was well said. I will you in the unity of the raise up for them a prophet Holy Spirit, like you from among their

196 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 30 31 ] S at Suundrdayay kin, and will put my words Come, let us bow into his mouth; he shall tell down in worship; them all that I command him. let us kneel before the Whoever will not listen to my Lord who made us. words which he speaks in my For he is our God, name, I myself will make him and we are the people answer for it. But if a prophet he shepherds, the presumes to speak in my flock he guides. r· name an oracle that I have not Oh, that today you would commanded him to speak, or hear his voice: speaks in the name of other “Harden not your gods, he shall die.’ ” hearts as at Meribah, The word of the Lord. as in the day of Massah Thanks be to God. in the desert, where your fathers RESPONSORIAL PSALM tempted me; (Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9) they tested me r· If today you hear his voice, though they had harden not your hearts. seen my works.” r· Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; SECOND READING let us acclaim the rock (1 Corinthians 7:32-35) of our salvation. Brothers and sisters: I should Let us come into like you to be free of anxiet- his presence with ies. An unmarried man is anx- thanksgiving; ious about the things of the let us joyfully sing Lord, how he may please the psalms to him. r· Lord. But a married man is LIVING WITH CHRIST 197 FWOeekdayURTH S U(BNDlessedAY IN ViORDINrginA MRYary TIME)

anxious about the things of GOSPEL (Mark 1:21-28) the world, how he may please A reading from the holy his wife, and he is divided. An Gospel according to Mark. unmarried woman or a virgin Glory to you, O Lord. is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be hen they came to holy in both body and spirit. Capernaum, and on the A married woman, on the Tsabbath Jesus entered other hand, is anxious about the synagogue and taught. the things of the world, how The people were astonished she may please her husband. at his teaching, for he taught I am telling you this for your them as one having authority own benefit, not to impose a and not as the scribes. In their restraint upon you, but for the synagogue was a man with an sake of propriety and adher- unclean spirit; he cried out, ence to the Lord without “What have you to do with us, distraction. Jesus of Nazareth? Have you The word of the Lord. come to destroy us? I know Thanks be to God. who you are—the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him ALLELUIA (Matthew 4:16) and said, “Quiet! Come out Alleluia, alleluia. The people of him!” The unclean spirit who sit in darkness have seen convulsed him and with a a great light; on those dwell- loud cry came out of him. All ing in a land overshadowed by were amazed and asked one death, light has arisen. Alleluia, another, “What is this? A new alleluia. teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean

198 JANUARY 2021 JanuaryFJanuary 30 31 ] S at Suundrdayay spirits and they obey him.” COMMUNION ANTIPHON His fame spread everywhere (Cf. Psalm 31 [30]:17-18) throughout the whole region Let your face shine on your of Galilee. servant. Save me in your The Gospel of the Lord. merciful love. O Lord, let me Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. never be put to shame, for I call on you. PROFESSION OF FAITH (page 28) OR (Matthew 5:3-4) PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of PREPARATION OF GIFTS (page 30) Heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS land. O Lord, we bring to your altar PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION these offerings of our service: Nourished by these be pleased to receive them, redeeming gifts, we pray, we pray, O Lord, and transform them that through this help to into the Sacrament of our eternal salvation redemption. true faith may ever increase. Through Christ our Lord. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen.

PREFACE (Sundays in Ordinary Time, BLESSING & DISMISSAL (page 54) pages 31-32) • • • LIVING WITH CHRIST 199 FWOeekdayURTH S U(BNDlessedAY IN ViORDINrginA MRYary TIME)

RESPONDING TO THE WORD SAYING AMEN Jesus’ mastery of unclean spirits In the Collect we ask for God’s help shows he is reordering the world to “love everyone in truth of heart.” for God. $ In what ways do I, and the $ How has my life been reordered Church, need to grow in love? because of my faith in Christ? God of love… Jesus, be with me…

Living with Christ This Week FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

Our Eucharist invites us to bring GENERAL INTERCESSIONS our whole lives into God’s pres- Use these intercessions with your ence with humility and trust. prayers. The first readings this week # For those who work with youth: from Hebrews encourage us Bless our work, O God, and to do the practical things that r· fill us with your love. show we are living by faith. In the gospel readings we discov- # For all those who are models of er that the heart of Christian faith for us: r· ministry is found in Jesus’ com- # For your messengers who passion and care for those he prepare your way: r· meets each day. ] # For our leaders in Church and civil society: r· # For all our beloved dead, who share eternal life with Christ: r·

200 JANUARY 2021 To realize the true meaning of brotherhood it should be written not on the walls, but in the heart. There is a beautiful give and take in the different relationships of life where all are united in one great love in him who sacrificed his life for us, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If only everyone could feel this, how perfect would be the harmony on earth.


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Following the path

In the winter scene on our cover this month, we see a church on a hill. Perhaps the first thing we focus on is the church. But looking again, we might also notice a well-trodden path to that church. Even if people were heading there as part of their regular routine, they were also doing something extraordinary. They were taking part in a pilgrimage of sorts. Those of us who live in winter climes may feel like we are trudging through winter. The season can be cold, dark, and lonely. But it can also be a joyful pilgrimage, especially if it is spent following our newborn savior. As we continue to celebrate the Christmas season and then traverse through the rest of the liturgical year, we have the Church showing us the way, showing us the path to Jesus. May we follow that path and more joyfully and fully live out the gospel.

If you wish, sit quietly and reflect on the following questions: g Am I striving to focus on the path of Jesus as I travel through my days? g If so, who can I bring along with me?


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