3-Year Academic Assessment Plan Cover Sheet Email to:
[email protected] Program Information: Program Assessed MFA Writing for Dramatic Media Department Film College College of Fine Arts Department Chair Heather Addison Assessment Coordinator Sean Clark Date Submitted 12/20/2018 Contact Person for This Plan Name Sean Clark Phone 54536 Email
[email protected] Please address the following items: • What are the student learning outcomes? Please provide a numbered list. • Plans must include a curriculum map showing which courses will address which learning outcomes. Examples can be found here: http://provost.unlv.edu/Assessment/map.html • Which learning outcomes will be assessed in each cycle year (i.e., assessment timeline)? • How will the learning outcomes be assessed? (Programs must use at least one direct assessment of student learning.) • Undergraduate programs should assess at least one University Undergraduate Learning Outcome (UULO) each year, which may or may not overlap with a program learning outcome. • Graduate programs should assess at least one outcome related to one of the following graduate level requirements each year: o student engagement in research, scholarship, creative expression and/or appropriate high- level professional practice. o activities requiring originality, critical analysis and expertise. o the development of extensive knowledge in the field under study. • What is your plan for sharing the assessment results and acting on them (i.e., closing the loop)? Please limit the narrative portion of your report to no more than four pages. You may attach appendices with data, tables, charts, or other materials as needed. Please explain the relevant conclusions from any appendices in your narrative.