Edwards Amasa Park
THE BIBLIOTHECA SACRA ARTICLE I. EDWARDS AMASA PARK. BY PJU£SIDJUft' JB1U£KIAH J£AKlCS RANltDJ, D.D., U..D. THE men that have the largest dimensions after they are dead, are earth's great educators. They still teach in what they taught,-transmitting themselves through memory, through heredity, through printed books. They sow not the seed that shall be, but bare grain. This is especially true, if their pupils also, shall have become teachers and preachers. Thomas Arnold of Rugby, Samuel Harvey Taylor of Phillips Academy, impressed themselves upon lads fitting for college, who were to go to Oxford, Harvard, Yale. This was excellent work; a great oppor tunity. But, academy days and college days over, the choicest young men of the period,-morally, perhaps in tellectually,-stood at the doors, we will say, of Andover Theological Seminary. It was a great period, and great teachers were there to greet them. Among others were:- WilHam G. T. Shedd, whose life was a series of literary and educational triumphs; who passed from the chair of Rhetoric, to that of Ecclesiastical History, to that of Didactic Theology, and was facile and redundant in them all; who in his youth edited the works qf Coleridge the great poet· metaphysician, and in middle life and in his old age io.1blished a Church History and a solid system of VOL. LX. No. 238. 1 Digitized by Coogle 202 Edwards Amasa Park. [April, Theology; everywhere fresh and vigorous and inspiring in thought, adequate .and sufficient for any emergency; and at last yearning in faith's sweetness for the other life, that he might be satisfied as he awoke in his Master's likeness.
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