COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 Windsor, Ontario, December 15, 2014
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COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 Windsor, Ontario, December 15, 2014 Regular Council meets in formal session this day at 6:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers. Members Present: Mayor Dilkens Councillor Borrelli Councillor Bortolin Councillor Elliott Councillor Francis Councillor Gignac Councillor Holt Councillor Kusmierczyk Councillor Marra Councillor Payne Councillor Sleiman Members Absent: None. Call to Order Following the playing of the Canadian National Anthem, the Mayor calls the meeting to order. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Councillor Payne discloses an interest and abstains from voting on Report No. 350 of the Windsor Heritage Committee regarding the commercial building at 3294 Russell Street – Demolition Heritage Alteration Permit, due to his involvement in the BUHDAG application to quash certain bylaws. Councillor Francis discloses an interest and abstains from voting on Communication No. 14 regarding the application of Revenberg Holdings Ltd. for Site Plan Approval to permit an automobile dealership located at 9666 Tecumseh Road East, as it affects his employer. Councillor Marra discloses an interest and abstains from voting on Communication No. 15 regarding the application of Daniel Ferrari for Site Plan Approval to permit a hospital/mental health facility located at 736-744 Ouellette Avenue, as it involves a property his employer will be leasing. Minutes Moved by Councillor Borrelli, seconded by Councillor Bortolin, That the Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 17, 2014 and the Minutes of the Inaugural meeting of Council held December 1, 2014 BE ADOPTED as presented. Carried. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 December 15, 2014 Notice of Proclamations Employee Mentoring Month – January 2015 Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Francis, That Council do now rise and move into Committee of the Whole with the Mayor presiding for the purpose of dealing with: (a) communication items; (b) consent agenda; (c) hearing requests for deferrals or referrals of any items of business; (d) hearing presentations and delegations; (e) consideration of business items; (f) consideration of Committee reports: (i) Report of Special In-Camera Meeting or other Committee as may be held prior to Council (if scheduled); and (g) consideration of by-laws 189-2014 through 198-2014 (inclusive). Carried. Communications Moved by Councillor Gignac, seconded by Councillor Holt, M430–2014 That the following Communication Items 1 to 6, 10 to 17, 19 to 34 and 36 to 37 inclusive, as set forth in the Council Agenda BE REFERRED as noted except Communication No. 7, 8, 9, 18 and 35 which are dealt with as follows: Communication No. 7: Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Councillor Gignac, M431-2014 That the correspondence dated August 6, 2014 from Unifor Local 195, representing the Taxi Drivers in the City of Windsor BE RECEIVED for information; and further, that Administration BE DIRECTED to initiate a taxi fare review process which involves public consultations/hearing before the Licensing Commission and all affected parties including the Brokers, Taxi Cab Plate Holders, the Union and all other interested members of the public. Carried. Communication No. 8: Moved by Councillor Payne, seconded by Councillor Gignac, M432-2014 That the request by Sayed Fakhar Balkhi dated October 7, 2014 to appear before a Council meeting regarding a large sewer pipe repair bill in front of 562 Dougall Avenue BE NOTED AND FILED. Carried. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 December 15, 2014 Communication No. 9: Moved by Councillor Payne, seconded by Councillor Sleiman, M433-2014 That the request by Pastor Shirley Walsh, Chairperson, March for Jesus, dated October 10, 2014, BE RECEIVED for information, and further that the requestor BE REQUESTED to submit a detailed request for Council’s consideration regarding the March for Jesus. Carried. Communication No. 18: Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Councillor Marra, M434-2014 That the City of Windsor CONTRIBUTE $2,500.00 to sponsor the Annual Willistead Reception, which will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015. Carried. Communication No. 35: Moved by Councillor Marra, seconded by Councillor Gignac, M435-2014 That the Minutes of Transit Windsor and Windsor Chartabus Inc. from its meetings held November 11, 2014 BE ADOPTED. Carried. MB2014 Comm35 Item From Description Call for nominations for The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers (deadline for nominations is January 15, 2015) and The Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Volunteer Service Awards (deadline for nominations is January 25, 1 Immigration and 2015). International Trade Executive Director of Human Resources Note & File GP2014 Appointment for prehearing conference by teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. regarding Town of LaSalle and Ontario Municipal Board Anna Lynn Meloche and Town of LaSalle and Nancy Pancheshan. 2 – Environment and Land City Planner Tribunals Ontario City Solicitor Note & File GPL2014 Notice of a public meeting that was held on December 11, 2014 and copy of the Detroit Renewable Power’s Consent Judgment regarding the terms State of Michigan of an environmental settlement with Detroit Renewable Power. 3 Department of City Engineer Environmental Quality City Solicitor Note & File EI2014 COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 December 15, 2014 Notice of the passing of a Zoning By-Law Amendment – Marihuana for Medical Purposes Production Facility, Industrial Hemp Production Facility. 4 Town of Lakeshore City Planner Note & File ZB2014 Notice of the passing of a Temporary Use By-Law by the Town of Tecumseh to permit one sea container to be used as an accessory storage building for lands known as 12237 Riverside Drive. 5 Town of Tecumseh City Planner City Solicitor Note & File Z2014 Additional Policy for Implementation for the Essex Region Source Protection Plan. Essex Region City Engineer 6 Conservation Authority City Planner (ERCA) Note & File EI2014 Request to increase the taxicab meter rate. Unifor, Local 195 Licence Commissioner 7 Chairperson, Vets Taxi COUNCIL DIRECTION REQUESTED Unit ACLT2014 Request for extra time to pay for sewer pipe repairs. City Engineer 8 Sayak Fakhar Balkhi Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer COUNCIL DIRECTION REQUESTED SW2014 Pastor Shirley Walsh, Request to speak to Council regarding March for Jesus activities. 9 Chairperson, March for COUNCIL DIRECTION REQUESTED Jesus APR2014 Consent Authority Agenda Record Hearing to be held on Thursday, Secretary/Treasurer December 18, 2014, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Windsor City Hall. 10 Committee of Adjustment Note & File ZC2014 Application of 1531088 Ontario Inc. C/O Alfred George for Site Plan Approval to permit a two storey professional office space located at 1192 11 Manager of Urban Design Ouellette Avenue. Note & File ZS/12072 Application of Brian Bendig for Site Plan Approval to permit an addition located at 3450 Wheelton Drive. 12 Manager of Urban Design Note & File ZS/12074 Application of Ignazio Stagno-Avanti Paving Inc. for Site Plan Approval to permit a parking lot extension located at 1255 North Talbot Road. 13 Manager of Urban Design Note & File ZS/12067 COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 December 15, 2014 Application of Revenberg Holdings Ltd. for Site Plan Approval to permit an automobile dealership located at 9666 Tecumseh Road East. 14 Manager of Urban Design Note & File ZS/12068 Application of Daniel Ferrari for Site Plan Approval to permit a hospital/mental health facility located at 736-744 Ouellette Avenue. 15 Manager of Urban Design Note & File ZS/12075 Application of St. Clair-Rhodes Development Corp for Site Plan Approval to permit a new 3-storey office building located at 1247 & 1271 16 Manager of Urban Design Riverside Drive East. Note & File ZS/12079 Internal Audit Performance Dashboard dated September 30, 2014. 17 PriceWaterhouseCoopers Note & File AF/11247 Sponsorship Request for Annual Willistead Reception. 18 Office of the Mayor COUNCIL DIRECTION REQUESTED SR2014 Bill 8, Accountability and Transparency Measures Updates. Association of City Clerk 19 Municipalities of Ontario Note & File (AMO) GM2014 Association of Ministry of Education Proposing New Process for School Closures. 20 Municipalities of Ontario Note & File (AMO) ME2014 Management Action Plan for PwC “Your Quick Gateway (YQG)” Internal Audit Report. 21 City Treasurer Note & File APM/9795 Summary of Hotline Issues Referred to Management by PwC – 2014 Q3. 22 City Treasurer Note & File AF/11247 Your Quick Gateway (Windsor) Inc. – 3rd Quarter 2014 Financial Statements. 23 City Treasurer Note & File APM/9795 Update Report – Test Pilot Project Electrical Vehicle Charging Station. 24 City Treasurer Note & File SR/12080 CQ7-2014 – Snow Event Response. 25 City Engineer Note & File SW2014 Impact of the 2013/2014 Winter Season & CQ8-2014. 26 City Engineer Note & File SW2014 2013 Annual Report Card on the Community Strategic Plan. 27 City Engineer Note & File GM/7387 COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 December 15, 2014 Winter Control Operational Review Status Update. 28 City Engineer Note & File SW2014 311 Texting. 29 City Clerk Note & File APR2014 Ministry of Labour Orders issued regarding Work Refusal by worker Executive Director of located at the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant. 30 Human Resources Note & File AS2014 Ontario Ministry of Labour ID #01348HRJN561 Compliance with Ministry of Labour orders related to firefighter occupational exposure to bodily fluids. WFRS Station #1. Executive Director of Ontario Ministry of