Buddhist Thoughts on Collaboration in Addressing Social Ills in the United
and of chronic disease and the lack of access to quality health care, are attributed to a lack of education, to ignorance, to fear, and so on. Many causes of these social ills can be identified. But how does Buddhism work together with another spiritual belief system to address and help relieve the suffering? How can our Buddhist Buddhist Thoughts teaching address moral apathy, immigration problems, corporate corruption, low wages, pollution, voter apathy, global warming, on Collaboration in global conflict, or the cost of energy? Working with other religions and agencies to alleviate social Addressing Social Ills ills is the goal of our gathering in Rome. It comes at the formal invitation of the head of the Catholic Church, His Holiness Pope in the United States Francis, to meet with others of like mind and collaborate to meet Asayo Horibe the gargantuan task of taking care of our communities. Our so- Buddhist Council of the Midwest ciety is large and diverse, and the needs are unimaginably vast. We look different, we come from different backgrounds, and we speak different languages, but we all need shelter, food, love, and support. o review the social ills in the United States is truly over- Since all things are interconnected in this life, to a Buddhist whelming. Buddhism teaches that suffering exists and working together to alleviate the causes of suffering seems a good that there is a cause of suffering. The evident suffering of way to work on social ills. At this time in the history of the United poverty,T hunger, and homelessness could have many causes.
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