Purton MagazineOctober 2017 The Purton Bowls Club ladies who will be representing England next year after winning the National Triples competition final, see page 39 for details. 50p Purton Contacts Wiltshire Councillor Jacqui Lay 770704 Doctor Purton Sugery 770207 Dental Sugery Church Street 770532 Philip Cooke 771022 Junior Church Mary Hodges 770505 Library Librarians 770870 (Mondays 2-5pm; Tuesdays 2-7pm; Wednesdays 10am-5pm; Fridays 2-5pm) Luncheon Club Pat Suddaby 771331 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 noon, Silver Threads Hall) Museum Curator: Beth Farnham,
[email protected] Police/Fire/Ambulance Emergencies 999 Police Non-emergency 101 Purton Age Concern Louise Tidman 772558 Age Concern Minibus Hazel Woodbridge 770862 Purton Parish Council Deborah Lawrence 771066 Purton Silver Threads Brenda Cook 770431 Recycling Centre, Mopes Lane, (10am-4pm: Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun) Veterinary Surgery Purton Vets 771869 Health & Wellbeing Champion Ellen Blacker 07557 922020 Schools & Playgroups Bradon Forest School Secretary 770570 Pear Drops at Playclose Sarah Grigg 07759 583566 Pear Drops Pre-School Sarah Grigg 771723 (formerly Under 5s’) St Mary’s Primary School Secretary 770239 Church of England - Parish Church of St Mary www.stmaryspurton.org.uk For information about services, see the diary pages in the centre of the magazine. Vicar: Revd Ian Tweedie-Smith email:
[email protected] Tel: 770077, 773031 (emergencies only) Curate: Revd Judith Wells email:
[email protected] Tel: 770627 Wardens Sandra Horsnall: Jane Smith: 770157 772422 Administrator: Rosie Harris
[email protected] Tel: 773035 Methodist Churches For information about services in Purton, see the diary pages in the centre of the magazine.