The Gazette | Sunday, September 29, 2019 | Section C Your contact: Sections Editor Shari Rampenthal, 608-755-8394,
[email protected] A chance to GO NUTS FDA panel recommends approval for new peanut allergy drug By Lisa Schencker He gave her a tiny bit of peanut pro- recommended approval of the tein and monitored her in his office for first drug designed to Chicago Tribune allergic reactions. Gradually, he stepped reduce allergic reactions up the amount she ate, over the course in children with pea- CHICAGO of about 10 months. Today, peanut but- nut allergies. The rec- Lauren Tilmont didn’t believe ter still upsets her stomach, but she can ommendation makes it when her doctor told her a few snack on Snickers bars and munch on it likely that the drug, years ago that he had a treat- peanut M&Ms without a problem. Palforzia, made by Aim- Tilmont called the treatment the mune Therapeutics, will ment that might allow her to most difficult thing she’s ever done, but get FDA approval. eat peanuts, despite a lifelong she no longer fears accidentally touch- The drug is not meant as a cure or a allergy to them. ing a surface that has peanuts on it or path to snacking on peanuts. Rather, it’s “The first thing I told him was, eating at restaurants that use peanut oil. designed to decrease the amount and “It has empowered me,” she said. severity of allergic reactions after acci- ‘You’re crazy. That doesn’t hap- It’s a somewhat controversial treat- pen,’ ” said Tilmont, 25, of Rog- dental exposure to peanuts.