Ajlnos Stretch ·From Route 101 in Pomfret, CT to Riverside Park in on This Stretch
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k:lIIE/\ u;:);:)J~ lSEl ;:)41 .&.carr-s.6. ~calQo.:E-D ....& ....--:1[ caq,.L q~'E1L4»..rq.... &c.'I:C»..:ECI: caq... :5:~...oca~c»o • ForthelOO~ 1l0HIPadx3 ~our(e to ~ea ~as 01 Sunday, May 10 • Pomfret - Brooklyn, CT Sunday, May 24 • Canterbury - Norwich, CT Sunday, June 7 • Norwich - Ledyard, CT Expedition: Quinebaug River Paddle Quinebaug River Paddle Thames River Paddle Celebralte Mother's Day by paddling with your mom on a short The Quinebaug River and its dams increase in size and power Paddle approximately 6 miles from Howard Brown Park in ~onne(ting fue Drops through aJlnOS stretch ·from Route 101 in Pomfret, CT to Riverside Park in on this stretch. Challenging portages will limit the number of Norwich to Erickson Park in Ledyard along the eastern shore of Brooklyn, CT. (Mom needs to be prepared for a very challenging paddlers we are able to accommodate on this long segment. the Thames River. Sponsored by Appalachian Mountain Club, CT GOOZ• portage). Sponsored by The Last Green Valley Sponsored by The Last Green Valley Chapter FlatwaterlCoastaf Paddling Committee The Last Green Valley Monday, May 25 Saturday, May 16 • Thompson, CT Sunday, June 7 • Groton, CT Join us as we paddle the lakes, Quaddlick lake Paddle Memorial Day Exploring the long Island Sound Estuary streams, and main·stem seg Paddle ,from the north end of the lake to Quaddick Lake State Saturday, May 30 • Willimantic, CT Participants will have the opportunity to discover the wonder, ments of the Quinebaug and Park, lecarn about the lake, its environs, and water quality moni~ Shetucket Rivers from April Wililimantic Riverfest and Willimantic River Paddle importance, and history of our local estuary, Long Island Sound. toring efforts, then continue paddling to the southern end of During this program, the group will learn how the combination through June, starting in the Lots offun for everyone! Family paddling on theWillimantic River the lake. Sponsored by Quaddick Lake Association of freshwater from rivers and saltwater from the ocean combine upper headwaters and winding from Eagleville Dam toWillimantic, whitewater demonstrations by slowly down to the Thames River to form an important ecosystem. The group will use instruments Saturday, May 16 • Sterling - Plainfield, CT experts, music, and concessions. Sponsored by The Chamber ofCom and long Island Sound. to test salinity, pH, temperature, and tidal flow as well as explore merce, Windham Region, and Willimantic Whitewater Partnership More than 60 partner organizations MoosUlP River Paddle the shore to identify the local aquatic inhabitants. Sponsored by have planned river-related events Paddle;a quiet section of the Moosup River. From the Sterling Saturday, May 30 • Franklin, CT Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration Commumity Building, paddlers will head up river and wind for you and your family to enjoy. From Water Pipes to Toy Boats From river festivals, cleanups, and through state land. Beavers, geese, ducks, wildflowers, and Monday, June 8 • Montville - New London, CT Participants will see how water was used historically on a farm. paddles to water pipes, toy boats, heron a re part of the scenery. Thames River Paddle Learn how a wooden water pipe was made and drill with an and water trail dedications, there's Sponsored by Plainfield and Sterling Recreation Paddle along the western shore of the Thames River from auger; learn about water wheels and hand grind some corn; something for everyone. Most of Montville to New London. Sponsored by Appalachian Mountain Saturday, May 16 • Killingly, CT practice sharpening tools on a grindstone; learn about present these events are free and open to Club, CT Chapter FlatwaterlCoastal Paddling Committee the public. We hope you will join us day practices of contour planting; and make a toy wooden Killing Iy River Fun Race Day for the fun and leave with abetter boat to float. Sponsored by Blue Slope Country Museum Teams of 4 or 5 will participate in a chase-relay race consisting of Friday, une Groton - NOrwiCh, CT understanding of your place in the roller bl;ading (1 mile), paddle and portage (200 yards), paddling Sunday, May 31 • Thompson, CT Thames River Basin Partnership Floating Workshop Thames River Watershed - and (2.2 miles), biking (1.1 mile) and running (1.1 mile). Killingly's History of Mills on the French River Tour theThames River from Groton to Norwich on Project Ocean what you can do to protect it! new river trail segment will also be dedicated in a short ology's Envirolab Research Vessel. This workshop is designed for Walk a paved and graveled path along the French River in ceremoflY. Sponsored by Killingly Parks & Recreation and municipal leaders, public works and land use planning officials. N. Grosvenordale. Learn about the history of mill development Econom.ic Development Departments The workshop will focus on the affects of nutrient contributions and its impact on the river with a local historian. Sponsored by from inland point and non-point sources on the Long Island Saturday, May 16 • Killingly - Plainfield, CT Thompson Historical Society Sound Estuary and TRBP efforts to reduce negative impacts on Quinebaug River Paddle Sunday, May 31 • Sprague - Norwich, CT the water quality both within your local watershed and Long After participating in the Killingly River Fun Race, we will be Island Sound. Workshop participants will receive a "toolbox" paddling through one of the most scenic but challenging Shetucket River Paddle We'll be paddling from Sprague to Norwich on a stretch ofriver of strategies that will be useful in their local area. Sponsored by stretches of river to the Quinebaug Valley Trout Hatchery in Thames River Basin Partnership Plainfielld. Sponsored by The Last Green Valley than includes a number ofhistoric dams retrofitted with success ful fish ladders. Have your picture taken at the confluence ofthe Saturday, June 13 • New London, CT Satur<day, May 16 • Ashford, CT QUinebaug and Shetucket Rivers! Sponsored by The Last Green Valley Fort Trumbull Tours and Program Bakerwoods Family Day Sunday, May 31 • Sprague, CT Join state park staff for guided tours of FortTrumbul1 and bring Spend a day at Bakerwoods exploring the watershed through a picnic lunch to enjoy on the grounds before sending paddlers programs such as Things That Float Your Boat (a children's hike/ Sprague River Festival ~ ~ ~ off on their final leg to the sea. Sponsored byaDepartment of ~ Family fun! Tubing, face painting, skateboarding, and other activi 0 = ~ activityL a streamside walk, watershed and land protection talks, c- o ties for kids, plus music, concessions, and a scenic hike (see below). Environmental Protection and The Last Green Valley ~ <=> z and Natiive American Drumming. Sponsored by Bakerwoods e ~ 51 'i'- = Paddlers welcome! Sponsored by Sprague Park & Recreation ""c vi '" § Saturday, June 13 • New London - Groton, CT ~ ~ ." ~ 0 0 Saturday, May 16 • Mansfield, CT z ~ Sunday, May 31 • Sprague, CT Thames River Paddle Willim;antic River Greenway MidriverTrail Paddlers will tackle the final segment of the Thames River by Enjoy a gUided walk along a portion of the Willimantic River Sprague Preservation Scenic Hike to Overlook Hike about 1 mile through the wooded Sprague Preserve to a crossing from FortTrumbull in New London to Avery Point in Greenway MidriverTrail. Meet at Merrow Meadow Park and scenic high point providing a view of 15-20 miles toward the coast. Groton. Sponsored by Appalachian Mountain Club, CT Chapter walk through the Spring Manor Trail, the village of Mansfield The hike passes by 4O'and 80'waterfalls that are usually spectacular FlatwaterlCoastal Paddling Committee Depot, and Lynch Landing to River Park. Sponsored by Mansfield Parks Advisory Committee in the spring. Sponsored by Sprague Conservation Commission Saturday, June 13 • Groton, CT Expedition End! Celebration :.3[.4.::N"~ ~C»'U Sunday, May 17' Plainfield, CT June 1-30 ....... We'll thank all of our volunteers, partners, and sponsors, raise Quinebaug Valley Fish Hatchery Tour National Rivers Month to our 2009 Source to Sea Expedition sponsors: June is National Rivers Month, a time when communities a toast to our accomplishments, and look to the future of the Tour the hatchery with knowledgeable staff. Sponsored by across the country hold events that spotlight the importance Saturday, June 6 • Norwich, CT Thames River watershed at the final Source to Sea Expedition Long Island Sound CT Deparrtment ofEnvironmental Protection of their local waterways. Norwich River Fest Party. Sponsored by The Last Green Valley andProject Oceanology Futures Fund Sunday, May 17 • Plainfield - Canterbury, CT Dragon Boat Racing! Join a team or cheer the teams on from the June 1 - 30 • Preston, CT Sunday, June 14 • Thompson, CT Quinebaug River Paddle shore. Food vendors, live bands, and children's entertainment Long Island Sound The Power of Our Waterways - something for everyone to enjoy. Sponsored by Greater Norwich Recycled Regatta Paddle a scenic stretch of the Quinebaug River from the License Plate Program Enjoy a display at the public library of historic photographs Area Chamber ofCommerce Make a small sailboat out of recycled materials (under 18" please) Quinebaug Valley Fish Hatchery to Butts Bridge in Canterbury. and documents highlighting Preston's historic relationship with and bring to Riverside Park. Boats will be released and sail c-__.....,-,-_.--.,...,...~,,..... Sponsored by The Last Green Valley our waterways, including shipbUilding on Poquetanuck Cove. Saturday, June 6 • Ledyard - Preston, CT down to the Main Street bridge, where they will be caught and Southbridge Savings Bank Sunday, May 17 • Coventry, CT Sponsored by Preston Historical Society Poquetanuck Cove Paddle retrieved. Prizes! Sponsored by Thompson Recreation, Conservation, Participants will enjoy an easy flat water paddle at high tide and Inland Wetlands Commissions c2> Source' to Sea: Farm Surplus to the Ships Southbridge Savings Bank National Park Service Saturday, June 6 • Pomfret, CT through a narrow, 2-mile tidal embayment of the Thames _ .......