IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CRIMINAL DIVISION ) ) ) IN REAPPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL PROSECUTOR ) No. \ b f/\R oo obS ) ) ) 0 r- ......, o:::oo CT' """"0 .., "T\ no;o l""l _,,_-, 0...,0 Q.1 NOTICE OF MOTION o-<_, ?~<~:i 0" r' t') n-:: 0- TO: Anita M. Alvarez ·c;: :.a rn P' ' z_o;:;:; r Cook County State's Attorney :X -so ~ 2650 S. California Avenue ';''"'::£ C'.• '.--:·Jz . ' Chicago, Illinois 60608 .-· .__) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on '"fr; .,l<CJ , February 26,2016 at C\: oo a.m. we will appear before the Honorable Leroy K. Martin, r., m courtroom 101, at the Circmt Court of Cook County, Criminal Division, and will then and there present the attached Petition to Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Investigate and Prosecute Police Wrongdoing in the Death ofLaquan McDonald. Locke E. Bowman Sheila A. Bedi Vanessa del Vaile Roderick MacArthur Justice Center Northwestern University School of Law 375 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 (312) 503-0844
[email protected] Craig B. Futterman Mandel Legal Aid Clinic University of Chicago Law School 1111 East 60th Street Chicago, Illinois 6063 7 (773) 702-9611
[email protected] G. Flint Taylor People's Law Office 1180 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60622 (773) 235-0070 flint. taylor
[email protected] IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS g ,.., ~ COl,JNTY DEPARTMENT, CRIMINAL DIVISION .:;;;;o ~ 0 --------------------------------------------------------~n~onr~~, -P~~--~, ~-io crJ !---;;:X:---.;,,::z:: r~·:._::. , ) 2~-< ()') ) ·c~.),..,.., r zo :~:. .L"aJ. ·; ) '"'1E:0 ~ ' i IN REAPPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL PROSECUTOR ) No.