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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40039-9 - Battling Pornography: The American Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, 1976-1986 Carolyn Bronstein Index More information Index 42nd Street Redevelopment Corporation, 208 WAVPM conference, 159–162 Abzug, Bella, 225 , 234 , 235 familiarity with government affairs, 187 advertising, feminist critique of, founding member of WAP, 104 , 175 , 143–144 189–191 , 198–199 , 215 Against Our Will , 48–50 , 52 , 198–199 . invites Lynn Campbell and Laura Lederer See Brownmiller, Susan to NYC, 188–191 Alexander, Dolores, 225 itinerary and script for WAP porn tours, as WAP coordinator, 200–204 , 248 , 220–221 276–277 Ordeal , publication of, 258–260 homophobia in NOW, 54 Phil Donahue Show appearance, 177 , Phil Donahue Show appearance, 177 , 192–198 192–198 rape as a political act, 48 , 50 , 51–52 . Allison, Dorothy, 301 , 306 See Against Our Will Allyn, David, 10 , 280 reputation as anti-lesbian, 232–233 Alpert, Jane, 77 , 229 WAP East Coast Conference, 226–234 Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 54 , 297 WAP New York University conference, 185 Avedon, Richard, 255 Bryant, Anita, 241 , 266 , 283 Bunch, Charlotte, 58 , 235 , 282 . See Bad Attitude (magazine), 330 political lesbianism, Woman- Barnard Conference, 297–307 Identifi ed-Woman, The Barry, Kathy, 244 Butler v. The Queen (Canadian obscenity as a founder of WAVPM, 130 , 131 , 137 law), 330 Female Sexual Slavery , 205 Black and Blue , 82 , 93–124 Califi a, Pat (Rolling Stones album and advertising) Samois and WAVPM, 139–141 , 286–292 See Women Against Violence Campbell, Lynn, 157–158 , 179 , 225 Against Women moves to NYC to organize WAP, 188–191 Blumenthal, Ralph, 76 Phil Donahue Show appearance, 177 , Brennan, William, 66–69 192–198 Brown v.
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