GodstoneSouth Garden Village

Feasibility Report December 2016


South Garden Village

Technical Statement - Feasibility

Bonnar Allan

29 December 2016


Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners 14 Regent's Wharf All Saints Street N1 9RL nlpplanning.com

This document is formatted for double sided printing.

© Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd 2016. Trading as Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners. All Rights Reserved. Registered Office: 14 Regent's Wharf All Saints Street London N1 9RL

All plans within this document produced by NLP are based upon Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright reserved. Licence number AL50684A South Godstone Garden Village : Technical Statement - Feasibility


1.0 Introduction 1 Report Structure ...... 1

2.0 Delivering Infrastructure and Overcoming Constraints 2 Transport ...... 2 Utilities ...... 3 Social Infrastructure ...... 4 Landscape and Visual Impact ...... 5 Agricultural Land Grade ...... 5 Woodland and Protected Trees ...... 5 Flood Zone ...... 6 Contamination and Ground Conditions ...... 6 Heritage ...... 6 Summary ...... 6

3.0 Deliverability 8

4.0 Conclusions 9


South Godstone Garden Village : Technical Statement - Feasibility


Appendix 1 Stilwell Partnership: Technical Transport Scoping Report


South Godstone Garden Village : Technical Statement - Feasibility

1.0 Introduction

1.1 This Feasibility Report (“the report”) has been prepared by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (“NLP”) on behalf of Bonnar Allan. It provides initial evidence on the deliverability and viability of the proposed South Godstone Garden Village development. The report provides a strategic overview of the infrastructure and mitigation works necessary to deliver the development, showing how barriers to development can be overcome (and the costs of doing so). The report draws on technical evidence in relation to impacts of the proposed scheme and the proposed mitigation measures to be put in place. The report should be read in conjunction with the Vision document (including an illustrative masterplan) and alongside the technical transport evidence provided by Stilwell’s in the appended note (Appendix 1).

1.2 The report is a high level appraisal of the scheme as currently proposed. It should be explicitly noted that as the masterplan develops and there becomes more certainty on design and specification for all aspects of the development, then the appraisal will need to be revisited. It provides a snapshot-in-time assessment based upon currently available information and is intended to evidence the deliverability of the scheme through the early stages of the Local Plan process.

Report Structure

1.3 The report is structured as follows:

 Section 2 sets out both the planning and infrastructure constraints to development as well as the mitigation measures to overcome them; this section emphasises the deliverability of the South Godstone Garden Village scheme;

 Section 3 includes a breakdown of the infrastructure costs associated with the development and mitigation required. The section shows that these costs are fully accounted for within a high level appraisal of the viability of the scheme; and

 Section 4 draws together the findings of the previous two sections to conclude upon the deliverability of the South Godstone Garden Village scheme.

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2.0 Delivering Infrastructure and Overcoming Constraints

2.1 The Vision document sets out the strategic rationale for the Garden Village and an illustrative land use masterplan showing the current expectations for the scale and form of development. This vision will evolve in response to ongoing engagement with the Council, the local community and other stakeholders.

2.2 Based on the work to date, this feasibility report brings together all of the identified constraints and infrastructure requirements of the South Godstone Garden Village development – as currently understood - to demonstrate how they can all be overcome, and the development delivered, without any substantial adverse impacts. The evidence in this assessment seeks to demonstrate that there are no ‘show-stopper’ factors that would ultimately prevent development from occurring if the South Godstone Garden Village proposal were to be allocated through the emerging Tandridge Local Plan.

2.3 In respect of infrastructure provision, Council has a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 123 List (July 2014), however for obvious reasons it does not have specific reference to development in South Godstone and will become out-of-date in the context of the new Local Plan with a development strategy that seeks to meet Objectively Assessed Need in the District and an associated new Infrastructure Delivery Plan. As such, although it is known that CIL and/or s.106 payments will have to be made as part of this development coming forward, it cannot be confirmed at this stage where these will be applicable for each of the relevant infrastructure types.

2.4 At this stage, it has been assumed that appropriate CIL payments will be made alongside the delivery of this scheme, although their exact cost will be confirmed once more scheme details are available and in consultation with the Council. It may be that, as the Local Plan progresses and infrastructure needs are refined, a revised CIL charging schedule will be introduced and a specific provision be made for an extended settlement at South Godstone. In a number of locations elsewhere, large-scale developments are ‘zero-rated’ for CIL in recognition that infrastructure requirements are best made through s.106 agreements. Bonnar Allan would look to discuss with the Council to identify the most appropriate method. At this stage, based on applying current CIL levels and likely infrastructure costs, there is no reason to believe this is a barrier to development, given the Gross Development Value of the scheme, as shown in in Table 3.1.


2.5 The technical transport scoping report from Stilwell Partnership concludes that the South Godstone Garden Village site is in a highly sustainable location, due to its proximity to a mainline railway station and the frequent bus services available, with opportunities for further improvements available. Due to the

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site’s location in the London commuter belt and close to Gatwick airport, it is considered that there will be no one major concentration of trips in any specific direction.

2.6 At this stage, it is considered that off-site improvements, which subject to a detailed study and assessment could include things like new roundabouts, junction capacity and train station improvements, could total approximately £15million. The inclusion of a Travel Plan Framework (TPF) to encourage more sustainable transport use and a Construction Management Plan to minimise the impact of construction traffic will also form part of a planning application for the site. Therefore transport will not impact negatively on the delivery of the development, particularly as the adequate funding for this will be made available through S106 contributions or S78 works.


2.7 At this stage, no other utility constraints have been identified in terms of serving the development. Bonnar Allan is committed to ensuring that the site will have access to all the necessary utilities including water, gas, electricity and superfast broadband. The analysis below focuses upon two specific aspects that can in other situations cause barriers to development.

Wastewater Treatment Capacity

2.8 It has been established that the site is served by Southern Water for sewerage services. Tandridge District Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan (November 2015) states that: ‘Southern Water has confirmed that it is likely that investment will be required to deliver additional wastewater treatment capacity to serve new development in the District. This is planned and funded through the water industry’s price review process (carried out every 5 years) and delivered in parallel with development. Therefore the timing and location of the additional capacity is dependent on precisely when and where new development is to be built.’ (Paragraph 11.8)

2.9 Bonnar Allan will discuss specific requirements with Southern Water as the scheme progresses, but at this stage there are no in-principle barriers to meeting wastewater treatment requirements for the site.

Gas Pipeline

2.10 There is no evidence high pressure gas pipeline crossing through the site that would represent any constraint to development. SGN are the holding company of Southern Gas Networks who manage and maintain the system in Tandridge District. Their ‘Long-term Development Statement 2016’ establishes that they have no high pressure pipeline constraining the site, but that the transmission network is present enabling new homes on the site to be supplied with gas. Therefore this does not represent a constraint to delivering development on the site.

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Social Infrastructure

School Capacity

2.11 Bonnar Allan has met with the Education Authority to have preliminary discussions on the proposal for the South Godstone Garden Village and the implications for education. The outcome of these discussions has informed the emerging masterplan. It is considered that for a development of this scale expansion of the existing primary school (St Stephen’s Primary School) from one form of entry to two forms of entry would be required along with the provision of another primary school with three forms of entry. In addition the creation of a new 12.5 hectare secondary school for a minimum of six forms of entry is anticipated. This would be the only secondary school in the south of Tandridge District and would provide a wider strategic role for the area as well as meeting needs of the development itself.

2.12 The delivery of the new primary school will be accommodated within the site as indicated in the masterplan. For the proposed secondary school, Bonnar Allan has considered the potential for location either on or off-site. At this stage, it is considered that the secondary school could be located on land to the north of the existing settlement, adjacent to St Stephen’s Primary School. This, and the expansion of the existing primary school, falls outside of the red line boundary for Bonnar Allan’s proposals but has also been promoted for development through the emerging Plan. Should this land not be available, there is capacity within the 203 hectares of Bonnar Allan’s site to accommodate a secondary school to the south of the settlement should this be the preferred approach of the Council. There is flexibility as to the approach that can be adopted in this regard.


2.13 The new settlement will also place additional needs on health services in the area. Primary health services such as GP surgeries and dental surgeries, are provided on a commercial basis with GPs or dentists funding delivery of new premises. Bonnar Allan will make available suitable land or premises for the delivery of these services within the development as part of the Village Hub/ Market Square as indicated on the masterplan.

Community Facilities

2.14 South Godstone currently provides a range of amenities including St Stephen’s Church, a Shell Garage with shop, St Stephens Primary School and the South Godstone Sports Club. However, expansion of the existing settlement as part of the Garden Village scheme would require the provision of appropriate additional community facilities. A new Village Hub/ Market Square close to the rail station is proposed to be provided and could contain a multipurpose village hall building that provides innovative facilities for group activity. Arts and cultural facilities are also proposed including a library, gallery or museum as

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part of a Community Hub/ Knowledge Hub. This has been reflected in the infrastructure costing for the scheme.

2.15 The masterplan also makes provision for extensive areas of public open space and a public park. Upgrades to the recreation ground and improvements to the sports club is also included in the infrastructure costing for the scheme.

Landscape and Visual Impact

2.16 Although areas to the north and west of the existing settlement are identified in the Tandridge District Landscape and Visual Assessment (October 2016) as being located in the current Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV), none of the parcels to the south of the railway line are included. This land is contained by the railway and high ground to the south of the existing village. The high ground to the south, together with the large block of woodland on its south facing slopes, provides a substantial and robust landscape feature which could form the basis of an extension boundary for future development. Therefore, there is clear potential for a sensitively design Garden Village proposal which could alleviate any landscape of visual impact issues. Bonnar Allan will be carrying out further landscape assessment work as the scheme progresses.

Agricultural Land Grade

2.17 Paragraph 112 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states: ‘Where significant development of agricultural land is demonstrated to be necessary, local planning authorities should seek to use areas of poorer quality land in preference to that of higher quality.’

2.18 The site is made up of mostly grade 3 (unknown whether this is 3a or 3b) agricultural land, with a small portion in grade 4. The NPPF states that land in grades 1, 2 and 3a are the best and most versatile agricultural land. The rest of the district that is in agricultural use is either grade 3 or grade 4. Therefore development at the proposal site will not cause a loss of better quality land as the rest of the district is of a similar quality and development here is not causing a loss of the best and most versatile agricultural land.

Woodland and Protected Trees

2.19 The development can be sensitively designed to retain a proportion of the woodland, including Bradford Wood and the periphery woodland around the edge of the site. This will help define the layout of the site and contain it. This has been costed in to the scheme and as such will not be a constraint to the development coming forward. Bonnar Allan will be carrying out further assessment work as the scheme progresses..

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Flood Zone

2.20 The site is free from any significant flood risk from watercourses, with the main area of flood risk interest following the stream to the south of Lagham Manor. This part of the site is in flood zone 3.

2.21 This constraint only covers a small part of the site to the south-west and the design will not include any residential dwellings or other buildings in this area. It will also incorporate a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) to mitigate the impact. Notwithstanding, areas of surface water flooding will require management through sensitive design.

Contamination and Ground Conditions

2.22 The site’s use as agricultural fields means it is unlikely there is any contamination. In the initial scoping no contamination issues were identified on the site. Furthermore Tandridge District Council’s Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (October 2016) does not identify any contamination issues on the six land parcels assessed.


Listed Buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments

2.23 Langham Manor sits centrally within the area, but outside of the proposed development site. The Grade II* listed manor and adjacent Grade II listed brew house, stable and oast house sit with a moated area designated as a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

2.24 A wide tree belt fully screens Langham Manor from the surrounding fields meaning any development can be sensitively planned around this designated asset. An ‘offset’ of built development around the site can also be provided within the masterplan thereby ensuring Langham Manor’s setting is protected.


2.25 There are areas of archaeological potential on site including at Park Pale (identified in the Tandridge Landscape and Visual Assessment). However, this does not represent a fundamental barrier to delivery and could be accommodated through conditions and a sensitively planned development. Bonnar Allan will be carrying out further archaeological studies.


2.26 The South Godstone site has no overriding constraints to residential development that cannot be mitigated.

2.27 Furthermore, as the Vision document outlines, development of the site presents a number of opportunities for the current and future residents of Tandridge. Development will deliver a range of types, tenures and sizes of

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dwellings to make a significant contribution to meeting the local housing needs of Tandridge, as well as provide usable open space for recreation and retreat, new primary and secondary schools, a new village hub/market square and a community/knowledge hub, among other key pieces of community infrastructure.

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3.0 Deliverability

3.1 Bonnar Allan has carried out its own financial appraisal of the scheme. This confirms that the scheme generates sufficient value to cover its infrastructure costs and generate returns to the developer and the landowners. The scheme is therefore deliverable.

3.2 Bonnar Allan has produced a headline breakdown of value and cost assumptions including infrastructure and mitigation costs for the development alongside total gross development value in Table 3.1. In relation to transport costs, these have been provided by Stilwell Partnership in paragraph 9.9 of its Technical Transport Scoping Report, which is appended to this report (Appendix 1).

Table 3.1 High level residual land value calculation

£m Total Gross Development Value 1,700 Costs Construction Costs 734 Site, community and social Infrastructure / Community Infrastructure Levy 84.3 Upgrade Recreation Ground 0.2 Station Improvements 5 Highways Improvements 9.5 Improvements to Sports Club 2 Pedestrian crossing(s) of railway (tunnel/footbridge) 1.2 Total Project Costs 836.2

Source: Bonnar Allan / Stilwell Partnership

3.3 The above shows that the overall costs are compatible with a viable scheme in the context of its gross development value. This includes an assumption that affordable housing is provided consistent with local policy.

3.4 More detail on the phasing and delivery of the scheme is included in the Vision document for the Garden Village. Bonnar Allan envisages that housebuilding can commence within 12 months of the grant of planning permission.

3.5 Bonnar Allan would be happy to discuss the underlying assumptions underpinning its financial appraisal with the Council.

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4.0 Conclusions

4.1 The vision for the South Godstone Garden Village is a viable and deliverable scheme. The proposal is feasible and could deliver housing to meet the acute needs of Tandridge over the plan period. Like any large scheme, there are a range of identified constraints and infrastructure barriers to address, the work carried out by Bonnar Allan indicates that there are viable and feasible solutions to mitigate the impacts of development. The report includes an initial technical assessment from Stillwell Partnership which demonstrates that there are no fundamental transport barriers to the delivery of the scheme.

4.2 Furthermore, based upon Bonnar Allan’s expectation of the gross development value for the site and making an appropriate allowance for costs, the scheme represents a financially viable proposition.

4.3 Bonnar Allan are progressing a range of further technical work to inform the evolution of the scheme and to ensure that the impacts of development will be fully addressed to deliver maximum benefit to Tandridge. If South Godstone Garden Village were to be allocated in the emerging Tandridge Local Plan there are no fundamental delivery factors that might prevent the achievement of this vision.

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Appendix 1 Stilwell Partnership: Technical Transport Scoping Report

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December 2016

V2.0 stilwell-ltd.co.uk South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge


Bonnar Allan

P3061 Transport Statement, South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Revision Date of issue Comments Prepared By Checked By 1.0 23.12.16 First Issue JB DB 2.0 23.12.16 Minor Text CV DB

Should you have any queries relating to this document please contact:

David Brooke or James Bailey Stilwell Ltd Satelliet House, 2 Nexus Park Lysons Avenue Ash Vale GU12 5QE

T: E:


South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge

3.001.3 P3061 Contents

1.0 Introduction ...... 2 2.0 Planning Policy Context ...... 2 3.0 Site Description ...... 2 4.0 Local Highway Network ...... 4 5.0 Sustainability of the site ...... 5 6.0 Development proposals, layout & parking provision ...... 7 7.0 Trip Generation ...... 8 8.0 Trip distribution and assignment...... 8 9.0 Transport Impact ...... 9 10.0 Travel Planning ...... 11 11.0 Construction Management Plan ...... 11 12.0 Conclusion ...... 12

Appendix A Study Area Plan / Junctions to be modelled Appendix B Sustainable Transport Provision Appendix C Access Strategy


South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge

3.001.3 P3061

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The Stilwell Partnership has been instructed by Bonnar Allan to prepare a Technical Transport Scoping Report for the proposed mixed-use development at South Godstone, Tandridge.

1.2 The purpose of this study is to advise the Local Authority, Tandridge District Council and County Council, of the potential Transport Impact that the proposed development could have on the local highway network, and possible solutions and remedial measures prior to a full detailed study being undertaken.

1.3 Limitations The general limitations of the assessment are that:  Several data sources have been used in compiling this report. Whilst the Stilwell Partnership (TSP) believe them to be trustworthy; it is unable to guarantee the accuracy of the information that has been provided by others.  This report is based on information available at the time of preparation. There is potential for further information to become available, which may create a need to modify conclusions drawn in this report.

2.0 Planning Policy Context

2.1 As part of the Transport Assessment, we will assess the following Policy Documents, with emphasis on residential developments and highway policies relevant to Tandridge District Council (TDC):

 Transport White Paper – Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon (January 2011)  National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)  Surrey LTP3  Tandridge Core Strategy (2008)  Tandridge Parking Standard – Supplementary Planning Document

3.0 Site Description

Site Location 3.1 A Site Location Plan is shown below in Figure 1 (outlined in red). The site lies to the west and south of South Godstone village and is intersected by the A22 and the Redhill to Tonbridge railway line.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 2 P3061 Figure 1: Site location Plan

Source: Google

Site Use 3.2 The existing site, which covers in the region of 203.41 hectares, primarily comprises gently undulating fields used for grazing and horse paddocks. The site is composed of many fields bounded by hedges and small areas of woodland, some of which are protected. The site is not contained within an area of landscape sensitivity, such as the Surrey Hills.

Site Access 3.3 The various sections of the site are currently accessed from the roads adjoining them. The parcels of land located to the west and north-west of South Godstone are currently accessed via Tillburstow Hill Road to the west and Harts Lane to the north. The parcel of land just south-west of South Godstone is currently accessed via the A22 (Eastbourne Road) and the larger parcel of land to the south and south-east of the village is currently accessed via the A22 and Tandridge Lane to the east at various points.

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4.0 Local Highway Network

Study Area 4.1 As part of the full Transport Assessment, we will undertake full turning movement surveys at junctions within the vicinity of the site, which we believe could be affected by the trips generated by the development. We have identified these junctions and these are shown on the plan in Appendix A.

4.2 Baseline traffic surveys will be undertaken at the following key junctions:

1) Northern site access, A22 Eastbourne Road (roundabout junction) 2) Southern site access, A22 Eastbourne Road (roundabout junction) 3) Northern site access, Tandridge Lane (roundabout junction) 4) Southern site access, Tandridge Lane (priority junction) 5) Southern site access, Tilburstow Hill Road (priority junction) 6) Northern site access, Tilburstow Hill Road (priority junction) 7) Site access, Harts Lane (priority junction) 8) Tilburstow Hill Road, signalised railway bridge (signal controlled) 9) Tilburstow Hill Road j/w Harts Lane (priority junction) 10) A22 Eastbourne Road j/w Harts Lane and Miles Lane (priority junction) 11) A22 Eastbourne Road j/w Tilburstow Hill Road (priority junction) 12) Tandridge Lane, signalised railway bridge (signal controlled) 13) Tandridge Lane j/w Miles Lane (priority junction) 14) A22 Eastbourne Road j/w B2236 Eastbourne Road (roundabout junction) 15) A22 j/w A25 Road (roundabout junction) 16) B2236 Eastbourne Road j/w A25, Godstone (roundabout / gyratory junction) 17) A22 j/w M25 (grade separated signal controlled roundabout junction) 18) A22 Eastbourne Road j/w Ray Lane (signal controlled T-junction) 19) Tandridge Lane j/w Ray Lane (priority junction) 20) A22 Eastbourne Road j/w B2028 Newchapel Road (roundabout junction) 21) A22 Eastbourne Road j/w A264 Copthorne Road (signal controlled T-junction) 22) A264 Copthorne Common Road j/w B2028 Turners Hill Road (roundabout junction)

4.3 The need to assess further junctions will be determined following the assessment of traffic flows from the Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC’s), turning movement counts and following further discussion with SCC. The Transport Assessment will be based on the current DfT guidance on TAs (2007).

Survey times 4.4 The survey times of the junctions and links listed above will be carried out on a neutral weekday (Tuesday or Thursday), between 07:00 – 19:00. Automatic Traffic Counters will also be laid at various points throughout the study area for the period of a week when the turning movement surveys are being undertaken. Queue length surveys will also be undertaken at the signal controlled junctions, to calibrate the models.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 4 P3061 Traffic Speed and Volume 4.5 Automatic Traffic Counters will be placed along each of the roads listed above, during the same week of the turning movement surveys. These will have the combined purpose of verifying the turning movement surveys and recording vehicle speeds approaching the accesses to the site.

Personal Injury Accident Data (PIA) Data Analysis 4.6 Data for the latest 3 years will be obtained for the Study Area shown in Appendix A. Accident trends at key junctions, which could be exacerbated by the proposed development will be identified and addressed.

5.0 Sustainability of the site

5.1 All public transport services near the site will be identified. Cycle parking will be provided, in line with SCC guidance. The site is central to South Godstone, with the Tonbridge to Redhill line running through it, as well as the A22 with a number of bus services. The sustainability of the site is demonstrated on the plan included within Appendix B.

Local Amenities & Facilities 5.2 The nature and distance of all Local Amenities and Facilities will be determined in detail as part of the TA. The is a Shell Garage located just north of the railway station and a pub / restaurant “Lal Akash”. Godstone itself also contains several cafes, restaurants, general village stores and a post office. The nearest surgery is Pond Tail Surgery in Godstone Green, which is approximately 3.4km away.

5.3 The nearest Schools to the site are:

 St Stephens C of E Primary School – within half a kilometre of the site;  St Peters C of E Infant School – 2.5km from the site;  Godstone Village School – 3.5km from the site;  Bletchingley Village Primary School – 4km from the site;  Moor House School and College – 4.3km from the site.

Pedestrian Access 5.4 Existing pedestrian routes to key facilities will be investigated as part of the TA. There is a footway along the western side of the A22 south of the railway station and along both sides north of the railway station through South Godstone village, and then alternating between the western and eastern side of the A22 all the way to Godstone. There is a Pelican crossing point approximately 200m north of the railway station. Scope to improve / provide crossing points along the A22 will also be looked at as part of the study (we presume that this would be funded from the S106 contribution).

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Cyclist Access 5.5 Cycle routes and facilities will be examined to ensure compliance with SCC and Tandridge BC standards. This may include on or off-road cycleways along the A22 towards Godstone and Newchapel.

Railway Services 5.6 The closest railway station is Godstone Railway Station, which is located centrally to the site. The Station is on a Southern Railway spur line between Tonbridge and London Victoria, stopping at Edenbridge, Penshurst, Leigh, Nutfield, Redhill, East Croydon and Clapham Junction. There are trains in both directions approximately once hourly on weekdays and Saturdays outside of peak hours. It takes approximately 20 minutes to reach Tonbridge and 10 minutes to reach Redhill, and then another 30 minutes onto London Victoria.

Buses 5.7 The nearest bus stops are located along the A22 just north of Godstone Railway Station, with services every hour through the day running between East Grinstead, Copthorne, Godstone, Oxted, and . The stops along the A22 are served by bus No’s 409, 486/487, 606 and 609. A summary of the bus services are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1 – Bus service summary Bus service Frequency

Route Operator Route Mon – Fri Saturdays Sundays number

East Grinstead – Lingfield – South Every Every 60 409 Southdown No service Godstone – 60 min’s min’s Caterham – Warlingham – Selsdon Copthorne – 6/7 daily 4/5 daily 1 daily Newchapel services in services in service in 486/487 Southdown – South each each each Godstone – direction direction direction Oxted 1 daily Oxted service in 606 Southdown County No service No service each School direction 1 daily Oxted service in 609 Southdown No service No service School each direction

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 6 P3061 6.0 Development proposals, layout & parking provision

The Proposal 6.1 The proposal is for a one-off strategic housing land release, that will make a significant contribution to meeting housing needs within the and affordable housing needs in particular. The proposal is for a mixed-use development, comprising in the region of 4,445 residential units. The commercial element of the development may include park land, a multi- use education / leisure hub, primary School, village hub / market square and community hub. In which case, trip attraction, as well as generation, will need to be considered for these facilities.

6.2 Due to the size of the development, its will be phased. This phasing will need to be established to be accounted for during the trip generation / attraction and modelling of the highway and public transport network.

Proposed Site Access 6.3 We are currently investigating the access options, but the main access is likely to comprise two access points onto the A22 Eastbourne Road, two access points onto Tilburstow Hill Road (to the west), two access points onto Tandridge Lane (to the east) and one access point onto Harts Lane (to the north). In total, there could be seven access points into the site. These are likely to be a mixture of roundabout and priority junctions, depending upon the need for capacity. The three main proposed site accesses are included within Appendix C.

Internal Layout 6.4 The proposed internal layout has not yet been finalised, although, a proposed Site Layout Plan will be included by the time that the full Transport Assessment is submitted to the Highway Authority. However, we will ensure that the following issues are given consideration and addressed as part of the proposed layout.

Servicing Arrangements 6.5 Each resident will have their waste and recycling collected close to their property. Therefore, a Large Refuse Vehicle will be able to enter and leave the site in a forward gear. Autotrack Swept-Paths will be carried out showing the vehicle entering and leaving the site, and using turning heads (where necessary) throughout the site.

Car and Cycle Parking 6.6 Parking numbers and layout will be designed in accordance with Surrey and Tandridge’s current Parking Standards. In terms of cycle parking, most units will be houses and will have ample space to accommodate cycling parking on site (i.e. garden sheds). Where possible, those houses with cycling stored to the rear of the property should be able to gain access to the road without passing through the house. Otherwise, safe cycle parking will be provided at the front of the property.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 7 P3061 7.0 Trip Generation

7.1 It would be our intention to quantify trips for the site and to test the impact upon the local highway network. This would be undertaken using relevant sites from the TRICS database, which would be appropriate to the likely occupiers or users of the development. Most of the trips generated by the site will be new trips, as the site is currently undeveloped, however, the site location would inevitably catch several pass-by trips, which are already on the network (this aspect will be discussed more fully with SCC as the assessment proceeds). The community facilities (e.g. shop and medical centre, Country Park and sports facilities) will contain an element of pass-by trips and internally generated (also to be determined). A selection of TRICS sites will be agreed with SCC.

7.2 The TA would not focus solely on the vehicular trip generation of the proposed development and its impacts on the local highway network, but also estimate the number of person trips that are likely to be generated by the proposed development for all modes of transport. The likely demand on public transport trips will be assessed and this information used to determine the requirement for improvements to Godstone railway station, a bus route through the site, or improvements to existing services.

8.0 Trip distribution and assignment

8.1 Basic trip distribution will be established using the existing vehicular flows on the highway network. These will be issued to SCC for comment / approval and can then be refined using the TEMPRO 6.2 and 2011 Census Special Workplace Statistics (SWS) data. The TEMPRO software will be used for the distribution of home-based Education, Social/Personal and Shopping trips, because most these will be local to the site and can be logically divided between the known local amenities, community centres and facilities. The home-based (HB) Work-trips, however, are expected to be more varied in their distribution and spread further afield and, therefore, the 2011 Census SWS will be used to determine the distribution of these trips.

8.2 At this early stage, it is clear that many local trips could be attracted to the local towns and villages of Godstone, Oxted, Lingfield and East Grinstead. However, the major employment centres will be towards London (including Caterham and Croydon), Redhill, Crawley and Gatwick Airport. Many trips to London, Croydon and Redhill could be easily reached on the train, whilst Gatwick Airport is just a 20 minute drive from the site, so could be a major employment trip attractor from the site.

8.3 The calculated trips using TRICS data will be assigned to the local highway network, based on the percentage distribution derived from the traffic surveys. Where two possible routes are likely, the base turning movement splits at key junctions along the route can be used to assist in determining assignment.

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8.4 The TEMPRO data and Special Workplace Statistics will also be used to determine how public transport trips will be distributed and assigned to the bus and train networks. These can then be combined with the existing trips and compared to the capacity on the networks to determine the impact on the current public transport services and the need for additional or improved services.

8.5 The distribution splits for the highway and public transport services will be agreed with SCC prior to assigning the calculated trips onto the network.

8.6 Details of any committed development near the site will be obtained from SCC before assigning the proposed development traffic to the network. (The development is likely to take place in phases and SCC usually require that traffic growth is applied for the opening year of each phase and for 10 years after completion.)

9.0 Transport Impact

Junction Assessment 9.1 Junction capacity analysis will be undertaken using Junctions 9 and TRANSYT 15 for the identified junctions within the Study Area which could have a material increase in traffic as a result of the development proposal (see Paragraph 4.2 of this Scoping Report).

9.2 This assessment will identify the reserve capacity and queue lengths, where appropriate, within the standard outputs from the computer software. Results will be summarised within the Transportation Assessment Report.

9.3 The modelling scenarios will be a matter of further discussion with SCC, prior to the submission of the Transport Assessment. Once the phasing for the development has been determined, this is likely to direct the modelling scenarios. The following scenarios will be modelled as part of the Transport Assessment:

 Baseline year (2017);  Baseline year + Phase 1 (including traffic growth for year of opening);  Baseline year + Phase 1 + Phase 2 etc;  Baseline year + all Phases (including traffic growth for year of completion);  Baseline year + all Phases + committed development (to be agreed with SCC);  Baseline year + all Phases + committed development + traffic growth for 10 years after completion.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 9 P3061 Off-site Improvements 9.4 The proposed development is likely to generate many vehicular trips. The site is ideally located for trips to be distributed in different directions, with Gatwick and East Grinstead to the south, Redhill and to the west and London to the north. We will be assessing all the major junctions in the area, as far as the M25 to the north and the A264 to the south and we will propose capacity improvements to the junctions where necessary.

9.5 In the first instance, however, we will be investigating improvements to local walking and cycling routes and public transport services. These may include, subject to further investigation and detailed discussions with SCC:

 Installation of a shared cycleway / footway along the A22 north towards Godstone and south towards Newchapel;  Improvements of other local walking and cycling routes and public rights of way. We will also investigate the feasibility of improving safe cyclist access to Gatwick Airport, recognising it as a major employer in the area;  Improvements of crossing points across the A22;  Increase in the number and frequency of local bus services and feasibility of diversion into the site, subject to discussions with the local service provide, Southdown;  Improvements to the capacity of Godstone Railway Station. This may include, subject to discussions with Southern Trains and Network Rail: o A new or enlarged car park, with drop-off turning area; o Improved cycle parking facilities; o A new Station building, with ticket office and waiting area; o Extended platforms on each side and new shelters; o Discussions with Southern Trains about the potential for increasing the frequency and capacity of services in the peak hours – shuttle to Redhill; o Lift access for mobility impaired.

9.6 A Pedestrian Audit will be carried out to consider the condition of the footways in the vicinity of the site, including to the Station and to the local Schools.

9.7 Once we have identified infrastructure improvements which can be made to encourage sustainable travel as much as possible, we will investigate what capacity and/or safety improvements may need to be made to the local highway network. As outlined previously, Personal Injury Accident Data will be analysed for the Study Area and locations where the risk could be exacerbated by the proposed development will be identified. Improvements may include, providing pedestrian crossing points, traffic calming on approach to junctions and realigning junction geometry to control approach speeds.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 10 P3061 9.8 The junction modelling exercise may also identify the need to make capacity improvements to junctions. This may include widening the entry widths or flare lengths on approach to junctions, converting simple priority junctions to roundabout type junctions, or signalising existing priority or roundabout junctions. The magnitude and nature of the impact will determine what improvement measures are considered necessary. Physical land or boundary constraints may also have a bearing on what measures can be implemented.

9.9 We estimate that, subject to a detailed study and assessment, the off-site improvements could cost in the region of the following:

 2 x new large roundabout junctions = £1 million;  5 x new priority junctions and small roundabout = £1.5 million;  General junction safety and capacity improvements = up to £5 million;  Godstone Railway Station improvements = £5 million;  Cycle route and footway improvements = £2 million.

9.10 The off-site improvements could total £15 million approximately. The above figures are purely estimates and will change once the scale of the impact from the development becomes clear as we progress our study.

10.0 Travel Planning

10.1 A Travel Plan Framework (TPF) will be produced in accordance with SCC’s ‘Travel Plans Good Practice Guide’, for submitting with the Planning Application. The TPF will include SMART Targets (based on Multi-modal trip generation data) and a set of measures to help encourage more sustainable travel.

11.0 Construction Management Plan

11.1 By the time that the Planning Application is ready, we will be in a position to have discussed the likely construction methodology and hence determine suitable routes and suggest operating hours, to minimise the impact of construction traffic.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 11 P3061 12.0 Conclusion

12.1 In concluding this Technical Scoping Report, but without pre-empting the assessment, we believe that this large housing development site is highly sustainable in transport terms, being both close to a mainline railway station and served by frequent bus services, with the potential for improvements to be made.

12.2 Located within the commuter belt of London and close by to Gatwick Airport, trips are likely to disburse in all directions, and hence there is unlikely to be one major concentration. We are therefore confident that measures can be implemented to mitigate against highway impacts created. We envisage that several junction improvements will be required, a new or re-routed bus service will also be provided to permeate the site and rail improvements can be made. It is likely that, in the region of £14.5M will be made available through S106 Contributions, or S278 works, so adequate funding will be available.

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge Page | 12 P3061 Appendix A Study Area Plan / Junctions to be modelled

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge P3061 KEY:-

(1) Proposed site access (17) junctions to be modelled

(8) Existing junctions to be modelled

(15) (16)


(9) (10) (7) (6) (13) (8) (5) (1) (12) (2) (3)

(4) (11)

(18) (19)


Rev Description Drw Ckd Date

Part of the Parsons Group (20) Stilwell PARTNERSHIP STILWELL LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS SATELLIET HOUSE 2 NEXUS PARK Tel: 01276 700400 ASH VALE Fax: 01252 544934 SURREY E-Mail: [email protected] GU12 5QE Web: www.stilwell-ltd.co.uk Client:



Date: Drawn: Checked: DEC 2016 JB DB Scale: Status: NTS @ A3 PRELIMINARY THIS IS A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT Drawing No: Rev: Source: Google NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION TSP/BAL/P3079/004 A Appendix B Sustainable Transport Provision

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge P3061 BUS SERVICES TO


1600m 20 Minute Walk

A22 800m 10 Minute Walk

South Godstone





Part of the Parsons Group 800m 10 Minute Walk Stilwell PARTNERSHIP 800m STILWELL LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS SATELLIET HOUSE 10 Minute Walk 2 NEXUS PARK Tel: 01276 700400 ASH VALE Fax: 01252 544934 SURREY E-Mail: [email protected] GU12 5QE Web: www.stilwell-ltd.co.uk Client:



20 Minute Walk Project:




& EAST GRINSTEAD Date: Drawn: Checked: 14.07.16 CV NJS Scale: Status: 12,500 @ A3 PLANNING THIS IS A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT Drawing No: Rev: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION TSP/BAL/P3079/03 B Appendix C Access Strategy

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge P3061 SOUTH GODSTONE RAILWAY STATION TANDRIDGE LANE

South Godstone


Rev Description Drw Ckd Date

Part of the Parsons Group Stilwell PARTNERSHIP STILWELL LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS SATELLIET HOUSE 2 NEXUS PARK Tel: 01276 700400 ASH VALE Fax: 01252 544934 SURREY E-Mail: [email protected] GU12 5QE Web: www.stilwell-ltd.co.uk TANDRIDGE LANE Client:







London – Twickenham London – Central Ash Vale Birmingham Chester Manchester Huddersfield Newcastle upon Tyne Glasgow Dubai Sydney

South Godstone Garden Village, South Godstone, Tandridge P3061

GodstoneSouth Garden Village


Bonnar Allan Developer

Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Planning, Economics, Masterplanning and Graphic Design

WS Planning & Architecture Planning

LIME Associates Architecture

The Stilwell Partnership Engineering

The Ecology Consultancy Ecology