Goldstone Modes and Topological Defects
Physics 7240: Advanced Statistical Mechanics Lecture 6: Thermal Stability of Ordered Phases: Goldstone modes and topological defects Leo Radzihovsky (Dated: December 5, 2019) Abstract In these lecture notes, we will analyze the stability of ordered phases to thermal fluctuations, focusing particularly on states that break continuous symmetry. Computing the size of these Goldstone-mode fluctuations as a function of temperature and system’s dimensionality, we will derive the so-called Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner-Coleman theorems that inform us when such sys- tems become absolutely unstable to fluctuations, thereby precluding the existence of the ordered state, at least in its mean-field form. We will also discuss topological defects, e.g., vortices, disloca- tions, disclinations, solitons, etc., and their role in destroying ordered phases by way of Kosterlitz- Thouless and related transition. We will also explore dualities, roughening and commensurate- incommensurate phase transitions. Finally we will study the disordering of the O(N) nonlinear σ-model via d − 2 and large N expansions. 1 • States that break continuous symmetries and their Goldstone mode description: O(N) models, superfluids, crystals, membranes, nematics, smectics, superconductors, etc. • Stability of phases: Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner-Coleman theorems • Topological defects: vortices, dislocations, disclinations, solitons • Kosterlitz-Thouless transition via Coulomb gas and sine-Gordon duality, and rough- ening and commensurate-incommensurate phase transitions • Nonlinear O(3) σ-model and the FM-PM transition in d = 2 + dimensions • Large N expansion for the O(N) model FM-PM transition I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION Much of our focus so far has been on the phase transition between different states of matter.
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