Report To: COUNCIL Date: 25 May 2021 Reporting Officer: Steven Pleasant – Chief Executive and Returning Officer Subject: ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS Report Summary: To receive notification from the Chief Executive, the Returning Officer for the Local Elections held on 6 May 2021, as to which persons were elected in accordance with the Representation of the People Acts to hold the Office of Councillor for the Wards within Tameside Borough Council. Recommendations: That the report is noted. Links to Community The Constitution and democratic framework provides an Strategy: effective framework for implementing the Community Strategy. Policy Implications: There are no policy implications. Financial Implications: There are no additional budgetary implications. (Authorised by the Borough Treasurer) Legal Implications: Complies with the Representation of the People Acts. (Authorised by the Borough Solicitor) Risk Management: Publication of the outcome of the Elections ensures compliance with the Representation of the People Acts and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Access to Information The background papers relating to this report can be inspected by contacting Robert Landon, Head of Democratic Services by: phone: 0161 342 2146 e-mail:
[email protected] ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL – 25 MAY 2021 TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL REPORT OF THE RETURNING OFFICER ON THE PERSONS ELECTED TO THE OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR FOR THE WARDS INDICATED BELOW The following persons, at the elections held on 6 May 2021, were elected to the Office of Councillor for the Wards respectively indicated, to hold office for a period of four years:- WARD NAME AND PARTY OF COUNCILLOR ELECTED ASHTON HURST Dan Costello (Conservative) ASHTON ST.