F Chairman of the Sir Albert Hoyle HENRY, K.B.E. . Conference- Age 67; born in Rarotonga. Premier of the Cook Islands since 1965. Attended the First (1950), Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh and Twelfth South Pacific Conferences..

Deputy Chairman of . the Conference: M. Guy CHAMPMOREAU Born 29 December 1921 at Ponerihouen, New Caledonia. Teacher, Diploma of Agricultural Teaching. Teacher at Touhou, Ponerihouen, Noumea. Worked for twelve years at the Agricultural '• . Training School at Port Laguerre. _ . ' From March 1969 to May 1971 Director of the Department of Fundamental Education^ From June 1971 Director of the "Receiving" Primary School. Attended the Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences.

TERRITORIES/COUNTRIES American Samoa Delegate: Mr. Palauni M. TUIA30S0P0 Age 37. Educated in the"grade and high schools of American Samoa,'"''the Punahou " Preparatory School of Honolulu, and Q receiving-lii3--Hachelor.-Degree in o. Political Science from the University of Oregon, U.S.A. Special Assistant to the Governor. , Attended the ITinth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth South Pacific Conferences -and'U1971 Planning , . Committee^ ^ K< Se.,L 2

British Protectorate Delegate: The Honourable Dr Gideon A.P. ZOLCVEKE Minister for Works and Public Utilities * Educated locally and in Fiji. - •• • A Diplomate of the Fiji School of • Medicine with further training in • • the United Kingdom. Over 20 years service with the Protectorate ...... ( . , Medical Department. •"- • '"•-'>•• • 1 -----Attended, the Se.cond and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences. Alternate Delegate: Mr. B.O. KWANAIBARA Assistant Secretary Development. • Attended the 1974 Planning Committee.

Cook Islands Delegate: Dr. Joseph WILLIAMS Secretary to Ministry of Social Services. Attended the Tenth, Eleventh and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences. Alternate Delegate: Mr. Tamarii PIERRE _ Officer-in-oharge, External Affairs Division, Premier's Department. Attended the Twelfth and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences and the - 1971 and 1974 Planning Committees. - Adviser: Mr. B. BAL3EHNIE Director of Agriculture "Adviser: .' Mr. T.J. IL'JISTERS Director of Fisheries Adviser: -.Dr. N. TOU ' ' Director of Health Adviser: Mr. R. MOEKAA Director of Education Adviser: . Mr. R.C. CHAPMAN Secretary to the Ministry of.Labour ,v • ' and Commerce. SL?lf.' • " - Adviser: Mr. Jim GOSSLUT Director of Outer Island Affairs. Observer: ' .Mrs. L. GRAHAM Private Secretary to the Premier ObiBerver: Mr G.H. SAV/TELL Secretary of the Premier's Department Observer: Mr. W. MILLER Financial Advisor 3

Cook Islands (continued) -'"- : Observer:'.. .' . . . Mr T. CLARICE Legal Advisor Observer: Mr 0. JOSEPH Director of Cultural Development Observer: -Mr Ps-Y-ALA - •'•* • ' Chairman of the Rational Youth Council

,."vr "Leader.' ' ''" ' ' '•'• . The Right Hon. , ' L V • • ' ." 'Ratu Sir Kamisese MARA, K.3.E., ' ,: . ' "'~ • Prime Minister of Fiji ; ' r , • • ' Attended the Third, Sixth, Seventh, ,.,. ninth, .Tenth and Eleventh South ••;. ' pacific Conferences • ' " Delegate:-' The Honourable Ratu David TOGAHIVALU • Minister without Portfolio ' "'r;'.'. ' Attended the Eleventh South Pacific "- • " '• ../_•'.. . . Conference. Alternate Delegate: 'D'r Macu SALATO « •'-•>"•• ' ' '•. "Retired Civil Servant '- ' ' " '""Attended the Thirteenth South pacific Conference 'Adviser: • -'" : ' ' • • The Honourable Ratu Epeli KAHAIV/AMI •'_ (Curriculum Vitae not received on ;: J •7r' V -'• : ^ . • date of issue) Adviser: • Mr John SAMY '•-"'- - -"•'-.Central Plaxming Office • • '••' --Attended the 1974 Planning Committee .. ,:>V"A'dvisef: ' "'" ' , :Mr M. SAHADEO r:.'. ' • „ Assistant Secretary for Foreign •.;• ..J...OIB-. • . - Affairs •Adviser": ^v ' Mr J. K0T0BA1AVU •.'. ; du: '•' " i- '" -Foreign Secretary, Department of ' ,.''„.'.•_ .\\= '.'Foreign Affairs 4 : French Polynesia Delegate: Mr. Jncqufis Mocno. TEHEIURA '.Government Councillor.

i *

Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony _ '' leader: The Honourable Naboua T. RiTIETA Chief Minister of Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Born 26th.April 1938. Educated at King George'V School Tarawa. Servod in the Civil Service from 1957 ' " * to 1967 when he was elected to the . House of Representatives. He . represented his home island of . Marakei in the legislative Council from 1971 to 1974 and was also the - uV ; Executive Council member responsible : for Communications, Works and Utilities. He now again represents Marakei in the House of Assembly and was elected Chief Minister on the 2nd May 1974. Attended the Ninth and Tenth South | -. ,• Pacific Conferences. . Delegate: The Honourable Isakala P.'J3HIU • ... Minister for Natural Resources . . Bora 10th August 1939- Educated at King George V School Tarawa Served in the Civil Service from 1963 until elected member of the . . legislative'Council (1971-74) for his •„,••. : . home island, Nukulaelae. He was also the Executive Council member (1971-74) responsible for Natural Resources. • He now represents Nukulaelae again .in the present House of Assembly and was appointed Minister for Natural Resources on the 6th May 1974. •Attended the Twelfth and Thirteenth • South Pacific Conferences.

Guam: Delegate: Mr. Jesus 1. GUERRERO President, Bank of Guam. Member of Guam Economic Development Authority. Attended the Twelfth and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences. Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Thirteenth South Pacific Conference to examine the proposal for a South • Pacific Regional Development Bank.

i 5 Nauru leader: President Hammer DQROBURT President of the Republic of Nauru Born 25th September 1922 Educated at Nauru Boys Secondary School and Geelong Technical School, Victoria. School Teacher with Nauru Education Department until Japanese occupation; ; deported to Truk August 1942. liberated by Americans, September I945 returned to Nauru early 1946. Elected Head Chief, Nauru local Govern- ment Council 1956; Member of the legislative Council from 1966; elected leader of Elected Members, and Member of the Executive Council; Chief Adviser to Special Represent- atives for ITauru at UN; leader of Nauru delegation to Canberra for phosphate and independence talks on all occasions from I960. Awarded O.B.E. in 1966. Attended the Fourth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth South Pacific Conferences. Delegate: Mr. Sadaraka M. SADARAKA Secondary education in , i B.A. in 1958, and M.A. (Economics) in I960. Diploma in Public Adminis- tration in 1968. Chief Secretary of Nauru Worked for the Government of the Cook Islands. Attended the Fifth and Ninth South Pacific Conferences and the 1971 Planning Committee in the Cook Islands Delegation. Alternate Delegate: Mr. Kinza C10DUMAR Project Officer, Ministry of Island Development and Industry. Attended the Tenth and Eleventh South Pacific Conferences and 1973 Planning Committee. Adviser: Mr. JENKINS (Curriculum Vitae not received on date of issue) . Adviser: Mr. A. DICK (Curriculum Vitae not received on date of issue) Adviser: Mr. R. HIRAM (Curriculun Vitae not received on date of issue) 6

i New Caledonia Delegate: H. Guy CHAMPMOREAU Bom 29th December 1921 at Ponerihouen, Hew Caledonia. »• Teacher, Diploma of Agricultural Teaching. Teacher at Touho, I Ponerihouen, Noumea. Worked for twelve years at the Agricultural Training School at Port Laguerre. From March 1969 to May 1971 •- , Director of the Department of Fundamental Education. From June 1971 Director of the "Receiving" Primary School. . . Attendod the Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences.

New Hebrides Delegate: Mr. George KA1K0A Senior Executive Officer (British Administration) Member of the Advioory Council. Attended the Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Pacific Conferences. Delegate: M. Maximo CAR10T Age 33; born at Vila Assistant to the Director of Political •• Affairs, French Residency. French schooling - Passed Primary School, Leaving Certificate. 1960-65 Teacher, then School Head- master at Pango/Erakor. Joined the French Administration in 1966; 1966-68 Aooiatant to the , French Diotrict Agont at Vato; 1969-71 Aoaiotant to the Fronch District Agont nt Mnllicolo. Attended a three-month training course in France in 1963, within the scope of youth organisations. Delegate at the Fifth, Seventh,Eighth, f Twelfth, and Thirteenth. South * , Pacific Conferences. Adviser: Mr. Brian J. BRESNIHAN Age 28. Irish Citizen B.A. in Economics, University College Dublin 1968. Baxrister-at-law, King's Inns, Dublin, 1971. 1971 to date, Administrative * ! Officer, British Service, tt&T Hebrides. 7

Hew Hebrides (continued) Mviser: M. Guy B0I13AU Age 49; born at Gironde. "Administrateur en Chef de Classe Exceptiojinellc des Affaires d'Outre- Her". Director of Economic Affairs, French Residency. Bachelor of Laws; Graduate of the "Ecole Nationale de la Prance d'Outre-Mer". 1919-62 Administrative dution in French Woatern and Equatorial Africa (Upper Volta, Sudan (Mali), Chad). 1962 to date, Administrative duties in Wallis and Futuna Islands (twice), and Hew Hebrides (twice). Attended the Thirteenth South Pacific Conference.

j Niue Delegate: The Honourable P.P. 1UI Member of the legislative Assembly and Executive Committee. : Attended the Twelfth South Pacific ; Conference. Alternate Delegate: Mr. I. EANAMAM Member of the legislative Assembly Adviser: Mr. ?. MAIIAIdTAU (Curriculum Vitae not received on date of issue)

Papua New Guinea: Delegate: Mr. A. SIAGURU First Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Relations and Trade, Port Moresby. Alternate Delegate: Mr. F. BAE0133 Department of Foreign Relations and Trade, i'ort Moresby. Adviser: Mr. J. TAU Papua New Guinea Commission, Suva. Adviser: Mrs. G. BOYD Office of Information, Port Moresby. 8 Tokelau Islands v. Delegate: Mr. Teniae ATONI Age 45. Attended Teachers Training College, Apia, Western Samoa. On completion of training returned to Tokelau . .. Islands and commenced teaching at Atafu, February 1954. Attached to New Zealand Amy 1962/63. Returned to teaching and promoted to Head Teacher, Atafu, 1969. t Attended Touchers Observation Course, - , •' 1T.Z. in 1974. " Attended the Tenth and Twelfth South Pacific Conferences. ,Alternate Delegate: Mr. Luciano PEREZ Age 31. Attended Teachers Training College, Apia, Y/estern Samoa. On completion of training returned to Tokelau Islands and commenced teaching at Nukunonu, February 1965. Attended Teachers Observation Course, N.Z. t in 1971. Promoted to Hea.d Teacher on 1st March 1973.

Tonga Delegate The Honourable Maafu TUPOU Governor of Vava'u District- Attended the Twelfth South Pacific Conference. 9 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Delegate: The Honourable Diright H3IEE Born 1919 at ;_ur Atoll in the Marshalls B.A. degree, University of Hawaii; holder U.1T. Fellowship in School Administration. Special Consultant to the High Commiss- ioner since 1967. Educational Administrator, Marshall Islands (1955-65); District Adminis- tration of the Marshall Islands (1965-67). First Speaker, House of Representatives Congress of Micronesia (1965): Member Marshall Islands Congress (1948-51). Attended the Eighth, Eleventh and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences. Alternate Delegate: The Honourable Masao IT/I Congressman. Alternate Delegate: The Honourable Leonard'1GUIGUI District Administrator, Tap District. Adviser: Mr. Fred. R.QSP (Curriculun Vitae not received on date of issue) Adviser: Mr. Asterio TAEE3Y Congressman of Micronesia, Mariana Island. Adviser: Mr. Clarence E. iYXBUCHI Assistant to the Special Consultant. Attended the Thirteenth South Pacific Conference and the 1974 Planning Committee.

Wallis and Futuna Islands Delegate: Mr. Manuele LISIAHI Age 40. Born at Mua, tfallie Primary school at Vallis and Noumea 1956-63; Teacher (Roman Catholic Schools). Joined the Administration on 1 March 1963 and acted as Assistant Registrar until 1st April 1974 when he was appointed Registrar (Officer of "Vital Statistics). Appointed Member of the Territorial Council in 1961 - the year in which the Act conferring to Uallis and Futuna the status of overseas territory was passed -- he resigned this position in 1972 after being elected a Member of the Territorial Assembly. 10

Western Samoa ~ - -- i Delegate: The Honourable Flame Faumuina Mulinu'u II KATA1AFA, C.B.E. i Born in 1921. Prime Minister of Western Samoa. | •• Educated'at the Marist Brothers School, Apia. , One of the paramount chiefs, Samoan ' ' Islands. Attended the Fifth and Eighth South Pacific Conferences. Adviser: . " Mrs. Tina HELJESOE (Curriculum Vitae not received on date of issue). 11 PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENTS Leader: Mr. W.l. MORRISON Minister for Science and Minister Assisting the Minister for Foreign Affairs'and Papua Hew Guinea matters, Canberra, A.C.T. Senior Commissioner: Mr. J.H.A. HOYLE Assistant Secretary, Pacific Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra, A.C.T. Alternate Commissioner: Mr. M.R. CASSON Australian Consul, Noumea, New Caledonia. Adviser: Mi'ss'M. McPHERSON Head, South Pacific Section,Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra, A.C.T. Adviser: Mr. C. WOODLAND Principal Projects Officer, Canberra, A.C.T. Adviser: Mr. J.R. TYSON Second Secretary, Australian High Commission, Wellington, N.Z.

France Senior Commissioner: M. Henry 1TETTRE ' Conseiller d'Etat, Secretariat d'Etat aux Departononto ot Tcrritoiros d'Outre-Mer, Paris. Commissioner: M. Robert Jacques BER1AND Age 53 ' ' Administrateur Civil, Noumea, New Caledonia. Previously served in Tunisia, Ivory Coast, French Guiana, Eastern Cameroon, Gabon and France.

Nauru Senior Commissioner: . The Honourable Buraro DETTJDAMO Minister for Works and Community Services, Nauru. 12 flew Zealand; leader: The Honourable W. ROWLING Prime Minister Senior Commissioner: Mr. Charles CRAW Age 56 Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wellington. Commissioner: Mr. A.W. DAWSON :> (Curriculum Vitae not received 09 date of i33ue). Observer: Mr. R.D. MULDOON t _ Parliamentary Representative j Observer: Mr. K.T. WETERE Parliamentary Representative and ; Chairman Island Affairs Commlttoo. : Observer: His Excolloncy Graham K. ANSELL ; New Zealand High Commissioner to Fiji. . Observer: Mr. K. PIDDINGTON Head of Pacific Affairs Division j Observer: Mr. NOLAN Communicator " Observer: Mr. N. NORRISH Deputy Secretary,Foreign Affairs * Observer: Mr. G.J. AMMUNDSEN Foreign Affairs Officer, Raicotonga

, United Kingdom Leader: Mr. Edward Noel LARMOUR, CMG Ago 57 Assistant Under Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Previously served in Burma Civil Service, Indian Army and an Diplomatic' Service Posts at Wellington, , Canberra, Lagos. Last post High Coiimissioner, Kingston, and concurrently . . Her Majesty's Ambassador (non- - resident) Haiti. Senior Commissioner: Mr. Edward Anthony Watson BULLOCK Age 48 Head of Pacific Dependent Territories . Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Previously served in Diplomatic Scrvice : • posts in Bucharest, Brussels and La Paz. Last post Counsellor and Head of Chancery at Havana. m 13 United Kingdom (continued) • Second Commissioner: Mr. Leonard Sydney PRICE Age 51 Head of Chancery, British High Commission, Suva. Previously served in Diplomatic Service posts at Chungking, Mexico City, Rome, Katmandu, Split, Copenhagen. Last post First Secretary in Charge at Kuching. Alternate' Commissioner: Mr. Frank Basil WHEELER ; . ,' Age 37 : ; • Head of Chancery, Wellington Previously nerved in Moscow and Berne. United States of America Senior Commissioner: The Honourable Stanley S. CARPENTER Director, Office of Territorial Affairs, Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Commissioner: The Honourable Aaron G. MARCUS Age 79 Educated at the University of Denver and has a degree in law from the University of Denver Law School. Practised law in Denver from 1915 to 1921, then went into'a family dairy business in Pasadena, California. Moved to Honolulu in 1945 and became Vice-President and General'Manager of .the Dairymen's Association, then President from 1948 to 1961. Served as General Manager, Asian Develop- ment, for Beatrice Poods Company from 1961 to 1966, and is a Director of Beatrice Foods Company (Malaya) Ltd. • •Served as Vicc-Chairman of the •• - • Hawaii State Board of Health, and has been activc in other civic activities. Alternate Commissioner.: The Honourable D. Hebden POP.TEUS (Curriculum Vitae not received on date of isoue). % 14 United States of America (continued) Adviser: Dr. Roland W. FORCE Age 50 Stanford University - B.A. in Psych- , ology (1950), M.A. in Education j • (1951), M.A. in Anthropologv (1952), Ph.D. in Anthropology (1956). From 1952-54, at Stanford University, Assistant Curator, Loland Stanford Jr Museum, then Acting Instructor (Anthropology). From 1954-56, Associate in Ethnology at the Bernice P. Bishop Museum; 1956-61 Curator of Oceanic Archaeology and ! Ethnology, Chicago Natural History Museum (Field Museum of Natural History). From 1962 to date, Director of the Bernice P. Bishop Munemn.

, Adviser: Mr. Howard H. LANGE ] Country Officer, Pacific Islands Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Western Samoa ; ' Senior Commissioner: Mr. Iulai TOMA, Assistant Secretary to Government, I Prime Minister's Department, Apia.

OBSERVERS Asian Development Bank: Mr. Mashar Ali KHAN Age 44 M.A. in Economics and B.A. of Laws Previous worked in the Government of Pakistan service in the National Man- : power Council and the Pakistcn Tariff Commission; USAID Pakistan for about five years. Joined the Bank in 1969 as Operations Officor and Economist, then as Senior Economist to the Policy Unit of the Director of Operations. Since May 1974 holds the position of Operations Manager ] of the South Pacific Division. Has ; been associated with most of-the i Bank's work in the Bank South r Pacific developing member countries. Australian Institute Mr. Richard A. P.ERR 15 for IntematloELal ' Age 28; born at Marion,.,Ohio" — • Affairs; • Doctoral Candidato (Duke University); B.A. (Distinction) (Nebraska); M.A. (Duke University). 1969-70 Woodrow Wilson Fellow : ; 1969-71 ITDEA Title IV Fellow • 1971-72 Shell International Studies Research Fellow. At present Tutor in Political Sciences at the University of Tasmania, and • Honorary Secretary of the Tasmanian : , Branch of the A.1.1.A. Attended the Twelfth and Thirteenth South Pacific Conferences and the ; 1972 Planning Committee Meeting. ' i Australian Uational Professor Donald Anthony LOW !- University; M.A.; D.Phil (Oxon) ; • ' 3ritish '!" ' ' Educated at Oxford. '• Lecturer in History, University of ' East Africa 1951-58; Fellow/Senior • •-,-, Fellow in History,'Research School . ' of Social Sciences, Australian , . , - ' National University 1959-64; . Professor of History and Dean of ' - " ' the School of African and Asian • Studies, University of Sussex 1964-72. . Since 1973 Professor of History and .' . Director of Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. Historical interests: mainly in East Africa and India. Member of the Council'of the University of Papua New Guinea, and of the Papua New Guinea Committee of Enquiry into University Development. Professor Ralph Gerard WARD M.A. (NZ), Ph.D. (Lond). New Zealander Educated in Auckland and later at University College London. Lecturer in Geography at University of Auckland from 1956 to 1961 and' then at University College,London, until 1967 when ho bccame Foundation Professor of Geography at University of Papua New Guinea. Since 1971, Professor of Human Geography in the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. Geographical interests mainly in the Pacific as evidenced in his work Land Use and Population in FL.ii. An Atlas of Papua and New Gu:Lnea Too-editor. 1970). Han in the Pacific Islands (editor.1972). The~Settle- ment of Polynesia: A Computer Simulation (co-author,1973). Attended the Thirteenth South Pacific Conferonce. Board' of Foreign. Profccaor lylo IT. ITELSON' ' . Scholarsnips: Age 56; born at Yamhill, Oregon. (Stanford University) • 3.A. University of Oregon, Eugene . Oregon. Special field: journalism, radio- television, international comirrux.i- cations. Professor and Chairman, Department of . Communication; DirectorProfession- al Journalist Programme, Stanford •University.

Foundation of the Mr. William B. EUSSEY Peoples of the United States Citizen. South Pacific Inc.: B.Sc. degree from Boston University "•-•'. , in 1938. After Navy service during the war ' when he held ranlc of It. Commander, joined tho US Foreign Service. He . ; has served in Europe, Africa, Asia . and the Pacific, where ho was associated with tho US Delegation on the South Pacific Commission. 1969-73 Regional Representative, UMDP : in the Western Pacific.' - • Attended the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth raid Thirteenth South ." • ' " Pacific Conferences and the 1971 . - and 1972 Planning Committee 1 : Meetings. 17 High Coirmri-SBion of His Excellency Bhagwan SINGH India; Suva: High Commissioner of India in Fiji. Attended the Twelfth South Pacific Conference and the 1973 Planning Committee. -International Center Mr. W.W. SELLER for Living Aquatic Executive Officer, ICLARM, Mew York. - Resources Management (I

j 19 United Nations Mr. 1T.C. ANGUS (continued) Develo-pment Advisory Team Before joining UIIDAT, advised on for the Pacific(UNDaT): public administration questions, for (Continued)" varying periods of time, in Turkey, Ethiopia^ the'Sudan, Malaysia, Western Samoa, Jamaica, end Fiji, under tho United No.tions Development Administration, tho Colombo Plan and other programmes. Attended the 1974 Planning Committee. University of California Mr.' JoffiT MARCUM (Santa Cruz); (Curriculum vitae not received on date of issue) University of Hawaii Dr. Donald H. TOPPING Age 45 B.A. (1954) end M.A. (l956)University of Kentucky; Ph.D (1963) Michigan State University. 1956-72 Assistant Professor of English in Guam, U.S.A. and Hawaii, then Associate Professor of Linguistics • in Hawaii. Since 1973, Professor of Linguistics and Di.rector of Social Sciences and Linguistics Institute, University of Hawaii. Author of numerous articles on language teaching. University of Papua Dr. Gabriel B. GRIS New Guinea; Ago 32; born at Andra on Manus Island. Graduate of the Fiji School of Medicine and the University of Michigan (USA). Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea in December 1973. Formorly the Chief of Dental Services with the Department of Public Health in LV.pua Hew Guinea. Acting member of the Public Service Board, a member of the Medical Board of Papua ITew Guinea and chainaan of tho Expert Committee on Dental Education and Training. Member of the National Planning Committee and a member of the Senior Local Officers Advisory Group to the Chairman of the Public Service Board. Just completed work as Chairman of the Government Committee of Enquiry into University Development and recently appointed to tho chairmanship of the Papua Now Guinea Development Bank Board. (continued) 20 University of Papua Dr. Gabriel D. ORIS (continued) Hew Guinea; Extensive'experience'in the adminis- (Continued) trativo, community, educational and international fields. Adviser to tho Australian delegation to tho 1967 United Nations General Assembly se33ion and a member of the - Papua New Guinea Government's 1973 Economic Co-oporation Mission to Japan. ^ University of the South Mrs. Falcnaoti'Tiresa MALIETOA Pacific: Born at Vaiala, Apia, Western Samoa. B.A. (NZ), Diploma Teaching.' Taught in both Hew Zealand and Western Samoa and then appointed to the Westorn Samoa Toachora Training Collogo. 1966 Appointed Principal, Western Samoa Teachers Training College; 1971 Appointed Deputy Director of Education, Wootorn Samoa; 1972 Appointed Diroctor of Extension Sorvicoa, USP. Attonded tho Fourth (1959) South Pacific Conforonce as delegate for Western Samoa. United States Peace Qorps: Mr. D. DOWNES Officer-in-Charge, South Pacific Rogional Programmes, US Peace Corps, Suva. Attondod tho Thirteenth South Pacific Conferonco and tho 1974 Planning Committoo. World Health Dr. John II. HIRSHMAN , Organisation (MO): Age 51,- Australian M.B., B.S. (Honours) (Sydney); D.P.H. (Sydnoy), D.T.M. & H. (Sydney). 1961-1964 City Medical Officcr, City Council, Sydnoy; 1964-66 Regional Public Health Advisor, TOO,Manila ; 1966-67 Assistant Director of Health Services, WHO, Manila; • ' 1968 to date, WHO Representative, South Pacific area, Suval Attended the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Elevonth and Twelfth South Pacific Conferoncos, and the 1971 and 1972 Planning Committee Meetings.