MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series I: Wexner Heritage Foundation, 1947-2004. Subseries 1: General Files, 1949-2004.

Box Folder 66 2

Steinhardt, Michael. 2003.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 MEETING AT 'S OFFICE JANUARY 16, 2003

1. Present: Michael Steinhardt Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Richard Wexler Steve Nasatir Joseph Rackman

2. Articles concerning the basic premise: survival of the Jewish community in the U.S.

a.) Chapter 43 of ((Roots of the Future" b.) Alan Dershowitz c.) Arthur Hertzberg d.) Adin Steinsaltz

3. Form a Corporation- Joseph Rackman, lawyer, is the N.Y. partner of Hogan and Hartson. He offers his services.

4. Decide on Name.

5. List from which board members may be chosen.

6. List of prospects for minimum often million each.

7. Two Statements of Case, written after the meeting.

I 4.)

Possible Candidates for Board of Directors

vJ. Leslie H. Wexner /i. Michael Steinhardt 3. Bruce Soll 4. John Ruskay 5. Nathan Laufer 6. Gary Rosenblatt 7. David Edell vB. Richard Wexler 9. Richard Joel vfO . Bud Meyerhoff vi 1. Gordon Zacks v(2. Steve Nasatir vf'3. Harvey Krueger 14. Gershon Kekst "1'5. Morris Offit 16. Barry Goren 17. Mark Lit 18. Ramie Arian 19. Abba Eban (Hon.) vio. Jack Wertheimer "21 . Alan Slifka 22. Israeli Council- General Alon Pinkas 23. Peter Joseph 5.)


J) Walter Annenberg

2) Arthur Belfer

3) Alan Bildner, N.J.

4) Blaustein Fndn.- Baltimore

5) H + R Block, Kansas City

6) - Patricia E. Harris, Deputy Mayor for Administration Sometimes advises the mayor on charities

7) Shepard Broad Fndn.

8) Stewart Colton

./ 9) Lester Crown, Chicago

I 0) Cummings Fndn.

I I) Bill Davidson

12) Michael Dell- via Mark Lit, Federation Exec.

13)Draper-Fisher Jurvetson- via Josh Elkin or Harold Grinspoon (#24)

14) George Farkas

15) Factor-Feinstein Family, LA

I 6) Jacob Feldman, Dallas

17) Eugene Ferkauf

18) Irwin Field, L.A.

19) Max Fisher, Detroit

20) Flumenberg Foundation

1 21) Funders Network

22) Gates Fndn.- via Steve Ballmer, president Microsoft and via Barry Goren, Fed. Exec. of Seattle

23) Richard Goldman- San Francisco

24) Sol Goldman Foundation

25) Alex Grass, Harrisburg, PA

26) Ace Greenberg- via Harvey Krueger?

27) Harold Grinspoon- via Josh Elkin

28) Jesselson Family- N.Y.

29) Haas-Koshland, San Francisco

30) Joseph Kanter- Miami

31)Kohl Family- Milwaukee

32) Harvey Krueger (and Greenberg 23)

33) Ronald Lauder- via Harvey Krueger?

34) Levitt Fndn. Lake Success, NY

35) Nonnan Lipoff, Miami

36) Mort Mandel, Cleveland

3 7) Bernie Marcus, Atlanta

38) Peter May v 39) Meyerhoff Family

40) Millken Family- L.A.

41) Paul Milstein

42) Morris Offitt

2 43) Stephen Peck

44) Carol Petrie

45) Pritzker Family

46) Rabb Family- Boston

4 7) Albert Ratner- Cleveland

48) Bert Resnick~ NY

v 49) Revson Fndn. via Eli Evans

50)Dan and Elihu Rose- N.Y.

51) Edmond Safra Fndn. - gave $6 million toward $60 million goal for the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Battery Park.

52) Maurice Saltzman, Cleveland

./ 53) - Tulsa

54) Nathan Shapell- L.A

55) Shwayder Family- Denver

56) Larry Silverstein v 57) Alan Slitka

58) Charles Smith- Washington Robert A. Smith Brother-in-law Bob- supporter of David Hartman

59) Sosland Family- K.C.

60) Abraham Spiegel- L.A

61) Steven Spielberg- L.A

62) Strauss Fndn- Baltimore

63) Michael Steinhardt- N.Y.

64) Stone Family- Cleveland

3 65) Leonard and Helen R Stulman Charitable Foundation- gave $5 million to Johns Hopkins

66) Swig Family- San Francisco

67)Tisch Family- N.Y

68) Sanford Weill- N.Y.

69) Larry Weinberg- L.A.

./ 70) Weinberg Fndn.- Baltimore

71) Joseph Wilf, NJ.

72) Ray Zimmerman- Nashville

4 Billionaire List

1) Newhouse Family (Samuel and Donald)

2) Bill Gates

3) Sumner Redstone + Family

4) Mark Rich

5) Tisch Family

6) Walter Annenberg

7) Leslie Wexner

8) Ted Arison Family

9) Pritzker Family

10) Leonard Stem

11) Shaul Eisenberg- Tel Aviv (owns 73% of Corp.)

12) Samuel Heyman- 90% GAF chemicals (Sam + Ronnie)

13) Rudin Family (Jack+ Lewis)


15) Jeffrey Epstein

16) Edgar Bronfman

17) Eli Broad- Los Angeles

18) Hank and Maurice Greenberg (AIG group)

19) Abraham? (Slim Fast)- Palm Beach

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5 [ JEWISH WORLD Philanthropists, educators seek -.- Er new strategy for funding day schools - Ry Joe Berlwfsky New U.JC fundi "g for Israel The United Jewish Communities announced S28.l LOS A.'t.JGELES (JTA)- Financial wizard Michael Steinhardt is hlunt iti ~st-ssu1 ~ million in new emergency funding to supporl ISToeli.L the future ofNorth American Jewry. The funds, donated lo the UJC's Israel Emergency 1bc nextgeneratlon is "mostly Jewish ignoramuses," Stti.nMrdt s~)'3. ''\Vchaw•1' 1 Campaign, will be used for emergency medical services convinced the general Jewish population ofthe ~lue of s Jewish cducm•on." ond for preventing and relieving lroumo. Steinhardt's bleak asse$mcnr was aimed not al Jews in general, hut at a select funds olso will be earmarked for supporting llfOUp: those who bave doruttcd :it le~t S 100,000 - amf as much as SC\':!ral millio1\ -· Argentinian immigrants to Israel. To Jewish day iichl)ok 'nlcre arc only 1,800 such major supporter of tbe country's approK.imately 70ll New Israel Fund cuts back Jewish day school<;, howc\·er. and that, St~inhardt says. is "not enough.·· The New lsroel Fund will cenrrolize ond scale ·'We ru."Ccl •o double lhal numbu " bod its U.S. offices in rhe hopes of pumping 1m illion S Steinhardt was 1tddressing the third tUlllual L>onor A~sembly of the Partnership fo1 peoc.e Israel more loward and social jusJice efforts in Ex1.:ellcnce w Jc"'isll :Educ:it1on. the day-school advocacy group hl'. launchcd fh·e ~arr The Washington-hosed group, which promotes ago. peace ond ci11il righ~ progroms in hroel, will dose For the first time this week. most big donors nungled wilh Jeudsh communal and regional offices in Boston, Chirogo and Los Angeles day sdwul professionals m a leaderslllp assewbl} of mcm: tb;in 600 pC'op!e, aiming lu ood expand hubs in New Yock and Son Francisco, the hammer out a national strategy ti) promote Jeu·ish tlay schiJolr.. group announced Thursday. The gathering comes at :i time whm many day schuuh, viewed as solid foundations The move, aimed ol lowering the group's~­ fo1 lifelong Jewish identify, arc str.lpped for funds. head and ronsolidoting operations, should large~ AJid m:ioy who "-anr To altl'Drl cbr schools cannot afford the high i.:ust of o Jewish fund the odditionol Sl million fol Israel, officio ls sold. et.luc.ltion. The fund so id~ hos awarded S120 million to 700 Some 200,000 chlJdren attend Jc"ish da) i.chools 111 this country. 79 percent of Israeli groups since 1979. them Onhodox or fervent!\• Orthodox. Among the top goals ~ft'he phllanlhmpists w:i.i; finding new sources of money. f .U. office probes P.A.. 1·0 bolster their ad,•ocai:y etton. the ~oup, kn0\\1l as PEJE, uffer:d thi: inillal The European Union's onti-froud offire roid it findillgs of a sarir-ey of 177 of th())c hi& r1ay-schoul ~porten; . hos bee11 investigating the Palestinian Authorily's use Thi.: g:roup also relc1m:d the rcsultl; of wlcn ·1cu.·s with 65 othn donor~ . poteulial of E.U.-donoted funds. donor~ nnd day school expcns. The office soid Wednesday the probe wos hosed The survey, conducred in Octobc:r anrl ~O \C; mber by TDC Rcsc3rch uf Bostcio, on allegations rhot some mo11eys ore being used to found that among current donors, 49 percent give IL) da) s1:hools bt.'Cause they .>ce them fund lerroriYn. as ,·chides to "~lln Jewish continuity" ill1d 13 percent wl'rc mori,·11tcd to £:11 c.: becau~:i: The inquiry hos been going Oil for several i they had a persotal C?nnection, such as a child ur lrr:mclch.i!J in riay sc:hool. monrhs. ~we d&ided to onnoumo: it publicly ofter 13ut among donors, nondooors and experts, the study fnuud: media reports thar on investiga~on wos under way,• • 81 percent believe that day scboi)ls ensure continuity. a spokesman for the office soid. • 78 percent SUpportcd day schools because of the kw~· "collr:cti~·e fu1UTc." !he announcement rome Otllid coils from E.U. • 75 percent backed day schools OL'Cause they ''foster commt:mities of ~ommilll·d lowmokers lhQI the European Parliament loondl ifs J~ :· own inquiry into how the Polcslinlon Authe>rily is using Ofthose who respondl!d. 97 percent also "'!\°c mooty lo then· syiia~ogue ; 92 percent E.U. funds. .Uded !heir local re&ration; 73 percent helped some kind ufl~rael-focuscrl program and 59 pc:n..-cru backed theu JocaJ Jewish t:mnnn.utity ctnter. Alleged Nazi expelled The donors surveyed ~:tilt.!d from 29 st'1Tes and C:an~<'b , u-e:e u.c..L!:tlly paron~ 01· Costa Rico ~elled u11 alleged Nazi war crimmol. grandparents ofday school students and on dl with men! notified officials in Coslu Ricot hat he hod served students from k:inde~ to 12th grade. with the Esronion Poliftcol Police, who colloboroted Ellman~ just helped the sohvul raise S3.! million to.,.,,ard a m:w building, the wilh the N02is during VIOfld Wor II. rargest single effort to date in the city's Je"'i~b conunuwty. ffroim Zuroff, d i r~oor ol The Simon Wiesenthol , Born in South Africa, Ellman says her grandfather st3.rt.t'd ('.ape Tovm •s first Je'V·ish Center's Jerusolem office, prois:d Cosio Rica's• prom pl day si;hool and iofos~d her wilb :! Jo,·e for Iewi£h learning. odion in den~ng o known Holocou.u perpetrator the she believes not all ar~nor~ support ednc:itmn for Lhc 'ainc: reason:.. priVilege of residing in Cosro Rico, one of the world's '':\lot ofpeople ate go~ Lu gin:: to Jc"ish edui:ation berause tJ1er reel so strnngl} leoding democro ti~.' Zuroff also coiled on Esronio to :;.bou1 cominuity," she says, "but oilso because uf a guilt i.:mn.plcx" 1har they personally prosecute Mannil. 'Ir is high lime tho! the Estonian failed ltJ teach theiT children Jewish values. government linolly reoJize thof he is o Nozi wor Tbt study did not reach th3l c:onclus1on. though it did .find thar l 0 pcrceut of donors criminal ond Holocousl perpetrator who must be said the most important r~asun to back Jewjsh cl:ly schools wa:; to teacli Jewish broughl to justice,· he said. ~~~. 0 Sent by: LORD,BISSELL & BROOK 34fl 3124430691; 01/0B/03 16:04; J~# 702;Page 2/2

loRD BISSEllW BRCDK 1\5 S. l.NU.E SUl£T I OilWO, IWNOIS 606()3.3901 AllORllEYS Ar IJNJ 312.443.0700 I 312.443.0336 FAX I WWWml.SSSEll.COA\

January 8, 2003 Riclurd L Wexler

312.443.1751 Fax: 312.896.6751 rwcidc:i@lordb i$~ . com


Rabbi Herbert Friedman President Emeritus The Wcxncr Foundation 551 Madison Avenue New York, NL'W York 10022

Dear He.rb:

Thanks for youc note and I look forward to joining you and Stc..-vc at 10:30 a.m. on the 16ch at Steinhardt's offices.

I don't chink it appropriate to invice Lee to rhis puucula.r meeting; and l do not know who Alvin Mars is, Herb.

In all events, I will see you at 10:30 11..m. next week. B~ s, ------=--:---­

Richard L. Wexler



670968_1 _f_ft~ LIM. ~-.vA R'/_


1. Articles concerning the basic premise: survival of the Jewish community in the U.S.

a.) Chapter 43 of "Roots of the Future" b.) Alan Dershowitz c.) Arthur Hertzberg d.) Adin Steinsaltz

2. Form a Corporation- Joseph, lawyer, is the N.Y. partner of Hogan and Hartson. He offers his services.

3. Decide on Name.

4. List from which board members may be chosen.

5. List of prospects for minimum often million each.

6. Invite Lee Twersky to this meeting?

7. Invite Alvin Mars to this meeting? FROM JTA (212 )643-8498 (TUE) 2. 5' 02 23 :25/ ST.19: 42/ N0. 4261235162 p '/. .17l'l DailyN ews Bulletin Vol. ao, No. 25 Wednesday. February 6, 2002 85th Year UJC considers returning I T~P N .~~s ''!!!!~ _~J : to known brand name - U.JA Bush budget includes Israel aid 1 /Jy .Julie Wiener Presidenr Bush's budget reque)I iodudes in· creased military aid for Israel. NEW YORK (ITA)- Whe.11 the North American Jewish feder.1liun system chose Re leased Monday, the budget tails for $2.1 the namt ''United Jc:wish Communities" three yeats ago, some insiders joked that since billion in military aid and $600 million in economic the first two words already appeared in lhe name of one of the groups wt preceded it, aid for Israel. "c(lmmunities" was the most expen.-;ive wotd in the Jewish lel.'.icon. This is in keeping wirh o pion to increase Israel's The new name-dccid¢d oo ~\c:r focus group research and input from consul~nt> military ald by $60 million each yeor while decreasing - represented the merger ofthe United Jewish Appeal, Council of Jewish FederanozH its economic aid by $120 million each year until 2009 , ~nd United lsrsel Appeal. when, according lo the plan, U.S. economic aid to Uut now, st the request of sevc.·nl member, including Detroit anl luoe.I will end. Ch1c:igo, the UJC is considering changing its name again-back to the United Jewis:1 In the planned budget, Egypt will receive Sl .3 Appeal. billion in mil itary aid and S6l5 in economic aid. While supporters of the id~ say rhe change could impro' e the group's 0:1.m:: This is the first tim e that economic aid planned recognition and reaffirm its commitmenl to overseas needs, others say the UJA namcarlsione, the t:JC's lay leader in charge of marketing. is ~atherbg In a case that sparked a wave of anti-Semitism in information. but member federations have not yet received a proposal or any derails in France, Dreyfus, a Jewish coploin in the French army, writing. was falsely convidcd in 1894 or treason, publicly "A number of federations hrought up the issue and we're taking it under adri! e­ degraded and sent lo Devil's Island, a penal rolony in m~·nt. " Tisch said. Souln America. fotmded in 1938, tbc t 'nn:J Je'll·ish Appeal ran widespread :incl J:ugely succ:css::\JI He served five years of a lrfe senrence belort ~rJss-roots fund·r.tising campai~'lls that made tl :i household receiving a presidential pardon. For some, the UJA era rcprcsMts a heyday in American k"'1sh communal

Published by JTA-The Global News Service of the Jewish People 3.) + 4.)


1) (UJA) New Century Fund

2) (UJA) Fund for the Jewish Future

3) (UJA) Capital Fund for Survival


1. Do we want to use the 60-year old Brand Name? 2. If so, investigate who owns that name. 3. Several persons liked #2 the best. 2.) + 3.)


1) (UJA) New Century Fund

2) (UJA) Fund for the Jewish Future

3) (UJA) Capital Fund for Survival


1. Do we want to use the 60-year old Brand Name? 2. If so, investigate who owns that name. 3. Several persons liked #2 the best. Suggestions for Board of Governors After discussion with Joseph Rackman April 3, 03 People can easily be added or dropped


Michael Steinhardt- Chairman

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman- Founder

Richard Wexler- Campaign Chair

Dr. Steven Nasatir- President, CEO Executive Committee at Large Dai Morris Offitt Vol. 81. No. 37 AJan Slifka Edgar Bronfman TOP_NEWS IN BRIEF I John Ruskay Woman fo head JA~I hoard Cqr_ole Solomon will become the new chair of the sOo1d of Gover110ts ofrl\e Jei.ish 4a~oel, Lester Crown orrOl'ding ro informed sources. Solomon, rhe choir or rne Compoign/Financiol Lynn Shusterman Resource Oevelopmenl Pillar of the United Jewish Communities, emerged os rhe choice during meetings rhis week of rhe Jewish Agency's Boord oi Governors in Susan K. Stem Solomon was opproved unani mously Sunday by Carole Solomon - J't'- J"tf1 4.t""''c:. lc. rhe Jewish Agency's nominating commilree, which ' includes reprmntorives of the United Jewish Commu­ Harvey Krueger nilies and Keren Hoyesod, ond on Mondoy by lhe Wotld Zionist Organization. She is e.cpetted robe for molly approved Tuesdoy Jack Wertheimer by the enlire Board of Governors. Solomon, vrho lives in Hew York. sucreeds Alei Gary Rosenblatt Grau, the founder of Rit~ Aid, who served for four yeo 1s. Eli Evans She 11t'l11 be the board's first f!mole mair. Solo. mon beo1 oul Robert Goldberg, chairman rifthe Wrs uewlive a>mmittee, ond Richard Peorlston!, chair of Daniel Rose l~e Jewish Agency's Budger ond Finona: Comm ittee. Her term would begin in June. 3 1 t.rAf le 6-rh_,,. (.rov~

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1'~ J ~ ).c ~ \I~( .f f ~"" (7 May 5, 2003

Memo to Michael

1. Summary of Purpose

2. Joseph Raclanan re: corporation board

3. Contact with Joe Imberman (sent him a plan). He's completely sympathetic to the basic premise and wishes to help by talking to federation endowment directors in New York, Chicago, Baltimore and San Francisco.

4. Rabbi Brian Lurie (David Gilo) (Richard Goldman)

5. - Mega-Gifts not to Jewish causes.

6. Pick prospects and decide how to solicit

7. Philadelphia - good reaction- Irv Geffen 215- 832-5000, campaign director; v.p. fundraising, secretary Donna.

8. Bill Gates- Microsoft- strong on Israel

9. Michael Dell- via Mark Lit, local Federation, Exec. UJA-Federation Leadership Page 1of3

Our Leadership

President Larry Zicklin*

Chair of the Board Morris W. Offit*

Executive Vice President & CEO John S. Ruskay

General Chairs 2003 Campaign Harvey Schulweis* Susan K. Stern*

Vice Chair, 2003 Ca mpaign & Chair, Women's Campaign Joan Ginsburg*

Chair, Special Gifts Jerry W. Levin*

Commission Chairs Marion Blumenthal* Cheryl Fishbein* Liz Jaffe* Sidney Lapidus*

Treasurer Paul J. Konigsberg*

Secretary Judy E. Tenney*

Executive Committee At Large Lynn Korda Kroll* Roger Einiger* Merryl Tisch* Marc A. Utay* Roy J. Zuckerberg*

Honorary Officers Meshulam RikJis Laurence A. Tisch

Life Trustees Robert H. Arnow Lawrence B. Buttenwieser George H. Heyman, Jr. William Kahn Irving Schneider _ Us/Our°/o20Leadership.htm 1/22/2003 OJA-Federation Leadership Page 2 of3

Stephen Shalom Daniel S. Shapiro Samuel J. Silberman Sanford Solender Wilma S. Tisch lames L. Weinberg Elaine K. Winik

Life Benefactors The Belfer Family Jack & Zella B . Butler Foundation The Fisher Family Leo & Julia forchheimer foundation Ruth & David Gottesman Kathryn & Alan C. Greenberg The lesselson family Leni & Peter W. May Henry & Lucy Moses Foundation, Inc. The William Rosenwald Family Jack & Lewis Rudin Family of S.H. & Helen R. Scheuer Helen & Irving Schneider The T isch Family Wachtel!, Lipton, Rosen & Katz The Weiler Arnow Family The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Past Chairs, Board of Directors Morton A. Kornreich Joseph Gurwin Irwin Hochberg Larry A . S ilver stein Judith Stern Peck Larry Zicklin

Past Presidents Peggy Tishman David G. Sacks Alan S. Jaffe Louise B. Greilsheimer lames S. Tisch

Executive Vice Presidents Emeritus Er nest W . Michel Ste phen D . Solender

* Executive Committee member°/o20Leadership.htJn 1/22/2003 Billionaire List

I) Newhouse Family (Samuel and DonaJd)

i ,~ l,'""- 4'("1'1'&.Jc. 2) Bill Gates ,.. J4. ..

3) Sumner Redstone + Family

4) Mark Rich

5) Tisch Family

6) Walter Annenberg

7) Leslie Wexner

8) Ted Arison Family

9) Pritzker Family

I 0) Leonard Stem

11) Shaul Eisenberg- Tel Aviv (owns 73% ofisrael Corp.)

12) Samuel Heyman- 90% GAF chemicals (Sam+ Ronnie)

13) Rudin Family (Jack + Lewis) .l\, (...... A~ ~t. fw .. k- cL'e.1. 14) George Soros , h" rc.:d. ~c. "'c.. +1 +. Ji--< °'-•1,.. Is

15) Jeffrey Epstein

16)Edgar Bronfman

17) Eli Broad- Los Angeles

18) Hank and Maurice Greenberg (AIG group)

19) S. Daniel Abraham (Slim Fast)


l . I asked Eli Evans for ten million - and tried to reach him again by phone. We will continue to talk.

2. Mark Charendoff-the visit was lengthy, cordial, and he fully agreed that the members of his JFN were exactly the people whom we have to reach with an educational umbrella, for they are the ones who may be lost in the erosion. He accepted our premise, was delighted that you were willing to be the chairman and explained that he could not soJicit his members, but when I suggested that he could be the "shadchen" to match up a good solicitor with a good prospect; he accepted that May 2, 2003 Fund For The Jewish Future

The Fund's purpose ls to create a massive umbrella of instruments designed to educate as many American Jewish persons as possible: children, young adults, college students, adults, senior citizens, new Russjan immigrants, non-Jewish partners in intermarriages, persons seeking conversion to Judaism and non-Jews seeking knowledge about Jews.

The umbrella will include the following:

1.) Scores of day schools, from pre-school to elementary to high. These are to be established particularly in towns and cities Jacking such schools, as well as larger cities possessing schools, but needing more.

2.) Increasing the number of Jewish summer camps for that age group.

3.) A program of Jewish studies for Hillel groups on university campuses.

4.) Enlarging the successful Birthright program for sending young adults on trips to Israel. So far tens of thousands have been sent and this must expand to hundreds of thousands.

5.) Adult seminar groups with a planned two-year curriculum.

6.) Adult study groups for the 400,000 Russian Jews who have migrated to the U.S. in the last decade, never having had the opportunity fo r such study in their home countries.

7.) Hebrew language ulpanirn- based on the Israeli system.

8a.) Production of many more trained teachers and principals, by increasing the capacity of the education departments of the three major theological seminaries.

8b.) Purchasing the Baltimore and Boston Hebrew Colleges to increase the numbers of graduates.

9.) A massive endowment program for granting student aid. All facilities listed above must have completely free tuition. This will open the doors for millions of families to partake, children and parents alike, in all of these educational opportunities. Conclusion:

Knowledge of Jewish history, religion, literature, tradition and Modem Israel, results in an individual's pride and a strong sense of tribal identity. The intellectual and psychological values of pride and identity will reduce the tendency to drift away, to assimilate. The Jewish Future in the U.S. can thus be protected.

The billions of dollars which this program will cost are worth the rescue oftbe millions of Jewish persons who will strengthen the Jewish presence in America, which, in tum, will strengthen Israel. 3. Irv Geffen. the campaign _executive of Philadelphia, was approached by David Edell, to receive me and to listen to the story. Edell did such a good job that Geffen was prepared with a list of five persons who are perfect prospects for us:

Annenberg, Kimme~ Abramson (U.S. Healthcare), Pearlman and Robertson. Geffen was actually excited at our project and promised to communicate his reaction to Harold Goldman, the chief executive of the Federation. The only worry Ge:ffen communicated to Edell was that if we succeeded we might be hurting their annual campaign. I was prepared to explain the relationship of the Fund for the Future to the local community, with the following example: I suggested that Philadelphia should produce $500 million, and in case that Philadelphia needed another day high school, we would build one there and endow it so that tui6on could be free. If the Fund for the Future got money from the local communfry, we, in tum would give it back to them in whatever educational instruments they wanted. He was delighted to hear it, and asked that we suggest the next steps.

1 Billionaire List

I) Newhouse Family (Samuel and Donald)

tr?,·c/c.. 2) Bill Gates - )< ~ r,~ t....·... ~

3) Sumner Red.stone + Family

4) Mark Rich

5) Tisch Family

6) Walter Annenberg

7) Leslie Wexner

8) Ted Arison Family

9) Pritzker Family

10) Leonard Stern

11) Shaul Eisenberg- Tel Aviv (owns 73% of Israel Corp.)

12) Samuel Heyman- 90% GAF chemicals (Sam +Ronnie)

13) Rudin Family (Jack + Lewis)

15) Jeffrey Epstein

16) Edgar Bronfinan

17) Eli Broad- Los Angeles

18)Hank and Maurice Greenberg (AJG group)

19) S. Daniel Abraham (Slim Fast)

41 L§c 02 2£!§\ 13:53:03 Via Fax -> 212 751 3739 RABBI H. FRIEDHAH ISRAEL Line Microsoft's Bill Gates: Israel Represents the Leading Edge of Innovation Expressing confidence in the future of Israeli technology, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said that his company will exp~d its investment in Israel in the future, YEDIOT A.HARONOT reported ...We are investing and continue to invest in our research and development in Israel. Our team in Israel has recently been handed with some challenging and ambitious tasks. They are working with new developments, particularly in the field of digital security. In this area Israel has an impressive record of accomplishment," Gates said. Gates said that despite the political and security situation, Israel continues to represent the. cuning edge of innovation, and Microsoft will continue to be a part of it. "There is no connection between the war that lsrael is fighting and the future of th< technology that is being created there," he said. He added that while the company is al\.vays concemec about the welfare of its employees, securit) concerns "won't stop us from deepening ou: activities in Israe I." Microsoft Israel, founded in 1989, is one of th< few Microsoft outposts abroad fully owned anc operated by the U.S. parent company. Th< Microsoft research and development center ir Haifa is one of a small group of overseas centen involved developing new products for the U.S based company. ...

-- SOUNDING OFF 'From 6 million in 1945, there should be 36 million Jews in the U.S. today.'

Outgoing ChiefAshken~i RABBI YISRAEL LAU, speaking to the Jerusalem Post Monday about the effects ofassimilation, Jack ofeducation and intermarriage on U.S. Jewry.