Matthew LaHaye, Ph.D. January 2018 Matthew D. LaHaye, Ph.D. CONTACT Physics Building 209 Phone: 626-660-5108, 315-443-2564 INFORMATION Department of Physics Fax: 315-443-9103 Syracuse University E-mail:
[email protected] Syracuse, NY 13244 Website: EXPERTISE Nanoelectromechanical systems and superconducting devices. Quantum measurement and qubit technology. Design and fabrication (nanofabrication and microfabrication) of solid-state electronic and mechanical systems. Cryogenic (milli-Kelvin) equipment and measurement techniques. Ultra-sensitive low frequency and microwave measurement equipment and practices. EDUCATION University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD USA Ph.D. Physics, 2005 Dissertation Title: The Radio Frequency Single-Electron Transistor Displacement Detector Dissertation Advisor: Prof. Keith C. Schwab State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY USA B.S. Physics (2nd major in Philosophy), 1999 Graduated magna cum laude Phi Beta Kappa inductee, 1997 ACADEMIC 2016-Present Associate Professor, Physics Department, Syracuse POSITIONS University (S.U.) 2009-2016 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, S.U. 2005-2009 Center for Physics of Information (CPI) Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Advisor: Prof. Michael Roukes RESEARCH NSF-DMR Materials World Network: Investigations of Quantum AWARDS 1312421 Fluctuation Relations Using Superconducting Qubits $260,000, 09/15/13-08/31/16 NSF-DMR CAREER: Probing Quantum Behavior in Qubit- 1056423 Coupled Nanomechanical Systems $600,000, 05/15/11-04/30/16 PEER-REVIEWED 8. Rouxinol, F., Hao, Y., Brito, F., Caldeira, A.O., Irish, E.K., & LaHaye PUBLICATIONS M.D. “Measurements of Qubit-Nanoresonator Interactions in a Hybrid Quantum Electromechanical System.” Nanotechnology 27, 364003 (2016).