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2s ~ - 0 2 Od- /'14b UNARCHJVES PLEASE RET /J!~< ORIGINAL ORDER SERIES 05:j3 BOX ooof;, FILE CO?/ ACC. C . f: . ( B U L( r) ~oc - .A- -.-/3 . Cvcf·J4 ' M . #=c-IY0 ' ~~ / ~ .. Y ( . ' C.P.( BUL/P) Doc. 1. Pnris , Aurrust 25 , 1946. Amenctr.1ents to cind obDtJi"'V': t :Lons on the P:c·eccmble to tlw Dr:='_:f·(; ?co.cc 'l're;::. ty v1i th D,l~U , l <...r_)· ·.··• •• rJ.'.,.,• c~ •. 1) 'l'ho :.Ju l .·~::. ~J.' i nn :tk l e: ~c: ti un ) I' OjJoseo t0 .i.nclu.:le in tht: Pr·:,::u::l', le:; n. r emin\.ler th:1:i; Bul.::;r:.. rLI. c; t ,:t rt -::c~_ iili1i t :~ r y opc: rntions 2': -~~ Linst Gcrm.::1n troops, not ~xtter the si L;ning of the C. l'I:tir:, tic\; on CJc t o~~lC r 20 ,1 944, os D.j;Jpe-:.:.pc; frou t b .: te:x:t crf' the 1we::.: ont 2r c::~ni J l c , ·::.ut :"'...:; e ~ rly ~ -~s 3ept (;ffi1Je:i:- 10, 'I(}Lj.L~, r,s SGO'i1 , tS t,h(; F·l.ccist Govc~fl.r-1CJ1t \r.c OVd' turned un<l povier ·G2"1.ke:n over -~) Y the l•' .t J:t,· rlc.n <'. JJ'ront. 2 ) ' rr he Dc le;;ution ) ro:;,!080S th :;. t :::. ulcJ.r :L~J. l;c; : :'(:'Go~ : ni::;cd ~~;-::; :J. Gu belligE;I'Emt in t h8 <:'-ll ti- Ei tle:r.' e u'.~ .u -Gio)D ...~-~ld. t h .. t th:Lc r~cc ;~ ni ti on be includcc.l. i n tho PJ:·oD.rno l c t o ""G h<:; Peace Trc;:t ty. 3) d:L t hout pro)osin:_::: tu cli .<J.n c ~;, tht.: t0xt o:t· ·C. l1c P:;:•c ::~" i LJ lt:: ; at t ll:is point, t l1o Dulgr:.l'i::m D8lugct ti(Jn ·1cc~.l. ..~ rc ::.> that liu l ;_; oria 1 8 p z:. rtici pution in t he vr~r on Gcrm:.:ny ' f; s:U.\.., c ~·:.il ':)c snnu1ell. up in tl:'tG fol io~ ing pnr~graphs : a) Bul gari a s :L [;nr,c.l. nn o. J. li~.:. ncc · ~fi th IIi tlcri to Gvc111D.:ny :1.n:1 a[_;T'0ec1 th ~.;. t her t o:r>r i tory 'Lc Gi'<.:tnaf'm.'liH/'. :i.1no ::~ Gcl'i~l[lll mill tc.r;v· ;1ase ; b ) On the caGc ~ ti o n u~ milit~ry opcrntions in this rccion, she held n :tFrt of thu /·. e .:~; eo.. J1 l'uc i on of' Grcuc8 in occup .::.:. tion by Bu l [;·-~ :t•_,_ o.n troo:JS 9 C1. i> .icl.l ,_,_f·, jXU"t 0:t' Yucosl nvio. ' ,:_; t c:::e ri t oPy -.-:hc J t:; s :te put clo':m Uj)l•ie.1ncs or c·;ollised b y the r cs i c·La:rH;c :no vcment; · c) Ghe c1-:~c l ;:'c r(:;(l ·:.' etr on Grc:1. i:. :;:_~:eitr;.L'l :J..nc:. t lle U:n:Lt,,(l. C.h~:.xl;c.J ·"'.nc1 forcoc1. the U. D. ;j . ~ L ;_·,_n;l. o i:".h,Jl.' Ur.Li \~ :.::zl 1.-:·;_l.·d uns to • d) Bu l g.J. ri ~l.n force s of occup;. t.lon jj;~ ~rt i ci:; ;;c:. te d. on ucvcc ' ~:<J. occasionG in th t~ oporrc tionD _undcr•t :·~l:cr.~ 'Ll y t h0 (h;rLnn trc.,ops 3. '_-_:z:tinot t h'-, N :-::G:L t)n~;. l .\rra;:' oi' Li1k;r ··'. ·C:L o u of Yu :_:oslavic.. • 1 .., !' -- ·.• C. P. ( DUL/P)Doc . 1 2. These cr·L11in.:tl ctct;:.; pc :. f ormcc1 by :pr·o- ILL tl\.;ri t c lc c1. t101: L-i , to '<t hom the J.:>u l r:cTi::m P coj)lc 1 s CotH't h:;.s lilvc .... d out n sevc:I'C punLshir1ent , cho. r•o..ctcrise Du l L~·:·.ria 1 s p' ;. r·tici:;J;::.- ~Lm in tl1e vm:t"' o.g:...:.i n s t the Uni te c1 Nu. tionG ~-.ril r&wt be c onsi dcre J :·ts ~iul r;D. rj_ o. 1 s 1;letXil1mm responsi ~Jili ty i :.t this ·.mr. 4) -ii th0ut :.,)::..,o:~)DSin :.3 n.ny ~".incnc'Lx nt to the text of t he J?re: ;:ciil1) l c at thi:'; point ci t l1c,:c, the Bul g·.ri::o.n c: 1 .clc. ~ . c-n i on dcclr'.rcs t l1c·,i; l o n ,:~ 'jef ol"'C brcal;:inc: o:C"f the nllicmcc v-; i t h G crr1 l ~l. llY, ;:mO. l o n ~; l;c:f c.H·e Jul carin.'s p ~ rticip a ti o n in t he ~n r on t h e s i de of the United Net tions rucn·done (1. in t he _:;l"'CO.iTible, t he ~~·. ul :_::;-..r i o. n IJUO}) l 8 I)Ursucc1 a fierce fic;ht .'lS,Clinst the }i'c,scist cUct.J. t orshi J.J tU1<l the Gc;rmo.n occupo.tion. I.s fctr> iJ:l.cl: a s 192.) 1 thc1.·c -\;c :t'G tt1rcc ··'.l'l1lG d u~n'isinvs ncc.. i nt-> t t i1.e ::::·2.. scist Gov crj·Jiacn·cs . Durin.'_; t ttc w ~n · ~n iia)ol'tcmt rcsi-sto.nce movcucnt s~;r:- · 11 .'.!. U~ ) unrlur the .Lc: ~.. kc•:-:->h.i :,-' of' the F f1 thcrlcmcl Front, r.u1d. o. stron~ ~ l)Ctr t is c~n t•.:>L1Y ,; '_.:; nc:ti ve 1Jchind the GcnTl:-'.. 11 lines. Thnnlcs t o tho I'0SLJt~ncc oi' ths j1C'O) l u ~.md the :1rmy , ::m et in spite of' ::1. .stronu; j_J:L"'cssu:.- c ·_m the p~ll't of Hi tlur, no ~ ' _j ul c.c, ri o. n troops \;·ere sent ,to the Jl;as i;er'n ~-' ront . 'i'he l''uscist Gov c:::·n.<llGnts we;:·e n.lso coii1l)Cllcil to r· cf' r ~·,_ in f:r·om ucnd.LlJ any troops '..i.J:~ in st Greo:c Brito.in and t he United .:_) t ~'.tea. li'or t he sm:1u rc,~wo.ns , tho c nm:LKtiE;n a. i LlocL a t sencli .~ l ::_: 11 vc,luntccrs;' :.tE)linst Sovi e t ::?.u :., f n. ·,rcw a compl0tc :f'G ilurc. 'l'hc oposition of the :;v.;o;_.Jlc :_:m ,:L the arltlY \VCl"'e c. serious o1Jst::.c l c in ·chc .JC.t Y t o n fullc P pn:c· tic i :y.tti on of the Bulgo.ri ::n troops in -c :1o O:!:J e1: ~~.t ions uncl.e :L,t -:l:en "oy ,_} ,:; :._'t,l~lny :113c.. ins t the Yu ~: osL t v r',r my of Liberation. ',ihen the Hc;c1 "'~rmy ent.;.n 'e '-1 Bulc nrio., tht.: )GO:;_) l c O.ilJ. the ,:~ r , · y rE.; vol t t;\1 o.nd :. ftcr ov c rturnin:; the pro-11itle;rito Govurnment on Sc)t8fi1i)CP 9~ 19L~ 4, siclecl ~,i ith the U. S .S, 11 ., Grcc.t Drita in u.ael. the Uni cLc1 bt ~:-::cos oi' A1.1G r ~ic a . •1 i thout \ID.itinc for t he ).l'i!lictiee to l·e for>L~8. lly :-::>i ,3 noc1, ti1o Gov0r nment of' the P -~ t [1crlo.nd ' s Front, ii-ru, ledi<.t:cc ly unJ.c;1:·took opc:;.:c.tions o.c.".. inst Ge; rmo.ny, cc"c thu <>JJ1lG tiiJ G orc1crin :_ ; the clr D.:ftinr of J·w c;ntii'u :ll"'.. lU(l force 'ii hieh i, <~n.chcc.1 the fi:;uy•e; of 418,000 'L1cn. Severc. l Dulr:;:n"'i ::·.n 2.rJ:1i cs t ot r·,llin c~ 250 , 000 fi c h t c;l"'G , f'ouJ ht O.Jc,inst the Gcl"'l'l10.:1 troo1_;s in Yucosl r•.-v-i a , nun .r_;c~ry ard .:J..ustria. For cic;ht months tlw D ul ::s ~1r i an Ara~r \J;~·,s a y~ l't of tho jrd Ukrainia n Fron·i; am1 c,(, t ed. in c l ose co:.,.lo.borrttion . i th the YU;:_;osla v ;;_ r r.w of Li '.Jer~l. ti o n. Through those operations, Bu l g~.;. ri e. h etlne:: :1L:,-~ t hl, ,_:; y::c1.Ft tion of Gro~:::ce o.nc~ cohtri~ ) ute d to the li- t..: r ntLm of Yu c;oa l :~ vi u [.\nd. t o the :Lino.l tlcfeo.t of Hi tlori to !:rc:emo.ny . I n ·chi s -,,n1.r Dul :_~n r i o. lost ;aore thn. n j2,000 lci1l ocl !Hid '.Jounc1ecl n. n cl su:i:"i'e:c·e;cl u n tcriul losses exceeding 290 million ~ oll n rs . i~ l thouch riot f'ormnlly recognised ~~B o. co -l)(;l~ i ~?Pe n~, Bulguric.. , nvvsr> thelcss , exlli·:ji tc(l eve:Py ch :J. r ~·. c-c c J.'l B -clc o1 a co-belligerent stnt o . PALAIS DU LUXZMDOURG, P>~.RIS. Au gust 25, 1946. C .P . (BUL/P) Doe. 2 PA:RI§_ C.