CAS 2013/A/3256 Fenerbahce SK V. UEFA
'fribunc!l Arbitral du Sport c:ouri of ArbitratiOi1 ['or Spori CAS 2013/A/3256 Fenerbah~e Spor Kuliibii v. UEFA ARBITRAL A WARD delivered by the COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT sitting in the following composition: President: Mr Manfred Nan, Attorney-at-law, Arnhem, the Netherlands Arbitrators: Mr Ulrich Haas, Professor, Zurich, Switzerland Mr Rui Botica Santos, Attorney-at-law, Lisbon, Portugal Ad hoc Clerk: Mr Dennis Koolaard, Attorney-at-law, Arnhem, the Netherlands in the arbitration between FENERBAH<;;E SPOR KULUBU, Istanbul, Turkey Represented by Mr Andreas Zagklis, Mr Christian Keidel and Mr Heiner Kahlert, Attomeys-at-law, Munich, Getmany, Mr Deniz Tolga Aytore, Mr Abdullah Kaya, Mr Ayhan <;;opuroglu, Mr Abdurrahim Erol and Mr Ahmet Melih Turan, Legal Counsel, and Mr Aziz Y!ldmm, President as Appellant and UNION OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS (UEFA), Nyon, Switzerland Represented by Dr Jean-Marc Reymond and Ms Delphine Rochat, Attomeys-at-law, Lausaffile, Switzerland, Mr Adam Lewis Q.C., Barrister, London, United Kingdom, Mr Emilio Garcia Silvero, Head of Disciplinary and Integrity and Mr Miguel Lietard Ferm\ndez-Palacios, Disciplinary Inspector as Respondent Tribunal Arbitral du Sport CAS 2013/A/3256 Fenerbah9e Spor Ku!Ubii v. UEFA- Page 2 Court of Arbitration for Sport I. PARTIES II. FACTUAL BACKGROUND A. Background Facts B. The TFF Ethics Committee Report C. The Decisions of the TFF PFDC D. The Decisions of the TFF Board of Appeals E. The Decision of the 16th High Criminal Court oflstanbul F. The Decision ofthe Control and Disciplinary Body ofUEFA G. The Decision ofthe Appeals Body ofUEFA III.
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