Disrupting the space industry:

The SpaceChain Foundation provides efficient solutions in the space frontier as they are building the world’s first the world’s first open-source satellite network that runs on nodes.

VERSION 1.2 Contents

1. Abstract 3

2. Limitations due to cost, resources and the government 4

3. The value of integrating blockchain and space 5

4. SpaceChain OS-powered smart satellites 6

5. A partnership with Qtum to leverage its technology 7

6. Constellation of satellites 8

7. Examples of use cases and applications 9

8. The SpaceChain ecosystem and community 11

9. Tokenomics – utility, usage and value 12

10. Summary 13

11. Executive team 14

12. Advisors 15

13. Partners 19

14. Affiliations 22

!2 Abstract

The SpaceChain Foundation was founded in 2017 to pioneer solutions for humanity to thrive in the coming space age. Its project “SpaceChain” utilizes an open network based on blockchain technology to advance the principles of decentralization and promote international collaboration within the vibrant and global space community.

As a non-profit community-based space platform, SpaceChain also looks after the interest of the space community by distributing funds, contributing resources, and supporting other space organizations to accelerate the pace of space exploration and development.

The development of the SpaceChain Operating System (“SpaceChain OS”) has already been completed and adapted to the Sparc V8 satellite operating system. It has also achieved stable operations at the system level. Integrating Qtum blockchain technology, SpaceChain OS has established a platform for the development of space-based applications. In February 2018, SpaceChain released and launched its first SpaceChain OS blockchain node into space.

By harnessing the power of tokens, private funding and leadership, SpaceChain provides an open-source platform for innovators around the world to maintain an opportunity to choose and execute projects that fit the blockchain-based philosophy to accelerate outer space development.

!3 Limitations due to cost, resources and the government

In 1962, former American president John F. Kennedy delivered a speech about the nation’s effort to reach the moon saying: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”

Space exploration is essential for the advancement of humanity. Research and space discovery helps us learn more about the universe, enables the development of advanced technology and offers solutions to a variety of problems like predicting the weather.

However, most space agencies are government owned or sponsored, making space exploration very closed off and niche. In addition, many private investors are hesitant about investing in space businesses because of its costly infrastructure and long timelines. And while commercialized space projects have braved through all the challenges, they are still tied to conventional economic models that may hamper their growth and success. All of these issues hinder space exploration and technology innovation.

One of the biggest challenge that the blockchain industry may encounter in the next five to ten years is that most of the decentralized applications created are based on a centralized infrastructure. Once the decentralized applications gain popularity in the market, they may be seen as a threat to the centralized service providers, which may then shut them down at any time. To limit such risks, having a decentralized infrastructure becomes significantly necessary. However, setting such infrastructure on land can be very expensive and geographically challenging.

Combining space and blockchain technologies, SpaceChain lowers the barrier to entry and costs so more people can participate in space projects. It also offers a truly decentralized blockchain network that supports various space projects and encourages collaboration.

!4 The value of integrating blockchain and space

Having the blockchain in space enables open-economic models that empower new projects, especially space-based ones. This is because blockchain at its core is about distributing access that was previously controlled by a third party.

As such, SpaceChain provides hardware for its partners, companies and individuals to place blockchain nodes onto satellites so that everyone, not just the government and national space agencies, will have access to space and satellite technology. With more players and contributors in the space industry, collective intelligence will be optimized, thus creating more opportunities for collaborative workflows.

Through the inherent collaborative nature of blockchain technology, SpaceChain establishes a socio-economic model that can support a globally shared and sustainable commercial space program. It also employs smart contracts through its decentralized platform built on satellite technology, thus enabling specialized personnel to work in a more inclusive setup. This reduces inefficiency and brings down the cost of space-based application development.

Another highlight is SpaceChain's ability to bring an open-source software model to space. Imagine a physically untouchable data center in space with a higher level of security because the data center cannot be accessed on Earth.

Physical remoteness is attractive to security-conscious customers. With a non- terrestrial network, SpaceChain has a better, more diverse set of nodes such as Internet, blockchain and other application nodes. Remote nodes operating in space offer network redundancy, satellite backup and autonomy of data and software.

For example, autonomous software and software automation could allow users to communicate with sensors operating in the ocean that would advance climate change research. In addition, satellites can be used as Internet repeaters and remote sensors for telecommunications that enable the tracking of planes and ships around the globe – all powered on blockchain.

!5 SpaceChain OS-powered smart satellites

Satellites in space traditionally have a single owner and perform a single function. This is very stifling from a business prospective. However, the use of blockchain technology with the revolutionary SpaceChain OS changes this.

Take for example your smart phone. It ships with a pre-installed OS that enables all kinds of applications to run. The smart phone also has a sandbox that keeps all the applications separated from one another.

Similarly, SpaceChain has created smart hardware that can be installed onto satellites with SpaceChain OS. The universal space OS converts single-operator satellites into multi-tenant ones, while the blockchain provides a highly secure sandbox between multiple space applications. That way, users will be able to develop different types of space-based applications on a single satellite, maximizing the efficiency from this expensive resource.

SpaceChain OS also enables compatibility between SpaceChain’s hardware and the various applications that the developers are developing and/or using. It acts as a bridge that lets both participants in the space arena and SpaceChain “speak” to each other in order to advance to the next stage. Developers can create applications using the environment provided by SpaceChain OS as it greatly lowers the difficulty of developing space applications while putting the resources, i.e. infrastructure, to best use.

Best of all, this network is open-source. This means anyone, from an aerospace university student to a software developer, can write an application and load it onto a SpaceChain satellite network. This system of operation is more affordable compared to a decade ago where a single entity had to buy, operate and launch the entire satellite into space in order to develop space applications. The economics of this offers an ideal environment for many new use cases and endless possibilities.

According to an annual report by the Satellite Industry Association (SIA), the satellite industry generated more than $260 billion in revenue in 2016. This was a 2% growth compared to 3% in 2015. Imagine the growth when this wealth can be redistributed to developers on a mesh network of a constellation of satellites.

There are currently only six companies in the “large satellite” category and 16 in the “small satellite” observation category. With SpaceChain OS, satellite capabilities are increased, causing this sector to flourish alongside communication, and data storage and collection capabilities.

!6 A partnership with Qtum to leverage its technology

Unlike most internet companies, SpaceChain requires a lot of hardware which raises the issue of energy consumption. If the hardware consumes a lot of energy, there is less room for the project to grow.

Therefore, SpaceChain chose to work with Qtum since it has one of the best Proof of Stake (PoS) smart contract platforms. Compared to the (PoW) algorithm, which tends to burns a lot of energy, Qtum’s PoS consensus mechanism consumes little energy and is very stable and secure, making it a more viable option.

In fact, SpaceChain OS is developed on QTUM’s basic service application programming interface (API) to provide the main blockchain application sandbox. This provides developers all over the world with a platform to build and publish their applications on SpaceChain’s satellite.

To simplify the development process, there are software development kits (SDK) for SpaceChain OS. It provides a modular development environment that is similar to Java Script.

Tutorials for software development and space hardware developer boards are available on GitHub ( for the public to start developing and building applications based on satellite technology. They will also need a SylixOS development kit to be installed on their computer, which is available on GitHub.

SylixOS is an open-source real-time operating system (RTOS) that has been applied widely in various fields like defense and security, aeronautics and astronautics, high-speed railway systems and smart grids. As the kernel (computer program) of SpaceChain OS, SylixOS has complete control over everything in the system and is used in the Qtum smart contract satellite platform to manage its hardware resources. It is also used in the blockchain payload to provide standard API interface and various system features for applications.

!7 Constellation of satellites

In 2018, SpaceChain launched into space a customized Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite equipped with communication, camera, sensor, gesture and orbit control functions. Also, SpaceChain’s partners and any interested parties can launch into space LEO satellites equipped with SpaceChain hardware and OS capabilities to contribute to the satellite constellation ecosystem.

Smart satellite hardware standards and standardized production of satellite parts have greatly reduced the cost of satellite construction, which can spur organic growth of the industry. This ensures an economically viable ecosystem.

To further drive down infrastructure expenses, SpaceChain’s partners and interested parties will have access to cost-efficient rockets with multiple LEO satellite payloads per rocket. These LEO satellites form the early satellite constellation network and a basic satellite application platform that developers need to start creating software.

!8 Examples of use cases and applications

SpaceChain OS is instrumental in opening up the space industry to more players and enabling the full potential of space-based applications to be realized. While the benefits of SpaceChain OS are far-reaching, how developers and companies leverage the OS will determine its impact on our daily lives. Below are three examples.

Space-based applications: While there are several space-based applications already in use such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), there is potential for more of such applications.

Generally, implementing space-based applications are often costly as companies would need to purchase or rent their own satellites to be able to test and deploy their applications. With SpaceChain’s open-source OS, developers can test and execute their applications at a fraction of the cost.

One example can be seen from SpacePharma, an Israeli aerospace company that has partnered with SpaceChain to develop an application to perform real-time tracking of biological experiments conducted in microgravity.

Another example is the tracking of the international shipment of goods. Currently, tracking processes are limited due to differences in network coverage across various countries. Using SpaceChain OS, companies can develop applications that let them track their shipments from air to sea globally – improving efficiency as well as transcending borders.

One of SpaceChain’s partners, OceanChain, is doing just that. OceanChain is offering a one-stop-shop solution to support and simplify maritime trade. By leveraging the SpaceChain network, OceanChain is working to achieve its mission to help the maritime industry, such as enabling fisherman to stream entertainment content wherever they are at sea and track their location to ensure their safety.

!9 Off-planet exchanges: Similar to stock exchanges, cryptocurrency exchanges operate on websites where one can buy, sell or trade . Thanks to blockchain technology’s decentralized nature, your cryptocurrency transactions are safe and secure. However, the cryptocurrency exchanges are still hosted on centralized servers on Earth and vulnerable to hacking.

One way to prevent this issue is to get these exchanges on a decentralized network such as SpaceChain’s blockchain-based network of satellites. SpaceChain OS can be used to set up the actual exchange to facilitate cryptocurrencies trading. The hosting of the exchanges on a decentralized network on spacecraft adds an extra layer of security, enabling them to keep sensitive information safe and operate more efficiently.

New spacetech and infrastructure: SpaceX’s Dragon made history in 2012 when it became the first commercial spacecraft to deliver cargo from Earth to the International Space Station. It took a lot of time, effort and most importantly, money to successfully complete this mission. But, what if you could just manufacture the necessary items in space?

Space manufacturing company, Made In Space, did exactly that. In the cargo load sent atop the Dragon spacecraft, Made In Science actually included hardware to print 3D glass fiber optic wires in space.

As space travel and exploration initiatives become more widespread, more commercial companies can get involved in similar ways through blockchain technology. They can tap into SpaceChain’s decentralized network to create applications that remotely control 3D printers and other production hardware in use on the spacecrafts.

As you can see, SpaceChain OS has the potential to be utilized in many different ways. While it certainly benefits commercial businesses, it also allows people all around the world to participate in space-related activities and contribute to the space industry.

!10 The SpaceChain ecosystem and community

“Teamwork makes the dream work” – A saying, though widely quoted, is one that SpaceChain firmly believes in. The community-based space platform is opening up and advancing the development of the space industry through blockchain technology, but it cannot do so alone.

Being a non-profit foundation, SpaceChain has the autonomy to foster collaboration in its true form within an industry that has notoriously been plagued by the safeguarding of government bodies and larger players in the field.

True advancements can only come from a community comprised of software and hardware developers, investors, space tech enthusiasts and professionals. Together on SpaceChain’s decentralized platform, they can contribute to the space industry.

To help the space ecosystem, SpaceChain also supports startups in the space industry in terms of technology, resources and capital. At the same time, these startups will use SpaceChain’s verification system so they can quickly commercialize and produce products and services that society needs globally.

What’s more, SpaceChain has formed partnerships with well-known universities through lab establishment, research, open courses, technical forums and other educational resources. SpaceChain also provides free resources for universities to take part in this exciting journey by providing free developer boards, hosting hackathons and promoting community development on SpaceChain OS globally.

SpaceChain’s vision has always been that of open access and collaboration to foster the development of an entire ecosystem that would connect millions of businesses, developers and consumers, as well as open up new businesses and socio-economic models that seemed impossible before.

!11 Tokenomics – utility, usage and value

In the SpaceChain economics model, the SPC token will have several utilities and usages.

SpaceChain is building a decentralized platform for space and satellite-based application development, where its token will serve as a method of payment for access to applications built and utilized. As such, the SPC token works like a digital currency in the SpaceChain ecosystem. Thanks to the many businesses and companies that partner with SpaceChain, the entire network is powered by and built on this token economic model. Thereby, the SPC token also serves as a means for payment and transaction at all of SpaceChain’s partners.

In addition, SpaceChain has established an eco-system where contributors are rewarded with SPC tokens. These community contributors can be anyone – from content creators to developers who help to improve codes, solve bugs or maintain the software – who want to add value and be part of making the ecosystem more vibrant and successful.

Through such an economic model, more talent and companies with resources will be attracted to contribute to SpaceChain’s ecosystem for as long as they believe in the project.

To create greater overall growth for the ecosystem and the space industry as a whole, SpaceChain is encouraging other groups and projects to build applications that bring value to the ecosystem.

Token Distribution 15%

Team & Future Talent Acquisition Building the Space & Blockchain Ecosystem Key Partners & Resources Future Reserves Distributed to the Community 15% (the majority of the tokens were 51% distributed via the presale, while some of the tokens were airdropped on and via community events) 9%


!12 Summary

SpaceChain brings several advantages for humanity in the coming space age in numerous ways.

First, it brings to space strengthened hardware capabilities and security with programs operated at the unshakeable and completely public blockchain layer.

Second, SpaceChain is a conducive platform for the general public, organizations and businesses to access, build and interact like they do on the Internet. And, very much like the Internet ecosystem, this creates an inclusive community that can expedite advancements considerably.

Finally, from a business perspective, space exploration will no longer be limited at the government level, allowing different companies to participate due to increased accessibility and lower costs.

With the successful launch of its first blockchain node into outer space in February 2018, SpaceChain has become the world’s first community-based space platform.

!13 Executive Team

CO-FOUNDER AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Zee Zheng An early adopter in and blockchain, Zheng Zuo has a strong belief that the combination of space and blockchain technology will broaden the frontier of future economy and make seamless global collaboration possible. He is a university of Columbia graduate and an alumnus of Draper University.

CO-FOUNDER AND CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER: Jeff Garzik Jeff Garzik is the key Bitcoin core developer who worked directly under for two years. Before that he worked for 20 years in the Linux industry under Linus Torvalds. Jeff’s code can be found in every Android phone and data centre. He is also the leader of the Ethereum protocolernet networking subsystem.

CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER: Eric Desatnik Named to the list of “The best public-relations people in the tech industry” by Business Insider, Eric Desatnik currently runs Synaptic Public Relations, advising clients on communications and public relations strategies, focused on science, technology and media. He recently led Global Communications at XPRIZE, the leading non-profit organization that manages high-profile competitions to encourage technological breakthroughs to benefit humanity. He holds degrees from Yale University and Ohio University, and is on the advisory boards for WildAid and SXSW Eco.

CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER, SPACECHAIN UK DIRECTOR: Nick Trudgen A native of UK, Nick Trudgen speaks fluent mandarin and specializes in UK- China bilateral trade and investment, with a focus on space, satellite and telecommunications. He is also a research fellow at the CNSA China Institute of Space Law in Beijing and the founder of the Space Group at Beijing DHH Law Firm (Deheng). He is also a fellow at the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham and the Chief Investment Officer of the leading UK- China investment fund, China New Finance, based in Hong Kong.

!14 Advisors

ADVISOR: Don Tapscott Don Tapscott is ranked the 2nd most influential management thinker in the world by Thinkers50. He has been advancing groundbreaking concepts for over three decades. His most recent book was co-authored with his son, Alex Tapscott. Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Underlying Bitcoin is Changing Business, Money and the World was published in May 2016 and is, according to Harvard Business School’s Clay Christensen, “the book, literally, on how to survive and thrive in this next wave of technology-driven disruption.” In 2017, Don and Alex co-founded the Blockchain Research Institute, whose 70+ projects are the definitive investigation into blockchain strategy, use-cases, implementation challenges and organizational transformations.

ADVISOR: Tim Draper is the co-founder of DFJ venture capital, and renowned VC capitalists from Silicon Valley. He has invested in numerous popular companies including SpaceX, Tesla, Theranos and Thumbtack. Prior to these, he also invested in Baidu, Hotmail and Skype. Tim is also the founder of Draper University, an institution that cultivates entrepreneurship talents.

CORE SPACE ADVISOR: Jeffrey Manber The CEO of NanoRacks from 2009, Jeffrey Manber has steered the growth of the first company to own and market its own hardware and services on board the International Space Station. Jeffrey has been involved in several key breakthrough commercial space projects, principally those around the commercialization of space assets as well as the integration of the Russian space industry into major space programs, including the International Space Station. Jeffrey was with the Russian space corporation, RSC Energia, during their privatization period of the 1990s. Jeffrey is regarded as one of the pioneering commercial space entrepreneurs. !15 Advisors

CORE STRATEGY ADVISOR: Matthew Roszak Matthew Roszak is a blockchain investor, entrepreneur and advocate. He is also a sought-after thought leader on blockchain technology and has testified before US Congress and spoken at The Brooking Institution. Matthew is the co-founder and chairman of Bloq, as well as the founding partner of Tally Capital, a private investment firm focused on blockchain-enabled technology with a portfolio of over 20 investments. He has been featured on CNBC and quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, CoinDesk and . In addition, he has presented at FinTech conferences worldwide, including Money 20/20, CES and American Banker.

ADVISOR: Eric Anderson Eric Anderson is a well-known aerospace engineer and entrepreneur who pioneered the development of the space tourism industry. Since 2001, he has successfully arranged eight missions to the International Space Station (ISS) for privately- funded individuals. Eric co-founded several organizations including Space Angels Network, Planetary Resources and Space Adventures, the only company to have provided commercial human spaceflight missions to the ISS.

CORE BLOCKCHAIN ADVISOR: Ryan Xu A well-known Chinese venture capitalist, Ryan Xu has extensive experience in financial technology. Ryan was the co-founder of Blockchain Global, a blockchain-focused enterprise that provides cloud data services and incubates blockchain-related startups. He is also the co-founder of ACX, an Australian-based digital currency exchange. Ryan was named one of the blockchain leaders of 2016.

!16 Advisors

FOUNDER OF BODHI PROJECT: Lin Xiahong Founder of Bodhi project, Lin Xiahong is an entrepreneur and software engineer. In 2014, he began experimenting with Ethereum protocolereum smart contracts and now is working to build a decentralized prediction market on Qtum. Previous, Xiahong worked as a software engineer at Edmodo, Twitter and Tencent. He has a Master of Science degree from Purdue University where he specialized in Statistical Machine Learning, and Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University where he specialized in cryptography.

FOUNDER OF ICOAGE AND CHAINB.COM: Gong Ming Widely known by his online nickname Bao Zou Prince Gong, Gong Ming was actively engaged in China’s digital currency and blockchain technology development from the beginning and is a highly reputable opinion leader in the industry. Gong Ming founded the most positively recognized blockchain new media in China and the reputable ICO platform ICOAGE.

CO-FOUNDER OF BYTOM AND EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT OF BABBITT: Duan Xinxing He is the co-founder of Bytom, the executive president of Babbitt, winner of the Gates Foundation Scholarship, former senior engineer of Lucent Bell Labs and the vice president of the world’s largest Bitcoin Exchange OKCoin (coin exchange). He has led research and development as well as operations in OKLink, Bytom and many other blockchain products.

!17 Advisors

FOUNDER AND CEO OF ZIGGUARATE TECH AND PRESIDENT OF INK LABS: Token Tang Token Tang is the managing partner of Jenga Blockchain Capital and initiator of Blockchain Technology and Law Innovation Research Lab of Xi’an Jiaotong University. Token is also a member of the advisory committee of APEC Future College and a senior member of Silk Road Innovation Design Alliance.

PARTNER OF HQ CAPITAL: Parker Hong Parker Hong is the vice president and member of the voting committee of the industry guidance fund of SDIC Hi-Tech. He worked at Iris Capital Canada and the European telecom giant Orange and Publicis VC.

PARTNER OF HQ CAPITAL: Steven Li Steven Li is the vice president of a strategic investment of a large Internet company. He led more than 20 internet project investments from angel to B round. He won the Ontario Youth Entrepreneurship Award, is a member of the DEMO and incubator jury, and was the official alumni representative for the University of Toronto in China. He has a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Management with the University of Toronto, and a Master of Finance with Queen’s University.

!18 Partners

ACOINFO Acoinfo is the inventor of the SylixOS real-time operating system. It provides clients with the professional hardware and software integrated solutions, guarantees real-time, and offers reliable information security for customers. It also shortens product development cycle and redcuces the product development cost. They co-developed SpaceChain OS based on SylixOS.

Arch Mission The Arch Mission exists to help humanity fulfill its purpose in the universe by preserving and transmitting our most important knowledge to the stars, via specialized archive devices called “Archs” that are designed to spread and persist across vast distances of space and time.

Beiing Xihua Technology They will be SpaceChain’s partner on the reusable launch system, which will allow space exploration and commercial space utilization to be more cost efficient.

Biteeu DCX OÜ Biteeu DCX OÜ is a fully licensed and compliant virtual currency exchange in the European Union that highly values integrity, safety and security. As they expand and open offices in other jurisdictions, Biteeu DCX OÜ intention is to provide global crypto community with a secure and reliable trading platform.

!19 Partners

Draper University Draper University is Silicon Valley’s leading enterpreneurship program for buildling founders. Draper University is also known for its unconventional methods of teaching business and entrepreneurshi through real-world scenarios and providing acess to top venture investors.

Kubos A leading software developer from the U.S, they will support SpaceChain OS on system optimization and application development.

NanoRacks A leading product and service provider for the commercial utilization of space. NanoRacks hosts a CubeSat Deployer and equipment for experiments on the International Space Station (ISS). They will join the efforts of exploring the application of SpaceChain OS on commercial international space station.

Nexus Nexus is an innovative open-source blockchain technology and digital currency designed to improve the world through advanced peer-to-peer networks. Nexus focuses on solving the current challenges of speed and scalability in the blockchain industry and provides world-class quantum resistance through its many innovations.

!20 Partners

Open Cosmos Open Cosmos assists satellite projects in the end-to-end strategic planning of space missions. They help projects to develop, assemble and test their satellite, as well as handle all administrative matters related to the satellite launch and deployment. They also manage all mission operations thereafter, including collection, processing and analysis of data.

Qtum Quantum Foundation (“Qtum”) is China’s largest blockchain open source platform. Qtum enables the creation of decentralized applications, executable on mobile devices and compatible with major existing blockchain ecosystems. Qtum combines a modified Bitcoin Core Infrastructure with an inter compatible version of the Ethereum protocol Virtual Machine, and the reliability of Bitcoin’s unfailing blockchain with the possibilities provided by smart contracts.

Satellite Applications Catapult Based in Harwell, Oxfordshire, Satellite Applications Catapult is an independent innovation and technology company that was created by Innovate UK to drive economic growth through the exploitation of space. The not-for-profit research organization works with businesses of all sizes to realize their potential from space infrastructure and its applications.

SpaceBelt Cloud Constellation Corporation’s SpaceBelt is a patented, high- speed global cloud storage network of space-based data centers, each seamlessly interconnected together to provide exclusive and secure cloud infrastructure to service providers, enterprises and governments around the world.

!21 Partners

SpacePharma Israeli aerospace company SpacePharma provides its customers with end-to-end microgravity testing services for research through satellite. Biological and chemical experiments conducted in microgravity can help scientists in multiple fields including vaccine development, virus research and agricultural innovation.

SylixOS SylixOS is an embedded real-time operating system. It is primarily utilized in aerospace, military and industrial automation areas.

!22 Affiliations

Blockchain Research Institute The Blockchain Research Institute is conducting the definitive study of the impact of blockchain technology on business, government and society. Their multi-million dollar research program features over 70 projects dedicated to exploring, understanding, documenting and informing leaders about blockchain strategies, market opportunities and implementation challenges.

Chamber of Digital Commerce The Chamber of Digital Commerce is the world’s largest trade association representing the digital asset and blockchain industry. SpaceChain is collaborating with the Chamber membership and participating in activities to promote blockchain-enabled technologies

Enterprise Etherum Alliance Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) is the world's largest open- source blockchain initiative with over 250-member companies. The EEA is helping to evolve Ethereum into an enterprise-grade technology, providing research and development in a range of areas including privacy, confidentiality, scalability and security.

!23 Community-based space platform

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